Bloomberg large soft drink ban

This issue is telling with regard to the hypocrisy of the right.

On this very forum, for example, post after post, rightists whine and bemoan the ‘excess’ and ‘overreach’ of the Federal government and its failure to respect the wishes of local communities, that jurisdictions should be allowed to enact laws and policies that reflect their local values.

It would seem conservatives don’t believe in affording that privilege to the people of New York; local communities should be allowed to enact laws and policies only when ‘conservative values’ are at issue.
This issue is telling with regard to the hypocrisy of the right.

On this very forum, for example, post after post, rightists whine and bemoan the ‘excess’ and ‘overreach’ of the Federal government and its failure to respect the wishes of local communities, that jurisdictions should be allowed to enact laws and policies that reflect their local values.

It would seem conservatives don’t believe in affording that privilege to the people of New York; local communities should be allowed to enact laws and policies only when ‘conservative values’ are at issue.

blaa blaa blaa, the right.
It's understandable IT'S UP TO THE PEOPLE of New York to do something about this..
or did you miss people SAYING that?
The people of New York should call for the Blooming idiot to step down and RESIGN

He is clearly going insane..

good gawd
This issue is telling with regard to the hypocrisy of the right.

On this very forum, for example, post after post, rightists whine and bemoan the ‘excess’ and ‘overreach’ of the Federal government and its failure to respect the wishes of local communities, that jurisdictions should be allowed to enact laws and policies that reflect their local values.

It would seem conservatives don’t believe in affording that privilege to the people of New York; local communities should be allowed to enact laws and policies only when ‘conservative values’ are at issue.

The Soviets didn't have enough commodities to 'ban' items in any case. The lack of knowledge of even 20th century history by the hate brigade is astounding.
This issue is telling with regard to the hypocrisy of the right.

On this very forum, for example, post after post, rightists whine and bemoan the ‘excess’ and ‘overreach’ of the Federal government and its failure to respect the wishes of local communities, that jurisdictions should be allowed to enact laws and policies that reflect their local values.

It would seem conservatives don’t believe in affording that privilege to the people of New York; local communities should be allowed to enact laws and policies only when ‘conservative values’ are at issue.

The Soviets didn't have enough commodities to 'ban' items in any case. The lack of knowledge of even 20th century history by the hate brigade is astounding.

Actually conservative ignorance of most things is not at all surprising.

Otherwise rightists maintain the double-standard: conservatives are allowed to codify ‘local values,’ liberals, not.
This issue is telling with regard to the hypocrisy of the right.

On this very forum, for example, post after post, rightists whine and bemoan the ‘excess’ and ‘overreach’ of the Federal government and its failure to respect the wishes of local communities, that jurisdictions should be allowed to enact laws and policies that reflect their local values.

It would seem conservatives don’t believe in affording that privilege to the people of New York; local communities should be allowed to enact laws and policies only when ‘conservative values’ are at issue.

The Soviets didn't have enough commodities to 'ban' items in any case. The lack of knowledge of even 20th century history by the hate brigade is astounding.

Actually conservative ignorance of most things is not at all surprising.

Otherwise rightists maintain the double-standard: conservatives are allowed to codify ‘local values,’ liberals, not.

oh boy..
talk about hating people
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Yes, this stikes me an example of government authoritian overreach, too.

And the proposed laws inconsistencies make no sense, either.

Banning supersized drinks in some venues but not others?

Seriously the whole concept is pretty silly.
lol... That's the funniest attempt at spin I have ever seen by C_Clayton_Jones. It is the party of government dependency (or the left) that supports this crappola, and it the right who supports the idea to vote it down. Bloomberg should step down and claim temporary brain malfunction.
At Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s press conference touting his efforts to stop the sale of large soft drinks in restaurants, one reporter in attendance brought up the interesting fact that his administration also supporting “National Donut Day” Friday and inquired as to whether that muddled the mayor’s message on the issue.

Indeed, at 9:30 a.m. Friday morning, Entenmann’s will be unveiling “Custom-made Entenmann’s large donuts, 1-foot in diameter” at Madison Square Park at the same time they unveil a “Proclamation Letter by Mayor Michael Bloomberg.”

Worried About The Soda Ban? Fear Not, Bloomberg to Support ‘National Donut Day’ Friday [Video] | Politicker
If Coke and Pepsi had any balls they'd team up, pull all of their product out of Nanny You City together, and wait...

It wouldn't take long for minds to change.
This issue is telling with regard to the hypocrisy of the right.

On this very forum, for example, post after post, rightists whine and bemoan the ‘excess’ and ‘overreach’ of the Federal government and its failure to respect the wishes of local communities, that jurisdictions should be allowed to enact laws and policies that reflect their local values.

It would seem conservatives don’t believe in affording that privilege to the people of New York; local communities should be allowed to enact laws and policies only when ‘conservative values’ are at issue.

Wanting to limit the federal governments ability to prevent idiots like Bloomberg from making dumb laws does not mean we can't mock the idiots like Bloomberg who make dumb laws.
rdean with a thirst;

If Coke and Pepsi had any balls they'd team up, pull all of their product out of Nanny You City together, and wait...

It wouldn't take long for minds to change.

I'm afraid this is just the beginning. Soon there will be a restriction on weight of cream cheese on your bagel. The nanny state will be in full bloom by the next generation.
I highly recommend going to The Daily Show website and checking out Stewart's rip on Bloomberg and the potential ban. There are two parts but i would also suggest watching the Wyatt Cenac's report from "Moscow," the punch at the end is funny as hell.

Look for "Drink Different," "Drink Different - Pick Your Poison," and "Moscow Mules."
Tomasky of the Daily Beast thinks the soda ban is the greatest idea ever. In fact, he is hoping that Bloomberg extends this idea to Big Mac's as well.

Are bacon-cheeseburgers next? As a practical matter, no. Sodas are an easy target because there is nothing, nothing, nutritionally redeeming about them. But might there come a day when the New York City Department of Health mandates that burgers be limited to, say, four ounces? Indeed there might. And why not? Eight- and ten-ounce burgers are sick things.

Michael Tomasky: Mayor Bloomberg Is Right to Declare a War on Sugar - The Daily Beast

Liberal Nazism.
If Coke and Pepsi had any balls they'd team up, pull all of their product out of Nanny You City together, and wait...

It wouldn't take long for minds to change.

I'm afraid this is just the beginning. Soon there will be a restriction on weight of cream cheese on your bagel. The nanny state will be in full bloom by the next generation.

Agreed ^ well put sorry I combined the both quotes

"Listen to the nanny government" is all these people are about, its disgustingly ignorant thinking.
How sad. He's taken away our God given right to become obese.

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