BLS Jobs Report = up 467,000, WTF?

I'll be flat-out honest here, I do not trust any numbers or information coming out of any gov't agency. And not a whole lot of trust in reports coming from non-gov't agencies or organizations either. The results we see are directly related to the data input plus whatever the parameter values are. Changing the formula used probably means a code change, but you can monkey with the data or parameters that are input without changing anything.
Agree...I would like to understand more about things like the jobs and unemployment numbers we are given...but really I take a quick look at what the market is doing when I see a report.....that ADP report released Wednesday and the Dow tanked like 400-500 points. That KIND of tells me it wasn"t a good report, no matter what the spin is today.
Job growth rose far more than expected in January despite surging omicron cases that seemingly sent millions of workers to the sidelines, the Labor Department reported Friday.

Nonfarm payrolls surged by 467,000 for the month, while the unemployment rate edged higher to 4%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Dow Jones estimate was for payroll growth of 150,000 and a 3.9% unemployment rate.

This is in sharp contrast to the ADP report that came out Wednesday with drastically different numbers, so WTF? Either I'm missing something or somebody is lying. Could be both I guess. Anybody got any answers?

Two different surveys gave two different results.

So the main difference is ADP is private payroll, BLS includes government. So a crappy month for private growth jobs and a stellar month for government welfare jobs.....the way I read it.
Big upwards revisions for Nov and Dec too.


This is in sharp contrast to the ADP report that came out Wednesday with drastically different numbers, so WTF? Either I'm missing something or somebody is lying. Could be both I guess. Anybody got any answers?

They calculate when the jobs were added very differently. Last month ADP said we gained 807,000 while the BLS said it was less than 400,000. By the end of the year they are normally pretty close in total jobs added. Both also adjust their numbers as more data comes in during the month.

This is the way it has always been.

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