BLM Police-Defunders Complain Cops Aren't Protecting Them Enough

Well we know that is false, I can post case after case.

No you can't. You can post stories of your personal opinion of what you believe is unjust, but not by the standards of our laws. There are bad cops, but they are anomalies, not the standard. It doesn't go on all the time, and in fact very rarely.
Nobody thinks that "defund the police" actually means abolishing police departments, just a change in how to allot funds.

The DC cops should have acted to stop the people vandalizing the churches and stealing, some of whom are on video. They should have been arrested and jailed pending arraignment. By now a lot of these guys probably are out of state and cannot be identified and prosecuted. This was not good policing. It reminds me of the Kenosha police, on video, failing to clear the streets before people were murdered and maimed.

In many cities, the police were in trouble for doing what you asked them to do. Also, many of those protesters were release and prosecutors didn’t want to prosecute these peaceful protesters. Kind of a tough spot to put police in, sort of damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
The communists have a plan and black people are not part of it. Especially to Chinese communists. Abolish the police. Abolish the military. Close the prisons. Release the killers. The American left honestly thinks that diversity and inclusion actually means something.
....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.
Not only is my kitchen faucet dripping but the pipe under the sink has corroded
so I have to keep a bucket under it to catch the water pouring out when I'm running water...
the dripping sound from the faucet drives me crazy, I need to get that taken care of

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