BLM Organizer Deray Gets Win From SCOTUS


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
You can't hold an organizer responsible for what other people do. Common sense that is sorely lacking these days.

(CNN)The Supreme Court wiped away a lower court opinion related to Black Lives Matter protests that critics argued would chill the speech rights of demonstrators and dismantle civil rights era precedent that safeguards the First Amendments' right to protest.

The lower court allowed a Louisiana police officer to move forward with lawsuit to hold the organizer of a Black Lives Matter protest, DeRay McKesson, accountable for injuries the officer sustained in 2016 when he was hit by a heavy object. McKesson himself did not hurl the object; the person who did is still unidentified.

In an unsigned order, the justices sent the case back down to the lower courts to further review Louisiana law holding that before getting to important constitutional questions, more guidance from state courts is necessary.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett did not participate in the decision, the Supreme Court's public information officer said, because she was busy preparing for oral arguments. Justice Clarence Thomas dissented.

Of course he did. :rolleyes:
You can't hold an organizer responsible for what other people do. Common sense that is sorely lacking these days.

(CNN)The Supreme Court wiped away a lower court opinion related to Black Lives Matter protests that critics argued would chill the speech rights of demonstrators and dismantle civil rights era precedent that safeguards the First Amendments' right to protest.
The lower court allowed a Louisiana police officer to move forward with lawsuit to hold the organizer of a Black Lives Matter protest, DeRay McKesson, accountable for injuries the officer sustained in 2016 when he was hit by a heavy object. McKesson himself did not hurl the object; the person who did is still unidentified.
In an unsigned order, the justices sent the case back down to the lower courts to further review Louisiana law holding that before getting to important constitutional questions, more guidance from state courts is necessary.
Justice Amy Coney Barrett did not participate in the decision, the Supreme Court's public information officer said, because she was busy preparing for oral arguments. Justice Clarence Thomas dissented.

Their win will be short-lived. President Trump will probably have them declared as a terrorist organization, during his second term. As the DOJ has declared antifa.
You can't hold an organizer responsible for what other people do. Common sense that is sorely lacking these days.

(CNN)The Supreme Court wiped away a lower court opinion related to Black Lives Matter protests that critics argued would chill the speech rights of demonstrators and dismantle civil rights era precedent that safeguards the First Amendments' right to protest.
The lower court allowed a Louisiana police officer to move forward with lawsuit to hold the organizer of a Black Lives Matter protest, DeRay McKesson, accountable for injuries the officer sustained in 2016 when he was hit by a heavy object. McKesson himself did not hurl the object; the person who did is still unidentified.
In an unsigned order, the justices sent the case back down to the lower courts to further review Louisiana law holding that before getting to important constitutional questions, more guidance from state courts is necessary.
Justice Amy Coney Barrett did not participate in the decision, the Supreme Court's public information officer said, because she was busy preparing for oral arguments. Justice Clarence Thomas dissented.

Their win will be short-lived. President Trump will probably have them declared as a terrorist organization, during his second term. As the DOJ has declared antifa.

You can't hold an organizer responsible for what other people do. Common sense that is sorely lacking these days.

Well that depends on what the organizer intended or reasonably expected to happen.
Such as if the NRA organizes an event, and shooting breaks out.

They know that's possible since, they banned guns when Mike Pence spoke at their convention.

Victims of the Parkland, Fla., high school shooting and their parents are criticizing the National Rifle Association after it announced that gun advocates won't be allowed to bring weapons to watch Vice President Pence deliver the NRA-Institute for Legislative Action's leadership forum keynote address in Dallas on Friday.

As a result, firearms and firearm accessories, knives or weapons of any kind will be prohibited in the forum prior to and during his attendance."

A second page lists prohibited items, including selfie sticks, backpacks, signs, drones, laser pointers, toy guns and weapons of any kind.
You can't hold an organizer responsible for what other people do. Common sense that is sorely lacking these days.

(CNN)The Supreme Court wiped away a lower court opinion related to Black Lives Matter protests that critics argued would chill the speech rights of demonstrators and dismantle civil rights era precedent that safeguards the First Amendments' right to protest.

The lower court allowed a Louisiana police officer to move forward with lawsuit to hold the organizer of a Black Lives Matter protest, DeRay McKesson, accountable for injuries the officer sustained in 2016 when he was hit by a heavy object. McKesson himself did not hurl the object; the person who did is still unidentified.

In an unsigned order, the justices sent the case back down to the lower courts to further review Louisiana law holding that before getting to important constitutional questions, more guidance from state courts is necessary.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett did not participate in the decision, the Supreme Court's public information officer said, because she was busy preparing for oral arguments. Justice Clarence Thomas dissented.

