BLM Police-Defunders Complain Cops Aren't Protecting Them Enough

....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.
Follow the law and you have nothing to worry about.

Well we know that's not true.
Nobody thinks that "defund the police" actually means abolishing police departments, just a change in how to allot funds.

The DC cops should have acted to stop the people vandalizing the churches and stealing, some of whom are on video. They should have been arrested and jailed pending arraignment. By now a lot of these guys probably are out of state and cannot be identified and prosecuted. This was not good policing. It reminds me of the Kenosha police, on video, failing to clear the streets before people were murdered and maimed.
....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.
Follow the law and you have nothing to worry about.

Well we know that's not true.
More white brothers are killed by police than black.
....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--and they complain about the police = idiots

Your normal American black person knows this. It is that BLM and the media are pushing this agenda to further divide. If we of all colors got our heads together that would be the downfall of these controllers and media that sell us fear and divide us.

So an Unjust Justice System is just something black folks are pulling out of thin air, police killings "Oh those people were resisting arrest and deserved to die". Your theory sounds good, too bad it is never implemented. See police brutality was around long before we ever heard of BLM, an Unjust Justice System has been around since this country was founded and we had never heard of BLM. So is the problem really BLM? Btw they pay taxes also, so why shouldn't they expect the police to do their job.
Follow the law and you have nothing to worry about.

Well we know that's not true.
More white brothers are killed by police than black.

Not per capita.
Nobody thinks that "defund the police" actually means abolishing police departments, just a change in how to allot funds.

The DC cops should have acted to stop the people vandalizing the churches and stealing, some of whom are on video. They should have been arrested and jailed pending arraignment. By now a lot of these guys probably are out of state and cannot be identified and prosecuted. This was not good policing. It reminds me of the Kenosha police, on video, failing to clear the streets before people were murdered and maimed.

Defunding the police means just that--take money away from them. When you defund the police, they have to layoff police officers meaning there will be less of them to take action when crimes are committed.
Again that sounds good, but unfortunately Justice is NOT EQUAL in this country and NEVER has been.

If you do the crime, you do the time. How is that unequal?

Because the time is different depending on who did the crime.

Which is utter bull. You can't say X person did this crime and got X sentence, and Y person did the same crime and got a different sentence because of race.

There is a lot that goes into sentencing. There is your criminal record for one. A judge will be more lenient on a person who was a model citizen and got into one bad situation vs a person that has a long criminal history and doesn't seem to learn his lesson. They also take into account how a suspect interacted with police. Yes, the judges talk to the officers before a case is heard. If you cooperated with police, didn't give them a hard time, a judge takes that into consideration over a person that ran from the cops, fought with them, refused to tell them anything, and tried to discard evidence while being chased. Respecting the court is another factor a judge uses. If you're rolling your eyes, being disruptive in court, dressed like you're going to Walmart, you are going to get less consideration than a person who's quiet, paying attention, and dressed appropriately.
Nobody thinks that "defund the police" actually means abolishing police departments, just a change in how to allot funds.

The DC cops should have acted to stop the people vandalizing the churches and stealing, some of whom are on video. They should have been arrested and jailed pending arraignment. By now a lot of these guys probably are out of state and cannot be identified and prosecuted. This was not good policing. It reminds me of the Kenosha police, on video, failing to clear the streets before people were murdered and maimed.

So what you are saying is progressives shouldn't be believed when they say anything?
White lives have always mattered, so why would you need to say it. The Justice System was set up for whites to receive Justice, not so much for folks of color. That is based from the history of the Justice System.

That history leaves a lot of information out and they only tell you the results, not what happened before, during and after the conviction.

That's BS, there are plenty of cases where all things are equal and the convictions were totally different.

Judges are generally more lenient on people who have a job,family and a home.
And of course those who aren't repeat offenders.
Hell,blacks get cut a lot slack. It's when they continue to commit crimes that they end up in jail.
Nobody thinks that "defund the police" actually means abolishing police departments, just a change in how to allot funds.

The DC cops should have acted to stop the people vandalizing the churches and stealing, some of whom are on video. They should have been arrested and jailed pending arraignment. By now a lot of these guys probably are out of state and cannot be identified and prosecuted. This was not good policing. It reminds me of the Kenosha police, on video, failing to clear the streets before people were murdered and maimed.

So what you are saying is progressives shouldn't be believed when they say anything?

No, I just think that the phrase does not accurately describe what is intended.

We do need to take a serious look at policing, including Congressional hearing, that would result in recognizing honest cops and kicking out the bad ones, the ones who do not believe in the oath they take.

The FBI warned for years that police are cozy with the far right. Is no one listening? | Mike German

There have been several videos of police involved in incidents in which someone lost their life that raise many questions. But two that particularly stand out to me are the video of the two men ambushing the jogger in Georgia, after which the local authorities completely failed to act, and the video of the Kenosha police cuddling up to people violating the curfew when they were supposedly enforcing the curfew, shortly after which two people were fatally shot and another seriously maimed. These are sure signs that there are some problems in the police. Now the police in DC saw people stealing from churches and destroying property and failed to do anything about it.
Nobody thinks that "defund the police" actually means abolishing police departments, just a change in how to allot funds.

The DC cops should have acted to stop the people vandalizing the churches and stealing, some of whom are on video. They should have been arrested and jailed pending arraignment. By now a lot of these guys probably are out of state and cannot be identified and prosecuted. This was not good policing. It reminds me of the Kenosha police, on video, failing to clear the streets before people were murdered and maimed.

So what you are saying is progressives shouldn't be believed when they say anything?

No, I just think that the phrase does not accurately describe what is intended.

