Bloomberg Won’t Release His Taxes

I’m so old I remember when it was a really bad thing for Presidents to not release tax filings.

Bloomberg: It takes time to release taxes to the public

Unbeknownst to the Leftists, all the debate did last night was kill a BERNARD nomination. Tax returns or no tax returns, the attack on DOOMBERG allowed all of the candidates to stay in the race until super Tuesday, which will dilute the delegates so much, a brokered convention is inevitable; meaning BERNARD just got iced without GOP help!

Doomsberg is quite good. I think I have to steal that. :)
You didn't make any argument why Presidential candidates SHOULD NOT release their returns. You deflected to me having something.
It's not that they shouldn't. It's that their Constitutional rights belong to them not to you and your Fascist party.
so what? why does anyone need to know? what does it prove? All it proves is what a man makes. that's it. why is that anyone's business?

What if they gave 10% to charity? what if they started ten new businesses and gave 100's of people jobs? That's not in there. what a shallow thought process.
For over half my life I filled out the long forms. Everything you mentioned except number of jobs created can be found there.
what does it prove? there are many pages in a 1040 long form? I believe Mikey said at least a thousand in his. I believe him. Who will really care? you? why?
Look JC, I have no illusions your boy will show his, even though he said he would if he wasn't being audited (which sounds like another lie), I only care about normal candidates that I might vote for. If you like your crook, vote for your crook. Hell, maybe you are a crook considering a political career yourself.
honesty. Now you gained points in my book. What will their taxes tell you? Will they perform Foreign Policy well? What about tax reform? Job creation assistance? Healthcare? What will one tax return do for the people?
You might find out about foreign income sources, relating to who has influence, shady tax avoidance schemes, all sorts of things. Presidents who wish to show jopenness to the people they want a vote from have published theirs for a long long time until trump. The ones who don't are suspected of hiding things that would make them look bad. Just another tick-mark of whether you should vote for them or not.

The IRS audits the President’s taxes every year they are President. If there were tax schemes, the IRS could find it much faster and more accurate than 99.9% of the general population. You would not find out his wealth, as it is earned income that is reported.

As far as it you voting for or against someone if they do or do not report their taxes? Would you have voted for Trump had he shown his taxes? I know it didn’t change my mind, I didn’t care for Trump for many reasons, taxes were a non-issue as it was for 99% of the voters.
so what? why does anyone need to know? what does it prove? All it proves is what a man makes. that's it. why is that anyone's business?

What if they gave 10% to charity? what if they started ten new businesses and gave 100's of people jobs? That's not in there. what a shallow thought process.

Another thing it says is if a Potus like beholding to a foreign country, like tramp and his kids are.
if you haven't seen his taxes or theirs how do you know that? and if you know that, then you don't need the taxes. you offered up a rather odd point to post, and shot your own argument down in the same sentence.

Hate has an odd way of exposing itself.

Well they have international businesses don't they?

And is having international businesses illegal? Might business with the dirty Canadians disqualify a candidate?

The first Potus that had international businesses is tramp.


BTW, Trump was the second.

Trump showing or not showing his taxes did not change your vote. It didn’t change mine. Out of the 100,000 million plus votes it didn’t change anyone’s vote. There is no legal requirement for a potential Presidential candidate to release his taxes.

I’m not sure why you seem to think it is important for Trump to release them. It won’t change your vote. Now with Bloomberg, I could see you wanting to see his. That may make a difference to you. Me, I’m not at all interested in Bloomberg’s taxes as I will probably vote 3rd party again and the only reason I’d want to see them is if I could dig up dirt on him and that is the only reason you want to see Trump’s taxes. You don’t give a damn about whether it is right or wrong.

That is the sole reason the Democratic candidates were going after Bloomberg, for purely selfish interests, same as you.
lOl, very creative, but very dishonest. The facts are, Bloomberg gave an explanation that is credible, his claim that his taxes are voluminous is credible and I suspect he will release them in due time; trump made the claim (excuse) that his taxes were in audit, a lie, and that he would provide them. The question is: Is due time more than three years + in the making?
That's one of the lamest excuses to be a hypocrite I've ever heard.

Like anyone votes for Trump because he won’t release his taxes or makes sexist remarks.

I think people LIKE it that Trump doesn't allow invasions of privacy. Quite right, too. It's nobody's business. Note that Bloomberg is going to follow his lead --- everyone follows Trump's lead. He's a born leader.

The memory is the second thing to go.

There is no technical requirement that you can't be a crook either, whats your point?

You may have no interest, but Americans at large certainly do and for good reasons.