Of course he did. :rolleyes:

Is that so, and firearms manufacturers, are you then conceding the obvious, that they are not to be blamed for actions of insane democratic youth, and insane democrats??? :wink:
You can't hold an organizer responsible for what other people do. Common sense that is sorely lacking these days.

(CNN)The Supreme Court wiped away a lower court opinion related to Black Lives Matter protests that critics argued would chill the speech rights of demonstrators and dismantle civil rights era precedent that safeguards the First Amendments' right to protest.

The lower court allowed a Louisiana police officer to move forward with lawsuit to hold the organizer of a Black Lives Matter protest, DeRay McKesson, accountable for injuries the officer sustained in 2016 when he was hit by a heavy object. McKesson himself did not hurl the object; the person who did is still unidentified.

In an unsigned order, the justices sent the case back down to the lower courts to further review Louisiana law holding that before getting to important constitutional questions, more guidance from state courts is necessary.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett did not participate in the decision, the Supreme Court's public information officer said, because she was busy preparing for oral arguments. Justice Clarence Thomas dissented.

Of course he did. :rolleyes:

You support this decision, but you don't realize it declares the NRA blameless for the crimes committed by gun owners.

Or you can explain how that's different. Smart money says you can't; you'll just screech NUH UH.

Oh, and you can explain how the black Justice dissented. Bonus points if you don't use the term "Uncle Tom".
You can't hold an organizer responsible for what other people do. Common sense that is sorely lacking these days.

(CNN)The Supreme Court wiped away a lower court opinion related to Black Lives Matter protests that critics argued would chill the speech rights of demonstrators and dismantle civil rights era precedent that safeguards the First Amendments' right to protest.

The lower court allowed a Louisiana police officer to move forward with lawsuit to hold the organizer of a Black Lives Matter protest, DeRay McKesson, accountable for injuries the officer sustained in 2016 when he was hit by a heavy object. McKesson himself did not hurl the object; the person who did is still unidentified.

In an unsigned order, the justices sent the case back down to the lower courts to further review Louisiana law holding that before getting to important constitutional questions, more guidance from state courts is necessary.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett did not participate in the decision, the Supreme Court's public information officer said, because she was busy preparing for oral arguments. Justice Clarence Thomas dissented.

Of course he did. :rolleyes:

You support this decision, but you don't realize it declares the NRA blameless for the crimes committed by gun owners.

Or you can explain how that's different. Smart money says you can't; you'll just screech NUH UH.

Oh, and you can explain how the black Justice dissented. Bonus points if you don't use the term "Uncle Tom".

Apples and oranges. You're not smart enough to see that.
You can't hold an organizer responsible for what other people do. Common sense that is sorely lacking these days.

(CNN)The Supreme Court wiped away a lower court opinion related to Black Lives Matter protests that critics argued would chill the speech rights of demonstrators and dismantle civil rights era precedent that safeguards the First Amendments' right to protest.

The lower court allowed a Louisiana police officer to move forward with lawsuit to hold the organizer of a Black Lives Matter protest, DeRay McKesson, accountable for injuries the officer sustained in 2016 when he was hit by a heavy object. McKesson himself did not hurl the object; the person who did is still unidentified.

In an unsigned order, the justices sent the case back down to the lower courts to further review Louisiana law holding that before getting to important constitutional questions, more guidance from state courts is necessary.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett did not participate in the decision, the Supreme Court's public information officer said, because she was busy preparing for oral arguments. Justice Clarence Thomas dissented.

Of course he did. :rolleyes:

You support this decision, but you don't realize it declares the NRA blameless for the crimes committed by gun owners.

Or you can explain how that's different. Smart money says you can't; you'll just screech NUH UH.

Oh, and you can explain how the black Justice dissented. Bonus points if you don't use the term "Uncle Tom".

Apples and oranges. You're not smart enough to see that.

Yup, I called it. NUH UH.
You support this decision, but you don't realize it declares the NRA blameless for the crimes committed by gun owners.

Or you can explain how that's different. Smart money says you can't; you'll just screech NUH UH.

Oh, and you can explain how the black Justice dissented. Bonus points if you don't use the term "Uncle Tom".

Clarence Thomas is a unique jurist. He often disagreed with Scalia, and frequently writes his own majority opinion, giving reasoning no other justice agrees with.
You can't hold an organizer responsible for what other people do. Common sense that is sorely lacking these days.

(CNN)The Supreme Court wiped away a lower court opinion related to Black Lives Matter protests that critics argued would chill the speech rights of demonstrators and dismantle civil rights era precedent that safeguards the First Amendments' right to protest.

