Bloomberg Suggests We Need To Ration Care, Shouldn’t Give Treatment For Fatal Disease To Older Folks

Dale Hard at Work.


Because you update resumes for morons that have no writing skills. Given the number of jobs out there, your skills for embellishing are not in high demand. Parasites like you only thrive under bad economic conditions where it's an employer's market.

Hope this helps!

Actually, I have plenty of demand, thanks. But it did kind of level off in 2017, that was my point, as opposed to continous growth.

The thing is, people are less in need of resumes during economic downtimes. Most of my customers are not people who don't have jobs, they are people looking to get out of jobs they hate. During a recession, people put up with the absolute worst bosses because they have to.

You'd understand this if your job wasn't hassling people on street corners begging for money, Stewbum Dale.
According to the statistics, you are the exception, but then again, didn't you say do much better in a bad economy? If so, that explains quite a bit.

That's a good question... would people be more inclined to seek my services in a bad economy or not? To be honest, I started my business as a side job in 2010 when the recession was at it's worst and my straight gig paid shit. It really didn't come self-sufficient until 2016 or so.

But to the point, um, no, the economy pretty much plateaued in 2017 and hasn't really improved that much for most people. Trickle down never trickles down.
If it's terminal why speed it along?
I mean if the dying want to go quicker thats one thing.

Except that's really not what he was saying.

He was addressing a reality. We don't do aggressive chemotherapy on a 95 year old with cancer that we would do with a 50 year old with cancer. Their bodies couldn't take it.
But to the point, um, no, the economy pretty much plateaued in 2017 and hasn't really improved that much for most people. Trickle down never trickles down.

This is simply false. Nominal wage growth, which accounts for inflation, is at 3%. We haven't seen those numbers since 2007 and then before that in 2001 and 1998 Higher wage earners(90 percentile) have see a 2.7% growth while the 20th percentile 4.8% and the 30th percentile 3.7%. Lower income workers are doing better under Trump. De-regulation and corporate tax cuts are trickling down, as they always do. The Trump tax cuts actually helped the lower income folks more than the upper ones, in fact, I pay significantly more taxes now than I did before the cuts. As my accountant pointed out, the ultra-wealthy aside, who can hire accountants to find loopholes and write-offs galore, those doing well, are paying more now.

I haven't even talked about the employment rate, the fewer folks on food stamps, high consumer confidence, corporate balance sheets, etc. All of this while we had a trade war and no USMCA for a while and now this coronavirus dragging down the market.

The MSM and the Democratic candidates are just flat out lying to you. They must have this false narrative to have a chance and evidently many buy it despite the obvious evidence.
I haven't even talked about the employment rate, the fewer folks on food stamps, high consumer confidence, corporate balance sheets, etc. All of this while we had a trade war and no USMCA for a while and now this coronavirus dragging down the market.

Still trying to blame the Corona virus for the fact the market has petered out...

A crash is coming, baby. better work out better excuses when all the rich people bail out and dummies like you are stuck with worthless 401K's.

This is simply false. Nominal wage growth, which accounts for inflation, is at 3%.

Is Trump's Economy Really Booming? Weak Middle Class Gains Pose 2020 Threat

Reality check-

The middle-class Americans who are the main targets of Trump’s economic pitch aren’t sharing much in the gains of U.S. growth. Worse yet for Trump, wage growth has been slower in the counties he carried in 2016.

By several measures, middle-class Americans’ incomes have risen more slowly under Trump than during Barack Obama’s final years -- hardly a period renowned for gangbuster pay increases. Workers should finally be getting big raises with the unemployment rate down to 3.5%. Yet while wage growth picked up last year, it is still subdued and slowing again after manufacturing output contracted in the first half of the year.

“That’s pretty disturbing,” said Heidi Shierholz, a senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal-leaning think-tank in Washington. “In a labor market with unemployment rates this low, we should see much stronger wage gains.”
Still trying to blame the Corona virus for the fact the market has petered out...

