BLM Police-Defunders Complain Cops Aren't Protecting Them Enough

We can argue opinion, but you can't argue fact.

You presented no facts.

That whole diatribe is bullshit, you can't change history when it comes to history of the Justice System in this country.

Then your assertion is that the entire country is racist, because these lopsided sentences go on all over the country according to you. These studies only show X crime, and X sentences leaving everything in between out of the picture. So they try to state it has to do with race and no other factors when that's the furthest thing from the truth. Judges are not robots. They don't give the same penalties for the same crime each and every time. It makes no sense to put a model citizen in prison for five years because he got busted with a little bit of coke, and give the repeat offender with a history of crime the exact same sentence. If we were to do that, then we wouldn't need judges. When the person is deemed guilty, hit a computer button and it spits out the sentence.

Since this subject comes up all the time, I asked a friend of mine who works at the clerk of courts in downtown if he seen any judges who factor in race and give blacks harsher sentences. He said there is no record of it, but his personal opinion is that yes, he has seen it. But guess what? The judges who pass these harsher sentences are black themselves.

It made sense too. If you are a black judge with a black defendant who is terrorizing their black neighborhood, the best thing a judge can do is rid the black community of this person for as long as possible. Conversely, if a white judge dislikes blacks and wants to do blacks harm, the best way for him to do that is let these black criminals back into the black community to do more damage to it and the people who reside there.
....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.
Follow the law and you have nothing to worry about.

Well we know that's not true.
More white brothers are killed by police than black.

Not per capita.
yes--per capita ..blacks commit crime at HIGHER rates--murder at FOUR times the rate
....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.
Follow the law and you have nothing to worry about.

Well we know that's not true.
More white brothers are killed by police than black.

Not per capita.
yes--per capita ..blacks commit crime at HIGHER rates--murder at FOUR times the rate

He no like da' truth!
....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.
Follow the law and you have nothing to worry about.

Well we know that's not true.
More white brothers are killed by police than black.

Not per capita.
yes--per capita ..blacks commit crime at HIGHER rates--murder at FOUR times the rate

Blah, blah, blah, blah. 85% of whites are killed by other whites. That doesn't matter does it.
....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.
Follow the law and you have nothing to worry about.

Well we know that's not true.
More white brothers are killed by police than black.

Not per capita.
yes--per capita ..blacks commit crime at HIGHER rates--murder at FOUR times the rate

He no like da' truth!

Dagnabit you wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the ass.
Ohhhh teh irony.... :laughing0301:

"Black Lives Matter DC activists complained on Sunday that the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) failed to protect them while continuing to call for defunding police. The apparently conflicting statements came during a press conference held in Black Lives Matter Plaza Sunday afternoon. Black Lives Matter DC Anthony Lorenzo Green said during the Sunday press conference that the mayor and police department failed “to protect the rights of D.C. residents” during the Stop the Steal Trump rally held in the nation’s capital on Saturday. ”

‘Defund the Police’ Activists Complain Cops Aren’t Protecting Them Enough (BLM)

This just shows how stupid they are. Idiots.
....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.
Follow the law and you have nothing to worry about.

Well we know that's not true.
More white brothers are killed by police than black.

Not per capita.
yes--per capita ..blacks commit crime at HIGHER rates--murder at FOUR times the rate

Blah, blah, blah, blah. 85% of whites are killed by other whites. That doesn't matter does it.
BLM are idiots.
....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.
Follow the law and you have nothing to worry about.
....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.

Police brutality started with the drug war and it just got worse under Bush jr and Obama who was hope and change but really wasn't.

Police brutality has been around since this country was founded. The Justice System has been unjust since this country was founded.

The problem with BLM is that they are pushing Marxism and Black Lives Matter is a racist slogan itself.

How is Black Lives Matter a racist slogan?
Because they really aren't out to help the humans. WE are all humans and we are all a part of this tyranny no matter what color you are.

Again that sounds good, but unfortunately Justice is NOT EQUAL in this country and NEVER has been.

Police Brutality has existed since antiquity. That's the job of the police, to dish out beatings to those in need of them.
....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.
Follow the law and you have nothing to worry about.

Well we know that's not true.
More white brothers are killed by police than black.

Not per capita.
yes--per capita ..blacks commit crime at HIGHER rates--murder at FOUR times the rate

Blah, blah, blah, blah. 85% of whites are killed by other whites. That doesn't matter does it.
There is no white lives matters movement.
Since you apparently think it's fine for police to be arbitrary racist pricks why are you so outraged that black people might not trust them?