The lower court allowed a Louisiana police officer to move forward with lawsuit to hold the organizer of a Black Lives Matter protest, DeRay McKesson, accountable for injuries the officer sustained in 2016 when he was hit by a heavy object. McKesson himself did not hurl the object; the person who did is still unidentified.

In an unsigned order, the justices sent the case back down to the lower courts to further review Louisiana law holding that before getting to important constitutional questions, more guidance from state courts is necessary.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett did not participate in the decision, the Supreme Court's public information officer said, because she was busy preparing for oral arguments. Justice Clarence Thomas dissented.

Of course he did. :rolleyes:

You support this decision, but you don't realize it declares the NRA blameless for the crimes committed by gun owners.

Or you can explain how that's different. Smart money says you can't; you'll just screech NUH UH.

Oh, and you can explain how the black Justice dissented. Bonus points if you don't use the term "Uncle Tom".

Apples and oranges. You're not smart enough to see that.

Yup, I called it. NUH UH.

If NRA holds a big rally and some gun nut shoots someone, of course NRA isn't responsible - unless they encouraged it.

But I would never expect a Republican like you to understand personal responsibility.
You can't hold an organizer responsible for what other people do. Common sense that is sorely lacking these days.

(CNN)The Supreme Court wiped away a lower court opinion related to Black Lives Matter protests that critics argued would chill the speech rights of demonstrators and dismantle civil rights era precedent that safeguards the First Amendments' right to protest.

The lower court allowed a Louisiana police officer to move forward with lawsuit to hold the organizer of a Black Lives Matter protest, DeRay McKesson, accountable for injuries the officer sustained in 2016 when he was hit by a heavy object. McKesson himself did not hurl the object; the person who did is still unidentified.

In an unsigned order, the justices sent the case back down to the lower courts to further review Louisiana law holding that before getting to important constitutional questions, more guidance from state courts is necessary.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett did not participate in the decision, the Supreme Court's public information officer said, because she was busy preparing for oral arguments. Justice Clarence Thomas dissented.

Of course he did. :rolleyes:

You support this decision, but you don't realize it declares the NRA blameless for the crimes committed by gun owners.

Or you can explain how that's different. Smart money says you can't; you'll just screech NUH UH.

Oh, and you can explain how the black Justice dissented. Bonus points if you don't use the term "Uncle Tom".

Apples and oranges. You're not smart enough to see that.

Yup, I called it. NUH UH.

If NRA holds a big rally and some gun nut shoots someone, of course NRA isn't responsible - unless they encouraged it.

But I would never expect a Republican like you to understand personal responsibility.

Of course, irrational gun-haters believe the NRA defending the 2nd Amendment is encouraging people to commit murder.

How many shootings done by leftists have you blamed on anything but the shooter?

I'd say all of them, off the top of my head.
You can't hold an organizer responsible for what other people do. Common sense that is sorely lacking these days.

(CNN)The Supreme Court wiped away a lower court opinion related to Black Lives Matter protests that critics argued would chill the speech rights of demonstrators and dismantle civil rights era precedent that safeguards the First Amendments' right to protest.

The lower court allowed a Louisiana police officer to move forward with lawsuit to hold the organizer of a Black Lives Matter protest, DeRay McKesson, accountable for injuries the officer sustained in 2016 when he was hit by a heavy object. McKesson himself did not hurl the object; the person who did is still unidentified.

In an unsigned order, the justices sent the case back down to the lower courts to further review Louisiana law holding that before getting to important constitutional questions, more guidance from state courts is necessary.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett did not participate in the decision, the Supreme Court's public information officer said, because she was busy preparing for oral arguments. Justice Clarence Thomas dissented.

Of course he did. :rolleyes:

Not much of a win, the SC just sent it back down to the lower court due to some technical issues.
You can't hold an organizer responsible for what other people do. Common sense that is sorely lacking these days.

(CNN)The Supreme Court wiped away a lower court opinion related to Black Lives Matter protests that critics argued would chill the speech rights of demonstrators and dismantle civil rights era precedent that safeguards the First Amendments' right to protest.

The lower court allowed a Louisiana police officer to move forward with lawsuit to hold the organizer of a Black Lives Matter protest, DeRay McKesson, accountable for injuries the officer sustained in 2016 when he was hit by a heavy object. McKesson himself did not hurl the object; the person who did is still unidentified.

In an unsigned order, the justices sent the case back down to the lower courts to further review Louisiana law holding that before getting to important constitutional questions, more guidance from state courts is necessary.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett did not participate in the decision, the Supreme Court's public information officer said, because she was busy preparing for oral arguments. Justice Clarence Thomas dissented.

