Bloody arrest of UVA student...

Yes that's because it is considered abuse if 18-21 y.o. kids drink. If it was legal, obviously, it wouldn't be counted as abuse.

Abuse has nothing to do with being legal or not legal. Legal substances are abused all the time.
Yes that's because it is considered abuse if 18-21 y.o. kids drink. If it was legal, obviously, it wouldn't be counted as abuse.

Abuse has nothing to do with being legal or not legal. Legal substances are abused all the time.

When you're collecting stats, it's considered ABUSE if you are an *underaged* drinker.

This isn't rocket science, though obviously, it might as well be.
True story: My very white, very gorgeous niece was stopped and arrested for "public intoxication" in San Diego a few years ago. She was not handcuffed, but instead taken to the downtown police station and put into a nice, clean "sleep it off" room. She woke up about 4:00am and let herself out the front entrance.

So, black boys, don't be BWD....Black while drinking.
Sure he could have eaten some hand sanitizer also.Whats the likly hood of that,oh that right he was trying to buy some NyQuil at the bar.
Bottom line for you,if the kid was white,you would be posting someplace different.
People dont eat hand sanitizer unless thats a new way white kids get high. People do frequently take Nyquil though. Bottom line if this was a white kid you would making every excuse in the book including affluenza.
Nice projection,but no color doesn't matter to me like it does you.
The video shown on the news,showed him kicking and screaming ,not something you do when getting arrested,he was underage tryin g to get into a bar,with a measurable amount of alcohol in his system. With that said,I believe we do have a police problem,but you guys continue to pick the wrong cases to blubber about.
Typically you kick and scream if you get your head busted open. I've never seen anyone remain calm when that happens. One doesnt typcally consider themselves drunk by taking NyQuil. I dont see anyone blubbering and I dont see anyone ordaining which cases we should point out.
see anyone ordaining which cases we should point out,thats your problem,you don't pick the right ones,you just wing it,and make assumptions. You or I don't know the whole story,but what was shown on national TV was him struggling while being arrested,not a wise thing to do. The NyQuil angle is a long LONG reach on your part,there is zip for evidence that he had taken NyQuil,he was trying to get into a BAR not a drug store LOL unde rage,don't be so obtuse.
You keep trying to tell me what case I should pick and you dont get that you have no authority on that. If I want to pick a case to point out police brutality there isnt much you can do about that. I'm not picking a case to convince you. I'm picking a case to show an example. Your belief in it doesnt matter.

Haha suck at it because your cases arent very convincing. Of course...since 99.8% of cops are great...they dont give you many legitimate gripes anyway.
Yes, because it's considered *abuse* for kids under 21 to drink.

We don't actually have a higher rate of kids drinking.

Can't say I'm surprised that another "small government" conservative is standing up for the government nanny state.

The experiment has been an abysmal failure.

The 21-Year-Old Drinking Age I Voted for It It Doesn t Work Morris E. Chafetz

Law enforcement, as the name might suggest, enforce the laws that have been enacted.

The ethics or rationale behind the law is moot. The officers enforce the law as written.
True story: My very white, very gorgeous niece was stopped and arrested for "public intoxication" in San Diego a few years ago. She was not handcuffed, but instead taken to the downtown police station and put into a nice, clean "sleep it off" room. She woke up about 4:00am and let herself out the front entrance.

