Blue-Collar Democrats To Party: It’s Still The Economy, Stupid


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
The key to recapturing white working-class voters is to listen and act on their economic concerns.

White people's economic concerns????? What about all fuckin people's economic concerns? I am so sick and tired of everything being about fuckin white people. I'm working my ass off every motherfuckin day, with no raise, no cost of living adjustments, insurance sucks, working more hours than a fuckin slave on a gotdamned plantation and nobody gives a rats fuck about me.....not even my party, cause they too gotdamned busy worrying about losing to Trump and not owning the fact....we had a lousy fuckin candidate.....that had nothing to do with white people, white men or shit on a shoe...Hillary Clinton was flawed from day fuckin one, the DNC ignored all the signs and the bitch lost to the worst candidate in US history because she could never counter anything he threw at her, because she was just as rotten as his ass was. Every fuckin state she lost...BERNIE WON!!!!! But super delegates backed Hillary and she lost...she excited no one, took minorities for granted, took women for granted and she lost.

For the last time, DNC, fuck white people....what you need to do going forward is include all people in your plans to rally support. Bernie would have forced Trump to talk about the economy, Bernie would have forced Trump to talk wages...which is the corner stone of this country's issues...wages wages wages. The sole reason white people are pissed, the reason they run to Trump is because he promised GOOD PAYING JOBS....white people are not use to making fucked up money like the rest of us, they're not use to living from paycheck to paycheck, they're not use to companies closing after giving it most of your lifes labor, they not use to this NAFTA shit they all signed up for.....They want them Middle Class wages back and they want it yesterday.....The DNC, nor the RNC can bring yesterday back to whitey....but lets all have fun watching them try to find it in Trump!! And lets all enjoy white men finally feeling good about being white again....that is until Trump strips them of their nuts and swag.
They wouldve skewered bernie sanders, they vote against literally everything that bernie sanders supports on state and local levels every chance their given why would they change their minds for president? you think hillary's email server was a fake scandal? you have no idea what made up bullshit they wouldve attached to bernie, he wouldve labelled been a child molesting communist who wouldve forced all elderly white people to get transgender surgery.
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They wouldve skewered bernie sanders, they vote against literally everthing that bernie sanders supports on state and local leveels every chance their given why would they change their minds for president? you think hilllary's email server was a fake scandal? you have no idea what made up bullshit they wouldve attached to bernie, he wouldve been a child olesting comunist who wouldve forced all elderly white people to get transgendered surgery.
Bernie may or may not would have lost....however, he excited people, he got the crowds and and and, he would have forced Trump to deal with issues, real issues, not this lock her up, not this crooked Hillary shit, no email bullshit....just talk about issues. The old man was as clean as a whistle and Trump would have had nothing on him but progressive shit talk...something we can deal with as a party. Yes they would have come up with a scandal or two...BUT HE COULD FIGHT THAT.....Hillary couldn't come back with shit...couldn't talk about Donald be a ass hole womanizer, cause her husband was one, couldn't talk about his foundation shit, cause her shit was messy, couldn't talk about his racism cause this bitch has been caught hating on niggas and on and on and on.....Bernie would have survive the bullsht, trust me.
Not enjoying your salvation obama takes credit for......maybe you are the problem......
The key to recapturing white working-class voters is to listen and act on their economic concerns.

White people's economic concerns????? What about all fuckin people's economic concerns? I am so sick and tired of everything being about fuckin white people. I'm working my ass off every motherfuckin day, with no raise, no cost of living adjustments, insurance sucks, working more hours than a fuckin slave on a gotdamned plantation and nobody gives a rats fuck about me.....not even my party, cause they too gotdamned busy worrying about losing to Trump and not owning the fact....we had a lousy fuckin candidate.....that had nothing to do with white people, white men or shit on a shoe...Hillary Clinton was flawed from day fuckin one, the DNC ignored all the signs and the bitch lost to the worst candidate in US history because she could never counter anything he threw at her, because she was just as rotten as his ass was. Every fuckin state she lost...BERNIE WON!!!!! But super delegates backed Hillary and she lost...she excited no one, took minorities for granted, took women for granted and she lost.

