Bloomberg Won’t Release His Taxes

what does it prove? there are many pages in a 1040 long form? I believe Mikey said at least a thousand in his. I believe him. Who will really care? you? why?
Look JC, I have no illusions your boy will show his, even though he said he would if he wasn't being audited (which sounds like another lie), I only care about normal candidates that I might vote for. If you like your crook, vote for your crook. Hell, maybe you are a crook considering a political career yourself.
honesty. Now you gained points in my book. What will their taxes tell you? Will they perform Foreign Policy well? What about tax reform? Job creation assistance? Healthcare? What will one tax return do for the people?
You might find out about foreign income sources, relating to who has influence, shady tax avoidance schemes, all sorts of things. Presidents who wish to show jopenness to the people they want a vote from have published theirs for a long long time until trump. The ones who don't are suspected of hiding things that would make them look bad. Just another tick-mark of whether you should vote for them or not.

The IRS audits the President’s taxes every year they are President. If there were tax schemes, the IRS could find it much faster and more accurate than 99.9% of the general population. You would not find out his wealth, as it is earned income that is reported.

As far as it you voting for or against someone if they do or do not report their taxes? Would you have voted for Trump had he shown his taxes? I know it didn’t change my mind, I didn’t care for Trump for many reasons, taxes were a non-issue as it was for 99% of the voters.
Agreed, especially in 2016. I guess the Hill showed hers, but it did not make me vote for her either. If trump did come out with his this year and the MSM poured over them and pronounced them clean, without Russian financing, illegal payoffs, totally clean of receiving money from fake charities or real charities he was using for person benefit, it would not make me vote for him this time either.
By in large, I still think presidential candidates should show their taxes, since they have since the first time I voted for a president, back in 72.
Why? When your returns show you cheated you just blame it on TurboTax and they make you Secretary of the United States Treasury.
Who cares what Bloomy paid in taxes? How does that matter with regards to his ability to be POTUS?

Simple example: Trump told us that his tax liability would go up under the tax-cut he is proposing, and that rich would pay more. But from even a single year tax-return page that he selectively leaked we know he is full of shit and actually the tax-cut he passed would have taken his liability from 25% to right about 5% for that year.
Who cares what Bloomy paid in taxes? How does that matter with regards to his ability to be POTUS?

Simple example: Trump told us that his tax liability would go up under the tax-cut he is proposing, and that rich would pay more, but from even a single year tax-return page that he himself leaked we know he is full of shit and actually the tax-cut he passed would have taken his liability from 25% to right about 5% for that year.

Specifically how? If his businesses lose money like you left wing lunatics claim, of course he doesn’t pay taxes.

If your EBIT is $1 million on $100 million in revenue, that’s 1% in taxes. Is that corrupt?
what does it prove? there are many pages in a 1040 long form? I believe Mikey said at least a thousand in his. I believe him. Who will really care? you? why?
Look JC, I have no illusions your boy will show his, even though he said he would if he wasn't being audited (which sounds like another lie), I only care about normal candidates that I might vote for. If you like your crook, vote for your crook. Hell, maybe you are a crook considering a political career yourself.
honesty. Now you gained points in my book. What will their taxes tell you? Will they perform Foreign Policy well? What about tax reform? Job creation assistance? Healthcare? What will one tax return do for the people?
You might find out about foreign income sources, relating to who has influence, shady tax avoidance schemes, all sorts of things. Presidents who wish to show jopenness to the people they want a vote from have published theirs for a long long time until trump. The ones who don't are suspected of hiding things that would make them look bad. Just another tick-mark of whether you should vote for them or not.

The IRS audits the President’s taxes every year they are President. If there were tax schemes, the IRS could find it much faster and more accurate than 99.9% of the general population. You would not find out his wealth, as it is earned income that is reported.

As far as it you voting for or against someone if they do or do not report their taxes? Would you have voted for Trump had he shown his taxes? I know it didn’t change my mind, I didn’t care for Trump for many reasons, taxes were a non-issue as it was for 99% of the voters.
Agreed, especially in 2016. I guess the Hill showed hers, but it did not make me vote for her either. If trump did come out with his this year and the MSM poured over them and pronounced them clean, without Russian financing, illegal payoffs, totally clean of receiving money from fake charities or real charities he was using for person benefit, it would not make me vote for him this time either.

Rediculous argument.

Rarely is there any single thing that can make you for or against a condidate (unless you are a single issue voter). It's a commulative bottom line, but for some on-the-fence voters it does make a difference.

