BLM criticizes Thanksgivng

So the Jews just took it back with rocks and bottles. Smfh. Japanese Americans were put in Concentration Camps for about 4yrs and receive Reparations for the injustice they suffered, Native Americans were given some crumbs in the form of reparations, Eskimos were given reparations for their lands being taken during WWII which they all deserved. Now when were black folks ever given restitution for the 400 yrs of hell we have endured in this country?
Jews took it back with guns and rockets and smarts. African Americans are welcome to return to Africa. Jews didn’t demand Germany give them Berlin. Quit your whining.
More than 425 bills with provisions that restrict voting access have been introduced in 49 states in the 2021 legislative sessions.

New Restrictive Laws​

Shorten window to apply for a mail ballotAL H.B. 538, AR S.B. 643, GA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, KY H.B. 574, NY S.B. 264, OK H.B. 2663
Shorten deadline to deliver mail ballotAR S.B. 643, IA S.F. 413
Make it harder to remain on absentee voting listsAZ S.B. 1485, FL S.B. 90
Eliminate or limit sending mail ballot applications to voters who do not specifically request themGA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, KS H.B. 2332, TX S.B. 1
Eliminate or limit sending mail ballots to voters who do not specifically request themFL S.B. 90
Restrict assistance in returning a voter’s mail ballotAR H.B. 1715, FL S.B. 90, IA S.F. 413, IA S.F. 568, KS H.B. 2183, KY H.B. 574, MT H.B. 530, TX S.B. 1
Limit the number, location, or availability of mail ballot drop boxesFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, IN S.B. 398
Impose stricter signature requirements for mail ballotsAZ S.B. 1003, ID H.B. 290, KS H.B. 2183, TX S.B. 1
Impose harsher voter ID requirementsAR H.B. 1112, AR H.B. 1244, FL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202, MT S.B. 169, NH H.B. 523, TX S.B. 1, WY H.B. 75
Expand voter purges or risk faulty voter purgesAZ S.B. 1819, IA S.F. 413, KY H.B. 574, LA H.B. 167, NH S.B. 31, TX S.B. 1111, UT H.B. 12
Increase barriers for voters with disabilitiesAL H.B. 285, IA S.F. 568, TX H.B. 3920, TX S.B. 1
Ban snacks and water to voters waiting in lineFL S.B. 90, GA S.B. 202
Eliminate Election Day registrationMT H.B. 176
Reduce polling place availability (locations or hours)IA S.F. 413, MT S.B. 196, TX S.B. 1
Increase number of voters per precinctNV S.B. 84
Limit early voting days or hoursGA S.B. 202, IA S.F. 413, TX S.B. 1
How do any of these laws help voters?
What do any of these have to do with race? Nothing you listed is unreasonable. You aren’t prevented from voting. Just obey the rules.
Lisa558 said:
Yeah, the Jewish folks who suffered directly - but survived. I certainly aren’t clamoring for reparations because my great-grandmother was murdered! Even her own daughter, my grandmother, didn’t get anything. Yet here you are, many generations removed, thinking you’re entitled to something.

enough of all the cheer around this place. I’m stepping back into my party - all Republican Jews by the way!

I seriously doubt if this waste of humanity is Jewish. Because she doesn't seem to know some things about Jews.

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Adam Kredo • February 6, 2019

The State Department announced on Wednesday that additional reparation payments would be made to victims of the Holocaust as part of its claims program covering in part Jewish people who were deported by France during World War II.

"Within the next few days, all individuals whose claims were previously approved will receive a letter from the Department notifying them that they will receive an additional payment of 97 percent of their prior approved claim amount," the State Department said. "This amount is based on the funds remaining for approved claims."

"While no payment can provide complete justice for all who were impacted by deportation from France, we hope those affected by one of history's darkest eras will receive some additional relief from these further payments," the U.S. government said. "The Department’s Office of the Legal Adviser, through its International Claims and Investment Disputes Office, has administered the Holocaust Deportation Claims Program since its inception."

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By Mo Barnes | Oct 7, 2015
There can be no doubt that the Jews of Europe suffered great hardship and genocide under the regime of Adolf Hitler and his allies during World War II. Nazi concentration camp survivors were able to settle throughout the world and eventually founded the nation of Israel. But the Holocaust survivors in this country are still suffering with an estimated 150,000 age 65+ living below the poverty line.

In response, the Obama administration last week approved $12 million in aid over the next five years to assist these survivors. This was part of an initiative backed by Vice President Joe Biden in 2013. Last year, the White House named Aviva Sufian as a special envoy for U.S. Holocaust survivor services.

Many European countries have paid victims of the Holocaust; at the top of the list is Germany, which paid over $90 billion in reparations. In 2012, Germany gave an estimated 80,000 survivors in other countries a one-time payment of $3,250.

Jews have been getting reparations since the end of WW2.

Again, you disgusting RACIST, the reparations are for Jews who have suffered from the Holocaust! NOT for Jews many generations removed! (And the Holocaust is so recent that we haven’t HAD many generations removed - just one generation up.) Yet you think whitrs should pay reparations to blacks five and six generations removed.

Just take advantage of the special privileges granted to blacks, get into prestigious educational programs you wouldn’t get it into if you were white, work for a living, and make a successful life. White people with much higher grades and scores are rejected from educational programs to get blacks in instead. You should be saying THANK YOU instead of spewing your venom and disdain for whitey.