For the last time, DNC, fuck white people....what you need to do going forward is include all people in your plans to rally support. Bernie would have forced Trump to talk about the economy, Bernie would have forced Trump to talk wages...which is the corner stone of this country's issues...wages wages wages. The sole reason white people are pissed, the reason they run to Trump is because he promised GOOD PAYING JOBS....white people are not use to making fucked up money like the rest of us, they're not use to living from paycheck to paycheck, they're not use to companies closing after giving it most of your lifes labor, they not use to this NAFTA shit they all signed up for.....They want them Middle Class wages back and they want it yesterday.....The DNC, nor the RNC can bring yesterday back to whitey....but lets all have fun watching them try to find it in Trump!! And lets all enjoy white men finally feeling good about being white again....that is until Trump strips them of their nuts and swag.
There are also 10s' millions whites living paycheck to paycheck, on food stamps, welfare, disability etc. I hope Trump not over-promise. Jobs will iincrease but how does pay go up? Overseas labor is 1/6 with few regulations. Will you be happy with $1/hr increase two years out?
They wouldve skewered bernie sanders, they vote against literally everthing that bernie sanders supports on state and local leveels every chance their given why would they change their minds for president? you think hilllary's email server was a fake scandal? you have no idea what made up bullshit they wouldve attached to bernie, he wouldve been a child olesting comunist who wouldve forced all elderly white people to get transgendered surgery.
Bernie may or may not would have lost....however, he excited people, he got the crowds and and and, he would have forced Trump to deal with issues, real issues, not this lock her up, not this crooked Hillary shit, no email bullshit....just talk about issues. The old man was as clean as a whistle and Trump would have had nothing on him but progressive shit talk...something we can deal with as a party. Yes they would have come up with a scandal or two...BUT HE COULD FIGHT THAT.....Hillary couldn't come back with shit...couldn't talk about Donald be a ass hole womanizer, cause her husband was one, couldn't talk about his foundation shit, cause her shit was messy, couldn't talk about his racism cause this bitch has been caught hating on niggas and on and on and on.....Bernie would have survive the bullsht, trust me.
I dont think you respect how untouchable and good at dealing with scandals hilary clinton truly is, her closet is completely skeleton free a more clean cut middle of the road centrist you cannot find. Look what you just called her... "crooked hillary" where did that name come fro but donald trump, why not crooked bernie? There was no evidence whatsoever that she was crooked in anyway, Trump himself says he wont pursue charges, so why not attach the exact same fake accusations and scandals to bernie sanders? you dont think there is a non profit or organization that bernie was attached to that could be turned into something suspicious or malevolent?
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The key to recapturing white working-class voters is to listen and act on their economic concerns.

White people's economic concerns????? What about all fuckin people's economic concerns? I am so sick and tired of everything being about fuckin white people. I'm working my ass off every motherfuckin day, with no raise, no cost of living adjustments, insurance sucks, working more hours than a fuckin slave on a gotdamned plantation and nobody gives a rats fuck about me.....not even my party, cause they too gotdamned busy worrying about losing to Trump and not owning the fact....we had a lousy fuckin candidate.....that had nothing to do with white people, white men or shit on a shoe...Hillary Clinton was flawed from day fuckin one, the DNC ignored all the signs and the bitch lost to the worst candidate in US history because she could never counter anything he threw at her, because she was just as rotten as his ass was. Every fuckin state she lost...BERNIE WON!!!!! But super delegates backed Hillary and she lost...she excited no one, took minorities for granted, took women for granted and she lost.

For the last time, DNC, fuck white people....what you need to do going forward is include all people in your plans to rally support. Bernie would have forced Trump to talk about the economy, Bernie would have forced Trump to talk wages...which is the corner stone of this country's issues...wages wages wages. The sole reason white people are pissed, the reason they run to Trump is because he promised GOOD PAYING JOBS....white people are not use to making fucked up money like the rest of us, they're not use to living from paycheck to paycheck, they're not use to companies closing after giving it most of your lifes labor, they not use to this NAFTA shit they all signed up for.....They want them Middle Class wages back and they want it yesterday.....The DNC, nor the RNC can bring yesterday back to whitey....but lets all have fun watching them try to find it in Trump!! And lets all enjoy white men finally feeling good about being white again....that is until Trump strips them of their nuts and swag.
There are also 10s' millions whites living paycheck to paycheck, on food stamps, welfare, disability etc. I hope Trump not over-promise. Jobs will iincrease but how does pay go up? Overseas labor is 1/6 with few regulations. Will you be happy with $1/hr increase two years out?
A example of white stupidity:
Consider eastern Kentucky, a very white area which has benefited enormously from Obama-era initiatives. Take, in particular, the case ofClay County, which the Times declared a few years ago to be the hardest place in America to live. It’s still very hard, but at least most of its residents now have health insurance: Independent estimates say that the uninsured rate fell from 27 percent in 2013 to 10 percent in 2016. That’s the effect of the Affordable Care Act, which Mrs. Clinton promised to preserve and extend but Mr. Trump promised to kill.

