Confederate monument defenders. Where's the Lee Harvey Oswald statue?

You argue that history cannot be taught in the absence of statues. Will history professors be unable to teach their students that Harvey killed John F Kennedy because there is no statue around?
And if you t'ink Oswald was a Patsy, would you agree that if the murderer is found, a statue should be erected, because history?
To those who believe Donald Trump's statement that Ted Cruz's father killed Kennedy, where's Cruz's father's statue?
Trump also accused Joe Scarborough of murdering a staffer. Should a Joe Scarborough statue be erected?
Finally, Hitler statue.
You're really a tortured individual inside, aren't you?
You argue that history cannot be taught in the absence of statues. Will history professors be unable to teach their students that Harvey killed John F Kennedy because there is no statue around?
And if you t'ink Oswald was a Patsy, would you agree that if the murderer is found, a statue should be erected, because history?
To those who believe Donald Trump's statement that Ted Cruz's father killed Kennedy, where's Cruz's father's statue?
Trump also accused Joe Scarborough of murdering a staffer. Should a Joe Scarborough statue be erected?
Finally, Hitler statue.
I definitely think a Mika Scarblower statue is in order. A nice pose on her knees in front of Joe’s limp Joey just like she used to do in his dressing room when they were both others.
Confederacy? Maybe the traitors in the intelligence community want to put up a statue of Oswald but he has nothing to do with the Confederacy. Oswald was a deserter who fled to Russia and renounced his citizenship during the coldest part of the Cold War. For some reason the CIA welcomed him back to the good old USA with his Russian wife who was the daughter of a KGB official. What were they thinking? Oswald kills the President, Ruby kills Oswald and mysteriously dies in jail while the idiot media tries to chase down phantoms on the "grassy knoll. The ensuing investigation to JFK's death was nothing but an exercise in CYA. Why in the world the angry left would want to dig up Oswald today is anybody's guess.
You argue that history cannot be taught in the absence of statues. Will history professors be unable to teach their students that Harvey killed John F Kennedy because there is no statue around?
And if you t'ink Oswald was a Patsy, would you agree that if the murderer is found, a statue should be erected, because history?
To those who believe Donald Trump's statement that Ted Cruz's father killed Kennedy, where's Cruz's father's statue?
Trump also accused Joe Scarborough of murdering a staffer. Should a Joe Scarborough statue be erected?
Finally, Hitler statue.
What kind of strawman argument is this? It’s not even in the same realm as what the argument is for leaving the statues in place. Obviously no one is saying that if there isn’t a statue of a historical figure, then that figure cannot be taught in history class. That’s absurd. The argument is how much of history are you going to erase because it doesn’t perfectly align with our ever evolving standards.

The left has already started editing the works of mark Twain, called for the ban of classics like gone with the wind. More recently jimmy fallon getting roasted for “blackface” while portraying his castmate and friend Chris Rock. Have called for the removal of statutes and monuments of Washington and Jefferson, despite both of them bei big subversive to the slavery cause. What’s next?

Are we going to call for the removal of Seinfeld because there plenty of episodes that don’t align with the current values of the left? What about Ace Ventura? Look at JK Rawlings now, she being lambasted for not being 100% on board with the trans movement because of her staunch defense of feminism and LGB rights. She doesnt hate the T in LGBT, she just not 100% on board with the language there. Is Harry Potter now banned?

The left has zero consistent set of underlying values behind their ideology. Something the left is saying today will in 10 years be considered hate.
You argue that history cannot be taught in the absence of statues. Will history professors be unable to teach their students that Harvey killed John F Kennedy because there is no statue around?
And if you t'ink Oswald was a Patsy, would you agree that if the murderer is found, a statue should be erected, because history?
To those who believe Donald Trump's statement that Ted Cruz's father killed Kennedy, where's Cruz's father's statue?
Trump also accused Joe Scarborough of murdering a staffer. Should a Joe Scarborough statue be erected?
Finally, Hitler statue.

By the way, shouldn’t any landmark or statue celebrating a Democrat come down? The Democratic Party was the party of the Confederacy, they were the slave owners. Why aren’t we renaming that political party?
All of the Statues of FDR should be removed and his books should be burned, movies about him should be banned because he violated the Civil Rights of Japanese Americans and because he refused to accept Jewish refugees during WWII.
Do you thing that the Left Wingers will be fair?
How about replacing FDR on the dime with Reagan?
Democrats are literally taking down our memories of the civil war as we approach the next civil war.