There is no evidence of it, that's why. All you know is what the media feeds you. Cops have to get rough with blacks and cops have to get rough with whites and Hispanics. It's not race, it's how you respond to them when they issue commands. If you obey, you won't have any problems no matter what race you are. If you resist or fight them, they are going to give you a harder time regardless what race you are.

Police have conflicts with people of every color, but the media knows you puppets will only respond when they report on black suspects. They play you like a fiddle.

....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.
Follow the law and you have nothing to worry about.

Well we know that's not true.
More white brothers are killed by police than black.

Not per capita.
yes--per capita ..blacks commit crime at HIGHER rates--murder at FOUR times the rate

Blah, blah, blah, blah. 85% of whites are killed by other whites. That doesn't matter does it.
There is no white lives matters movement.

Because that would be considered racist. It's only ok if its Black Lives Matter because there is a double standard. Granted yes, Africans were slaves in the US at one time. But Africans also sold their own people out. Not to mention every color of humans have been slaves one time or another. And their is still slavery going on which NIKE even supports in China.
....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.

Police brutality started with the drug war and it just got worse under Bush jr and Obama who was hope and change but really wasn't.

Police brutality has been around since this country was founded. The Justice System has been unjust since this country was founded.

The problem with BLM is that they are pushing Marxism and Black Lives Matter is a racist slogan itself.

How is Black Lives Matter a racist slogan?
Because they really aren't out to help the humans. WE are all humans and we are all a part of this tyranny no matter what color you are.

Again that sounds good, but unfortunately Justice is NOT EQUAL in this country and NEVER has been.

You are correct on that but starting with the drug war is when police became more militarized. What would you solution be for crime? Have you ever went out with the police for a day to see what it is like? Not all police are bad people. There are bad people in every field in society.

I think if you do the crime you should do the time, that rule should apply equally no matter what color you are. I never said ALL police are bad people.

I am not sure how you don't see the Black Lives Matter is racist? How would you feel if people went around chanting White lives matter?

White lives have always mattered, so why would you need to say it. The Justice System was set up for whites to receive Justice, not so much for folks of color. That is based from the history of the Justice System.

If we are going to be honest and actually care about humans and not race because someone got more sun or less sun, it should be All Human Lives Matter.

Of course they do, who claimed they don't? Do you know why BLM was founded?

I don't disagree that the justice system is corrupt from top to bottom. They won't even look at how bad the rigging was in the voting scandal.

So were the states that Trump and Republicans won rigged?

I think the big problem with the black community is the drug culture and the war on drugs.. I for one think all drugs should be legalized. It should be up to a grown adult to be able to put what they want in their bodies.

How the War on Drugs Fails Black Communities

Writing for the Cato Institute, John McWhorter noted: "It has become a norm for black children to grow up in single-parent homes, their fathers away in prison for long spells and barely knowing them. In poor and working-class black America, a man and a woman raising their children together is, of all things, an unusual sight." The drug war plays an oversize role in this trend.

Keeping drugs illegal makes selling them more profitable than they would otherwise be. As such, the war on drugs creates incentives for young black men to seek employment in the drug business rather than seek lower-paying legal employment. This incentive structure unfortunately starts a vicious circle of incarceration followed by "a failure to build the job skills for legal employment that serve as a foundation for a productive existence in middle and later life," McWhorter continued.

In addition, incarceration rates for drug offenses have skyrocketed since the 1980s because of mandatory sentencing laws, which rigidly determine who goes to prison and for how long. Nonviolent drug offenders account for about one-fourth of inmates in the United States, up from less than 10 percent in 1980. It destroys families and leaves children to be raised in single-parent households. This is particularly true for low-income black families. Despite generally higher usage rates among white Americans, black Americans are three times likelier to be arrested for possession.

....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.

Police brutality started with the drug war and it just got worse under Bush jr and Obama who was hope and change but really wasn't.

Police brutality has been around since this country was founded. The Justice System has been unjust since this country was founded.

The problem with BLM is that they are pushing Marxism and Black Lives Matter is a racist slogan itself.

How is Black Lives Matter a racist slogan?
Because they really aren't out to help the humans. WE are all humans and we are all a part of this tyranny no matter what color you are.

Again that sounds good, but unfortunately Justice is NOT EQUAL in this country and NEVER has been.

You are correct on that but starting with the drug war is when police became more militarized. What would you solution be for crime? Have you ever went out with the police for a day to see what it is like? Not all police are bad people. There are bad people in every field in society.