Mr. Trump received 87 percent of Clay County’s vote.

Friend, at the end of the day, its not about pleasing white people, its not about jobs, its ABOUT WANTING A WHITE MAN BACK IN THE WHITE HOUSE REGARDLESS OF WHO IT IS. Multiply that Eastern Ky. times thousands or even millions of whites and you get the picture. Lets stop fooling ourselves...white people feel threatened, they feel left out...God only knows why, but they want to feel superior again and Trump siezed on that, gave them back their privilege card and all's good with these people....and Trump sadly will take advantage of those fears and use them to know end....and they are gonna love it.
The key to recapturing white working-class voters is to listen and act on their economic concerns.

White people's economic concerns????? What about all fuckin people's economic concerns? I am so sick and tired of everything being about fuckin white people. I'm working my ass off every motherfuckin day, with no raise, no cost of living adjustments, insurance sucks, working more hours than a fuckin slave on a gotdamned plantation and nobody gives a rats fuck about me.....not even my party, cause they too gotdamned busy worrying about losing to Trump and not owning the fact....we had a lousy fuckin candidate.....that had nothing to do with white people, white men or shit on a shoe...Hillary Clinton was flawed from day fuckin one, the DNC ignored all the signs and the bitch lost to the worst candidate in US history because she could never counter anything he threw at her, because she was just as rotten as his ass was. Every fuckin state she lost...BERNIE WON!!!!! But super delegates backed Hillary and she lost...she excited no one, took minorities for granted, took women for granted and she lost.

For the last time, DNC, fuck white people....what you need to do going forward is include all people in your plans to rally support. Bernie would have forced Trump to talk about the economy, Bernie would have forced Trump to talk wages...which is the corner stone of this country's issues...wages wages wages. The sole reason white people are pissed, the reason they run to Trump is because he promised GOOD PAYING JOBS....white people are not use to making fucked up money like the rest of us, they're not use to living from paycheck to paycheck, they're not use to companies closing after giving it most of your lifes labor, they not use to this NAFTA shit they all signed up for.....They want them Middle Class wages back and they want it yesterday.....The DNC, nor the RNC can bring yesterday back to whitey....but lets all have fun watching them try to find it in Trump!! And lets all enjoy white men finally feeling good about being white again....that is until Trump strips them of their nuts and swag.
Gee, no raises or cost of living adjustment, working like a slave, huh?

