BLM criticizes Thanksgivng

We spend a lot per student. Obviously, that money isn't getting to the classroom.
Well duh! You just getting around to discovering America? "We" meaning parents, plus our taxes, plus teachers. That's called an inadequate budget on purpose, curtesy of politicians who have zero interest in a public school system. They view schools as a for profit venture minus a budget, and what is education? They don't know, and certainly could care less.
As soon as your bigoted ass lists out the privileges I specifically get, I will be happy and enjoy them.

Go ahead. List them out in a way that doesn't make you look like a fucking bigot. I bet you can't.

You know why?

Because YOU are the one with the problem.
Let's see now, were your parents and grandparents sharecroppers in the 40s and 50s who couldn't use public bathrooms or restaurants, and were subjected to lynching's without a trial? My guess, no.

Were your parents put into section 8 housing back in the sixties in order to isolate those populations out of mainstream society for decades, creating prisons without walls? My guess, no! Shall I continue, because, you should be getting the point between privilege, and non-privilege by now, right?
Well duh! You just getting around to discovering America? "We" meaning parents, plus our taxes, plus teachers. That's called an inadequate budget on purpose, curtesy of politicians who have zero interest in a public school system. They view schools as a for profit venture minus a budget, and what is education? They don't know, and certainly could care less.
Hence the need for accountability and transparency, which is where I started. If we spend a lot of money and teachers have to buy stuff with their own money, where's it going? It simply doesn't matter if the budget is relatively small or relatively large. Before spending more, let's make sure what we're already spending is not being wasted.
Jews who survived the Holocaust were given a pittance (my grandfather got a few thousand dollars a year for being sick and disabled for the rest of his life), and the Jews in this country were of course given nothing, even as they went to bed each night knowing their parents, siblings, and cousins were in concentration camps, or already dead.

So what did Jews in this country do? Did they demand they get payments for something that didn’t DIRECTLY impact them, although they directly suffered big losses nonetheless? NO! In the face of that, they studied hard, got into college, and made successes of their lives.

Jewish kids growing up in the 40s had it MUCH worse than black kids growing up in the last 50 years. Stop making f’ing excuses for the black underclass, demand some decent behavior from them, and throw their asses in jail when they commit crimes.
You need to start getting your information in order to start becoming relevant in these debates, because you are making a fool of yourself. Black education in America in the forties and fifties was 180 degrees different for Jews versus blacks. Get your facts in order. Your posts show us just how ignorant you are; 1950s America: A 'Golden Age' for Jews | My Jewish Learning

Black schools, also referred to as "colored" schools, were racially segregated schools in the United States that originated after the American Civil War and Reconstruction era. The phenomenon began in the late 1860s during Reconstruction era when Southern states under biracial Republican governments created public schools for the ex enslaved. They were typically segregated. After 1877, conservative whites took control across the South. They continued the black schools, but at a much lower funding rate than white schools.
Hence the need for accountability and transparency, which is where I started. If we spend a lot of money and teachers have to buy stuff with their own money, where's it going? It simply doesn't matter if the budget is relatively small or relatively large. Before spending more, let's make sure what we're already spending is not being wasted.
Dude, you got that backwards. Its' not where it's going, it's where has it been? You are running from the argument with your nonsensical comeback. There can be no accountability or transparency, when the budget isn't there to begin with. Try and keep it out of the ditches boss. Your trick pony response fools no one.

There is no "spending more" narrative here chief. Get a clue. It's, where is the money to begin with.
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What happened to that loser Weather53? Lol! You have yet to produce any kind of intelligent argument. You even changed your argument from "voter responsibility" to "responsibility." Lol! You are like a chicken with the head cut off. So, again, what does "voter suppression" have to do with "voter responsibility with blacks?" Or is this question too much for you? Stay focused man. You are beginning to lose it here.
You need to start getting your information in order to start becoming relevant in these debates, because you are making a fool of yourself. Black education in America in the forties and fifties was 180 degrees different for Jews versus blacks. Get your facts in order. Your posts show us just how ignorant you are; 1950s America: A 'Golden Age' for Jews | My Jewish Learning

Black schools, also referred to as "colored" schools, were racially segregated schools in the United States that originated after the American Civil War and Reconstruction era. The phenomenon began in the late 1860s during Reconstruction era when Southern states under biracial Republican governments created public schools for the ex enslaved. They were typically segregated. After 1877, conservative whites took control across the SoutDad h. They continued the black schools, but at a much lower funding rate than white schools.
Black only schools excelled. It wasn't until the Marxists took over they went to chit combined with the introduction of welfare and the elimination of the
You need to start getting your information in order to start becoming relevant in these debates, because you are making a fool of yourself. Black education in America in the forties and fifties was 180 degrees different for Jews versus blacks. Get your facts in order. Your posts show us just how ignorant you are; 1950s America: A 'Golden Age' for Jews | My Jewish Learning

Black schools, also referred to as "colored" schools, were racially segregated schools in the United States that originated after the American Civil War and Reconstruction era. The phenomenon began in the late 1860s during Reconstruction era when Southern states under biracial Republican governments created public schools for the ex enslaved. They were typically segregated. After 1877, conservative whites took control across the South. They continued the black schools, but at a much lower funding rate than white schools.
Black education in the 40s and 50's was fine. It wasn't until the Marxists took over and the creation of the welfare state and the elimination of the Dad in the house.

