BLM criticizes Thanksgivng

I find it rather amazing how BLM can get so angry and protest about how horrible minorities get treated in America and how we should be like other countries...

But yet at the same time there has been wave after wave of thousands of people from other countries trying to illegally enter America...
70% of American Black citizens support voter ID laws.

And yet Black "leaders" claim that such laws are racist, citing the "disparate impact" fallacy. Rational people know that if showing up on Election Day and presenting a state-issued photo ID are too much of a burden for any individual, then that individual SHOULD NOT BE VOTING!

The disconnect between Black citizens and Black & Leftist "leaders" is worth pursuing. Why do they peddle their lies, if not for personal aggrandizement?
There it is again.

Collective inherited prenatal racial culpability.

You ooze bigotry and hatred.
Yup. These leftist idiots, looking for a handout, keep comparing the fact that the Jews who got reparations from Germany were DIRECT VICTIMS (and it was a modest amount….like, “here’s $6,000 a year for us killing your mother, and your father, all of your siblings, and your having to hide out in a forest for two years, after which your stomach was diseased and a portion had to be removed, never allowing you to eat normally again for the next 40 years” to blacks, whose great-great grandfather, whom they never met, was a slave.
So now it's bigot and hate to point out the history of black folks in America. Smfh.
Oh please. We all know the history. You think we weren’t taught about slavery in school?

Doesn’t mean you are entitled to get paid for damage done to someone many generations up from you, whom you never met, by people whose ancestors MAY have owned a slave (the majority did not).

Besides, you’ve had affirmative action since the 1970s, in which blacks with grades and scores far inferior to whites got into educational programs they would NOT have gotten into and they been white - and the whites with the better scholastic ability were sent packing. You’ve had two generations of bias in your favor. That’s already a form of reparations.
Oh please. We all know the history. You think we weren’t taught about slavery in school?
Again showing your ignorance, there is more to history than just slavery.

Doesn’t mean you are entitled to get paid for damage done to someone many generations up from you, whom you never met, by people whose ancestors MAY have owned a slave (the majority did not).

Slavery was not the end of injustice that black folks suffered in this country, eventhough, they NEVER received restitution for the injustice that was slavery.
Besides, you’ve had affirmative action since the 1970s, in which blacks with grades and scores far inferior to whites got into educational programs they would NOT have gotten into and they been white - and the whites with the better scholastic ability were sent packing. You’ve had two generations of bias in your favor. That’s already a form of reparations.
More ignorance, AA didn't even help the folks it was designed to help. Also the biggest beneficiaries of AA has been white women.
Again showing your ignorance, there is more to history than just slavery.

Slavery was not the end of injustice that black folks suffered in this country, eventhough, they NEVER received restitution for the injustice that was slavery.

More ignorance, AA didn't even help the folks it was designed to help. Also the biggest beneficiaries of AA has been white women.
I can’t keep up with all your wailing and lies. Blacks aren’t getting any more reparations than they’ve already been given - via affirmative action. I worked in college admissions. I know what I saw. Horrible to see qualified white boys rejected to allow in marginally qualified blacks who then required special tutoring all the way through, provided by the school, because they couldn’t keep up with their classmates admitted under the more stringent “white standards.”

That you claim AA didn’t help blacks shows what an ingrate and ignoramus you are. Look at the charts from the AAMC and see how barely B students get into med school if black, and white students with a 3.6 or 3.7 are likely to rejected.

As far as more to history to black injustice, we learned about Jim Crow too. But that too was two generations ago. The focus of a child’s education should not be about what was done to blacks and how awful whites are. It’s all geared to getting reparations.
Where did they receive the guns and rockets from?

Why do we need to return to Africa? Black Americans were born in America and since we were basterdized from Africa we wouldn't know which country to return to.

So nothing was done for Jewish folks after the Holocaust they just did it all on their own.
Learn history. Golda Meir took a trip to the US to raise money. Her goal was $7mil. She told the Jews here that if they want to avoid another Holocaust they need to help. She raised $50mil. It was a grass roots campaign. African Americans don’t need to return. You brought up the Jews who were mistreated in Europe and went back to their ancient homeland. So why did you bring that up?

Irish and Asians especially were treated horribly. Ever head of the Exclusion Act? Irish came off the boats and were conscripted to fight the South and free the slaves. Many died. Not even their country. Now you want them to pay reparations? Jews didn’t own slaves, were nearly exterminated. Now you want me to pay reparations? How is that remotely logical?
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Learn history. Golds Meir took a trip to the US to raise money. Her goal was $7mil. She told the Jews here that if they want to avoid another Holocaust they need to help. She raised $50mil. It was a grass roots campaign. African Americans don’t need to return. You brought up the Jews who were mistreated in Europe and went back to the ancient homeland. So why did you bring that up?

Irish and Asians especially were treated horribly. Ever head of the Exclusion Act? Irish came off the boats and were conscripted to fight the South and free the slaves. Many died. Not even their country. Now you want them to pay reparations? Jews didn’t own slaves, were nearly exterminated. Now you want me to pay reparations? How is that remotely logical?
Exactly! Blacks want Jews to pay reparations, when most of our ancestors weren’t IN this country during slavery (some German Jews arrived earlier, lucky for them), and to people who are generations removed from slavery anyway.

Blacks who think Jews (who fought side by side them during the Civil Rights era) owe they money are just jealous of Jews’ success - despite all the bigotry against them - and want to be given money without working for it.
Exactly! Blacks want Jews to pay reparations, when most of us weren’t IN this country during slavery (some German Jews arrived earlier, lucky for them), and to people who are generations removed from slavery anyway.