Yes moron, the dip is the conronavirus. Us smart folks know this. When negative news is released about the coronavirus, the market dips. The market comes back when all is quiet for a couple of days. If you were smart and stopped watching the left-wing market watch sites, you would know this and could be making money yourself. This is the very reason why many people never do well in this country. Apathy, envy and just plain ignorance.

You quoted Bloomberg. All I can do is laugh. And the quote from the "liberal think-tank" was in "in a labor market with unemployment rates this low, we should see much stronger wage gains." That is the funniest thing I have read in a while. In other words, the economy is going very well, but we should be doing better. I just have to continue to laugh at the ignorance of the left who has ZERO understanding of the economy and the markets.
Yes moron, the dip is the conronavirus. Us smart folks know this. When negative news is released about the coronavirus, the market dips. The market comes back when all is quiet for a couple of days. If you were smart and stopped watching the left-wing market watch sites, you would know this and could be making money yourself. This is the very reason why many people never do well in this country. Apathy, envy and just plain ignorance.

You quoted Bloomberg. All I can do is laugh. And the quote from the "liberal think-tank" was in "in a labor market with unemployment rates this low, we should see much stronger wage gains." That is the funniest thing I have read in a while. In other words, the economy is going very well, but we should be doing better. I just have to continue to laugh at the ignorance of the left who has ZERO understanding of the economy and the markets.

Yeah, guy, here's the thing. Low unemployment has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with the fact that 360,000 Baby boomers are retiring every month and there aren't enough millenials graduating to replace them, much less their skill sets.

The market is going to crash and crash hard, soon. Hopefully, we can get Bloomberg in there so we have someone who knows what he is doing to fix it.
Yes moron, the dip is the conronavirus. Us smart folks know this. When negative news is released about the coronavirus, the market dips. The market comes back when all is quiet for a couple of days. If you were smart and stopped watching the left-wing market watch sites, you would know this and could be making money yourself. This is the very reason why many people never do well in this country. Apathy, envy and just plain ignorance.

You quoted Bloomberg. All I can do is laugh. And the quote from the "liberal think-tank" was in "in a labor market with unemployment rates this low, we should see much stronger wage gains." That is the funniest thing I have read in a while. In other words, the economy is going very well, but we should be doing better. I just have to continue to laugh at the ignorance of the left who has ZERO understanding of the economy and the markets.

Yeah, guy, here's the thing. Low unemployment has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with the fact that 360,000 Baby boomers are retiring every month and there aren't enough millenials graduating to replace them, much less their skill sets.

The market is going to crash and crash hard, soon. Hopefully, we can get Bloomberg in there so we have someone who knows what he is doing to fix it.

Get your Big Gulps while the gettin' is good.

PS: The market will have a downturn at some point. It is not looking like any time soon based on the metrics, unless the coronavirus gets worse or some other situation crops up.
Get your Big Gulps while the gettin' is good.

PS: The market will have a downturn at some point. It is not looking like any time soon based on the metrics, unless the coronavirus gets worse or some other situation crops up.

Keep you excuse list ready... but um, yeah, it's going to crash and crash hard.

Did you ever consider that Wall Street is putting Bloomberg up so they have a guy to deal with the problem, so they can rid themselves of Trump. They know he's nuts and bad for their business.

But Cleetus and Billy Bob down in Jesusland don't want no one taking their big-gulps, dun-der, Cleetus.
I haven't even talked about the employment rate, the fewer folks on food stamps, high consumer confidence, corporate balance sheets, etc. All of this while we had a trade war and no USMCA for a while and now this coronavirus dragging down the market.

Still trying to blame the Corona virus for the fact the market has petered out...

A crash is coming, baby. better work out better excuses when all the rich people bail out and dummies like you are stuck with worthless 401K's.

This is simply false. Nominal wage growth, which accounts for inflation, is at 3%.