First Class:
The Legacy of Dunbar, America’s First Black Public High School​

process changed America. In the first half of the twentieth century, Washington D.C’s Dunbar High was an academically elite public school, despite being racially segregated by law and existing at the mercy of racist congressmen who held the school’s purse strings. The school’s well-educated teachers developed generations of high-achieving African Americans, groundbreakers that included the first black member of a presidential cabinet, the first black graduate of the US Naval Academy and the legal mastermind behind school desegregation. Today, as with too many troubled urban public schools, the majority of Dunbar students struggle with reading and math. But there is hope with the opening of a brand new $122 million facility that will bear the Dunbar name.


Wow they look to be acting "white" freaking Uncle Toms.
Black only schools excelled. It wasn't until the Marxists took over they went to chit combined with the introduction of welfare and the elimination of the

Black education in the 40s and 50's was fine. It wasn't until the Marxists took over and the creation of the welfare state and the elimination of the Dad in the house.

First Class:​

The Legacy of Dunbar, America’s First Black Public High School​

process changed America. In the first half of the twentieth century, Washington D.C’s Dunbar High was an academically elite public school, despite being racially segregated by law and existing at the mercy of racist congressmen who held the school’s purse strings. The school’s well-educated teachers developed generations of high-achieving African Americans, groundbreakers that included the first black member of a presidential cabinet, the first black graduate of the US Naval Academy and the legal mastermind behind school desegregation. Today, as with too many troubled urban public schools, the majority of Dunbar students struggle with reading and math. But there is hope with the opening of a brand new $122 million facility that will bear the Dunbar name.


Wow they look to be acting "white" freaking Uncle Toms.
Explain what Marxism is, then tie it to your argument.

Also, explain welfare and section 8 housing, and tell me the difference, and why we still have the two? Also, who started the programs?

You also gave us an example of "ONE" adequately funded black school. And the others? You didn't mention those. Why? You said "schools" with the final "s." You only showed us one.
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Dude, you got that backwards. Its' not where it's going, it's where has it been? You are running from the argument with your nonsensical comeback. There can be no accountability or transparency, when the budget isn't there to begin with. Try and keep it out of the ditches boss. Your trick pony response fools no one.

There is no spending "more" narrative here chief. Get a clue. It's, where is the money to begin with.
In Washington, DC we spent $30,115 per pupil during the 2016-2017 school year, according to Table 236.75 in the Department of Education's "Digest of Education Statistics." There's the budget. Now, if teachers have to buy stuff out of their own money, where did it go?
How many years does Germany have to pay reparations for the Holocaust?

What kind of aid has Israel received from the US Gov't since the Holocaust?

How many Constitutional Amendments did it take to free the Irish and Asians?

How many CRB and VRB did it take for the Irush to be mainstreamed into American Society?
Germany isn't paying reparations. Israel doesn't receive aid, it is a military contract. I have a thread on this, educate yourself. The Irish weren't slaves, but they were conscripted as soon as they came off the boats. The Exclusion Act of 1882 lasted for ten years. You're just making excuses now. We are not more racist now than we were in the 60s but the single motherhood rate in the black community increased by ~50%. Maybe you should stop voting for the same people over and over again but expect different results?
In Washington, DC we spent $30,115 per pupil during the 2016-2017 school year, according to Table 236.75 in the Department of Education's "Digest of Education Statistics." There's the budget. Now, if teachers have to buy stuff out of their own money, where did it go?
You do understand of course, you aren't making any kind of argument right? The $30,115 tells us nothing. What if what is needed, is $40,000? That's $9,085 dollars more of what was needed right? A numerical figure of what was spent, tells us nothing of what was needed.
You do understand of course, you aren't making any kind of argument right? The $30,115 tells us nothing. What if what is needed, is $40,000? That's $9,085 dollars more of what was needed right? A numerical figure of what was spent, tells us nothing of what was needed.
When other places spend significantly less and get better results, it's worth looking into.

And that's what the audits and transparency are all about, which again was my original point.
Explain what Marxism is, then tie it to your argument.

Also, explain welfare and section 8 housing, and tell me the difference, and why we still have the two? Also, who started the programs?

You also gave us an example of "ONE" adequately funded black school. And the others? You didn't mention those. Why? You said "schools" with the final "s." You only showed us one.
Relative to AAs ..... a well orchestrated effort, that began prior to the Civil Rights legislation, hell bent on making sure they do not assimilate into a greater American culture. Which many AAs were already doing. Go back and look at photos of Dunbar or M Street, or black debutante balls or any of the Jack and Jill stuff (granted they had brown paper bag test).
Always a weak argument, why aren't you whining ass Biden haters packing up for Siberia?
I'm not complaining about everything here, like Asslips does. He complains about anything white, so why doesn't he gtfoh? The negros were freed a long time ago.
BLM is ActBlue a White Dem fundraising org ran by a terrorist...Rosenburg or something like that. Do you know how stupid you people sound? ActBlue created BLM and hired clowns like Gay Deray to front protests in Ferguson. That is where is started. You are on stolen captain Hotep.
Bullshit. You know nothing about BLM. Whites stole this land.

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