If you thought that Clinton and Trump are equally crooked the fact that Clinton is straight up about her tax-returns and Trump has constantly made excuses not to produce his just may have leaned you Clinton's way.
Who cares what Bloomy paid in taxes? How does that matter with regards to his ability to be POTUS?

Simple example: Trump told us that his tax liability would go up under the tax-cut he is proposing, and that rich would pay more, but from even a single year tax-return page that he himself leaked we know he is full of shit and actually the tax-cut he passed would have taken his liability from 25% to right about 5% for that year.

Specifically how? If his businesses lose money like you left wing lunatics claim, of course he doesn’t pay taxes.

If your EBIT is $1 million on $100 million in revenue, that’s 1% in taxes. Is that corrupt?

No dummy, honest write off of a loss is not corrupt.

But what Trump did in the 90's was write off SOMEONE' ELSE'S LOSS for a decade. Mind you, it was probably not illegal untill this loophole got closed, but if the public was aware of crazy shanadigans like that it would probably get resolved a lot sooner.
Who cares what Bloomy paid in taxes? How does that matter with regards to his ability to be POTUS?

Simple example: Trump told us that his tax liability would go up under the tax-cut he is proposing, and that rich would pay more, but from even a single year tax-return page that he himself leaked we know he is full of shit and actually the tax-cut he passed would have taken his liability from 25% to right about 5% for that year.

Specifically how? If his businesses lose money like you left wing lunatics claim, of course he doesn’t pay taxes.

If your EBIT is $1 million on $100 million in revenue, that’s 1% in taxes. Is that corrupt?

No dumbass, honest loss is not corrupt. But what Trump did was write off SOMEONE' ELSE'S LOSS for a decade.

Wow, so he was prosecuted for fraud?
Who cares what Bloomy paid in taxes? How does that matter with regards to his ability to be POTUS?

Simple example: Trump told us that his tax liability would go up under the tax-cut he is proposing, and that rich would pay more, but from even a single year tax-return page that he himself leaked we know he is full of shit and actually the tax-cut he passed would have taken his liability from 25% to right about 5% for that year.

Specifically how? If his businesses lose money like you left wing lunatics claim, of course he doesn’t pay taxes.

If your EBIT is $1 million on $100 million in revenue, that’s 1% in taxes. Is that corrupt?

No dumbass, honest loss is not corrupt. But what Trump did was write off SOMEONE' ELSE'S LOSS for a decade.

Wow, so he was prosecuted for fraud?

Wow moron, read the whole post before replying.

But what Trump did in the 90's was write off SOMEONE' ELSE'S LOSS for a decade. Mind you, it was probably not illegal untill this loophole got closed, but if the public was aware of crazy shanadigans like that it would probably get resolved a lot sooner.
Who cares what Bloomy paid in taxes? How does that matter with regards to his ability to be POTUS?

Simple example: Trump told us that his tax liability would go up under the tax-cut he is proposing, and that rich would pay more, but from even a single year tax-return page that he himself leaked we know he is full of shit and actually the tax-cut he passed would have taken his liability from 25% to right about 5% for that year.

Specifically how? If his businesses lose money like you left wing lunatics claim, of course he doesn’t pay taxes.

If your EBIT is $1 million on $100 million in revenue, that’s 1% in taxes. Is that corrupt?

No dumbass, honest loss is not corrupt. But what Trump did was write off SOMEONE' ELSE'S LOSS for a decade.

Wow, so he was prosecuted for fraud?

Wow moron, read the whole post before replying.

Wow, you seem cool.
Who cares what Bloomy paid in taxes? How does that matter with regards to his ability to be POTUS?

Simple example: Trump told us that his tax liability would go up under the tax-cut he is proposing, and that rich would pay more, but from even a single year tax-return page that he himself leaked we know he is full of shit and actually the tax-cut he passed would have taken his liability from 25% to right about 5% for that year.

Specifically how? If his businesses lose money like you left wing lunatics claim, of course he doesn’t pay taxes.

If your EBIT is $1 million on $100 million in revenue, that’s 1% in taxes. Is that corrupt?

No dummy, honest write off of a loss is not corrupt.

But what Trump did in the 90's was write off SOMEONE' ELSE'S LOSS for a decade. Mind you, it was probably not illegal untill this loophole got closed, but if the public was aware of crazy shanadigans like that it would probably get resolved a lot sooner.
Who cares what Bloomy paid in taxes? How does that matter with regards to his ability to be POTUS?

