blm calls to defund police for 10th aniversary


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013
Well, you know the leaders all moved to the white Burbs and gated communities to enjoy all the money Democrats paid them to run their private armies of thugs, so it's not like they will suffer any.
Well, you know the leaders all moved to the white Burbs and gated communities to enjoy all the money Democrats paid them to run their private armies of thugs, so it's not like they will suffer any.
Like any fast moving multilevel marketing scam, it is important to know when to get out with your winnings.
I've been watching The Walking Dead during the heat wave this week. It's pretty clear what the allegory is re mindless zombies over running the country. Maybe we should just issue crossbows to the illegal aliens and bus them into ghettoes all over the country.
Well, you know the leaders all moved to the white Burbs and gated communities to enjoy all the money Democrats paid them to run their private armies of thugs, so it's not like they will suffer any.
except going banktrupt
Like any fast moving multilevel marketing scam, it is important to know when to get out with your winnings.
they dont even know how long they bene terroizing people. some articles say 13 some say ten years. these dummies missed that class on counting.
I've been watching The Walking Dead during the heat wave this week. It's pretty clear what the allegory is re mindless zombies over running the country. Maybe we should just issue crossbows to the illegal aliens and bus them into ghettoes all over the country.
lol or deport them
they dont even know how long they bene terroizing people. some articles say 13 some say ten years. these dummies missed that class on counting.
Smart ones already cashed out, bought mansions and walked away, before the org started to be recognized as a terrorist organization. It gonna get worse. I think America has their number, as black live don't matter worth a damn to the BLM unless there is a cop involve and the cop is white. Just sayin...
Smart ones already cashed out, bought mansions and walked away, before the org started to be recognized as a terrorist organization. It gonna get worse. I think America has their number, as black live don't matter worth a damn to the BLM unless there is a cop involve and the cop is white. Just sayin...
blacks dont car about blacks at all. over 10,000 of them die a year and 98 percent of it is by blacks. they have gone percent every year.
blacks dont car about blacks at all. over 10,000 of them die a year and 98 percent of it is by blacks. they have gone percent every year.
I cannot buy that. They feel the pain and weep like anybody losing loved ones to violence, but have been sold a bill of goods, though until they make change at city and community level, to pre-emptively turn in the thug bastards in their own community to the authorities, it will not happen, and the BLM thug favoring assholes will continue.
I cannot buy that. They feel the pain and weep like anybody losing loved ones to violence, but have been sold a bill of goods, though until they make change at city and community level, to pre-emptively turn in the thug bastards in their own community to the authorities, it will not happen, and the BLM thug favoring assholes will continue.
why do they kil leach other so much. over 10,000 blacks die and 98 percent form others blacks. why are not changing that?

here we go again. there after police again. watch out for burnings , lootings and riotings, and killings.

Let's make America more vulnerable to terrorist attacks!

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