And stop with all your insults (I’m a waste of humanity, really?). I had you on ignore before, you anti-white racist, and that’s where you’re going again. You are one of the worst racists on this forum. And you make decent blacks look bad - and are BRINGING ABOUT racism with your nasty attitudes.
I had a great Thanksgiving. Can't wait for next year. Hope injuns stop drinking rubbing alcohol on reservations.
That was such a bunch of gobbly goo, that it actually said nothing. When teachers and parents have to go to Walmart to buy supplies, budgets are not adequately funded. Find me a public teacher and a parent sending their kids to public schools who haven't had to foot the supplies needed to get the job done. You won't. So, at the end of the day, your excuses based on nothing are worth just that. Get out of your hole.
We spend a lot per student. Obviously, that money isn't getting to the classroom.
I spoke the truth. Nothing can change the past. You should be on your knees every night thanking God that you were born here, like others who came here with nothing and suffered, worked hard, and paved the way for their children to have a better life. Ungrateful spoiled child. Be a man and stop your incessant whining.
There weren't 6 million Jews murdered in America. That is easy for racist to say when they are on the giving end of racism and discrimination. Why do you whine about politicians? You should just STFU and be happy that you were born white and enjoy the privileges that you have.
Jews took it back with guns and rockets and smarts.
Where did they receive the guns and rockets from?

African Americans are welcome to return to Africa.

Why do we need to return to Africa? Black Americans were born in America and since we were basterdized from Africa we wouldn't know which country to return to.

Jews didn’t demand Germany give them Berlin. Quit your whining.
So nothing was done for Jewish folks after the Holocaust they just did it all on their own.
There weren't 6 million Jews murdered in America. That is easy for racist to say when they are on the giving end of racism and discrimination. Why do you whine about politicians? You should just STFU and be happy that you were born white and enjoy the privileges that you have.
The point Is that Jews have been subjected to unspeakable horror, by the millions, and much more recently than slavery - and within a generation managed to being educated, successful people. It shows how a minority can face such horrific hatred and overcome it.

Stop making excuses for the black underclass. They are offered free community college - enough to move from poverty To the lower-middle class (which, by the way, is where most whites are), and the constant whining about waaaah…..we were mistreated…..gimme, gimme, gimme….just yields an attitude, as you are demonstrating, of resentment, anti-white racism, and entitlement.
Where did they receive the guns and rockets from?

Why do we need to return to Africa? Black Americans were born in America and since we were basterdized from Africa we wouldn't know which country to return to.

So nothing was done for Jewish folks after the Holocaust they just did it all on their own.
Jews who survived the Holocaust were given a pittance (my grandfather got a few thousand dollars a year for being sick and disabled for the rest of his life), and the Jews in this country were of course given nothing, even as they went to bed each night knowing their parents, siblings, and cousins were in concentration camps, or already dead.

So what did Jews in this country do? Did they demand they get payments for something that didn’t DIRECTLY impact them, although they directly suffered big losses nonetheless? NO! In the face of that, they studied hard, got into college, and made successes of their lives.

Jewish kids growing up in the 40s had it MUCH worse than black kids growing up in the last 50 years. Stop making f’ing excuses for the black underclass, demand some decent behavior from them, and throw their asses in jail when they commit crimes.
You are the racist. We aren't squatting. We didn't steal the land. Furthermore you guys whine daily about a government made for your benefit. So if youdon't find the government to your liking, why don't you leave.
We didn't steal it either, you bigoted fuck.

You and your collective racial inherited culpability is the very definition of racial bigotry.

Why don't you further solidify your racial bigotry and tell us exactly how any of the federal, state, or local government, as it currently exists, is made for MY benefit.

It's 100% the opposite. I get ZERO benefit. It is nothing but a burden. If I do get any sort of incidental benefit, it is only because it is force on me as one of the least effective, most wasteful option, most expensive option that I didn't ask for.
I will go ahead and wait for your bigoted explanation.
The point Is that Jews have been subjected to unspeakable horror, by the millions, and much more recently than slavery - and within a generation managed to being educated, successful people. It shows how a minority can face such horrific hatred and overcome it.
Suffering for black folks in this country didn't stop after slavery. What was done for Jewish folks that wasn't done for black folks? After WWII black veterans were denied benefits that their white counterparts took advantage of and that is just one example of many. How many years did it take for black folks to be mainstreamed into the morms of America. Hell we still deal with racism and discrimination that you are in denial of.
Stop making excuses for the black underclass. They are offered free community college - enough to move from poverty To the lower-middle class (which, by the way, is where most whites are), and the constant whining about waaaah…..we were mistreated…..gimme, gimme, gimme….just yields an attitude, as you are demonstrating, of resentment, anti-white racism, and entitlement.
So now I am making excuses, but you are trying to sell too me that white folks in this country are the victims of racism. What a joke, I can tell you are young and dumb and are listening to folks like Hannity, Carlson, etc. instead of doing some research and educating yourself.
There weren't 6 million Jews murdered in America. That is easy for racist to say when they are on the giving end of racism and discrimination. Why do you whine about politicians? You should just STFU and be happy that you were born white and enjoy the privileges that you have.
As soon as your bigoted ass lists out the privileges I specifically get, I will be happy and enjoy them.

Go ahead. List them out in a way that doesn't make you look like a fucking bigot. I bet you can't.

You know why?

Because YOU are the one with the problem.

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