Simple example: Trump told us that his tax liability would go up under the tax-cut he is proposing, and that rich would pay more. But from even a single year tax-return page that he selectively leaked we know he is full of shit and actually the tax-cut he passed would have taken his liability from 25% to right about 5% for that year.
Is that why Bloomberg takes every tax advantage he can instead of paying HIS FAIR SHARE?
Who cares what Bloomy paid in taxes? How does that matter with regards to his ability to be POTUS?

Simple example: Trump told us that his tax liability would go up under the tax-cut he is proposing, and that rich would pay more, but from even a single year tax-return page that he himself leaked we know he is full of shit and actually the tax-cut he passed would have taken his liability from 25% to right about 5% for that year.

Specifically how? If his businesses lose money like you left wing lunatics claim, of course he doesn’t pay taxes.

If your EBIT is $1 million on $100 million in revenue, that’s 1% in taxes. Is that corrupt?

No dummy, honest write off of a loss is not corrupt.

But what Trump did in the 90's was write off SOMEONE' ELSE'S LOSS for a decade. Mind you, it was probably not illegal untill this loophole got closed, but if the public was aware of crazy shanadigans like that it would probably get resolved a lot sooner.
Did Trump list the money from Putin as income?
Then write your Congressmen and have them make it a law. Until then, you have nothing. Trump didn't and won, Bloomberg might not show them and he could win. So continue on with the tantrums from 2016 and good luck with your cause..

...are you fucking serious here?

You are on a political discussion forum, discussing politics. No one "has" anything here except an argument. I've made mine. Don't like it? I'm fine with that.

I made my argument and you don't like mine, so what... move on and quit crying.

You didn't make any argument why Presidential candidates SHOULD NOT release their returns. You deflected to me having something.

My argument is they can show or not show their taxes, it is up to them. There is no reason a candidate should show what is not required.

Furthermore, I don't know of anyone that voted for or against a candidate because of tax returns, it isn't a deciding factor, just an intrusion on privacy.

YES THERE IS a reason, as I've already explained.

Maybe you don't care about at least some financial transparency of someone trying to get arguably the most powerful job in the world, but I do as do most Americans. Thats why Trump was making excuses and lying about producing them time and time and time again.

And just because it may not be in itself a determining reason to vote for against someone (niether is bragging about pussy grabbing apparently) doesn't mean it's not a legitimate factor.

It didn't change your vote, you would not have voted for him no matter what. So you seeing his taxes would have meant absolutely nothing to you. Those that voted for him didn't need to see his taxes and so it meant nothing to them. You are pissed because in your mind he got away with something and so he is hiding something. Just because you don't think it's a good reason means nothing. Obama promised more transparency and did not do it, were you upset about it?

It's nothing but party politics and childish arguments.
lOl, very creative, but very dishonest. The facts are, Bloomberg gave an explanation that is credible, his claim that his taxes are voluminous is credible and I suspect he will release them in due time; trump made the claim (excuse) that his taxes were in audit, a lie, and that he would provide them. The question is: Is due time more than three years + in the making?
That's one of the lamest excuses to be a hypocrite I've ever heard.

This ^^^ is one more Idiot-Gram which lacks any substance, as do all personal attacks (ad hominem, logical fallacy).
Who cares what Bloomy paid in taxes? How does that matter with regards to his ability to be POTUS?

Simple example: Trump told us that his tax liability would go up under the tax-cut he is proposing, and that rich would pay more. But from even a single year tax-return page that he selectively leaked we know he is full of shit and actually the tax-cut he passed would have taken his liability from 25% to right about 5% for that year.
Is that why Bloomberg takes every tax advantage he can instead of paying HIS FAIR SHARE?

What the f does Trump lying about his own bill massively reducing his tax liability have to do with Bloomberg?

...are you fucking serious here?

You are on a political discussion forum, discussing politics. No one "has" anything here except an argument. I've made mine. Don't like it? I'm fine with that.

I made my argument and you don't like mine, so what... move on and quit crying.

You didn't make any argument why Presidential candidates SHOULD NOT release their returns. You deflected to me having something.

My argument is they can show or not show their taxes, it is up to them. There is no reason a candidate should show what is not required.

Furthermore, I don't know of anyone that voted for or against a candidate because of tax returns, it isn't a deciding factor, just an intrusion on privacy.

YES THERE IS a reason, as I've already explained.

