Bloomberg Suggests We Need To Ration Care, Shouldn’t Give Treatment For Fatal Disease To Older Folks


In this case...Bloomberg has raised a good point.

As I understand it, we spend 30% of all health care on end of life patients.

Why ?

It's worth discussing.

Bloomberg is still an opportunist.

Remember when Trump was in love with himself....well, welcome to Michael.

In this case...Bloomberg has raised a good point.

As I understand it, we spend 30% of all health care on end of life patients.

Why ?

It's worth discussing.

Bloomberg is still an opportunist.

Remember when Trump was in love with himself....well, welcome to Michael.

There's a major difference. Bloomberg doesn't put his name on things in 20 foot letters. He doesn't need to.

I doubt we will ever have an honest conversation, because everyone wants to believe Nana is going to make it!!!!
We need to do it like the NHS.

If you are a "racist" ie. disagree with a socialist or are one of the people who fund the system, then no care.
my red state determines who will get pain pills.

blue states as well...…...has to do with the opioid crisis and most facilities have signs saying they do NOT provide such certain meds

Yea, I know. I think most states are regulating to the point docs are scared of being thrown in jail. I know someone who died 9 years ago from lung cancer and kidney failure, she had no chance but yet the docs were afraid she would get addicted to pain meds that would have at least made her comfortable.
Crazy stuff. If people do become addicted to opioids prescribed by doctors for legitimate purposes, why not allow their doctors to continue prescribing the drugs so that they can function normally? I have read that the Civil War created 50,000 drug addicts among the wounded but since there were no laws prohibiting it, these addicts continued to get the drugs they needed from their doctors and were able to live normal lives.
And benefit, drug addicts are easy to control.

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As anyone with any sense should be, but you guys aren't quite bright enough to understand and extremely gullible.

Again, you guys are the ones who put the Orange Nazi in charge, who reminds us he's unfit for office every day.

Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Trump has been good for the rich and not the rest of us.
Yet, I'd bet you're one of those internet millionaires who made their money from the safety of moms basement....right?

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Yet, I'd bet you're one of those internet millionaires who made their money from the safety of moms basement....right?

Um. Okay. Nothing to do with what we are discussing... but you go ahead and go on.
Anyone interested in seeing JoeB131 extreme ignorance and Trump Derangement Syndrome in all of its glory, here is your chance:
Again, you guys are the ones who put the Orange Nazi in charge, who reminds us he's unfit for office every day.
Joe thinks he can convince America that cutting back government and expanding freedom is “totalitarian” Nazi. :eusa_doh:

Donald Trump: The 'Fascist' Who Cuts Taxes And Deregulates | Investor's Business Daily
Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Trump has been good for the rich and not the rest of us.
Now for reality: wages are up across the entire United States and growing fastest among the lower class (and taxes are down so people are wealthier than ever). The only people struggling are lazy leftists who elected Dumbocrats to run their city or state.

Official data debunks Dem talking point: Low-income workers' wages rising faster than top-earners' salaries
Ever notice that Joe has almost never added a single link to his tens of thousands of posts? I add a link damn near every time I post. And, as seen from my previous post above, I will often add 2 or 3 links in a single post.
Joe thinks he can convince America that cutting back government and expanding freedom is “totalitarian” Nazi.

Trump hasn't cut back government. Government spending has increased under Trump.

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending

But what makes Trump a Nazi are things like the racial hatred, attacks on a free press, and throwing children into camps.

Now for reality: wages are up across the entire United States and growing fastest among the lower class (and taxes are down so people are wealthier than ever). The only people struggling are lazy leftists who elected Dumbocrats to run their city or state.

Most Americans live paycheck to paychek. sorry, bud.

Paycheck to paycheck: Most Americans struggle financially, survey says

When you have a seemingly endless list of bills to pay and financial responsibilities to take care of, it can be tough to make sure there's enough money to go around.

The average American is struggling to make ends meet each month, with 59% of U.S. adults saying they live paycheck to paycheck, according to a recent survey from Charles Schwab. Furthermore, nearly half of survey participants say they carry credit card debt and struggle to keep up with the payments.

Ever notice that Joe has almost never added a single link to his tens of thousands of posts? I add a link damn near every time I post. And, as seen from my previous post above, I will often add 2 or 3 links in a single post.

Most of your posts are from shit, rightwing sources like "The Blaze"...

I don't usually link because most of you either 1) Claim that they are fake news when they come from creditable news sources or 2) Don't even bother to read them.
Yet, I'd bet you're one of those internet millionaires who made their money from the safety of moms basement....right?

Um. Okay. Nothing to do with what we are discussing... but you go ahead and go on.

Oh, it has everything to do with the arrogant statement you made that I responded to...You say that Trump has done nothing for the vast middle of the country's earners....I say that is BS...Household income is up, wages are up, unemployment is down...I'd say that directly effects the middle....And, a good reason why coming up in 2020, democrats will lose....Trying to make false narratives stick when they are so readily disproved is a fools game....
Oh, it has everything to do with the arrogant statement you made that I responded to...You say that Trump has done nothing for the vast middle of the country's earners....I say that is BS...Household income is up, wages are up, unemployment is down...I'd say that directly effects the middle....And, a good reason why coming up in 2020, democrats will lose....Trying to make false narratives stick when they are so readily disproved is a fools game....

