BLM founder sentenced to 6 years for illegally voting.

That is what the COURT ruled you ignoramus. YOU are the one claiming you know better. YOU are the claiming to know what she was thinking.

And you STILL do not get it, intent is not material when you violate your parole. If you were told you cannot be within 100 feet of a school and you are picked up walking down the wrong street no one is going to ask if you meant to be near a school.

Instead they are going to ask what size orange jumpsuit you need.

Probation is NOT like parole.
And if you are told you are not to be within 100' of a school and you are picked up for walking next to a school, it is NOT an automatic violation.
Law NEVER can work like that.
Law ALWAYS requires intent.
For example, the school could be on the 2nd story and not visible from the ground.
Intent is always a require aspect of law.
You are just ignorant of what law means.
It does not mean legislators, police, courts, or judges can decree anything they want.
That is a tyranny, and is not the law of a democratic republic.
The only things that CAN be made illegal are because they harm others.
Attempting to register to vote, or even voting, never harms anyone.
So there is no legal way that voting can EVER be made illegal, in a democratic republic.
When voting is ever illegal, then you know the government is an authoritarian dictatorship.
It's what I call the code of stupidity.

No, that is honorable because the police do evil things, like demanding high bail from poor people, bankrupting poor people for a driving infraction that was an unintentional mistake, imprisoning people for things that harm no one, like drugs, courts abusing the poor who can not afford decent lawyers.
No, that is honorable because the police do evil things, like demanding high bail from poor people, bankrupting poor people for a driving infraction that was an unintentional mistake, imprisoning people for things that harm no one, like drugs, courts abusing the poor who can not afford decent lawyers.

Yeah, so honorable; doing illegal things to get even with somebody that did something to you or your gang member. So you go out and kill another person in revenge. Real smart. Then you spend the next 20 years or so behind bars.

If you go bankrupt over a traffic ticket it means your job is selling hotdogs on the corner of a downtown area. Nobody goes bankrupt over a traffic ticket.

If you are doing time for using or selling illegal narcotics, you belong in jail or prison. That's our law. If you don't like our laws, do something to change them. If you can't change them, find an uncivilized country to move to where there are no laws. Because when you sell somebody something so dangerous it's enough to kill them, you are harming other people than yourself and you should be put away for life just like murder.
The only things that CAN be made illegal are because they harm others.
Attempting to register to vote, or even voting, never harms anyone.
So there is no legal way that voting can EVER be made illegal, in a democratic republic.
When voting is ever illegal, then you know the government is an authoritarian dictatorship.

When you lose your right to vote you brought that on yourself. You made the decision to become a felon, not an authoritarian government. Show me in our Constitution that we can't make laws restricting voting of felons.
I heard somewhere there is no such thing as illegal votes.

When trump won, there was not one word from the repigs about one illegal vote. When Biden wins it's suddenly awash with illegal votes, 100s court challenges that failed and a coup at the capitol.
All because you fascist pigs don't like democracy.
Just like the time served is usually cut in half for good behavior, so is probation.
The formula is not that simple.
And there is no way she could "scam" the probation office.
She did not tell them she was off probation, they told her she was.
And generally, you CAN vote when on probation.
Probation means you are not being protected as a ward of the state, so you have to work, pay bills etc., so then you ARE supposed to be able to vote.
Probation normally does not prevent voting at all.

Probation is a sentence just like being imprisoned, it's just that they gave you a break by not throwing you in the slammer. If you get off of probation early then you will be notified by mail or through your attorney of the situation. If you go down to the probation board knowing you are still on probation and scam them into letting you vote, you violated your terms of probation period.
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Just like the time served is usually cut in half for good behavior, so is probation.
The formula is not that simple.
And there is no way she could "scam" the probation office.
She did not tell them she was off probation, they told her she was.
And generally, you CAN vote when on probation.
Probation means you are not being protected as a ward of the state, so you have to work, pay bills etc., so then you ARE supposed to be able to vote.
Probation normally does not prevent voting at all.
Hmmm if you are monitored by the state, and you are required to show up at a probation officers office to check in, then you are still a prisoner to some extent under the law, and therefore you should have to be cleared completely before being allowed to participate in government activities, and this would be due to the conflict of interest that it would allow if a person is still a risk. Who wouldn't want to vote for their favorite "get out of jail free card or get out of probation free card" toting politician ??
Not to worry.

She will not serve any actual prison time.

We all know that certain folks are still considered by many influential forces as the downtrodden and should therefore be excused for just about anything.

I am still feeling sick after reading a story in today's Daily Mail about a young gentleman (no further identification is necessary).

Back in November, he beat the blank out of a lady in the New York City subway. They have just caught him and discovered the young man was once arrested 16 times in one day! And yet he is still walking around free as a butterfly to wreak havoc.
Yeah, so honorable; doing illegal things to get even with somebody that did something to you or your gang member. So you go out and kill another person in revenge. Real smart. Then you spend the next 20 years or so behind bars.

