Zone1 BLM= Cop killers .. Who Supports Them?

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Why do Democrats, BLM and their corporate contributors/supporters want to murder cops?
I wouldn’t go so far as to say Democrats want to murder cops, but they sure don’t want to show support when one of them IS murdered. That is why Biden didn’t go to the police officer’s wake, even though he was in the area. His handlers decided that he might lose votes among the BLM crowd if he showed sympathy to the widow.

A split screen showing Trump at the wake and Biden at a lavish fundraiser for rich people will make a great campaign ad.
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Why do Democrats, BLM and their corporate contributors/supporters want to murder cops?
your church may have a member who comitted a crime. is that your church's fault?

blm has been convicted of fewer crimes than the trump organization.

sovereign citizens kill more cops than every orther "organization " out there.

blm could not be more damaging to democratic goals than they are. every blm protest is against democratic municipal governments and their police. every slogan backfires.

finally, get of your high horse. no repub can claim the high ground on police support after jan 6.
Another no-link thread from the rabid right MODa.
You supply fake news links which are not links at all.
Do you deny that BLM and there supporters walked the streets screaming that BLM quote I provided and other inspirational cop killing hate speech/quotes?
I wouldn’t go so far as to say Democrats want to murder cops, but they sure don’t want to show support when one of them IS murdered. That is why Biden didn’t go to the police officer’s wake, even though he was in the area. His handlers decided that he might lose votes among the BLM crowd if he showed sympathy to the widow.

A split screen showing Trump at the wake and Biden at a lavish fundraiser for rich people will make a great campaign ad.
no repub has standing as a police supporter after jan6.
You supply fake news links which are not links at all.
Do you deny that BLM and there supporters walked the streets screaming that BLM quote I provided and other inspirational cop killing hate speech/quotes?
do you deny that these people ( and few of these old church ladies are killing cops,) oppose the DEMOCRATIC municipal governments? that "boogaloo boys start the looting?
your church may have a member who comitted a crime. is that your church's fault?

blm has been convicted of fewer crimes than the trump organization.

sovereign citizens kill more cops than every orther "organization " out there.

blm could not be more damaging to democratic goals than they are. every blm protest is against democratic municipal governments and their police. every slogan backfires.

finally, get of your high horse. no repub can claim the high ground on police support after jan 6.
Yes .. The Democrat Party supports BLM and refuses to hold them accountable.

… and interesting justifications you’ve got there.. 😧
Yes .. The Democrat Party supports BLM and refuses to hold them accountable.

… and interesting justifications you’ve got there.. 😧

supporting "equal justice under the law."

there is no movement to release or pardon blm murderers.

and to accuse the democrats of "refusing to hold anyone accountable" lololololol
do you deny that these people ( and few of these old church ladies are killing cops,) oppose the DEMOCRATIC municipal governments? that "boogaloo boys start the looting?
Mmm .. I don’t know what the hell that you’re trying to say..
probably because i am replying to nonsense.

no one associated with the democratic party advocates the killing of cops.
Bullshit .. BLM advocated for cop killing, looting, arson, murder and mayhem.. Democrats including nag faced Kamala bailed them out of jail. Sheesh .. take off your fairy costume and deal with reality.. 😏
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Bullshit .. BLM advocated for cop killing, looting, arson, murder and mayhem.. Democrats including nag faced Kamala bailed them out of jail. Take off your fairy costume and deal with reality.. 😏
i'm sure that ms harris told them to "go peacefully." how many cop killers did ms harris bail out.

does harris issue orders to her "tough guys" like "proud boys stand by?" in fact ....

"i have all the tough guys" trump
i'm sure that ms harris told them to "go peacefully." how many cop killers did ms harris bail out.

does harris issue orders to her "tough guys" like "proud boys stand by?" in fact ....

"i have all the tough guys" trump
You’re an interesting fellow rampart but your desperation is kinda comical.
What do we want?
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Why do Democrats, BLM and their corporate contributors/supporters want to murder cops?
What if the are Capitol cops protecting Pelosi and Chuck Schumer?
What do we want?
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Why do Democrats, BLM and their corporate contributors/supporters want to murder cops?
It’s a great question probably 1-5 percent of the country supports BLM. But it’s a dangerous mob of people that influences juries and our legal system. It’s despicable how politicians including some Republicans cave into BLM.

Big corporations and media give in to BLM perhaps in order to make money and distract us from the bad economy. They want to keep people doped up on drugs, porn, and they want the population to be happy living in a box doing nothing with their life. A feminized man high on drugs all day with no social life is easier to control, and they are more likely to not care about BLM or even support them.

BLM has no ground to stand on they act like America was unique in the annals of history when it comes to slavery and bigotry. They are not. We are all descendants of slaves and slave owners, whether we are white or black.
It’s a great question probably one percent of the country supports BLM. But it’s a dangerous mob of people that influences juries and our legal system. It’s despicable how politicians including some Republicans cave into BLM.

Big corporations and media given to BLM perhaps in order to make money and distract us from the bad economy. They want to keep people doped up on drugs, porn, and they want the population to be happy living in a box doing nothing with their life.

BLM has no ground to stand on they act like America was unique and the annals of history when it comes to slavery and bigotry. They are not. We are all descendants of slaves and slave owners, whether we are white or black.

Remember, BLM is about police treating black men like second class citizens. Police brutality. Please don't suggest that racism isn't systemic within police departments. Even black cops treat black men differently. The movement is to protest that.

This is like when you on the right demonized Occupy Wall Street. Remember that? You took our eye off Wall Street, who FUCKED US. Instead you and Fox News attacked the Occupy Wall Street protesters. No different now.

Same way you attacked unions in the 2000's which made it a lot easier for Bush to send their jobs to Mexico and China. Now you say you want to bring those jobs back home but guess what? We don't have people to work those jobs anymore. Because they are $15 hr jobs now. You gonna go work there now?
I wouldn’t go so far as to say Democrats want to murder cops, but they sure don’t want to show support when one of them IS murdered.
That seems to be a very reasonable opinion.

Democrats of all ethnicities depend on the police for protection from the bad guys.

Here in Los Angeles, the older ladies of an African American neighborhood used to give an annual thank you dinner to the cops that patrolled their area. Maybe they no longer do so because the area may have turned Latino majority or because since BLM, thanking the cops is frowned upon.
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