Bloody Sunday in Selma remembered - it shows how the white supremacists of today will be treated by history.

No need to get all bent outta shape and be riddled w/white guilt buddy, it wasn't your fault.
No white guilt here, jackass. Proud to be white. You’re the one with black guilt because you abandoned African culture for white Western culture.
Bloody Sunday in Selma remembered. Those who protested for equal rights and were beaten by segregationists are looked on as heros, today. People like John Lewis and Martin Luther King.
Those who led the segregation in the 1960's are looked on as villians and an embarrassment to the United States. People like Bull Connor, Lester Maddox and George Wallace. There are no statues or celebrations for these embarrassments of US History.

Donald Trump and his segregationist followers will be treated the same way in history. No politician has embraced white supremacists, like Donald Trump has since Bull Connor, Lester Maddox and George Wallace.

Shoulda got all them darkies...
Sadly it was Biden's own party that beat up Kings followers. Playing the race card fifty years later is a sign of the desperation and dishonesty in the Biden camp.
As usual the racist right is going to misrepresent and lie about the truth and what actually happened; more revisionist ‘history’ from dishonest conservatives.
Judging by Democrat support of the Ukraine, white supremacy has a pretty rosy future. Over $100 billion US tax dollars to support the future of white supremacists. Democrats must be proud. Meanwhile, by every positive quantifiable metric, blacks in the US have seen virtually no real improvement in their socio-economic condition.
Despicable Joe Biden used the Selma March remembrance event to fan the flames of Left-Wing Democrat hate, racism and fear.
The Democrat Party exploits POC.
Let us compare the Selma March protest to another Voting Rights protest.
No one was shot in the neck and murdered at the Selma March like Ashley Babbitt was at Jan 6th Voting Rights protest.
Lets never forget. Democrats are the party of slavery and segregation and still segregate minorities, race, this day.
Donald Trump and his segregationist followers will be treated the same way in history. No politician has embraced white supremacists, like Donald Trump has since Bull Connor, Lester Maddox and George Wallace.
All of that is a lie

Trump supporters are not racists

But white-hating libs are racists
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One definite determining factor is the reason/s a statue was erected. Right?

Neat. For instance.....

Pike had become a Mason in 1850 and quickly rose through its ranks, becoming the SGC in 1859. He rewrote and interpreted Masonic rituals and compiled the Southern Jurisdiction's first philosophical document, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, an influential book in the organization. Pike continued serving as SGC until he died in 1891.[4]

Pike once stated, "When I am dead, I wish my monument to be builded only in the hearts and memories of my brethren of the Ancient and Accepted Rite". However, a few years after his death, Masons began plans for a monument in the nation's capital.

The Masons built it and the fascist left took it down.

Then of course say a slave auction block removed from Virginia because your kind desire to sweep the truth under the rug and repeat history.
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Neat. For instance.....

Pike had become a Mason in 1850 and quickly rose through its ranks, becoming the SGC in 1859. He rewrote and interpreted Masonic rituals and compiled the Southern Jurisdiction's first philosophical document, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, an influential book in the organization. Pike continued serving as SGC until he died in 1891.[4]

Pike once stated, "When I am dead, I wish my monument to be builded only in the hearts and memories of my brethren of the Ancient and Accepted Rite". However, a few years after his death, Masons began plans for a monument in the nation's capital.

The Masons built it and the fascist left took it down.

Then of course say a slave auction block removed from Virginia because your kind desire to sweep the truth under the rug and repeat history.
And what reason are you citing for it being put up?
A pack of libs tore down a statue of frederick douglas. You just gotta laugh at the ignorance and stupidity.
A Trump supporter is calling someone else "ignorant and stupid" That is a good one. If you want to see the ultimate "ignornat and stupid", look in the mirror.
I guarantee history will paint you that way..

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