Releasing tax-returns is the right thing to do for those that want the power and responsibility of the Presidency and failure to do so points to being unfit for the job. It certainly proved true for Trump.
BS. You're just making excuses for your Fascist need to wipe your ass with the Constitution and undo a fair election.

Bernie just has a heart attack. Do you want to rob Bernie if his privacy rights to his medical records too?
I’m so old I remember when it was a really bad thing for Presidents to not release tax filings.

Bloomberg: It takes time to release taxes to the public

I don't see what the big deal is about this. Why do we need to see tax returns? I googled that and here is a smidg of what I found.

Why is There So Much Interest in Candidate Tax Returns?

Learning More about a Candidate
One of the reasons that a tax return is so intriguing to many citizens is that it provides helpful insight into the habits of a person asking to be placed in a position of public trust. It’s not just about managing finances. Consider the criticism that Joe Biden received when it was discovered that he is somewhat stingy (relative to his income) when it comes to charitable donations. Many people expect certain things from their elected officials, and looking at where they spend their money can be quite telling.

Another concern, especially in the current climate, is appearing too wealthy. Many people approved of the fact that President Obama’s income was fairly modest when the royalties from his best-selling books were taken out of the running. While Americans certainly admire the wealthy, there is also an underlying concern that someone who has too much money might be out of touch with his or her fellow citizens.

A tax return can provide information about how much a candidate donates to charity, how expensive his or her house is, whether he or she is taking advantage of loopholes in order to avoid paying what is owed to the government, and a number of other issues that citizens really do care about.

Honestly, a persons spending habits be that person Bloomberg, Trump or Santa Clause ain't no ones business.
There is no technical requirement that you can't be a crook either, whats your point?

You may have no interest, but Americans at large certainly do and for good reasons.

Releasing tax-returns is the right thing to do for those that want the power and responsibility of the Presidency and failure to do so points to being unfit for the job. It certainly proved true for Trump.

Then write your Congressmen and have them make it a law. Until then, you have nothing. Trump didn't and won, Bloomberg might not show them and he could win. So continue on with the tantrums from 2016 and good luck with your cause..

...are you fucking serious here?

You are on a political discussion forum, discussing politics. No one "has" anything here except an argument. I've made mine. Don't like it? I'm fine with that.

I made my argument and you don't like mine, so what... move on and quit crying.

You didn't make any argument why Presidential candidates SHOULD NOT release their returns. You deflected to me having something.

My argument is they can show or not show their taxes, it is up to them. There is no reason a candidate should show what is not required.

Furthermore, I don't know of anyone that voted for or against a candidate because of tax returns, it isn't a deciding factor, just an intrusion on privacy.

YES THERE IS a reason, as I've already explained.

Maybe you don't care about at least some financial transparency of someone trying to get arguably the most powerful job in the world, but I do as do most Americans. Thats why Trump was making excuses and lying about producing them time and time and time again.

And just because it may not be in itself a determining reason to vote for against someone (niether is bragging about pussy grabbing apparently) doesn't mean it's not a legitimate factor.
For over half my life I filled out the long forms. Everything you mentioned except number of jobs created can be found there.
what does it prove? there are many pages in a 1040 long form? I believe Mikey said at least a thousand in his. I believe him. Who will really care? you? why?
Look JC, I have no illusions your boy will show his, even though he said he would if he wasn't being audited (which sounds like another lie), I only care about normal candidates that I might vote for. If you like your crook, vote for your crook. Hell, maybe you are a crook considering a political career yourself.
honesty. Now you gained points in my book. What will their taxes tell you? Will they perform Foreign Policy well? What about tax reform? Job creation assistance? Healthcare? What will one tax return do for the people?
You might find out about foreign income sources, relating to who has influence, shady tax avoidance schemes, all sorts of things. Presidents who wish to show jopenness to the people they want a vote from have published theirs for a long long time until trump. The ones who don't are suspected of hiding things that would make them look bad. Just another tick-mark of whether you should vote for them or not.

The IRS audits the President’s taxes every year they are President. If there were tax schemes, the IRS could find it much faster and more accurate than 99.9% of the general population. You would not find out his wealth, as it is earned income that is reported.

As far as it you voting for or against someone if they do or do not report their taxes? Would you have voted for Trump had he shown his taxes? I know it didn’t change my mind, I didn’t care for Trump for many reasons, taxes were a non-issue as it was for 99% of the voters.
Agreed, especially in 2016. I guess the Hill showed hers, but it did not make me vote for her either. If trump did come out with his this year and the MSM poured over them and pronounced them clean, without Russian financing, illegal payoffs, totally clean of receiving money from fake charities or real charities he was using for person benefit, it would not make me vote for him this time either.
By in large, I still think presidential candidates should show their taxes, since they have since the first time I voted for a president, back in 72.

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