Well what do you expect? You're barely literate so I imagine you've got some low level dead end job that offers zero opportunity for advancement because you're simply not qualified for anything else. Why should a company/business give you any additional pay or anything else? You're 100% replaceable by someone else just like you if you decide to leave and go elsewhere to another job no better than your current one. Yet you somehow think you're entitled to more just because, but that ain't the way the real world works. But you haven't figured that out so instead you blame others, primarily white people, for your circumstances and that's just stupid.
They wouldve skewered bernie sanders, they vote against literally everthing that bernie sanders supports on state and local leveels every chance their given why would they change their minds for president? you think hilllary's email server was a fake scandal? you have no idea what made up bullshit they wouldve attached to bernie, he wouldve been a child olesting comunist who wouldve forced all elderly white people to get transgendered surgery.
Bernie may or may not would have lost....however, he excited people, he got the crowds and and and, he would have forced Trump to deal with issues, real issues, not this lock her up, not this crooked Hillary shit, no email bullshit....just talk about issues. The old man was as clean as a whistle and Trump would have had nothing on him but progressive shit talk...something we can deal with as a party. Yes they would have come up with a scandal or two...BUT HE COULD FIGHT THAT.....Hillary couldn't come back with shit...couldn't talk about Donald be a ass hole womanizer, cause her husband was one, couldn't talk about his foundation shit, cause her shit was messy, couldn't talk about his racism cause this bitch has been caught hating on niggas and on and on and on.....Bernie would have survive the bullsht, trust me.
I dont think you respect how untouchable and good at dealing with scandals hilary clinton truly is, her closet is completely skeleton free a more clean cut middle of the road centrist you cannot find. Look what you just called her... "crooked hillary" where did that name come fro but donald trump, why not crooked bernie? There was no evidence whatsoever that she was crooked in anyway, Trump himself says he wont pursue charges, so why not attach the exact same fake accusations and scandals to bernie sanders? you dont think there is a non profit or organization that bernie was attached to that could be turned into something suspicious or malevolent?
Although I'm not a Hillary fan, I'm just pointing out the facts of this election. She was by far the most qualified candidate in US history, bar none. She had all the goods necessary to win, but she lost because the narative was to keep her on constant can not run a campaign defending yourself day in and day can't. To this day, I couldn't tell you what her fuckin message was, because almost every fuckin day, something new would come out about this bitch. She was a flawed candidate....keep in mind, the GOP have been waiting and plotting for this bitch since don't bet on a horse with a broken leg even if its American Pharoah, a triple crown winner!!
The key to recapturing white working-class voters is to listen and act on their economic concerns.

White people's economic concerns????? What about all fuckin people's economic concerns? I am so sick and tired of everything being about fuckin white people. I'm working my ass off every motherfuckin day, with no raise, no cost of living adjustments, insurance sucks, working more hours than a fuckin slave on a gotdamned plantation and nobody gives a rats fuck about me.....not even my party, cause they too gotdamned busy worrying about losing to Trump and not owning the fact....we had a lousy fuckin candidate.....that had nothing to do with white people, white men or shit on a shoe...Hillary Clinton was flawed from day fuckin one, the DNC ignored all the signs and the bitch lost to the worst candidate in US history because she could never counter anything he threw at her, because she was just as rotten as his ass was. Every fuckin state she lost...BERNIE WON!!!!! But super delegates backed Hillary and she lost...she excited no one, took minorities for granted, took women for granted and she lost.

For the last time, DNC, fuck white people....what you need to do going forward is include all people in your plans to rally support. Bernie would have forced Trump to talk about the economy, Bernie would have forced Trump to talk wages...which is the corner stone of this country's issues...wages wages wages. The sole reason white people are pissed, the reason they run to Trump is because he promised GOOD PAYING JOBS....white people are not use to making fucked up money like the rest of us, they're not use to living from paycheck to paycheck, they're not use to companies closing after giving it most of your lifes labor, they not use to this NAFTA shit they all signed up for.....They want them Middle Class wages back and they want it yesterday.....The DNC, nor the RNC can bring yesterday back to whitey....but lets all have fun watching them try to find it in Trump!! And lets all enjoy white men finally feeling good about being white again....that is until Trump strips them of their nuts and swag.

What we need is for you black people to keep whining, murdering cops, rioting, looting, pillaging and burning. The more ewe do that the more empathy we shall feel for ewe. Ya hear?
The key to recapturing white working-class voters is to listen and act on their economic concerns.

White people's economic concerns????? What about all fuckin people's economic concerns? I am so sick and tired of everything being about fuckin white people. I'm working my ass off every motherfuckin day, with no raise, no cost of living adjustments, insurance sucks, working more hours than a fuckin slave on a gotdamned plantation and nobody gives a rats fuck about me.....not even my party, cause they too gotdamned busy worrying about losing to Trump and not owning the fact....we had a lousy fuckin candidate.....that had nothing to do with white people, white men or shit on a shoe...Hillary Clinton was flawed from day fuckin one, the DNC ignored all the signs and the bitch lost to the worst candidate in US history because she could never counter anything he threw at her, because she was just as rotten as his ass was. Every fuckin state she lost...BERNIE WON!!!!! But super delegates backed Hillary and she lost...she excited no one, took minorities for granted, took women for granted and she lost.