If you go bankrupt over a traffic ticket it means your job is selling hotdogs on the corner of a downtown area. Nobody goes bankrupt over a traffic ticket.

If you are doing time for using or selling illegal narcotics, you belong in jail or prison. That's our law. If you don't like our laws, do something to change them. If you can't change them, find an uncivilized country to move to where there are no laws. Because when you sell somebody something so dangerous it's enough to kill them, you are harming other people than yourself and you should be put away for life just like murder.

Depends on what someone did.
If they committed a real crime, like rape or domestic violence, then there is nothing wrong with turning them over to the police, because the police then are not criminals and are doing good.
But if the police are doing something bogus, like a drug bust, no-knock-warrant, revenue gauging from traffic mistake, etc., then police are evil.

I have seen people trying to scrape by selling hotdogs on a downtown corner, ticketed by police, put out of business, then unable to pay the rent, made homeless, etc.
Lots of people go bankrupt over a $500 traffic ticket.

No one belongs in jail over drugs.
Drugs are stupid, but there is no legal way to criminalize them, their use, or possession.
Legal authority come from defense of inherent rights of others, not the dictates of some bureaucrat.
Laws not needed for the dense of rights are ABSOLUTELY illegal and legislators, prosecutors, police, and judges who do not recognize that simple fact, are the worst criminals of all.

Just about everything sold in modern society is dangerous enough to kill.
From cars to rat poison.
The reason drugs kill is because police make them illegal and that prevents quality and quantity standards, and causes overdoses.
Every single overdose is murder by police.
Drugs would not kill a single person, if not for police.
When you lose your right to vote you brought that on yourself. You made the decision to become a felon, not an authoritarian government. Show me in our Constitution that we can't make laws restricting voting of felons.

You misunderstand the constitution.
It does not say what government can not do, but only very specifically what it can do.
And no where is any government authorized to prevent voting.

The principle of taxation without representation is obvious.
It was enough to justify killing and rebellion.
How is that supposed to suddenly have changed?
It didn't.
We just let too many criminal bureaucrats take over, and now are even worse than the British used to be.

And again, laws like Prohibition that defense the rights of no one, are inherently illegal.
When trump won, there was not one word from the repigs about one illegal vote. When Biden wins it's suddenly awash with illegal votes, 100s court challenges that failed and a coup at the capitol.
All because you fascist pigs don't like democracy.

I do not like Trump, but Hillary claimed the 2016 election was stolen by the Russians, and Trump was impeached over the paid for Steale Dossier.
That was clearly illegal by Hillary.
Probation is a sentence just like being imprisoned, it's just that they gave you a break by not throwing you in the slammer. If you get off of probation early then you will be notified by mail or through your attorney of the situation. If you go down to the probation board knowing you are still on probation and scam them into letting you vote, you violated your terms of probation period.

Have you EVER heard of any one being able to or even trying to scam a probation board?
No one knows if they are still on probation or not because it is never an absolute length of time.
Nor does anyone know you can't vote while on probation, because that seems totally illegal to me.
There are no terms of probation, nor could there ever be any terms of probation, that prevent you from simply asking the probation board what your voting status was.
You keep claiming some sort of "scam", that there is no possible "scam" anyone could have done.
The board has all the records and just has to look it up.
If there are complex formulas, then they should know how to use them.
Trying to vote is NEVER criminal, since it harms no one else, (unless you are trying to vote multiple times).
Hmmm if you are monitored by the state, and you are required to show up at a probation officers office to check in, then you are still a prisoner to some extent under the law, and therefore you should have to be cleared completely before being allowed to participate in government activities, and this would be due to the conflict of interest that it would allow if a person is still a risk. Who wouldn't want to vote for their favorite "get out of jail free card or get out of probation free card" toting politician ??

Does not matter if a person would be tempted to vote for someone who would benefit from a candidate.
Those convicted of crimes have the right to vote for those who would decriminalize it.
They also have a right to vote over what taxes they are being forced to pay.
You can't prevent those you consider a criminal, from voting.
That is against the principles of a democratic republic.
Then all a dictatorship has to do is declare almost everything a felony.
There is no legal way to take away someone's inherent right to vote.
Have you EVER heard of any one being able to or even trying to scam a probation board?
No one knows if they are still on probation or not because it is never an absolute length of time.
Nor does anyone know you can't vote while on probation, because that seems totally illegal to me.
There are no terms of probation, nor could there ever be any terms of probation, that prevent you from simply asking the probation board what your voting status was.
You keep claiming some sort of "scam", that there is no possible "scam" anyone could have done.
The board has all the records and just has to look it up.
If there are complex formulas, then they should know how to use them.
Trying to vote is NEVER criminal, since it harms no one else, (unless you are trying to vote multiple times).

