BLM criticizes Thanksgivng

Agree to a self-imposed permaban if you ever ask for another definition of Marxism, Socialism, Communism, or Collectivism, if I give you a definition right now.

Do it, or go fuck yourself.
Yeah, I would like your definition of each and why you think any apply to our present system of representative Democracy.
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We're not playing that bullshit cocksucking game. We already defined it and you are doing NOTHING but parroting what some Marxist asshole told to you say.
You aren't playing because you can't play. To tell us what Marxism is, by definition, is to destroy the Rights argument entirely. And that's why you cannot play the game.
We should change black Friday to stolen land day and Party like rock stars 🤩
So, you agree to NEVER FUCKING ASK FOR IT AGAIN, right? Or you will impose a permaban on yourself?
Where is the Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Collectivism in our Democracy? You can't answer. And the fact that the Right keeps pedaling the narrative, speaks volumes about the lies, the ignorance, the dishonesty, and the weak, losing strategy of calling something that it is not. Your narrative is for losers buddy. And if you can't lock horns by putting the terms to fit the context of the argument, then get the fuck on. Your shit is old, dried up bs.
No ……some of my great-grandparents were isolated into ghettos, and then put into ovens and gassed. Even in the face of that horror, my parents and uncle studied hard and went to college.

And you’re complaining that white people, primarily, paid for housing vouchers so your parents could afford to live in apartments? You’re so angry that your twisting THAT around? No winning with you. You’re just an ingrate.
Your great grandparents had the good life in Germany before Hitler's Fascist Nazi takeover. Then they were oppressed, and murdered. That has absolutely nothing to do with what happened in the US to Blacks and native Americans.

"My parents?" :auiqs.jpg: My parents are white, and so am I. Not everyone is looking to find a convenient truth. I like the real truth better. It gives me a winning hand every time. I'm not here to sugar coat anything based on my white race. That's the card you chose to play.

Oh, and I'm not angry either. I just call it for what it is. It's a white conspiracy to keep blacks somewhere else. And for decades it has worked.

The fact that you want to compare the histories of Jews and Blacks by putting their oppression in the same bucket, is a comical mistake by you, without being funny.
When other places spend significantly less and get better results, it's worth looking into.

And that's what the audits and transparency are all about, which again was my original point.
"When?" "When" isn't some futuristic time line to wait and see. "When" already happened. Try again.
That’s the lie. the biggest threat is the BS the BLM is trying to push - that whites are so racist and blacks are oppressed victims. If they succeed, we will end up with a country where whites hate themselves (which is probably what you want), and have 10% of every paycheck given to the oppressed blacks.

In fact, I’d broaden it. The biggest threat to this nation are the anti-American Marxists manipulating a brain-damaged president into ruining this country.
Top law enforcement officials say the biggest domestic terror threat comes from white supremacists. You really love making a fool of yourself don't you?

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