We do need to take a serious look at policing, including Congressional hearing, that would result in recognizing honest cops and kicking out the bad ones, the ones who do not believe in the oath they take.

The FBI warned for years that police are cozy with the far right. Is no one listening? | Mike German

There have been several videos of police involved in incidents in which someone lost their life that raise many questions. But two that particularly stand out to me are the video of the two men ambushing the jogger in Georgia, after which the local authorities completely failed to act, and the video of the Kenosha police cuddling up to people violating the curfew when they were supposedly enforcing the curfew, shortly after which two people were fatally shot and another seriously maimed. These are sure signs that there are some problems in the police. Now the police in DC saw people stealing from churches and destroying property and failed to do anything about it.

That's not what the protesters are asking for, not what AOC is asking for, and not what progressive DA's are doing. They are dismantling the process of protecting people from criminals.

And when that happens, people have the right to take the law into their own hands.
White lives have always mattered, so why would you need to say it. The Justice System was set up for whites to receive Justice, not so much for folks of color. That is based from the history of the Justice System.

That history leaves a lot of information out and they only tell you the results, not what happened before, during and after the conviction.

That's BS, there are plenty of cases where all things are equal and the convictions were totally different.

Judges are generally more lenient on people who have a job,family and a home.
And of course those who aren't repeat offenders.
Hell,blacks get cut a lot slack. It's when they continue to commit crimes that they end up in jail.

That's the lie that is told, there is a history in this country of how racist the Justice System is. So take that bullshit to saintelsewhere.
Again that sounds good, but unfortunately Justice is NOT EQUAL in this country and NEVER has been.

If you do the crime, you do the time. How is that unequal?

Because the time is different depending on who did the crime.

Which is utter bull. You can't say X person did this crime and got X sentence, and Y person did the same crime and got a different sentence because of race.

We can argue opinion, but you can't argue fact.
There is a lot that goes into sentencing. There is your criminal record for one. A judge will be more lenient on a person who was a model citizen and got into one bad situation vs a person that has a long criminal history and doesn't seem to learn his lesson. They also take into account how a suspect interacted with police. Yes, the judges talk to the officers before a case is heard. If you cooperated with police, didn't give them a hard time, a judge takes that into consideration over a person that ran from the cops, fought with them, refused to tell them anything, and tried to discard evidence while being chased. Respecting the court is another factor a judge uses. If you're rolling your eyes, being disruptive in court, dressed like you're going to Walmart, you are going to get less consideration than a person who's quiet, paying attention, and dressed appropriately.

That whole diatribe is bullshit, you can't change history when it comes to history of the Justice System in this country.
Nobody thinks that "defund the police" actually means abolishing police departments, just a change in how to allot funds.

The DC cops should have acted to stop the people vandalizing the churches and stealing, some of whom are on video. They should have been arrested and jailed pending arraignment. By now a lot of these guys probably are out of state and cannot be identified and prosecuted. This was not good policing. It reminds me of the Kenosha police, on video, failing to clear the streets before people were murdered and maimed.

Defunding the police means just that--take money away from them. When you defund the police, they have to layoff police officers meaning there will be less of them to take action when crimes are committed.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about, where did you hear that? Tucker Carson or that idiot Sean Hannity.
White lives have always mattered, so why would you need to say it. The Justice System was set up for whites to receive Justice, not so much for folks of color. That is based from the history of the Justice System.

That history leaves a lot of information out and they only tell you the results, not what happened before, during and after the conviction.

That's BS, there are plenty of cases where all things are equal and the convictions were totally different.
That aside, it's clear that simultaneously demanding the police get less funding AND that they provide the same or greater level of protection is not logical at all. Where else do we demand that? Hospitals? We don't like the way you treat green people so we're going to cut your funding, but don't you dare give ME lower quality care when I have a heart attack. Fire departments? We don't like the way you put out fires where green people live so we're going to cut your funding, but don't you dare be any slower getting to MY house when it's on fire.
Nobody thinks that "defund the police" actually means abolishing police departments, just a change in how to allot funds.

The DC cops should have acted to stop the people vandalizing the churches and stealing, some of whom are on video. They should have been arrested and jailed pending arraignment. By now a lot of these guys probably are out of state and cannot be identified and prosecuted. This was not good policing. It reminds me of the Kenosha police, on video, failing to clear the streets before people were murdered and maimed.
And where do they want to cut funds? It's the cops on the streets that would take the biggest hit, and they are the ones facing demands for the same or greater service. We don't cut a hospital's funding for nurses, then expect them to provide the same level of care they did before. We don't cut a fire department's funding for trucks and hoses, then expect them to put out the same number of fires as quickly as they did. We don't cut funding for teachers, then expect the same number of kids to get the same education they did before. And on it goes.
White lives have always mattered, so why would you need to say it. The Justice System was set up for whites to receive Justice, not so much for folks of color. That is based from the history of the Justice System.

That history leaves a lot of information out and they only tell you the results, not what happened before, during and after the conviction.

That's BS, there are plenty of cases where all things are equal and the convictions were totally different.

Exactly, look what happened to Michael Flynn.
Reminds me of that pseudo DC delegate Holmes-Norton when being attacked by a tranny at BLM klan plaza in DC, her personal security protected her. Right in front of a sign that read Defund the Police and she asked “Where are the police when you need them?”.
What a bunch of stupid hypocrites these BLM racist pigs are!
You don't have a clue what you are talking about, where did you hear that? Tucker Carson or that idiot Sean Hannity.

It's pretty much common sense. We would love to have more police officers here, but the funding just isn't there. Not enough money means not enough police. My suburb dumped all our money into the schools which didn't produce crap.

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