BLOWBACK - Garland & Wray Have P!##ed Off Americans; Staying Silent Making It Worse

No they aren't.

Why the Trump search warrant is nothing like Hillary's emails

The Justice Department official who oversaw the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified records says there’s simply no comparing the search of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence to the case against the former secretary of State.

“People sling these cases around to suit their political agenda but every case has to stand on its own circumstances,” said David Laufman, who led the Justice Department’s counterintelligence section until 2018 and is now a partner at the firm Wiggin and Dana.

“For the department to pursue a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago tells me that the quantum and quality of the evidence they were reciting — in a search warrant and affidavit that an FBI agent swore to — was likely so pulverizing in its force as to eviscerate any notion that the search warrant and this investigation is politically motivated,” he said.

Naturally, false equivalences will abound as they always do.

Politico! Hahahahahahhaahhaahhahahahahahhhahaahhahhhhhaahahhaahhahahahahahahhhhahahahhhahahahhahahhhhhahhhahahahhahhaahhaha
Not only do we have Democrat elected officials like this Potatohead President violating their oath to the Constitution but now we have the heads of the Justice Department and FBI and their fucking field agents doing the same.

This is how banana republics are created.
How was the Constitution violated? Getting a judge to approve a search warrant before searching someone's property is right there IN the Constitution. Read the IVth Amendment.
Normal Americans who love this country, understand that Trump was up to no good and was covering his tracks.

They feel Trump is getting what he deserved

If you normal Americans love this country why do you want to fundamentally change it?
I'd be humble too if 85 percent of the country thought I was taking it in the wrong direction with my demafascist agenda

Still waiting for you to show the last time that poll said we were headed in the right direction
You know whos not quiet? Trump Junior. He is gleefully announcing that they found nothing. Him and his dad are both reportedly super stoked by this free publicity and the fact that he was just made into a martyr. Donations are pouring in right now.
Grievance fund-raising. It's con-tinuing to work for the trump crime family.
Still waiting for you to show the last time that poll said we were headed in the right direction
I am still waiting on you to show how that matters? when has it ever been this bad? Never. This is another history making moment for the demafacist regime.

Congrats...America hates you
I did not even mention Trump. Someone claimed that half the nation supported Trump. I gave data to the contrary. If someone had made the comment that half the nation supports Biden I would have done the same thing.

You are trying way too hard here
Good Lord you are one lying sack of shit. Your responded to a post talking about Trump and used the word "him".

Tell us who "him" is in this post, Simp.

yet less than 1/4 of the country voted for him

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