So, black boys, don't be BWD....Black while drinking.
People dont eat hand sanitizer unless thats a new way white kids get high. People do frequently take Nyquil though. Bottom line if this was a white kid you would making every excuse in the book including affluenza.
Nice projection,but no color doesn't matter to me like it does you.
The video shown on the news,showed him kicking and screaming ,not something you do when getting arrested,he was underage tryin g to get into a bar,with a measurable amount of alcohol in his system. With that said,I believe we do have a police problem,but you guys continue to pick the wrong cases to blubber about.
Typically you kick and scream if you get your head busted open. I've never seen anyone remain calm when that happens. One doesnt typcally consider themselves drunk by taking NyQuil. I dont see anyone blubbering and I dont see anyone ordaining which cases we should point out.
see anyone ordaining which cases we should point out,thats your problem,you don't pick the right ones,you just wing it,and make assumptions. You or I don't know the whole story,but what was shown on national TV was him struggling while being arrested,not a wise thing to do. The NyQuil angle is a long LONG reach on your part,there is zip for evidence that he had taken NyQuil,he was trying to get into a BAR not a drug store LOL unde rage,don't be so obtuse.
You keep trying to tell me what case I should pick and you dont get that you have no authority on that. If I want to pick a case to point out police brutality there isnt much you can do about that. I'm not picking a case to convince you. I'm picking a case to show an example. Your belief in it doesnt matter.

Haha suck at it because your cases arent very convincing. Of course...since 99.8% of cops are great...they dont give you many legitimate gripes anyway.
You keep thinking someone is trying to convince you. You arent anyone to convince. :laugh:
So basically it goes like this. Since the police have a hard on for blacks this guy was trying to get into a bar on St. Patricks day.

Police rush in thinking he had a fake ID and of course the first thing you do when someone has a fake ID is slam them to the ground and bust their head open


Because punks with Fake ID's need to be taught a lesson. Except it was valid...Tomato Tomahto.

Now since police love to charge blacks with bullshit "crimes" they of course charged him with resisting arrest because after you breaks someones head open they calm down....right?

And also charged him with Public Intoxication and / or Public Swearing. YES! They actually charged someone for using curse words!

OH and as for the public intoxication charge. 1. It was St Patty's day and you could charge any student with that and 2. The most important part...He took a breathalyzer and was not drunk.

But thats ok....The police said it so the breathalyzer must be wrong

Interesting've got an underage person trying to get into a bar...after obviously being served elsewhere since his friends made this statement to the local NBC affiliate: "We spoke with several of Johnson's friends who say they were with him at Crozet Pizza minutes before he was arrested near Trinity. They say he was not that intoxicated so they're very surprised by the arrest." Not that intoxicated? So basically his friends admit that he'd been drinking elsewhere. Then he gets refused entry to another bar and starts shit with the door staff to the point the cops have to be called.
Yes, because it's considered *abuse* for kids under 21 to drink.

We don't actually have a higher rate of kids drinking.

Can't say I'm surprised that another "small government" conservative is standing up for the government nanny state.

The experiment has been an abysmal failure.

The 21-Year-Old Drinking Age I Voted for It It Doesn t Work Morris E. Chafetz

I never stood up for it. I'm not surprised you are incapable of understanding what you read.

I'm just pointing out your assumption about the abuse of alcohol being related to the drinking age is hogwash.
Thanks, I didn't see that.

He could have taken cough medicine and got that reading.

His roommate also claims he wasn't using a phony id. So he was trying to get into a bar. The actions by the police were inexcusable, imo, unless he hit them.

I worked nights as a doorman when I was stationed at FLW. Just checking I.D.'s, never threw a single punch in four years...just a doorman for some extra cash and free beer.

In MO, the law is 18 to enter and 21 to NEVER let anyone in under 21 who had been drinking previous to their arrival...because if Liquor Control (Missouri's version of ABC) discovered an underage customer who had been drinking in your establishment, whether they drank there or prior to their arrival, it didn't matter. All that mattered was that there was an underage person who had been was assumed that the alcohol came from your establishment. $5000 fine and a black mark on your liquor license renewal.

