BLM leader threatens NYC Mayor with Bloodshed and violence.

You can keep on saying that but the solution is easy. Quit supporting the government violating people's rights. Why is that so hard?

I don't support that. Remember, the type of police misconduct you're talking about happens almost exclusively in places run by people like you. It's your problem.

BLM leader threatens ‘riots, fire, bloodshed’ in NYC if Eric Adams gets tough on crime​

11 Nov 2021 ~~ By Jessie O'Neill & Julia Marsh
A Black Lives Matter leader vowed there’ll be “riots,” “fire” and “bloodshed” if Mayor-elect Eric Adams follows through with his promise to bring back plainclothes anti-crime cops to battle New York’s surge in violent crimes.
New York BLM co-founder Hawk Newsome debated the plan for a return to tougher policing with Adams during a contentious sit-down at Brooklyn Borough Hall Wednesday that was livestreamed on Instagram.
Although Adams found common ground with the activists on plans to fight poverty in the black community, the former NYPD captain said he’ll be reinstating a revamped version of the undercover anti-crime unit that was disbanded at the height of widespread police protests last year.
“If they think they are going back to the old ways of policing then we’re going to take to the streets again,” New York BLM co-founder Hawk Newsome said outside Borough Hall after the meeting.

BLM are the Terrorist shock troops of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat. Marxism in America has a black face. No different than the Democrat KKK of the 19th and 20th Century.
BLM combined with Antifa they are hand in hand the other part of the Democrats SA - Sturmtruppen whose methods of violent intimidation play a key role in today's U.S. politics.
And now Biden is encouraging people to rat out people with no vaccine.
Sounds more and more, the Democrats, acting like a certain German country during the 30s and 40s. While the FBI is no longer law enforcement but has become similar to the STASI of Communist East Germany.

BLM/Antifa are the equivilent, at the least of Chavez-Maduro gangs in Venezuela.
Like I've said before, Neo-Marxist American Dimm's are using the Venezuelan template to destroy freedom and Liberty.
Just ask any well educated Venezuelan who immigrated to get away from that crap!!
Unlike the right, they will live up to their words.
Sad that I feel it necessary to point out the right living up to their words (Trump administration) again, but here goes:
1. Under Trump administration the U.S. experienced an unprecedented economic boom, with middle-class families seeing an income increase of up to $6,000, the unemployment rate dropped to a low of 3.5%, the lowest in a half-century and unemployment rates for minorities and those without a high school diploma, reached a record low.
2. Brought jobs, factories and industries back to the USA.
3. Fair and reciprocal trade. Confronted unfair trade practices and put the USA first.
4. Historic support for American farmers.
5. Advanced apprenticeship pathways to good paying jobs.
6. Ensured American leadership in technology and innovation.
7. Operation Warp Speed, created to expedite the cumbersome red tape process in medication development.
8. Right-To-Try Act, allowing the terminally-ill to obtain experimental treatments for their terminal-illnesses.
9. Replenished the depleted Strategic National Stockpile.
10. The First-Step Act for outgoing federal prisoners, to reduce recidivism.
11. Stronger border control.
The list goes on, but you get the idea. He actually did what he said he would do, at least as much as he could while faced with a hostile opposition party.
Sad that I feel it necessary to point out the right living up to their words (Trump administration) again, but here goes:
1. Under Trump administration the U.S. experienced an unprecedented economic boom, with middle-class families seeing an income increase of up to $6,000, the unemployment rate dropped to a low of 3.5%, the lowest in a half-century and unemployment rates for minorities and those without a high school diploma, reached a record low.
2. Brought jobs, factories and industries back to the USA.

No he didn't but I wasn't speaking about Trump when I said what I said.

blm is terrorist farce are they starting to figure it out.

cops can see it. go cops.
BLM/Antifa are the equivilent, at the least of Chavez-Maduro gangs in Venezuela.
Like I've said before, Neo-Marxist American Dimm's are using the Venezuelan template to destroy freedom and Liberty.
Just ask any well educated Venezuelan who immigrated to get away from that crap!!

While the DOJ and FBI refuse to recognize the fact that BLM and Antifa are Racist Communist Terrorist Groups funding by Democrats, but focusing only on so called White Supremacist groups.
While the DOJ and FBI refuse to recognize the fact that BLM and Antifa are Racist Communist Terrorist Groups funding by Democrats, but focusing only on so called White Supremacist groups.

Only because Neo-Marxist Dimm's have been successful in politicizing the DOJ and their underlings like the FBI.
The countdown to authoritarianism meanwhile continues unabated.
Only because Neo-Marxist Dimm's have been successful in politicizing the DOJ and their underlings like the FBI.
The countdown to authoritarianism meanwhile continues unabated.

After the actions of the top echelon of the FBI since the Obama regime to today, the FBI is no longer a legitimate arm of the law... They've become the STASI of the Commie Left.
After the actions of the top echelon of the FBI since the Obama regime to today, the FBI is no longer a legitimate arm of the law... They've become the STASI of the Commie Left.

It's a danger to Democracy.
blm threatening mayor elect with bloodshed if they dont get their way. Is that not a terroristic threat. they should be arrested for threatening people with bloodshed. doesn't bloodshed not meant killing people? these blm idiots are not interested in using the ballot box to bring about changes no they are going to use violence. Oh but they are black so no one can touch them.

BLM operates as agents of the democrat Reich and with the full authority of the Nazi democrat party. Terrorism engaged in by BLM is terrorism that the Reich mandates. BLM is not subject to any sort of law, only to their massahs of the democrat Reich.
BLM operates as agents of the democrat Reich and with the full authority of the Nazi democrat party. Terrorism engaged in by BLM is terrorism that the Reich mandates. BLM is not subject to any sort of law, only to their massahs of the democrat Reich.

Goon squads very effective in Venezuela.
BLM operates as agents of the democrat Reich and with the full authority of the Nazi democrat party. Terrorism engaged in by BLM is terrorism that the Reich mandates. BLM is not subject to any sort of law, only to their massahs of the democrat Reich.
welcome to nazi america

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