Is Trump's Economy Really Booming? Weak Middle Class Gains Pose 2020 Threat

Reality check-

The middle-class Americans who are the main targets of Trump’s economic pitch aren’t sharing much in the gains of U.S. growth. Worse yet for Trump, wage growth has been slower in the counties he carried in 2016.

By several measures, middle-class Americans’ incomes have risen more slowly under Trump than during Barack Obama’s final years -- hardly a period renowned for gangbuster pay increases. Workers should finally be getting big raises with the unemployment rate down to 3.5%. Yet while wage growth picked up last year, it is still subdued and slowing again after manufacturing output contracted in the first half of the year.

“That’s pretty disturbing,” said Heidi Shierholz, a senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal-leaning think-tank in Washington. “In a labor market with unemployment rates this low, we should see much stronger wage gains.”

Yes, a crash is coming but it will be one that ends the US currency, one in which a global currency is introduced. As an aside, have you noticed how the world markets just continue to climb as the virus continues to spread? Sound familiar? World govts injecting billions and billions to keep propping the cards up, keep people from panic.
Get your Big Gulps while the gettin' is good.

PS: The market will have a downturn at some point. It is not looking like any time soon based on the metrics, unless the coronavirus gets worse or some other situation crops up.

Keep you excuse list ready... but um, yeah, it's going to crash and crash hard.

Did you ever consider that Wall Street is putting Bloomberg up so they have a guy to deal with the problem, so they can rid themselves of Trump. They know he's nuts and bad for their business.

But Cleetus and Billy Bob down in Jesusland don't want no one taking their big-gulps, dun-der, Cleetus.
I would bet you Cletus and Billybob are more of survivors then city Progs during a massive downturn.
Nominal wage growth, which accounts for inflation, is at 3%.

Nominal wage growth does not account for inflation. Real wage growth does. Nominal dollars aren’t adjusted. They’re literally whatever the actual dollar amount was.
Nominal wage growth, which accounts for inflation, is at 3%.

Nominal wage growth does not account for inflation. Real wage growth does. Nominal dollars aren’t adjusted. They’re literally whatever the actual dollar amount was.

Right, my mistake. Inflation is low, however.
Unfortunately, so is wage growth.

No, it isn't.


I disagree. We haven’t even beaten wage growth in peak economic times during the last three expansions which have historically had substandard wage growth as compared to the pre-Reagan era.

At full employment, wages should be rising a lot higher than they are.


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I would bet you Cletus and Billybob are more of survivors then city Progs during a massive downturn.

Sure, they'll just collect more welfare from the government. Rural people are the biggest welfare queens out there.
Dale Hard at Work.

View attachment 307523

Because you update resumes for morons that have no writing skills. Given the number of jobs out there, your skills for embellishing are not in high demand. Parasites like you only thrive under bad economic conditions where it's an employer's market.

Hope this helps!

Actually, I have plenty of demand, thanks. But it did kind of level off in 2017, that was my point, as opposed to continous growth.

The thing is, people are less in need of resumes during economic downtimes. Most of my customers are not people who don't have jobs, they are people looking to get out of jobs they hate. During a recession, people put up with the absolute worst bosses because they have to.

You'd understand this if your job wasn't hassling people on street corners begging for money, Stewbum Dale.

LMAO! Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie! People are in need of LESS resume updating during economic downturns? HOLY fuck, are you really this fucking stupid? Well "duh", of course you are... as you are a "leftard".

BTW, I will bet that I made more FRNs than you did last year...….and in less hours. Wanna bet?
LMAO! Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie! People are in need of LESS resume updating during economic downturns? HOLY fuck, are you really this fucking stupid? Well "duh", of course you are... as you are a "leftard".

BTW, I will bet that I made more FRNs than you did last year...….and in less hours. Wanna bet?

Hey, Dale, we found your resume.


Nobody believes you hold down a real job, Dale. You're too fucking crazy. You think the Deep State is planting microchips in the Pop Machine.

Reality- in times of economic downturn, you have more people out of work, but people who have jobs don't try to find better ones. They hunker down for the duration and hope the boss doesn't look at them funny.

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