Blacks who think Jews (who fought side by side them during the Civil Rights era) owe they money are just jealous of Jews’ success - despite all the bigotry against them - and want to be given money without working for it.
As I explained to Superbadbrutha the Irish literally came off the boats to fight for the North. Asians were treated like property and legally post the passing of the Exclusion Act of 1882. Long after slavery ended. Neither group is crying for reparations.
Again showing your ignorance, there is more to history than just slavery.

Slavery was not the end of injustice that black folks suffered in this country, eventhough, they NEVER received restitution for the injustice that was slavery.

More ignorance, AA didn't even help the folks it was designed to help. Also the biggest beneficiaries of AA has been white women.
I do not trust men of pure power. We know at least Castro would fight for his Communist utopia. Biden will not. He is a pure fag. But he has of course the deep state protecting him.
I can’t keep up with all your wailing and lies. Blacks aren’t getting any more reparations than they’ve already been given - via affirmative action. I worked in college admissions. I know what I saw. Horrible to see qualified white boys rejected to allow in marginally qualified blacks who then required special tutoring all the way through, provided by the school, because they couldn’t keep up with their classmates admitted under the more stringent “white standards.”

As far as more to history to black injustice, we learned about Jim Crow too. But that too was two generations ago. The focus of a child’s education should not be about what was done to blacks and how awful whites. It’s all geared to getting reparations.
And, of course, once you open the door to reparations, it never closes and you're faced with some big hurdles:

1. For it to be justice, you can't just make payments to everyone with dark skin, you have to limit it to actual descendants of slaves, and that means...
2. There are white people who have ancestors who were slaves. Think the usual suspects on this board would stand for seeing light skinned people getting reparations money while dark skinned people are rejected because they are not descendants of slaves? Or is it going to be that dark skin means you automatically qualify while light skin means you don't?
3. How are you going to prove you are an actual descendant of slaves when record keeping was hardly up to modern standards in that day? How about descendants of slaves who have moved out of the States?
4. When does it stop? Who thinks there would not be an unending stream of new applicants coming forward for decades, demanding money?
As I explained to Superbadbrutha the Irish literally came off the boats to fight for the North. Asians were treated like property and legally post the passing of the Exclusion Act of 1882. Long after slavery ended. Neither group is crying for reparations.
Yes, you make an interesting point.

I could argue that my grandmother, who came to this country pre-WW2, thank G-d, was owed money from Germany. She lost her ENTIRE family, her mother, sister, BIL, and their four children, and yet didn’t receive a cent for her loss.

She didn’t expect any money, nor did they ask for it. Nobody is asking for reparations, except militant, angry blacks who never even met a slave.
And, of course, once you open the door to reparations, it never closes and you're faced with some big hurdles:

1. For it to be justice, you can't just make payments to everyone with dark skin, you have to limit it to actual descendants of slaves, and that means...
2. There are white people who have ancestors who were slaves. Think the usual suspects on this board would stand for seeing light skinned people getting reparations money while dark skinned people are rejected because they are not descendants of slaves? Or is it going to be that dark skin means you automatically qualify while light skin means you don't?
3. How are you going to prove you are an actual descendant of slaves when record keeping was hardly up to modern standards in that day? How about descendants of slaves who have moved out of the States?
4. When does it stop? Who thinks there would not be an unending stream of new applicants coming forward for decades, demanding money?
Very interesting discussion, but my real life beckons. I’ll be back this evening,
I can’t keep up with all your wailing and lies.
The lies have always been told by racist like you.
Blacks aren’t getting any more reparations than they’ve already been given - via affirmative action.
You have benefitted more from AA than I have, so how is that reparations?
[Quoye] I worked in college admissions. I know what I saw. Horrible to see qualified white boys rejected to allow in marginally qualified blacks who then required special tutoring all the way through, provided by the school, because they couldn’t keep up with their classmates admitted under the more stringent “white standards.”
Everyone has a story to tell, if what you say were true the biggest black student participation wouldn't be the football and basketball team.
That you claim AA didn’t help blacks shows what an ingrate and ignoramus you are. Look at the charts from the AAMC and see how barely B students get into med school if black, and white students with a 3.6 or 3.7 are likely to rejected.
Is they why we have so many black doctors and a handful of white doctors. I notice you make alot of claims but never bring anything to back them up other than some bullshit about you worked in admissions in ONE college. Show the statistics to back up what you are saying
As far as more to history to black injustice, we learned about Jim Crow too. But that too was two generations ago. The focus of a child’s education should not be about what was done to blacks and how awful whites are. It’s all geared to getting reparations.
If you had learned about Jim Crow you wouldn't be making these ignorant posts.
There weren't 6 million Jews murdered in America. That is easy for racist to say when they are on the giving end of racism and discrimination. Why do you whine about politicians? You should just STFU and be happy that you were born white and enjoy the privileges that you have.
Race hustling propaganda parrot.
Learn history. Golda Meir took a trip to the US to raise money. Her goal was $7mil. She told the Jews here that if they want to avoid another Holocaust they need to help. She raised $50mil. It was a grass roots campaign. African Americans don’t need to return. You brought up the Jews who were mistreated in Europe and went back to their ancient homeland. So why did you bring that up?
How many years does Germany have to pay reparations for the Holocaust?

What kind of aid has Israel received from the US Gov't since the Holocaust?

[Quoye]Irish and Asians especially were treated horribly. Ever head of the Exclusion Act? Irish came off the boats and were conscripted to fight the South and free the slaves. Many died. Not even their country. Now you want them to pay reparations? Jews didn’t own slaves, were nearly exterminated. Now you want me to pay reparations? How is that remotely logical?[/quote
How many Constitutional Amendments did it take to free the Irish and Asians?

How many CRB and VRB did it take for the Irush to be mainstreamed into American Society?

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