BLS Jobs Report = up 467,000, WTF?

So the main difference is ADP is private payroll, BLS includes government. So a crappy month for private growth jobs and a stellar month for government welfare jobs.....the way I read it.


Because ADP handles payroll for a huge chunk of private individuals, they get a decent snapshot of private employment.

The BLS household survey looks at about 60,000 households a month, so that would include government jobs.

The BLS establishment survey looks at about 145,000 businesses and government agencies a month.

These surveys are decent but not perfect. They're never going to completely agree.
They’re hoping that if they just keep telling us the economy is going like gangbusters and life is improving, we’ll just eventually believe it. Worked in 1984.
The BLS household survey looks at about 60,000 households a month, so that would include government jobs.

I believe the BLS also includes the self-employed whereas the ADP does not.

Beginning in 2017, economists began observing significant divergences between the ADP and BLS figures on national employment, with the ADP estimates consistently higher than government figures. This is likely due to subtle differences in methodology and sampling between the two bodies. ADP's data is based on the payrolls of their client companies, meaning that their figures must be adjusted to reflect national economic data.

[from link in Todd's post #26]

Something just doesn't add up for me. If the ADP estimates are consistently higher, how do they get such a different lower number for January? I get that the additional numbers of new gov't employees and the self-employed could make a difference, but this much? Why would the ADP numbers usually be higher it doesn't include gov't employees and the self-employed? The big difference this time raises a red flag, WTF is going on?
I believe the BLS also includes the self-employed whereas the ADP does not.

Beginning in 2017, economists began observing significant divergences between the ADP and BLS figures on national employment, with the ADP estimates consistently higher than government figures. This is likely due to subtle differences in methodology and sampling between the two bodies. ADP's data is based on the payrolls of their client companies, meaning that their figures must be adjusted to reflect national economic data.

Something just doesn't add up for me. If the ADP estimates are consistently higher, how do they get such a different lower number for January? I get that the additional numbers of new gov't employees and the self-employed could make a difference, but this much? Why would the ADP numbers usually be higher it doesn't include gov't employees and the self-employed? The big difference this time raises a red flag, WTF is going on?
Plus they went back and "adjusted" the horrid December report to make it good.
I believe the BLS also includes the self-employed whereas the ADP does not.

Beginning in 2017, economists began observing significant divergences between the ADP and BLS figures on national employment, with the ADP estimates consistently higher than government figures. This is likely due to subtle differences in methodology and sampling between the two bodies. ADP's data is based on the payrolls of their client companies, meaning that their figures must be adjusted to reflect national economic data.

[from link in Todd's post #26]

Something just doesn't add up for me. If the ADP estimates are consistently higher, how do they get such a different lower number for January? I get that the additional numbers of new gov't employees and the self-employed could make a difference, but this much? Why would the ADP numbers usually be higher it doesn't include gov't employees and the self-employed? The big difference this time raises a red flag, WTF is going on?
And the market tanked the other day, today with the "good" report it is recovering...hhmmmmmm.
The "MAGA movement" is a farce, and you've been conned by a buffoon.

I love America. You love Trump.

He brought back half a million manufacturing jobs, when Obungles said he would need a “magic wand”. Didn’t start any new wars as promised, and brought relative peace to the Middle East. Stood up to China and put tariffs on them, after 40+ years of idiots like Biden, Clintons, and Bushes selling this country out.

“But, but, but, he hurt the snowflakes feelings on Twitter.”

He made idiots like you look like buffoons.
The disappointment among the right is palpable.
Negative, it just seems that with the amount of damage control, including wasting women and children overseas prior to the report, that there's something very amiss.

Me, I fully expect things to pick up as, state by state, they say "No Mas" to Biden's policies and any improvement along those lines will be in spite of Biden's policies.
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Me, I fully expect things to pick up as, state by state, they say "No Mas" to Biden's policies and any improvement along those lines will be in spite of Biden's policies.
What policy specifically?
Job growth rose far more than expected in January despite surging omicron cases that seemingly sent millions of workers to the sidelines, the Labor Department reported Friday.

Nonfarm payrolls surged by 467,000 for the month, while the unemployment rate edged higher to 4%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Dow Jones estimate was for payroll growth of 150,000 and a 3.9% unemployment rate.

This is in sharp contrast to the ADP report that came out Wednesday with drastically different numbers, so WTF? Either I'm missing something or somebody is lying. Could be both I guess. Anybody got any answers?
In December the ADP report claimed that the economy would produce 969,000 jobs. The BLS reported 199,000 before revising to 510,000 today as more complete information came in.

Maybe wait until final numbers are in.
Yup, it’s Democrat monkey math at work.

Read the actual report:

Unemployment rate rose to 4.0%
Number of unemployed persons stayed the same 6.5 million.
Job leavers increased to 952,000.
Temporary layoffs increased to 959,000.
Permanent job losers 1.6 million.
Persons jobless in last 5 weeks : 2.4 million

Labor force participation rate holds at 62.2%.
5.7 million looking for a job not counted as unemployed.
6 million unable to work due to pandemic, up from 3.1 million in December.
1.8 million prevented from working due to pandemic but are not counted as unemployed.
The labor force number increased from 61.7 to 62.2% jackass.

Can you post the wage increase for Jan?
I'll be flat-out honest here, I do not trust any numbers or information coming out of any gov't agency. And not a whole lot of trust in reports coming from non-gov't agencies or organizations either. The results we see are directly related to the data input plus whatever the parameter values are. Changing the formula used probably means a code change, but you can monkey with the data or parameters that are input without changing anything.
Liars, Damn Liars and Statisticians.
I'll be flat-out honest here, I do not trust any numbers or information coming out of any gov't agency. And not a whole lot of trust in reports coming from non-gov't agencies or organizations either. The results we see are directly related to the data input plus whatever the parameter values are. Changing the formula used probably means a code change, but you can monkey with the data or parameters that are input without changing anything.

Besides, the Dept. Of Commerce comes under the liar-in-Chiefs Executive branch.
They must be using Dominion software!
Who the hell knows what algorithms they use!!
Besides, the Dept. Of Commerce comes under the liar-in-Chiefs Executive branch.
They must be using Dominion software!
Who the hell knows what algorithms they use!!

The Queen would like you to stop murdering the language.

The rest of us want you to stop murdering critical thinking.
Job growth rose far more than expected in January despite surging omicron cases that seemingly sent millions of workers to the sidelines, the Labor Department reported Friday.

Nonfarm payrolls surged by 467,000 for the month, while the unemployment rate edged higher to 4%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Dow Jones estimate was for payroll growth of 150,000 and a 3.9% unemployment rate.

This is in sharp contrast to the ADP report that came out Wednesday with drastically different numbers, so WTF? Either I'm missing something or somebody is lying. Could be both I guess. Anybody got any answers?

Some dufus bumblefuck started out his reign by destroying energy jobs, closing pipelines, oil and gas fields. Now the giddy liberal pukes are celebrating higher gas prices, inflation, shortages and job losses. Bring on the revolution.
Plus they went back and "adjusted" the horrid December report to make it good.

they do this every month had always have, they did it during the previous Admin and the one before that and the one before that and the one before that
But the difference between the ADP report on Wednesday and today's BLS report is huge, something is waayyy off here. A minus 301,000 vs a plus 467,000? C'mon guys, something is wrong here. I ain't saying what it is, don't really know. But this is ridiculous.

This is ADP and BLM over the last 13 months. This is the biggest, but there have been some big differences. In the end though for 2021 the two sources were within less than 8% of each other.


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