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
You argue that history cannot be taught in the absence of statues. Will history professors be unable to teach their students that Harvey killed John F Kennedy because there is no statue around?
And if you t'ink Oswald was a Patsy, would you agree that if the murderer is found, a statue should be erected, because history?
To those who believe Donald Trump's statement that Ted Cruz's father killed Kennedy, where's Cruz's father's statue?
Trump also accused Joe Scarborough of murdering a staffer. Should a Joe Scarborough statue be erected?
Finally, Hitler statue.
Have you ever been to Dallas? Specifically the entire museum the built in the book depository that contains everything about Oswald including photos and everything about him?

You’re a fucking idiot.
You argue that history cannot be taught in the absence of statues. Will history professors be unable to teach their students that Harvey killed John F Kennedy because there is no statue around?
And if you t'ink Oswald was a Patsy, would you agree that if the murderer is found, a statue should be erected, because history?
To those who believe Donald Trump's statement that Ted Cruz's father killed Kennedy, where's Cruz's father's statue?
Trump also accused Joe Scarborough of murdering a staffer. Should a Joe Scarborough statue be erected?
Finally, Hitler statue.

What a stupid argument. NO ONE is arguing any such thing. All anyone IS saying is that getting rid of statutes that already exist is dumb.
Just curious when all the statues and monuments of every confederate general and soldiers have been removed when all of them of every President and founding father who owned slaves are gone when every statue and monument to every person who did not have a perfect life are gone who will the grievance industry go after then?
We need to tear down all statues of Native Americans. They would murder rape and enslave conquered tribes.

Their statues and all likeness must be destroyed!
That’s the thing these idiots haven’t considered, where does it end?

At any rate, this is all wasted effort. Nothing has really changed, so the elites will continue to divide us.

You should abandon Serfdom your the elites and join your own people.Amy Schumer won’t be happy with you but you’ll live.
You argue that history cannot be taught in the absence of statues. Will history professors be unable to teach their students that Harvey killed John F Kennedy because there is no statue around?
And if you t'ink Oswald was a Patsy, would you agree that if the murderer is found, a statue should be erected, because history?
To those who believe Donald Trump's statement that Ted Cruz's father killed Kennedy, where's Cruz's father's statue?
Trump also accused Joe Scarborough of murdering a staffer. Should a Joe Scarborough statue be erected?
Finally, Hitler statue.
Lee Harvey was a race traitor who caused the Nation to suffer LBJ's civil rights laws. No statute for him. (-:
The left in this country wants a complete cleansing of the entire country.

The young ones especially, are turning out to be horrible stewards of history and freedom of speech.
Just curious when all the statues and monuments of every confederate general and soldiers have been removed when all of them of every President and founding father who owned slaves are gone when every statue and monument to every person who did not have a perfect life are gone who will the grievance industry go after then?
I think it has to be an case by case thing. If a statute was erected for the purpose of glorifying the fictional "lost cause" after reconstruction failed and Jim Crow ascended …. then I have no issue with taking them down.

Naming a military installation after a successful general on the Confederate Flag, or maintaining Mount Vernon of the Jefferson Memorial …. if people oppose that, then that's as much hate as the Daughters of the Confederacy showed.
Just curious when all the statues and monuments of every confederate general and soldiers have been removed when all of them of every President and founding father who owned slaves are gone when every statue and monument to every person who did not have a perfect life are gone who will the grievance industry go after then?
You. They will come after you.
You argue that history cannot be taught in the absence of statues. Will history professors be unable to teach their students that Harvey killed John F Kennedy because there is no statue around?
And if you t'ink Oswald was a Patsy, would you agree that if the murderer is found, a statue should be erected, because history?
To those who believe Donald Trump's statement that Ted Cruz's father killed Kennedy, where's Cruz's father's statue?
Trump also accused Joe Scarborough of murdering a staffer. Should a Joe Scarborough statue be erected?
Finally, Hitler statue.
I am just waiting to see if Ted Cruz's father will be given a statue for what he did to get JFK's head blown off....
We need to tear down all statues of Native Americans. They would murder rape and enslave conquered tribes.

Their statues and all likeness must be destroyed!

Good point. American Indians were some of the most violent, murdering, enslaving people on Earth. True SAVAGES. They killed each other's tribes, sometimes just for sport or to steal their stuff. They enslaved and tortured each other for centuries, and never progressed out of the Stone Age.
The problem with tearing down statues without approval is a precedent is being set for someone to work outside of a civil process. This means that the people laughing and cheering about Confederate statues being torn down are going to wake up and find a stage they did like torn down by someone working out of the process.

