BLM leader threatens NYC Mayor with Bloodshed and violence.

he talks about defending his "people" ... even as his people are dying because of crime and violence. Less of his "people" were dying under Guiliani

Many will argue that fewer would die if the government ignored our rights and confiscated all guns.
No big deal. We all know who the real threat to this country is, it's concerned parents. I mean why else would the FBI be going after these people.

Because Democrats are criminals.
Then put in yer application and show them how it's done.
It is not rocket science. It is what is real for the student. It is now political. But it has been. Has been for decades. Inner city students year after year graduating or not with many undereducated and what is worse near nil education. This with massive costs and extractions of taxes from people allover the local school districts, the people living withing the areas of it and from many miles away to pay for them. The so called Rednecks are paying for the inner city education of a high percentage of students who have little education when 18. If Progs cared, this would have been dealt with long ago. Break the public school unions. Break them! Then real education can start. And it will be painful.
When there is an official policy that violates the rights of the people, they have a right, even an obligation to push back.

NYPD’s Infamous Stop-and-Frisk Policy Found Unconstitutional - The Leadership Conference Education Fund
Just because some liberal judge declares something to be unconstitutional....doesn't mean that's the case.
Matter of fact most of the time these activists judges are wrong and are just creating laws from the bench.
I figure it this way.....stop breaking the law and you won't have problems with the police.
Blacks and Latinos commit more than their share of violent crimes.....and cops have pulled uncounted numbers of them over only to find they're carrying a gun or drugs and are out on parole.
It's called good policing.
Maybe if you Democrats would stop releasing repeat-offenders from jail you wouldn't have so many blacks and latinos getting pulled over.
maybe eric adams is one of those domestic terrorist white supremist that AG Garland is talking about

We will see if he keeps his promise to bring back the crime unit he said he would that BLM is all worked up about.

Time to see if he has any balls, or if he bows to domestic terrorists demands.

BLM leader threatens ‘riots, fire, bloodshed’ in NYC if Eric Adams gets tough on crime​

11 Nov 2021 ~~ By Jessie O'Neill & Julia Marsh
A Black Lives Matter leader vowed there’ll be “riots,” “fire” and “bloodshed” if Mayor-elect Eric Adams follows through with his promise to bring back plainclothes anti-crime cops to battle New York’s surge in violent crimes.
New York BLM co-founder Hawk Newsome debated the plan for a return to tougher policing with Adams during a contentious sit-down at Brooklyn Borough Hall Wednesday that was livestreamed on Instagram.
Although Adams found common ground with the activists on plans to fight poverty in the black community, the former NYPD captain said he’ll be reinstating a revamped version of the undercover anti-crime unit that was disbanded at the height of widespread police protests last year.
“If they think they are going back to the old ways of policing then we’re going to take to the streets again,” New York BLM co-founder Hawk Newsome said outside Borough Hall after the meeting.

BLM are the Terrorist shock troops of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat. Marxism in America has a black face. No different than the Democrat KKK of the 19th and 20th Century.
BLM combined with Antifa they are hand in hand the other part of the Democrats SA - Sturmtruppen whose methods of violent intimidation play a key role in today's U.S. politics.
And now Biden is encouraging people to rat out people with no vaccine.
Sounds more and more, the Democrats, acting like a certain German country during the 30s and 40s. While the FBI is no longer law enforcement but has become similar to the STASI of Communist East Germany.
When there is an official policy that violates the rights of the people, they have a right, even an obligation to push back.

NYPD’s Infamous Stop-and-Frisk Policy Found Unconstitutional - The Leadership Conference Education Fund
But they don't have the right to burn down private or public property. If the protesters would go about it in a civilized manner there wouldn't be so much push back. The most successful protests in history where non-violent. Gandhi and Dr. King come to mind.
But they don't have the right to burn down private or public property. If the protesters would go about it in a civilized manner there wouldn't be so much push back. The most successful protests in history where non-violent. Gandhi and Dr. King come to mind.

Kneeling was a civilized manner. Remember, Trump called them SOB's and said they should be fired. The violence only happened after no one would listen. They listen now,

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