Bullshit. The judge tells you what your sentence is. Your lawyer tells you what the terms are. Quit playing victim here. She knew she was on probation. The judge told her how long her probation was. She knew she couldn't vote. She never contacted her lawyer for advice.

You expect us to believe that when you are off probation, nobody contacts you? You must make this bullshit up in your head. Of course they notify you when your probation is up, She did scam the probation board and even the judge told her so when he sentenced her.

But you know better than all that, right?
Depends on what someone did.
If they committed a real crime, like rape or domestic violence, then there is nothing wrong with turning them over to the police, because the police then are not criminals and are doing good.
But if the police are doing something bogus, like a drug bust, no-knock-warrant, revenue gauging from traffic mistake, etc., then police are evil.

I have seen people trying to scrape by selling hotdogs on a downtown corner, ticketed by police, put out of business, then unable to pay the rent, made homeless, etc.
Lots of people go bankrupt over a $500 traffic ticket.

No one belongs in jail over drugs.
Drugs are stupid, but there is no legal way to criminalize them, their use, or possession.
Legal authority come from defense of inherent rights of others, not the dictates of some bureaucrat.
Laws not needed for the dense of rights are ABSOLUTELY illegal and legislators, prosecutors, police, and judges who do not recognize that simple fact, are the worst criminals of all.

Just about everything sold in modern society is dangerous enough to kill.
From cars to rat poison.
The reason drugs kill is because police make them illegal and that prevents quality and quantity standards, and causes overdoses.
Every single overdose is murder by police.
Drugs would not kill a single person, if not for police.

You don't make laws in this country, the people do collectively through representation. If narcotics are illegal, then they are illegal and it doesn't matter what you think or say about it. There is nothing preventing us from making them illegal. I don't know where you get this BS that we can't. We can and did. There is zero in the Constitution that says we can't. It's why we are a representative Republic.
Bullshit. The judge tells you what your sentence is. Your lawyer tells you what the terms are. Quit playing victim here. She knew she was on probation. The judge told her how long her probation was. She knew she couldn't vote. She never contacted her lawyer for advice.

You expect us to believe that when you are off probation, nobody contacts you? You must make this bullshit up in your head. Of course they notify you when your probation is up, She did scam the probation board and even the judge told her so when he sentenced her.

But you know better than all that, right?

No, the sentence always has modification factors, not to mention appeals, etc.
Nor is it clear one on probation can't vote.
She does not have a lawyer.
Most people can not afford one.
A public defender likely no longer would be available, since they usually go on to private practice somewhere else, or become prosecutors.
Why should anyone not be able to vote?
If taxation without representation, illegal or not?
If you say its legal, then the American Revolution was illegal, since that is the main cause.
You don't make laws in this country, the people do collectively through representation. If narcotics are illegal, then they are illegal and it doesn't matter what you think or say about it. There is nothing preventing us from making them illegal. I don't know where you get this BS that we can't. We can and did. There is zero in the Constitution that says we can't. It's why we are a representative Republic.

Legislators only make law in an authoritarian dictatorship.
In a democratic republic, laws are only supposed to be an expression of the defense of inherent rights that always existed.
So then detailed legislation of these pre-existing common laws can be written, but never just something made up from scratch.
And all drug laws are totally made up and illegal.

Representative republics are not where an arbitrary majority gets to do what ever it wants.
There is no means provided in the Constitution, by which voting rights can be interfered with.
If the majority can decide to legislate the infringement of a minority, then slavery could be legal again.
And clearly that is wrong.
Legislation can not infringe upon inherent rights.
Voting is an inherent right.
There is absolutely no legal way to change that.
Bullshit. The judge tells you what your sentence is. Your lawyer tells you what the terms are. Quit playing victim here. She knew she was on probation. The judge told her how long her probation was. She knew she couldn't vote. She never contacted her lawyer for advice.

You expect us to believe that when you are off probation, nobody contacts you? You must make this bullshit up in your head. Of course they notify you when your probation is up, She did scam the probation board and even the judge told her so when he sentenced her.

But you know better than all that, right?

Seems to me it is obvious the judge is lying.
Exactly what possible "scam" could have ever been possible that would have allowed voter registration?
I can't think of one.
There should not be one.
Something is wrong obviously, and the judge is the most likely suspect.
Seems to me it is obvious the judge is lying.
Exactly what possible "scam" could have ever been possible that would have allowed voter registration?
I can't think of one.
There should not be one.
Something is wrong obviously, and the judge is the most likely suspect.

And until you provide evidence as such the verdict stands that she's guilty. The probation officer obviously didn't do their job. They may have asked her if she was on probation and she told them she wasn't. That's what it sounds like to me.

If I hand a cashier a counterfeit 50 dollar bill and he or she doesn't check for the watermark to see if it's fake, that doesn't absolve me from the crime because the clerk made a mistake. I am still guilty of counterfeiting no matter what and have to pay the penalty.

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