BLM criticizes Thanksgivng

Relative to AAs ..... a well orchestrated effort, that began prior to the Civil Rights legislation, hell bent on making sure they do not assimilate into a greater American culture. Which many AAs were already doing. Go back and look at photos of Dunbar or M Street, or black debutante balls or any of the Jack and Jill stuff (granted they had brown paper bag test).
Bullshit. But you're delusional.
I'm not complaining about everything here, like Asslips does. He complains about anything white, so why doesn't he gtfoh? The negros were freed a long time ago.
You guys complain about a government that has given whites everything they have.

All the time.
Living in the nieces now spiteful about the past then stay in the past and some of you deserve to suffer the outrages of the past because you are so sickly wedded to it.
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Germany isn't paying reparations.
So Germany doesn't pay reparations to Holocaust survivors, so this is false.
Israel doesn't receive aid, it is a military contract. I have a thread on this, educate yourself.
So Israel has NEVER rec'd aid from any countries.
The Irish weren't slaves, but they were conscripted as soon as they came off the boats. The Exclusion Act of 1882 lasted for ten years. You're just making excuses now.
So you are telling us that the Irish were treated worse than black folks and longer.
We are not more racist now than we were in the 60s but the single motherhood rate in the black community increased by ~50%. Maybe you should stop voting for the same people over and over again but expect different results?
We're you black in the 60s?
This was prior to the hypocritical proclamation by whites that all men were created equal even while owning slaves.
Well no shit they were only talking about their fellow white citizens.

Why on Earth would a bunch of whites create a country for negroes?

It’s like you expected white men to create a new nation for blacks, because blacks are incapable of making their own society where all blacks have equal rights.
Let's see now, were your parents and grandparents sharecroppers in the 40s and 50s who couldn't use public bathrooms or restaurants, and were subjected to lynching's without a trial? My guess, no.
My grandparents are long dead. Explain how any of that benefited me.

I was still a dirt poor white boy growing up.

Were your parents put into section 8 housing back in the sixties in order to isolate those populations out of mainstream society for decades, creating prisons without walls? My guess, no! Shall I continue, because, you should be getting the point between privilege, and non-privilege by now, right?
Tell me who held ANYONE at gunpoint and demanded that they live in FREE housing.

What a bunch of shit.

I lived in my great great grandmothers old pier and beam house build in the 1890s until I was 11 or 12 years old. It was barely what I would call a house.
You guys complain about a government that has given whites everything they have.

All the time.
Does this mean Africans and other black citizens of black nations have no right to complain about their government?
Well no shit they were only talking about their fellow white citizens.

Why on Earth would a bunch of whites create a country for negroes?

It’s like you expected white men to create a new nation for blacks, because blacks are incapable of making their own society where all blacks have equal rights.
Yes that’s right
We are responsible to and for those who are not
Invasion and theft of land has been going on since humans figured out the other tribe had better hunting, prettier women or better water, and according to science it all started in Africa. Today's people thinking there was something unusual about the European colonization of the New World forget that history started a long time before that.
Exactly.....Dimmers too dumb to think that hard.
So Germany doesn't pay reparations to Holocaust survivors, so this is false.

So Israel has NEVER rec'd aid from any countries.

So you are telling us that the Irish were treated worse than black folks and longer.

We're you black in the 60s?
I think I now choose to identify as black in the 60’s. This new self identification is a liberal rage so you all will not object
So Germany doesn't pay reparations to Holocaust survivors, so this is false.

So Israel has NEVER rec'd aid from any countries.

So you are telling us that the Irish were treated worse than black folks and longer.

We're you black in the 60s?
Survivors. I do not get anything from Germany. We can help survivors of slavery too if you like. Irish Worse? They literally died fighting for a country that wasn't theirs to free the slaves and then had their jobs taken from them by those willing to work for less. Subjective in terms of what is better or worse. You ignored the Exclusion Act and the Asian population. Asians are prospering now. How come they don't ask for reparations?

Are you Jewish now? Obviously we treat ALL minorities better now than we did in the 60s. One doesn't have to be black to understand that being black now is much better than being black in 1967 in terms of rights and opportunities.
Let's see now, were your parents and grandparents sharecroppers in the 40s and 50s who couldn't use public bathrooms or restaurants, and were subjected to lynching's without a trial? My guess, no.

Were your parents put into section 8 housing back in the sixties in order to isolate those populations out of mainstream society for decades, creating prisons without walls? My guess, no! Shall I continue, because, you should be getting the point between privilege, and non-privilege by now, right?
No ……some of my great-grandparents were isolated into ghettos, and then put into ovens and gassed. Even in the face of that horror, my parents and uncle studied hard and went to college.

And you’re complaining that white people, primarily, paid for housing vouchers so your parents could afford to live in apartments? You’re so angry that your twisting THAT around? No winning with you. You’re just an ingrate.

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