BLM criticizes Thanksgivng

Whites destroyed thanksgiving by what they have done.
"Thanks" for the murder and rape, while "giving" the native Americans the crappiest land imaginable from their displacement. That's what Thanksgiving means to them, and they are right, because that is exactly what happened.
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mine went right over your head. you are the one incapable of understanding that blacks are destroying all our holidays. and are trying to get other minorities like the native american's to help. . it is about destroying the whites and becoming the ultimate race just like the nazi tried to do.
Dude, I hate to break the news to you, but you are the Nazis. Opinion | On Charlottesville, the GOP sees no evil

And destroying Thanksgiving, and criticizing it are two different things. No one needs BLM to destroy Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving, on its face, destroys itself without doing anything. But, on the other hand, no one is destroying Thanksgiving, but no one is ever going to forget what Thanksgiving really means. So shut up and eat your Turkey.
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Oh STFU with nothing has changed.
60 years ago a black person couldn't attend higher education with whites. Is that still true?
56 years ago black people could only marry black people. Is that still true?
60 years ago if a black man had sex with a white women, if he lived, he would be arrested and put in jail. Still true?
I could go on for pages.
Nothing has changed. 🤡

Voter supression? Whatever... you wouldn't be satisfied until your vote counted for 10. Legally.
60 years ago, blacks were put in section 8 housing as a mask to civil rights and equality. That was a front to get rid of them by putting them somewhere else and out of mainstream society. It set them up for the prison industrial complex. That doesn't set up an equal playing field to higher education. And anyone who thinks or believes otherwise, is either an idiot or a liar. Which one are you?

56 years ago, or 5600 years ago, no one has ever been able to control who someone loves. That argument stinks to high heaven.

As for voter suppression, I accept your non-existing argument to mine. Nothing drowns out another's argument better than documented proof, minus your pitiful 10 vote count nonsense.
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All blacks want is relief from responsibility in the here and now and absolution from any repercussions
All blacks want is relief from responsibility in the here and now and absolution from any repercussions
You have yet to produce any kind of intelligent argument. You even changed your argument from "voter responsibility" to "responsibility." Lol! You are like a chicken with the head cut off. So, again, what does "voter suppression" have to do with "voter responsibility with blacks?" Or is this question too much for you? Stay focused man. You are beginning to lose it here.
What reparations? Jews took that country. And we still fight for it. Nothing was given. Everything was earned. What was I given? What were my parents given? Nothing. Japanese Americans not their ancestors. You live in the greatest country on Earth stop your whining.
So the Jews just took it back with rocks and bottles. Smfh. Japanese Americans were put in Concentration Camps for about 4yrs and receive Reparations for the injustice they suffered, Native Americans were given some crumbs in the form of reparations, Eskimos were given reparations for their lands being taken during WWII which they all deserved. Now when were black folks ever given restitution for the 400 yrs of hell we have endured in this country?
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Doesn't matter what country. You should be thankful you were born in this country instead of the shithole you would have been born in had your forefathers been left in Africa. Your problem is you're not grateful for what you have.
Now it doesn't matter what country, because you just stuck your foot in your mouth.
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Yeah, the Jewish folks who suffered directly - but survived. I certainly aren’t clamoring for reparations because my great-grandmother was murdered! Even her own daughter, my grandmother, didn’t get anything. Yet here you are, many generations removed, thinking you’re entitled to something.

enough of all the cheer around this place. I’m stepping back into my party - all Republican Jews by the way!
Tell me Lisa how many black folks do you think are living today that grew up through Jim Crow?
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Japanese Americans were put in Concentration Camps for about 4yrs and receive Reparations for the injustice they suffered, Native Americans were given some crumbs in the form of reparations, Eskimos were given reparations for their lands being taken during WWII which they all deserved. Now when were black folks ever given restitution for the 400 yrs of hell we have endured in this country?
Nobody gives a fuck about black people.

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