BLM criticizes Thanksgivng

Blacks weren't part of US history until whites made them part of it. How can Blacks be starting something they never voluntarily participated in? You aren't making any sense.
ask them there ones putting nasty shit out on their blm page. trying to destroy thanksgiving. you are the one who does not get it.
"White power/money/ privilege, controls every aspect of the lives of minorities today, just as it has for 400 years. That's reality, and that's the truth."

Oh good god, wake up to reality will you please! You guys have every opportunity today that everyone else has, stop living in the past!
thats fiction
Ah yes, another ant-intellectual response that says absolutely nothing. You seem to be drowning in a muck of ignorance and hate that you cannot do anything about. Do us both a favor and quit wasting your time and mine with stupid comments.
Yet, not one word in response to my point. All you have is a personal attack. Ignorant leftist trashm
Democrats did not come up with 500 voter suppression laws to exclude Blacks from voting, Republicans did. That's not my problem. That's the problem Republicans have.

The financial structure as it pertains to schools has always been one sided, because of white power and money control this country. That's a documented fact even today.

Transparency and accountability can never be realized when budgets are slashed out of relevancy.
The problem with that is that very, very few budgets ever get reduced, much less "slashed out of relevancy". Somebody will propose to increase a budget by a few percentage points less than what somebody else requested, the requester will go bonkers shrieking that the budget was seeing "draconian cuts" and that dogs and cats were going to start living together, people were going to wear white after Labor Day, and miraculously the program gets more money than it did last year. And certainly, budgets should face transparency and accountability, no matter their size. If the football or basketball team never has trouble getting new facilities built but math teachers have to work with 20 year old textbooks, there's a problem.
How am I promoting my own demise by speaking the facts? Did whites steal land from the NA's? Absolutely. Did the pilgrims practise cannibalism? Undoubtedly.
Did native American tribes steal from each other? Did they invade each others lands? Did they enslave other tribe members?
Did African tribes invade each others lands? Did they enslave each other"
Did Asians use slavery? Did they invade each others lands?
Did Arab nations use slavery more than any other group of nations?

In other words.... shut the fuck up. There is no ethnic people that didn't invade and enslave others. That has been going on, literally, since the dawn of man.
Did native American tribes steal from each other? Did they invade each others lands? Did they enslave other tribe members?
Did African tribes invade each others lands? Did they enslave each other"
Did Asians use slavery? Did they invade each others lands?
Did Arab nations use slavery more than any other group of nations?

In other words.... shut the fuck up. There is no ethnic people that didn't invade and enslave others. That has been going on, literally, since the dawn of man.
People have been conquering land for time immemorial, even winning land when attacked by others, and the only time leftists have an issue with it is if the winners are whites or Jews.
The problem with that is that very, very few budgets ever get reduced, much less "slashed out of relevancy". Somebody will propose to increase a budget by a few percentage points less than what somebody else requested, the requester will go bonkers shrieking that the budget was seeing "draconian cuts" and that dogs and cats were going to start living together, people were going to wear white after Labor Day, and miraculously the program gets more money than it did last year. And certainly, budgets should face transparency and accountability, no matter their size. If the football or basketball team never has trouble getting new facilities built but math teachers have to work with 20 year old textbooks, there's a problem.
That was such a bunch of gobbly goo, that it actually said nothing. When teachers and parents have to go to Walmart to buy supplies, budgets are not adequately funded. Find me a public teacher and a parent sending their kids to public schools who haven't had to foot the supplies needed to get the job done. You won't. So, at the end of the day, your excuses based on nothing are worth just that. Get out of your hole.
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STFU. Texas was stolen from Mexico. Face the truth like a man.

“The United States is a fake country”
-- Russell Means
What a foolish statement from Russell Means. No other Land throughout the Globe has never been “stolen”?
ask them there ones putting nasty shit out on their blm page. trying to destroy thanksgiving. you are the one who does not get it.
My argument went right over your head. Are you not fully capable of understanding my argument? Obviously not, or you are willfully trying to dodge it in order to have to deal with it. Your response has absolutely nothing to do with my argument. BLM didn't start slavery, and you are running from the argument.
Did native American tribes steal from each other? Did they invade each others lands? Did they enslave other tribe members?
Did African tribes invade each others lands? Did they enslave each other"
Did Asians use slavery? Did they invade each others lands?
Did Arab nations use slavery more than any other group of nations?

In other words.... shut the fuck up. There is no ethnic people that didn't invade and enslave others. That has been going on, literally, since the dawn of man.
All irrelevant, whataboutism arguments specifically made for cowards who have no argument or reasonable excuses. Pitiful!
What a foolish statement from Russell Means. No other Land throughout the Globe has never been “stolen”?
It also has not been voluntarily given to others either. And as a result, American Indians were extracted from their living spaces, murdered, raped, and displaced to areas a Cockroach wouldn't live in. Got any more pitiful excuses?
I want to live in a teepee and wake up every morning to my boss pooping bear claw.
Did native American tribes steal from each other? Did they invade each others lands? Did they enslave other tribe members?
Did African tribes invade each others lands? Did they enslave each other"
Did Asians use slavery? Did they invade each others lands?
Did Arab nations use slavery more than any other group of nations?

In other words.... shut the fuck up. There is no ethnic people that didn't invade and enslave others. That has been going on, literally, since the dawn of man.
Then where is the justification for celebrating Thanksgiving then? Displacement, murder, and rape of native Americans? You tell me?
It also has not been voluntarily given to others either. And as a result, American Indians were extracted from their living spaces, murdered, raped, and displaced to areas a Cockroach wouldn't live in. Got any more pitiful excuses?
Land changes hands, many times by force; including, among Native Americans themselves. What is pitiful is trying to establish an allusion as fact that the white settlers of this Nation were the only ones throughout World History to do this.
"White power/money/ privilege, controls every aspect of the lives of minorities today, just as it has for 400 years. That's reality, and that's the truth."

Oh good god, wake up to reality will you please! You guys have every opportunity today that everyone else has, stop living in the past!
Your non-argument documented in nothing, does not trump mine. Try again.
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Land changes hands, many times by force; including, among Native Americans themselves. What is pitiful is trying to establish an allusion as fact that the white settlers of this Nation were the only ones throughout World History to do this.
In the mean time, let's turn our backs at the genocidal atrocities of native Americans and minorities right, and let's eat our turkey and forget right? After all, they were all white settlers, and that makes it right, right? How many native Americans and Black tribesman held holidays over the genocidal slaughter of others? Do you know any holiday like that? Dude, you are pathetic.
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