For the last time, DNC, fuck white people....what you need to do going forward is include all people in your plans to rally support. Bernie would have forced Trump to talk about the economy, Bernie would have forced Trump to talk wages...which is the corner stone of this country's issues...wages wages wages. The sole reason white people are pissed, the reason they run to Trump is because he promised GOOD PAYING JOBS....white people are not use to making fucked up money like the rest of us, they're not use to living from paycheck to paycheck, they're not use to companies closing after giving it most of your lifes labor, they not use to this NAFTA shit they all signed up for.....They want them Middle Class wages back and they want it yesterday.....The DNC, nor the RNC can bring yesterday back to whitey....but lets all have fun watching them try to find it in Trump!! And lets all enjoy white men finally feeling good about being white again....that is until Trump strips them of their nuts and swag.
Gee, no raises or cost of living adjustment, working like a slave, huh?

Well what do you expect? You're barely literate so I imagine you've got some low level dead end job that offers zero opportunity for advancement because you're simply not qualified for anything else. Why should a company/business give you any additional pay or anything else? You're 100% replaceable by someone else just like you if you decide to leave and go elsewhere to another job no better than your current one. Yet you somehow think you're entitled to more just because, but that ain't the way the real world works. But you haven't figured that out so instead you blame others, primarily white people, for your circumstances and that's just stupid.
I've been on my job for almost 20 years, I make good money, but I want more. I work in finance and deal with millions of dollars a day....but no, we haven't had a raise in years, no we haven't had a cost of living adjustment in a years and our health care sucks. And I am entitled, I've given my company a great deal of my life, my loyalty and expertise and I deserve better...just as every white mf that works with me feels as I do.

Half our work was shipped overseas and half our work force was let go, which forced those left to pick up the slack..I have been working 58 hours a week, since Nov. of last year....I'm almost 60 and I'm tired.

Now kindly take your bullshit comments and shove them so far up your ass that your belly button pokes a bit and then send for me when I call for you, k
The key to recapturing white working-class voters is to listen and act on their economic concerns.

White people's economic concerns????? What about all fuckin people's economic concerns? I am so sick and tired of everything being about fuckin white people. I'm working my ass off every motherfuckin day, with no raise, no cost of living adjustments, insurance sucks, working more hours than a fuckin slave on a gotdamned plantation and nobody gives a rats fuck about me.....not even my party, cause they too gotdamned busy worrying about losing to Trump and not owning the fact....we had a lousy fuckin candidate.....that had nothing to do with white people, white men or shit on a shoe...Hillary Clinton was flawed from day fuckin one, the DNC ignored all the signs and the bitch lost to the worst candidate in US history because she could never counter anything he threw at her, because she was just as rotten as his ass was. Every fuckin state she lost...BERNIE WON!!!!! But super delegates backed Hillary and she lost...she excited no one, took minorities for granted, took women for granted and she lost.

For the last time, DNC, fuck white people....what you need to do going forward is include all people in your plans to rally support. Bernie would have forced Trump to talk about the economy, Bernie would have forced Trump to talk wages...which is the corner stone of this country's issues...wages wages wages. The sole reason white people are pissed, the reason they run to Trump is because he promised GOOD PAYING JOBS....white people are not use to making fucked up money like the rest of us, they're not use to living from paycheck to paycheck, they're not use to companies closing after giving it most of your lifes labor, they not use to this NAFTA shit they all signed up for.....They want them Middle Class wages back and they want it yesterday.....The DNC, nor the RNC can bring yesterday back to whitey....but lets all have fun watching them try to find it in Trump!! And lets all enjoy white men finally feeling good about being white again....that is until Trump strips them of their nuts and swag.
Gee, no raises or cost of living adjustment, working like a slave, huh?

Well what do you expect? You're barely literate so I imagine you've got some low level dead end job that offers zero opportunity for advancement because you're simply not qualified for anything else. Why should a company/business give you any additional pay or anything else? You're 100% replaceable by someone else just like you if you decide to leave and go elsewhere to another job no better than your current one. Yet you somehow think you're entitled to more just because, but that ain't the way the real world works. But you haven't figured that out so instead you blame others, primarily white people, for your circumstances and that's just stupid.

