Bloody Sunday in Selma remembered - it shows how the white supremacists of today will be treated by history.

Just more crap from you kooks. Nobody who matters wants any of that. By all means remember, but grow up.
The kooks of the 1960's are heros in the history books. People like you are looked on as sad, stupid followers of a bad leader, in the history books.
White Supremacists on here and the net over are upset that this event is a historical event worth remembering.

Running around w/their hair on fire trying to diminish the tragic event.

No.....! We will never forget!
That is a very easy question. Please enjoy the articles below.

you're such a naive little wuss.
No it means you have a emotional and mental disease that you feel tearing down statues will rectify. Living in the past keeps you enslaved to the past
Who's living in the past, me, the one who wants to replace these racist Democrat statues, according to you and your ilk, and put in more contemporary and inclusive representative Americans, or you who are crying, bitching and moaning about replacing these racist and old Democrat statues?

Aren't you normally frothing at the mouth to attack anything Democrat?

Wha happened?!?!? Who are you trying to kid here?

as we rip down the rest of these statues of racist "heroes"

Racism is in the eye of the beholder and you are proof of that. Rip down all the statues you want, they can all be replaced and won't change a damn thing. Just like your BLM movement. Doesn't change a thing. You see how your Defund The Police worked out. :lmao:
George Washington would not own slaves now, nor would he support Trump and disgusting supporters like you.
He would tell you however about foreign agreements and keeping a Republic. so that are two issues. Huge ones. Then the privately owned fiat currency national bank and the Federal Income Tax. And of course, the 16th amendment
Racism is in the eye of the beholder and you are proof of that. Rip down all the statues you want, they can all be replaced and won't change a damn thing. Just like your BLM movement. Doesn't change a thing. You see how your Defund The Police worked out. :lmao:
Doesn't change what exactly?

What are suggesting is being changed?
Bloody Sunday in Selma remembered. Those who protested for equal rights and were beaten by segregationists are looked on as heros, today. People like John Lewis and Martin Luther King.
Those who led the segregation in the 1960's are looked on as villians and an embarrassment to the United States. People like Bull Connor, Lester Maddox and George Wallace. There are no statues or celebrations for these embarrassments of US History.

Donald Trump and his segregationist followers will be treated the same way in history. No politician has embraced white supremacists, like Donald Trump has since Bull Connor, Lester Maddox and George Wallace.

All Democrat Supremacists
Doesn't change what exactly?

Anything stupid. None of your words, yabbering, bitching, statue toppling or rioting changes one damn thing. You just keep reaffirming the feelings and actions in others to NOT change instead.

Your problem is YOU, not what someone did or didn't do 150 years ago: you continually prove yourself not ready for the real world so will continue to be nothing but a burden on society that is.
Anything stupid. None of your words, yabbering, bitching, statue toppling or rioting changes one damn thing. You just keep reaffirming the feelings and actions in others to NOT change instead.

Your problem is YOU, not what someone did or didn't do 150 years ago: you continually prove yourself not ready for the real world so will continue to be nothing but a burden on society that is.
Are you suggesting that somehow I'm causing good-natured and well-meaning whites to show me, or the world, how not racist they are by responding w/MORE racism?
Bloody Sunday in Selma remembered. Those who protested for equal rights and were beaten by segregationists are looked on as heros, today. People like John Lewis and Martin Luther King.
Those who led the segregation in the 1960's are looked on as villians and an embarrassment to the United States. People like Bull Connor, Lester Maddox and George Wallace. There are no statues or celebrations for these embarrassments of US History.

Donald Trump and his segregationist followers will be treated the same way in history. No politician has embraced white supremacists, like Donald Trump has since Bull Connor, Lester Maddox and George Wallace.

Connor, Maddox, and Wallace. Can you go back longer than 50 years to prove that rascism still exists?

You must need reparations you poor sot.

And Trump doesn't count, as he can't hold a near candle to these half century old rascists that you disingenuously mentioned!!

You F'in dotard!!!

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