None of that has anything to do with Trump.

The ONLY reason why unemployment has been declining for the last TEN years is because baby boomers are retiring at a rate faster than Millenials can replace them. Wages aren't going up that fast. If they were, the FEd would be slamming the brakes on this economy in a heartbeat to avoid inflation.

Joe thinks he can convince America that cutting back government and expanding freedom is “totalitarian” Nazi.

Trump hasn't cut back government. Government spending has increased under Trump.

A President, any President doesn't have the ability to single handedly do anything to the spending of the Federal Government....You know that...Hell, every 8th grader who has taken the required classes on how our Government works knows that...So, why are you lying?

This article doesn't prove the point you think it does....In fact the writer for USA Today in this article is making the point that a vast number of Americans are being stupid with their spending, and savings....Living for the moment, never thinking about the future only ensures that these people will be dependant on the Government...That is what it is saying....

Most of your posts are from shit, rightwing sources like "The Blaze"...

I don't usually link because most of you either 1) Claim that they are fake news when they come from creditable news sources or 2) Don't even bother to read them.

So, you say you won't back up your assertions with a link because people either scoff at the source, or don't read them, in the same portion that you tell P@triot that you won't consider his sources out of hand....Wow...That takes either monumential stupidity, or just plain arrogant hutspa....
Oh, it has everything to do with the arrogant statement you made that I responded to...You say that Trump has done nothing for the vast middle of the country's earners....I say that is BS...Household income is up, wages are up, unemployment is down...I'd say that directly effects the middle....And, a good reason why coming up in 2020, democrats will lose....Trying to make false narratives stick when they are so readily disproved is a fools game....

None of that has anything to do with Trump.

The ONLY reason why unemployment has been declining for the last TEN years is because baby boomers are retiring at a rate faster than Millenials can replace them. Wages aren't going up that fast. If they were, the FEd would be slamming the brakes on this economy in a heartbeat to avoid inflation.

View attachment 308338

Oh please don't tell me that you are of the utterly retarted assertion that Trump's ecomony is due to Obama? that's just laughably stupid.
I’m so old I remember when you were mocked for suggesting Death Panels were coming.

And this was when he was paying a shiva call in 2011 with a grieving family whose father had just died. And when they change 95 to 75?


Rationing health care is the point of most health care "reform". They want government to decide who gets what, rather than the market.
A President, any President doesn't have the ability to single handedly do anything to the spending of the Federal Government....You know that...Hell, every 8th grader who has taken the required classes on how our Government works knows that...So, why are you lying?

NOt even a nice try. Even if Congress passed his proposed budgets with no amendments, spending Would STILL BE GOING UP. The things driving up the deficit, like his tax cuts, ARE things he proposed.

This article doesn't prove the point you think it does....In fact the writer for USA Today in this article is making the point that a vast number of Americans are being stupid with their spending, and savings....Living for the moment, never thinking about the future only ensures that these people will be dependant on the Government...That is what it is saying....

I'm sure that's what you read into it... The reality is something quite different.

So, you say you won't back up your assertions with a link because people either scoff at the source, or don't read them, in the same portion that you tell P@triot that you won't consider his sources out of hand....Wow...That takes either monumential stupidity, or just plain arrogant hutspa....

Well, again , Poodle thinks that Glen Beck, a guy SO FUCKING CRAZY THAT FOX NEWS FIRED HIM, is a reliable source.

Seriously, how much of a nutbag do you have to be to get fired by Fox News?
Rationing health care is the point of most health care "reform". They want government to decide who gets what, rather than the market.

Uh, that's how the rest of the world does it. They spend less, live longer, less of their babies die in infancy...

I would rather see it rationed by need than rationed by economics.

So you have $100,000 to spend on a cancer treatment.

One of them is a 95 year old man with a long history of health problems.

one is an 18 year old kid who has a good prognosis of making a full recovery and living a long and fulfilling life.

"The Market" would say, "give it to the 95 year old if he has the money".

This is kind of cocked up, really.
Rationing health care is the point of most health care "reform". They want government to decide who gets what, rather than the market.

I would rather see it rationed by need than rationed by economics.

Right. That's what I was saying. You want government to decide what everyone "needs" and ration care accordingly.

No thanks.
Trump hasn't cut back government. Government spending has increased under Trump.
Spending isn’t government, you imbecile. :eusa_doh:

Barack Obama blocked the Keystone Pipeline. President Trump revoked that. That’s less government, imbecile.

In fact, by January of 2018, President Trump had eliminated 137 government regulations (which is another way of unconstitutional “laws” implemented by going around Congress). That is less government, you imbecile.
Uh, that's how the rest of the world does it.
The rest of the world is inferior to the United States, dumb ass. Why do you want to keep lowering the bar? Because you’re too lazy and too incompetent to rise up?

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