So, I don't know where the fake I.D. story came from...all I read was "indiscrepancies about his I.D." That could simply mean that he was 20 years old and had been drinking. A good doorman would not have allowed him entrance. There were definitely folks who got belligerent when I wouldn't let them in...white, black, soldier, redneck...and sometimes the police were called...and sometimes they got taken down on the sidewalk, cuffed and hauled to the police station.
I own a bar in Alabama. It's 19 to enter and 21 to drink. Anyone between 19 and 21 who comes in my place gets a black X with a sharpie on the back of their right hand. If they are found with alcohol in their hand, first offense is $1,000 fine for my bartender and $5,000 for the bar. Second offense is $5K for the bartender and they're done tending bar in AL. I simply lose my liquor license.
Yes, it's a big deal.
If you're under age and I smell booze on your breath, you are not coming into my bar. If you refuse to leave my property, it will not end well. You either leave in a police car or an ambulance.
This is my livelihood. 10 people depend on me having a liquor license so there is food on the table. I don't fuck around.
I don't give 2 shits if you're white, black or green. I can't afford to be politically correct.
True story: My very white, very gorgeous niece was stopped and arrested for "public intoxication" in San Diego a few years ago. She was not handcuffed, but instead taken to the downtown police station and put into a nice, clean "sleep it off" room. She woke up about 4:00am and let herself out the front entrance.

So, black boys, don't be BWD....Black while drinking.

Gee, you think maybe the "very gorgeous niece" part had something to do with it? I'll bet if she had been your very handsome nephew instead he wouldn't have gotten the same treatment.

Impossible that could have anything to do with it since we all know that the police treats everyone equally right?

Waka waka
Actually, no they don't. They usually treat law abiding citizens with respect. They do tend to get a might uppity when you're acting like an asshole.
Like anyone else, if you treat a LEO with respect, you will generally get the same in return. The problem is that it has become fashionable to act as though a police officer is only out to harass black folks when in truth, they'd rather go through their day not having to wrestle anyone to the ground and risk getting injured.
This kid fucked up. He had a 0.02 BAC and was trying to enter a bar where his presence would put the owners license in jeopardy. Good job, ABC!
True story: My very white, very gorgeous niece was stopped and arrested for "public intoxication" in San Diego a few years ago. She was not handcuffed, but instead taken to the downtown police station and put into a nice, clean "sleep it off" room. She woke up about 4:00am and let herself out the front entrance.

So, black boys, don't be BWD....Black while drinking.

Gee, you think maybe the "very gorgeous niece" part had something to do with it? I'll bet if she had been your very handsome nephew instead he wouldn't have gotten the same treatment.

Impossible that could have anything to do with it since we all know that the police treats everyone equally right?

Waka waka
Actually, no they don't. They usually treat law abiding citizens with respect. They do tend to get a might uppity when you're acting like an asshole.

Whoa you mean that humans when treated with disrespect, will react disrespectfully? Wow...Lets remember that when you talk about police interactions with black folks okay Ernie S? But to say a cop "usually" does something at least leaves the door open for the unusual...correct?

Like anyone else, if you treat a LEO with respect, you will generally get the same in return.

When you say like anyone else, does that include those harassed by the police as well? Its not even a question of what YOU THINK is harassment (just like it isnt a question of what YOU THINK respect to a LEO is). When someone feels wrong by the police will they react in a happy manner? Considering the consequences or jail time and criminal charges wouldnt that intensify the reaction since the stakes are higher?

Just wondering...

The problem is that it has become fashionable to act as though a police officer is only out to harass black folks when in truth, they'd rather go through their day not having to wrestle anyone to the ground and risk getting injured.

What they would "rather do" is conjecture and as soon as white people believe that blacks arent all having a mass hallucination with police the sooner it'll be easier for you to understand. I dont care you ever understand really, because what you believe has no effect on the reality of others.

Also, the DOJ report that so many like to bring up about Micheal Brown i.e. "Hands up dont shoot was bullshit". Turn the other fucking cheek to the fucking report that fucking shows that the fucking police department goes after fucking blacks so little to no fucking reasons. But heres the rub....White people see the results and say either the DOJ are liars but they got it right on Michael Brown :cuckoo: Or they are telling the truth about one and not the other. Why? Uh because black people (Eric Holder) cant tell the truth when it comes to blacks because....uh, not a bigoted reason, something different than that.....

This kid fucked up. He had a 0.02 BAC and was trying to enter a bar where his presence would put the owners license in jeopardy. Good job, ABC!

