BLM wants a Black lives matter day

You obviously don’t understand what the movement is about or you wouldn’t have asked that question. That’s like asking why the American Cancer Society hasn’t done more to combat AIDS
The movement only moves when a white cop shoots a Black suspect. You obviously ignore the fact that that is the only time Black lives matter for the BLM organization. What is the BLM doing about Black-on-Black crime? What is the BLM doing for inner city single mothers? What is the BLM doing to help Blacks get jobs?
Broke ass bitch.

That's "retired" to you, apartment dwelling bitch. And the owner of a three bedroom, two bath, two car garage on 100 acres of wooded land, with a spring-fed creek running through it.

60 miles away from a major city, private gun range on my property, and an abundance of deer and wild turkeys.

You should be so lucky, Puto.
The only transparency from this group
The movement only moves when a white cop shoots a Black suspect. You obviously ignore the fact that that is the only time Black lives matter for the BLM organization. What is the BLM doing about Black-on-Black crime? What is the BLM doing for inner city single mothers? What is the BLM doing to help Blacks get jobs?
This is the problem with blacks. If something or some technique is a white invention, blacks balk at the idea of that invention because a white man was behind the invention. Therefore the invention must have a white supremacy racial motive behind it. Yeah, I am sure Newton was thinking about white supremacy when he came up with three laws of motion.
The movement only moves when a white cop shoots a Black suspect. You obviously ignore the fact that that is the only time Black lives matter for the BLM organization. What is the BLM doing about Black-on-Black crime? What is the BLM doing for inner city single mothers? What is the BLM doing to help Blacks get jobs?
You don’t understand what the movement is about and it shows
I just exposed what it’s not about. Maybe you can show US what it is about.
It’s always been about police brutality. Idiots who didn’t understand the movement tried to make it about other issues when it wasn’t. Now you are a little smarter than you were when you woke up this morning
Dont forget KWANZAA which was created in Oakland Ca

All of this minority pandering is simply a way for Democrats to keep blacks voting for them.
No it just means you did not understand what the movement was about. There is not misnomer whatsoever. Your ignorance about the movement is on you.
You keep telling me I don’t understand what the movement is about yet I point out to you that the only Lives the BLM cares about are when police shoot Blacks. They call themselves Black Lives Matter to give the impression that they care and act for all Black Lives which is not the case; hence the misnomer.
Why should they rename a group because you are confused about their mission. You could simply educate yourself a little more and be a better person
I’ve already exposed how and why they are misnamed. It’s you that need to do some critical thinking and not just regurgitate their bullshit propaganda that they care about all Black Lives.
You keep telling me I don’t understand what the movement is about yet I point out to you that the only Lives the BLM cares about are when police shoot Blacks. They call themselves Black Lives Matter to give the impression that they care and act for all Black Lives which is not the case; hence the misnomer.
You didn’t and possibly still don’t understand the movement. Your entire point revolves around your misunderstanding and gripe they are not doing what you wrongly thought they should be. Ignorance on your end is not a misnomer on theirs

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