I think if you do the crime you should do the time, that rule should apply equally no matter what color you are. I never said ALL police are bad people.

I am not sure how you don't see the Black Lives Matter is racist? How would you feel if people went around chanting White lives matter?

White lives have always mattered, so why would you need to say it. The Justice System was set up for whites to receive Justice, not so much for folks of color. That is based from the history of the Justice System.

If we are going to be honest and actually care about humans and not race because someone got more sun or less sun, it should be All Human Lives Matter.

Of course they do, who claimed they don't? Do you know why BLM was founded?

I don't disagree that the justice system is corrupt from top to bottom. They won't even look at how bad the rigging was in the voting scandal.

So were the states that Trump and Republicans won rigged?

I think the big problem with the black community is the drug culture and the war on drugs.. I for one think all drugs should be legalized. It should be up to a grown adult to be able to put what they want in their bodies.

How the War on Drugs Fails Black Communities

Writing for the Cato Institute, John McWhorter noted: "It has become a norm for black children to grow up in single-parent homes, their fathers away in prison for long spells and barely knowing them. In poor and working-class black America, a man and a woman raising their children together is, of all things, an unusual sight." The drug war plays an oversize role in this trend.

Keeping drugs illegal makes selling them more profitable than they would otherwise be. As such, the war on drugs creates incentives for young black men to seek employment in the drug business rather than seek lower-paying legal employment. This incentive structure unfortunately starts a vicious circle of incarceration followed by "a failure to build the job skills for legal employment that serve as a foundation for a productive existence in middle and later life," McWhorter continued.

In addition, incarceration rates for drug offenses have skyrocketed since the 1980s because of mandatory sentencing laws, which rigidly determine who goes to prison and for how long. Nonviolent drug offenders account for about one-fourth of inmates in the United States, up from less than 10 percent in 1980. It destroys families and leaves children to be raised in single-parent households. This is particularly true for low-income black families. Despite generally higher usage rates among white Americans, black Americans are three times likelier to be arrested for possession.

McWhorter should have stopped at lack of fathers. The bit about the black daddies being in jail for drugs is misleading. They’re in jail for breaking the law. Don’t deal and use and you don’t go to jail.
But jail isn’t the reason for fatherlessness. Those kids have no daddies at home regardless of jail. It’s just a bad part of that self-segregating culture.
Legalizing drugs just generates more addiction and crime.
....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.
No on that hun, BLM group are our ghetto generation ho's and their "special needs" criminal offspring who make additional money by committing a host of crimes costing taxpayers not adding into the kiddy dear. Not to mention their ever bogus lawsuits of made up BS-----Let's stop pretending that these are decent folks---because we all know that they ain't.

Decent folks don't join terror groups based on lies such as the BLM is. It is a terror group that advocates communism and crime.
....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.
No on that hun, BLM group are our ghetto generation ho's and their "special needs" criminal offspring who make additional money by committing a host of crimes costing taxpayers not adding into the kiddy dear. Not to mention their ever bogus lawsuits of made up BS-----Let's stop pretending that these are decent folks---because we all know that they ain't.

Decent folks don't join terror groups based on lies such as the BLM is. It is a terror group that advocates communism and crime.

Exactly. Good people also don't go around going into restaurants and knocking over tables and beating up little old ladies and men for wearing a Trump hat like BLM does. Even this guy will tell you what BLM is:

....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.
Follow the law and you have nothing to worry about.

Well we know that's not true.
More white brothers are killed by police than black.

Not per capita.
yes--per capita ..blacks commit crime at HIGHER rates--murder at FOUR times the rate

Blah, blah, blah, blah. 85% of whites are killed by other whites. That doesn't matter does it.
BLM are idiots.

Right, but those Good Ole Proud Boys are upstanding red blooded American patriots. Smfh.
....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.

Police brutality started with the drug war and it just got worse under Bush jr and Obama who was hope and change but really wasn't.

Police brutality has been around since this country was founded. The Justice System has been unjust since this country was founded.

The problem with BLM is that they are pushing Marxism and Black Lives Matter is a racist slogan itself.

How is Black Lives Matter a racist slogan?
Because they really aren't out to help the humans. WE are all humans and we are all a part of this tyranny no matter what color you are.

Again that sounds good, but unfortunately Justice is NOT EQUAL in this country and NEVER has been.

Police Brutality has existed since antiquity. That's the job of the police, to dish out beatings to those in need of them.

You mean to dish out beatings to black folks.

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