Maybe you don't care about at least some financial transparency of someone trying to get arguably the most powerful job in the world, but I do as do most Americans. Thats why Trump was making excuses and lying about producing them time and time and time again.

And just because it may not be in itself a determining reason to vote for against someone (niether is bragging about pussy grabbing apparently) doesn't mean it's not a legitimate factor.

It didn't change your vote, you would not have voted for him no matter what. So you seeing his taxes would have meant absolutely nothing to you. Those that voted for him didn't need to see his taxes and so it meant nothing to them. You are pissed because in your mind he got away with something and so he is hiding something. Just because you don't think it's a good reason means nothing. Obama promised more transparency and did not do it, were you upset about it?

It's nothing but party politics and childish arguments.

Like I said, rediculous argument. I was not on the fence about Trump like some other voters for whom it could make just enough difference.

Having said that, if Trump did the right thing and released his tax-returns instead of shamelessly lying about it, I certainly would have a bit less reservations about him being in the office, certainly have less to point to when it comes to Trump corrupting our system with the swamp precedent he sets.
Who cares what Bloomy paid in taxes? How does that matter with regards to his ability to be POTUS?

Simple example: Trump told us that his tax liability would go up under the tax-cut he is proposing, and that rich would pay more. But from even a single year tax-return page that he selectively leaked we know he is full of shit and actually the tax-cut he passed would have taken his liability from 25% to right about 5% for that year.
Is that why Bloomberg takes every tax advantage he can instead of paying HIS FAIR SHARE?

What the f does Trump lying about his own bill massively reducing his tax liability have to do with Bloomberg?

Ah, so you’re good with billionaire Bloomberg paying less than 15% in taxes. Got it.
The memory is the second thing to go.


I'm pretty sure I don't want to know what's the first thing to go...…………….probably that's more of a man thing. So to speak.

Actually the punch line to that is "I don't remember" :dunno:
Bloomberg Won’t Release His Taxes
Is this to point out his similarity to the current President?
Who cares what Bloomy paid in taxes? How does that matter with regards to his ability to be POTUS?

Simple example: Trump told us that his tax liability would go up under the tax-cut he is proposing, and that rich would pay more. But from even a single year tax-return page that he selectively leaked we know he is full of shit and actually the tax-cut he passed would have taken his liability from 25% to right about 5% for that year.
Is that why Bloomberg takes every tax advantage he can instead of paying HIS FAIR SHARE?

What the f does Trump lying about his own bill massively reducing his tax liability have to do with Bloomberg?

Ah, so you’re good with billionaire Bloomberg paying less than 15% in taxes. Got it.

Son, are you retarded? Where did I say THAT?

I think there should be minimal 25% on all income above certain level, with some allowance for writing off loss across multiple years.
I made my argument and you don't like mine, so what... move on and quit crying.

You didn't make any argument why Presidential candidates SHOULD NOT release their returns. You deflected to me having something.

My argument is they can show or not show their taxes, it is up to them. There is no reason a candidate should show what is not required.

Furthermore, I don't know of anyone that voted for or against a candidate because of tax returns, it isn't a deciding factor, just an intrusion on privacy.

YES THERE IS a reason, as I've already explained.

Maybe you don't care about at least some financial transparency of someone trying to get arguably the most powerful job in the world, but I do as do most Americans. Thats why Trump was making excuses and lying about producing them time and time and time again.

And just because it may not be in itself a determining reason to vote for against someone (niether is bragging about pussy grabbing apparently) doesn't mean it's not a legitimate factor.

It didn't change your vote, you would not have voted for him no matter what. So you seeing his taxes would have meant absolutely nothing to you. Those that voted for him didn't need to see his taxes and so it meant nothing to them. You are pissed because in your mind he got away with something and so he is hiding something. Just because you don't think it's a good reason means nothing. Obama promised more transparency and did not do it, were you upset about it?

It's nothing but party politics and childish arguments.

Like I said, rediculous argument. I was not on the fence about Trump like some other voters for whom it could make just enough difference.

Having said that, if Trump did the right thing and released his tax-returns instead of shamelessly lying about it, I certainly would have a bit less reservations about him being in the office, certainly have less to point to when it comes to Trump corrupting our system with the swamp precedent he sets.

Yes your argument is ridiculous, first you are claiming Trump did not do the right thing, that is plain silly. Before 1972 no one saw tax returns and no one had reservations before. Sorry, your reasoning is only to dig up dirt on Trump and has nothing to do with transparency. Had this been Obama, Clinton or any Democrat you would not care.

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