Confederate monument defenders. Where's the Lee Harvey Oswald statue?

Just curious when all the statues and monuments of every confederate general and soldiers have been removed when all of them of every President and founding father who owned slaves are gone when every statue and monument to every person who did not have a perfect life are gone who will the grievance industry go after then?
That's their real target.

Frankfurt School 101

You argue that history cannot be taught in the absence of statues. Will history professors be unable to teach their students that Harvey killed John F Kennedy because there is no statue around?
And if you t'ink Oswald was a Patsy, would you agree that if the murderer is found, a statue should be erected, because history?
To those who believe Donald Trump's statement that Ted Cruz's father killed Kennedy, where's Cruz's father's statue?
Trump also accused Joe Scarborough of murdering a staffer. Should a Joe Scarborough statue be erected?
Finally, Hitler statue.

Confederate soldiers, sailors, and Marines that fought in the Civil war were made U.S. Veterans by an act of Congress in in 1957, U.S. Public Law 85-425, Sec 410, Approved 23 May, 1958.

This made all Confederate Army/ Navy/ Marine Veterans equal to U.S. Veterans.

Additionally, under U.S. Public Law 810, Approved by the 17th Congress on 26 Feb 1929 the War Department was directed to erect headstones and recognize Confederate grave sites as U.S. War dead grave sites.
You weren't supposed to notice that.
Confederate soldiers, sailors, and Marines that fought in the Civil war were made U.S. Veterans by an act of Congress in in 1957, U.S. Public Law 85-425, Sec 410, Approved 23 May, 1958.

This made all Confederate Army/ Navy/ Marine Veterans equal to U.S. Veterans.

Additionally, under U.S. Public Law 810, Approved by the 17th Congress on 26 Feb 1929 the War Department was directed to erect headstones and recognize Confederate grave sites as U.S. War dead grave sites.
You weren't supposed to notice that.
Most of these loons have no clue that honoring the confederate soldiers was part of the reconciliation process. The United States Military Academy will not remove Robert E. Lee's portrait because THAT TOO was part of the reconciliation. Many forget that he fought FOR the U.S.

So, taking down these confederate memorials is fine with me. There is NO OBLIGATION to be united. Reconciliation be damned.

Civil War seems inevitable with all this pot stirring by the communists in the Democrat Party.

Confederate soldiers, sailors, and Marines that fought in the Civil war were made U.S. Veterans by an act of Congress in in 1957, U.S. Public Law 85-425, Sec 410, Approved 23 May, 1958.

This made all Confederate Army/ Navy/ Marine Veterans equal to U.S. Veterans.

Additionally, under U.S. Public Law 810, Approved by the 17th Congress on 26 Feb 1929 the War Department was directed to erect headstones and recognize Confederate grave sites as U.S. War dead grave sites.
You weren't supposed to notice that.
Most of these loons have no clue that honoring the confederate soldiers was part of the reconciliation process. The United States Military Academy will not remove Robert E. Lee's portrait because THAT TOO was part of the reconciliation. Many forget that he fought FOR the U.S.

So, taking down these confederate memorials is fine with me. There is NO OBLIGATION to be united. Reconciliation be damned.

Civil War seems inevitable with all this pot stirring by the communists in the Democrat Party.


Most of these Moon Bats only have a Jr High School History Book (written by the winners) knowledge of the Civil War. It is pathetic as hell to hear their ignorance.
Memorials for John Booth, Leon Czolgosz, Charles Julius Guiteau, Lee Oswald are overdue. The Oswald memorial needs to include LBJ.
You argue that history cannot be taught in the absence of statues. Will history professors be unable to teach their students that Harvey killed John F Kennedy because there is no statue around?
And if you t'ink Oswald was a Patsy, would you agree that if the murderer is found, a statue should be erected, because history?
To those who believe Donald Trump's statement that Ted Cruz's father killed Kennedy, where's Cruz's father's statue?
Trump also accused Joe Scarborough of murdering a staffer. Should a Joe Scarborough statue be erected?
Finally, Hitler statue.

If you don't like them avoid them.... you snowflakes need to relax and stop trying to conform history to your views

Understand? Stop may very well get pushed back ...given you're soy boys that won't bode well for you
Confederate soldiers, sailors, and Marines that fought in the Civil war were made U.S. Veterans by an act of Congress in in 1957, U.S. Public Law 85-425, Sec 410, Approved 23 May, 1958.

This made all Confederate Army/ Navy/ Marine Veterans equal to U.S. Veterans.

Additionally, under U.S. Public Law 810, Approved by the 17th Congress on 26 Feb 1929 the War Department was directed to erect headstones and recognize Confederate grave sites as U.S. War dead grave sites.

That was fucked up, and they never should have did that.

Most awkward moment, 1981, I'm at Basic Training at Ft. Sill and they had one of those propaganda events about the "heritage" of the US Army. Well, part of it was to have costumes of soldiers of all eras to hand a flag down to a new recruit.

Well, you guessed it. The only guy they had who fit into the Johnny Reb costume was a black kid, who probably felt as embarrased as a Jewish kid who had to wear an SS Uniform.

`The "Lost Cause" mythology is as wrong as the "Myth of the Clean Wehrmacht", it's meant to give a pass to people who did awful things so their families can feel better about them.

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