Suppose a Robert E Lee statue is torn down by a mob. The mob does not get arrested or charged because Lee led the Confederacy. The next day, a Martin Luther King Jr. statue is taken down by an individual or mob. The same crowd that took down Lee would demand that the mob that took down King be charged with a hate crime and vandalism....
What an unreal argument. Thousands of Confederate flags and hundreds of Confederate statues have been removed PEACEFULLY over recent years. Confederate flags that flew from State Capitols and courthouses all across the South have been removed by democratic processes. Like the Statue at Charlottesville that the city council voted to remove — all these have been decisions passed and almost all peacefully implemented by elected bodies over the years. It was the protest that tried to prevent the democratic decision to remove a statue in Charlottesville that ended in the murder of a young woman. The slow democratic process of removing state-by-state and county-by-county and town-by-town divisive and insulting reminders of the Jim Crow era will hopefully proceed.

Violence is certainly not called for. It is reasonable and democratic discussion of what these old symbols of white supremacy historically represented and how they are seen by ALL people — including minorities like African Americans — that can prevent violence. Already great progress has been made in overcoming the rationalizations and foot-dragging of many aggrieved and insensitive (if not still racist) white people. Many southern whites do still identify with the “Lost Cause” mythology and all the “romanticism” of the Confederacy. However patient but determined argument, and obvious self-interest, is winning over “The New South.” This long overdue process will continue, despite present setbacks. It does not represent a threat of any kind. It is just a tiny part of that difficult, painful, long overdue process of “rebirthing freedom” that Republican Abraham Lincoln spoke about.
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We need to tear down all statues of Native Americans. They would murder rape and enslave conquered tribes.

Their statues and all likeness must be destroyed!
That’s the thing these idiots haven’t considered, where does it end?

At any rate, this is all wasted effort. Nothing has really changed, so the elites will continue to divide us.

You should abandon Serfdom your the elites and join your own people.Amy Schumer won’t be happy with you but you’ll live.
You argue that history cannot be taught in the absence of statues. Will history professors be unable to teach their students that Harvey killed John F Kennedy because there is no statue around?
And if you t'ink Oswald was a Patsy, would you agree that if the murderer is found, a statue should be erected, because history?
To those who believe Donald Trump's statement that Ted Cruz's father killed Kennedy, where's Cruz's father's statue?
Trump also accused Joe Scarborough of murdering a staffer. Should a Joe Scarborough statue be erected?
Finally, Hitler statue.

So petition your local government to put one up. No one is stopping you.
The problem with tearing down statues without approval is a precedent is being set for someone to work outside of a civil process. This means that the people laughing and cheering about Confederate statues being torn down are going to wake up and find a stage they did like torn down by someone working out of the process.

Suppose a Robert E Lee statue is torn down by a mob. The mob does not get arrested or charged because Lee led the Confederacy. The next day, a Martin Luther King Jr. statue is taken down by an individual or mob. The same crowd that took down Lee would demand that the mob that took down King be charged with a hate crime and vandalism....
What an unreal argument. Thousands of Confederate flags and hundreds of Confederate statues have been removed PEACEFULLY over recent years. Confederate flags that flew from State Capitols and courthouses all across the South have been removed by democratic processes. Like the Statue at Charlottesville that the city council voted to remove — all these have been decisions passed and almost all peacefully implemented by elected bodies over the years. It was the protest that tried to prevent the democratic decision to remove a statue in Charlottesville that ended in the murder of a young woman. The slow democratic process of removing state-by-state and county-by-county and town-by-town divisive and insulting reminders of the Jim Crow era will hopefully proceed.

Violence is certainly not called for. It is reasonable and democratic discussion of what these old symbols of white supremacy historically represented and how they are seen by ALL people — including minorities like African Americans — that can prevent violence. Already great progress has been made in overcoming the rationalizations and foot-dragging of many aggrieved and insensitive (if not still racist) white people. Many southern whites do still identify with the “Lost Cause” mythology and all the “romanticism” of the Confederacy. However patient but determined argument, and obvious self-interest, is winning over “The New South.” This long overdue process will continue, despite present setbacks. It does not represent a threat of any kind. It is just a tiny part of that difficult, painful, long overdue process of “rebirthing freedom” that Republican Abraham Lincoln spoke about.

What is so unreal about my argument? You and myself are both calling for the democratic process to remove the statues. I am arguing that you cannot remove a municipality statue on your own without approval and only according to your own justification. as we have seen recently. Towns can determine if they want to keep the statue or not; not outsiders. And, the statue must be removed according to process. Charlottesville was a protest of the democratic decision that was met with imported, agitators for hire that created physical violence that resulted in the death of a young woman.

I support the right of people to "peacefully" protest even a democratic process decision by a governing body. Were the pro-statue crowds in Charlottesville obstructing the removal of the statue or disrupting innocent peoples' lives? If they were, then I don't support that. My recollection of Charlottesville was the pro-statue crowd protesting over a weekend and trouble started when the protestors of the protest showed up. To Trump's point, the bad people on either side of the issue were those that want to use the Confederate legacy as a symbol of modern-day hate and those on the other side intent on agitating with physical contact, obstruction, and disturbance.

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