Blogger Who Tied Cruz' Dad to Lee Harvey Oswald Found Dead


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Police ruled Welsh’s death a suicide, but have not released any details about what may have motivated it.

Uh, okay? How convenient. Found dead in a stairwell of a gunshot wound. In a stairwell? No word on a gun. He also blogged before his death that Trump would win Indiana.

Reporters looking into the murky background of the Cuban-immigrant father of Sen. Ted Cruz have uncovered a number of inconsistencies in biographical claims in Sen. Cruz’s book that his father had fled to the U.S. in 1957 as an insurgent fighting the Batista regime with only a $100 sewn into his underwear. Newly-reported information by independent investigator Wayne Madsen ties Rafael Bienvenido Cruz to Oswald’s work for the supposedly pro-Castro group in New Orleans during the summer of 1963.

Something sure seems fishy to me. Read the full article to make your own evaluation @ BREAKING: Blogger Who Tried To Connect CRUZ’S DAD With Lee Harvey Oswald Found DEAD with links!
I'm having my kid watch the God Father Part II this weekend. We're half way through it. His clueless Junior High school classmates are as ignorant about what is going on in the nation as 80% of the posters on this forum. They think folks are voting for Trump to just joke around. :question:

He's always asking question about how this stuff is interrelated.

I can't believe the mob and CIA are starting to take folks out just for writing, publishing, and printing the truth. There is no class left in this nation. That's going to start having the chilling affect Noami Wolf was talking about in her book, "The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot."

Hell, we're going to devolve in to something like Pinochet's Chile, this is awful.

Soon it will all come down to which side the military sides with.

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