Of course he did. :rolleyes:

Not much of a win, the SC just sent it back down to the lower court due to some technical issues.

You're lying. Again.
You can't hold an organizer responsible for what other people do. Common sense that is sorely lacking these days.

(CNN)The Supreme Court wiped away a lower court opinion related to Black Lives Matter protests that critics argued would chill the speech rights of demonstrators and dismantle civil rights era precedent that safeguards the First Amendments' right to protest.

The lower court allowed a Louisiana police officer to move forward with lawsuit to hold the organizer of a Black Lives Matter protest, DeRay McKesson, accountable for injuries the officer sustained in 2016 when he was hit by a heavy object. McKesson himself did not hurl the object; the person who did is still unidentified.

In an unsigned order, the justices sent the case back down to the lower courts to further review Louisiana law holding that before getting to important constitutional questions, more guidance from state courts is necessary.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett did not participate in the decision, the Supreme Court's public information officer said, because she was busy preparing for oral arguments. Justice Clarence Thomas dissented.

Of course he did. :rolleyes:

Not much of a win, the SC just sent it back down to the lower court due to some technical issues.

You're lying. Again.

In an unsigned order, the justices sent the case back down to the lower courts to further review Louisiana law holding that before getting to important constitutional questions, more guidance from state courts is necessary.
Retailers in LA are boarding up their windows and some have written "We support BLM" on the plywood. That pretty much tells US just who has been committing all the riotous destruction.
You can't hold an organizer responsible for what other people do. Common sense that is sorely lacking these days.

(CNN)The Supreme Court wiped away a lower court opinion related to Black Lives Matter protests that critics argued would chill the speech rights of demonstrators and dismantle civil rights era precedent that safeguards the First Amendments' right to protest.

The lower court allowed a Louisiana police officer to move forward with lawsuit to hold the organizer of a Black Lives Matter protest, DeRay McKesson, accountable for injuries the officer sustained in 2016 when he was hit by a heavy object. McKesson himself did not hurl the object; the person who did is still unidentified.

In an unsigned order, the justices sent the case back down to the lower courts to further review Louisiana law holding that before getting to important constitutional questions, more guidance from state courts is necessary.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett did not participate in the decision, the Supreme Court's public information officer said, because she was busy preparing for oral arguments. Justice Clarence Thomas dissented.

Of course he did. :rolleyes:

Not much of a win, the SC just sent it back down to the lower court due to some technical issues.

You're lying. Again.

In an unsigned order, the justices sent the case back down to the lower courts to further review Louisiana law holding that before getting to important constitutional questions, more guidance from state courts is necessary.

I'll say it again: YOU'RE LYING.

If you're not, highlight the "technical issue" or link to any article that mentions "Technical issues". Your words, pulled straight out of your ass.
Retailers in LA are boarding up their windows and some have written "We support BLM" on the plywood. That pretty much tells US just who has been committing all the riotous destruction.

They'd be better off getting themselves some rooftop Koreans. That worked pretty well during the Rodney King riots.
You can't hold an organizer responsible for what other people do. Common sense that is sorely lacking these days.

(CNN)The Supreme Court wiped away a lower court opinion related to Black Lives Matter protests that critics argued would chill the speech rights of demonstrators and dismantle civil rights era precedent that safeguards the First Amendments' right to protest.

The lower court allowed a Louisiana police officer to move forward with lawsuit to hold the organizer of a Black Lives Matter protest, DeRay McKesson, accountable for injuries the officer sustained in 2016 when he was hit by a heavy object. McKesson himself did not hurl the object; the person who did is still unidentified.

In an unsigned order, the justices sent the case back down to the lower courts to further review Louisiana law holding that before getting to important constitutional questions, more guidance from state courts is necessary.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett did not participate in the decision, the Supreme Court's public information officer said, because she was busy preparing for oral arguments. Justice Clarence Thomas dissented.

Of course he did. :rolleyes:

Not much of a win, the SC just sent it back down to the lower court due to some technical issues.

You're lying. Again.

In an unsigned order, the justices sent the case back down to the lower courts to further review Louisiana law holding that before getting to important constitutional questions, more guidance from state courts is necessary.

I'll say it again: YOU'RE LYING.

If you're not, highlight the "technical issue" or link to any article that mentions "Technical issues". Your words, pulled straight out of your ass.

They didn't argue on the merits. they sent it back down to a lower court for further review. You are implying they ruled on the merits, so you are the one lying.

"Guidance from state courts" implies technical issues.

legal technical issues, but technical issues just the same.

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