BLM is the rebirth of the Black Liberation/communist connection only worse this time


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
They don't know it yet...most likely because most of them are angry for nothing automatons marching to the beat of their own dysfunctional drummer but BLM is on its way to becoming a serious enemy of the state and not just as a Tea Party or OWS template but from a much more radical place.

The highly simplistic mentality that holds the " Enemy of my Enemy is/as my Friend " dominates the easily misled minds of this not so new group of discontented miscreants. The lie that they perpetrate as their theme purports to be social justice but they betray themselves mightily and irrevocably by sidling up to the radical elements who have more hatred than any other single group on the face of the planet....the radical elements of Muslim extremism and the Home grown Nation of Islam, Farrahkhan's puppies.

The NOI specifically teaches that all whites are demonic creatures of the evil wizard Yakkub and worthy of destruction; Add this to Sharia influences that are just as looney and I daresay that the BLM morons are getting themselves into a partnership that they can hardly understand or even foresee the serious consequences of. Yet they, for the moment of that irresistable power rush and the resurgence of that O so precious if not undefined tribalism fueling the dopamine rush of racial hatred will gladly throw decency and reason out the window in behalf of their new found addiction.

There are some with the voice of reason out there who identify as black Americans calling for the angry tots to grow up and abosrb the impact of their own actions....but they will be marginalized and ridiculed by the black community and the democratic community alike...both more than eager to garner selfish profit from this deeply unsettling social strife.

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