BLM criticizes Thanksgivng

I can’t STAND the whining!

I‘m Jewish too, and my father was in high school when Hitler was killing his grandmother, aunt, and four cousins in Europe, but did his family whine? No. His mother, while grieving for the loss of her own mother and sister, and the sister’s children, still emphasized to my dad to study hard, stay out of trouble, and get the grades to get a free college education. He did, even knowing how his relatives were dying in Europe for being Jews, and went on to live a successful life. RIP, Dad.

And my grandmother, who lost her family? I never heard her say anything about them, although I’m sure she carried that horror to her grave. RIP, Grandma.

Blacks need to stop complaining about how awful whites were to their ancestors 200 years ago and just be thankful that they live in a country with so much opportunity for them - starting with exceptions made to admit them to educational programs for which they would otherwise be rejected, were they white.
And others can't stand the lying from you. "So much opportunity?" You mean those who are talented in singing, dancing, and sports? Yea, that's opportunity. The rest doesn't exist.
Yeah, yeah….the leftist DHS said that, the same leftist group allowing in a flood of illegal aliens, even though they’re not vaccinated.

oh, and I can’t read your article. It’s from the leftist rag, the New York Slimes.
And who is proving them wrong? LOl, no one. You certainly have not provided us with an informative argument. Just your own ranting. Sorry, not good enough. Try again.

Debating you is as easy as shooting fish out of a barrel, with you providing the ammunition. LOl!
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Living in the nieces now spiteful about the past then stay in the past and some of you deserve to suffer the outrages of the past because you are so sickly wedded to it.
It's impossible to live in the past. Just like it's impossible to have the same racist beiefs as those in the past while claiming people calling you out for it are living in the past.
My kids don't fake hate crimes. You do, so I figure he must be one of yours.
We believe you. I can just picture you and your kids running down Ahmaud Arbery in a vehicle with weapons, and gunning him down in the street, because your hate wanted him dead.
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Given? White people are the ones who set up the government, and built this country.
Whites didn't build shit. They attempted to wipe out the indigenous people while stealing the land then made slaves do the hard labor. That's what happened and you guys have been lying to yourselves about it.
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We're not playing that bullshit cocksucking game. We already defined it and you are doing NOTHING but parroting what some Marxist asshole told to you say.
You don't know what Marxism is. Meanwhile you support fascism.
No ……some of my great-grandparents were isolated into ghettos, and then put into ovens and gassed. Even in the face of that horror, my parents and uncle studied hard and went to college.

And you’re complaining that white people, primarily, paid for housing vouchers so your parents could afford to live in apartments? You’re so angry that your twisting THAT around? No winning with you. You’re just an ingrate.
Jews owned slaves. Jews participated in Jim Crow and Jews like you are racists now.
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Yeah, yeah….the leftist DHS said that, the same leftist group allowing in a flood of illegal aliens, even though they’re not vaccinated.

oh, and I can’t read your article. It’s from the leftist rag, the New York Slimes.
Trumps FBI director said that.
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We believe you. I can just picture you and your kids running down Ahmaud Arbery in a vehicle with weapons, and gunning him down in the street, because your hate wanted him dead.
Well, he was a thug.
Well, he was a thug.
Was he? Did you acquire any stolen goods? Where is your proof? And who are the murderers? Very fine people? Have you ever walked up to a construction site? I have? Does that make me a thug? Please answer my questions, or you are nothing more than a pos lying thug yourself. I'll be waiting.
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Was he? Did you acquire any stolen goods? Where is your proof? And who are the murderers? Very fine people? Have you ever walked up to a construction site? I have? Does that make me a thug? Please answer my questions, or you are nothing more than a pos lying thug yourself. I'll be waiting.
Did he walk up to a construction site or did he walk around IN a construction site? You pig faced liar. Where do you go jogging?

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