BLM leader threatens NYC Mayor with Bloodshed and violence.

You can keep on saying that but the solution is easy. Quit supporting the government violating people's rights. Why is that so hard?

So if some RIGHT winger FEEEELS the government is violating thier rights.. its ok for them to go Rob, loot and bring it on down? (as long as its not the capital building))

Your argument is weak. There is always someone who can claim one way or another the government is violating their rights, but as a society, riots cannot be allowed because rioters doing whatever the hell they want are violating other people's rights.
At least with the government, there is a system in place to remove politicians, or there is legal recourse. In a riot, you dont know who is who and no one elected these people. Including this loudmouth BLM activist.
Maybe you would prefer we revert back to something like "Gangs of New York" where every group had a grievance and they would simply make up their own law.
Remember, Kyle Rittenhouse is a domestic terrorist "who had no business being on the streets," but this guy is a legitimate protester who has every right to be on the streets to exercise his first amendment right to set fires, burn down black owned stores, and kill people.
I have to stop you right here. Their rights were being violated. The courts ruled so.

What do the courts have to say about grandmothers and old men getting knocked down beaten, mugged or worse?
Nothing to see there? They have no solution. SO police presence is violating peoples rights? Bloodshed and violence in the streets by BLM is also a violation of peoples rights.. where does your court stand on that?
When crime is the streets becomes such a dangerous situation... it becomes an emergency situation. Maybe not for YOU because your safe in your safe place, but for many other helpless... its not so.
The court needs to revisit this.
What do the courts have to say about grandmothers and old men getting knocked down beaten, mugged or worse?
Nothing to see there? They have no solution. SO police presence is violating peoples rights?

When you want to simply make crap up, I have no desire to continue.
take your pick.
A city has a right to defend itself without BLM threatening killings. Like I said, if the courts ruled stop and frisk or police presence is violating someones rights, they need to re-visit their decision. Tell me, getting mugged or Shot is not worse than getting stopped and frisked.

NYPD: Shootings up 166%, fueling NYC crime surge

Remember, Kyle Rittenhouse is a domestic terrorist "who had no business being on the streets," but this guy is a legitimate protester who has every right to be on the streets to exercise his first amendment right to set fires, burn down black owned stores, and kill people.
you mean the the riff raff that was in the streets burnning and looting and tearing up shit , should not have been there.

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