No he didnt and the Govenor is even on their ass about it. You just made up a consequence / reason for the club that was never. You cant even give reasons for the charges you just jump on board and tell why you're on board while making up a cool story:boohoo:
ClosedCaption...yes. Treatment with respect typically results in mutual respect. And the majority of bad police encounters...start when the citizen starts being a jackass to the cop.
Ok we have a 20 year old throwing a hissy fit that he was not allowed in a bar in a state where the legal drinking age is 21.
Wonder what got the cop's attention?
True story: My very white, very gorgeous niece was stopped and arrested for "public intoxication" in San Diego a few years ago. She was not handcuffed, but instead taken to the downtown police station and put into a nice, clean "sleep it off" room. She woke up about 4:00am and let herself out the front entrance.

So, black boys, don't be BWD....Black while drinking.

Gee, you think maybe the "very gorgeous niece" part had something to do with it? I'll bet if she had been your very handsome nephew instead he wouldn't have gotten the same treatment.

Impossible that could have anything to do with it since we all know that the police treats everyone equally right?

Waka waka
Actually, no they don't. They usually treat law abiding citizens with respect. They do tend to get a might uppity when you're acting like an asshole.

Whoa you mean that humans when treated with disrespect, will react disrespectfully? Wow...Lets remember that when you talk about police interactions with black folks okay Ernie S? But to say a cop "usually" does something at least leaves the door open for the unusual...correct?

Like anyone else, if you treat a LEO with respect, you will generally get the same in return.

When you say like anyone else, does that include those harassed by the police as well? Its not even a question of what YOU THINK is harassment (just like it isnt a question of what YOU THINK respect to a LEO is). When someone feels wrong by the police will they react in a happy manner? Considering the consequences or jail time and criminal charges wouldnt that intensify the reaction since the stakes are higher?

Just wondering...

The problem is that it has become fashionable to act as though a police officer is only out to harass black folks when in truth, they'd rather go through their day not having to wrestle anyone to the ground and risk getting injured.

What they would "rather do" is conjecture and as soon as white people believe that blacks arent all having a mass hallucination with police the sooner it'll be easier for you to understand. I dont care you ever understand really, because what you believe has no effect on the reality of others.

Also, the DOJ report that so many like to bring up about Micheal Brown i.e. "Hands up dont shoot was bullshit". Turn the other fucking cheek to the fucking report that fucking shows that the fucking police department goes after fucking blacks so little to no fucking reasons. But heres the rub....White people see the results and say either the DOJ are liars but they got it right on Michael Brown :cuckoo: Or they are telling the truth about one and not the other. Why? Uh because black people (Eric Holder) cant tell the truth when it comes to blacks because....uh, not a bigoted reason, something different than that.....

This kid fucked up. He had a 0.02 BAC and was trying to enter a bar where his presence would put the owners license in jeopardy. Good job, ABC!

No he didnt and the Govenor is even on their ass about it. You just made up a consequence / reason for the club that was never. You cant even give reasons for the charges you just jump on board and tell why you're on board while making up a cool story:boohoo:
Not worth a response, as usual.
Seriously. this what we are supposed to be outraged about now?

An underage college student is drinking...acting like a jackass...resists arrest...gets a cut on his forehead while doing so (scalp cuts bleed profusely. WWF)......And its national news...WHY?
What makes you think he was drinking or acting like an ass?

To him, cops can do no wrong.

He'll blow an ACL if he keeps jerking his knee like that!
ClosedCaption...yes. Treatment with respect typically results in mutual respect. And the majority of bad police encounters...start when the citizen starts being a jackass to the cop.

Good so that means that you acknowledge that it happens the other way around also correct? You just claim that it's cops go off on people less often than they dont. Great! Let a also consider that humans aren't perfect, everyone has feelings, we make mistakes and being an officer is stressful and sometimes that stress is manifested in ways like higher suicide rates, alcohol abuse and spousal abuse. That's a fact...whether or not someone was being "an asshole" is not a metric they you can say the people are the devil and have as much proof as you do now...just a facts

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