Foot note: Where in the hell in my comment, you dick for brains whore, did I blame you red good for nothing white mf's for plight in life? Stop with the bullshit white card crap, and get a fuckin life...I have never in my life, been so sick of white people, you people actually make my stomach ache, that's how much I loathe you bastards!!
They wouldve skewered bernie sanders, they vote against literally everthing that bernie sanders supports on state and local leveels every chance their given why would they change their minds for president? you think hilllary's email server was a fake scandal? you have no idea what made up bullshit they wouldve attached to bernie, he wouldve been a child olesting comunist who wouldve forced all elderly white people to get transgendered surgery.
Bernie may or may not would have lost....however, he excited people, he got the crowds and and and, he would have forced Trump to deal with issues, real issues, not this lock her up, not this crooked Hillary shit, no email bullshit....just talk about issues. The old man was as clean as a whistle and Trump would have had nothing on him but progressive shit talk...something we can deal with as a party. Yes they would have come up with a scandal or two...BUT HE COULD FIGHT THAT.....Hillary couldn't come back with shit...couldn't talk about Donald be a ass hole womanizer, cause her husband was one, couldn't talk about his foundation shit, cause her shit was messy, couldn't talk about his racism cause this bitch has been caught hating on niggas and on and on and on.....Bernie would have survive the bullsht, trust me.
I dont think you respect how untouchable and good at dealing with scandals hilary clinton truly is, her closet is completely skeleton free a more clean cut middle of the road centrist you cannot find. Look what you just called her... "crooked hillary" where did that name come fro but donald trump, why not crooked bernie? There was no evidence whatsoever that she was crooked in anyway, Trump himself says he wont pursue charges, so why not attach the exact same fake accusations and scandals to bernie sanders? you dont think there is a non profit or organization that bernie was attached to that could be turned into something suspicious or malevolent?
Although I'm not a Hillary fan, I'm just pointing out the facts of this election. She was by far the most qualified candidate in US history, bar none. She had all the goods necessary to win, but she lost because the narative was to keep her on constant can not run a campaign defending yourself day in and day can't. To this day, I couldn't tell you what her fuckin message was, because almost every fuckin day, something new would come out about this bitch. She was a flawed candidate....keep in mind, the GOP have been waiting and plotting for this bitch since don't bet on a horse with a broken leg even if its American Pharoah, a triple crown winner!!
fair enough but jumping on the trump bandwagon and bashing NAFTA and calling her crooked doesn't help. you just said they wanted to put a white man back in the white house well that is something that needs to change, not be capitulated too. Bernie is a jew, if you haven't noticed the nazis aren't to happy with jews either. They would certainly prefer a white christian woman to a jew. These people also wouldnt support socialism if it saved their lives. One thing i dont like is this idea that they would vote out of their economic interests. they dont give a shit about the middle class, because they dont want to be middle class.The idea that they would forfeit their dreams of getting rich to live as a 9-5 worker with slightly more money and a few more benefits is ridiculous. They dont want gays to become accepted they dont want muslims allowed in their country they dont want to live near blacks or mexicans they dont want to take responsibility for any of their problems they would rather listen to the guy who tells them its not their fault its the jews its the mexicans its the chinese fault. thats what they want. Not more overtime laws not equal pay laws, they do not want to save the enviroment.

They think gays cause tornadoes
The key to recapturing white working-class voters is to listen and act on their economic concerns.

White people's economic concerns????? What about all fuckin people's economic concerns? I am so sick and tired of everything being about fuckin white people. I'm working my ass off every motherfuckin day, with no raise, no cost of living adjustments, insurance sucks, working more hours than a fuckin slave on a gotdamned plantation and nobody gives a rats fuck about me.....not even my party, cause they too gotdamned busy worrying about losing to Trump and not owning the fact....we had a lousy fuckin candidate.....that had nothing to do with white people, white men or shit on a shoe...Hillary Clinton was flawed from day fuckin one, the DNC ignored all the signs and the bitch lost to the worst candidate in US history because she could never counter anything he threw at her, because she was just as rotten as his ass was. Every fuckin state she lost...BERNIE WON!!!!! But super delegates backed Hillary and she lost...she excited no one, took minorities for granted, took women for granted and she lost.

For the last time, DNC, fuck white people....what you need to do going forward is include all people in your plans to rally support. Bernie would have forced Trump to talk about the economy, Bernie would have forced Trump to talk wages...which is the corner stone of this country's issues...wages wages wages. The sole reason white people are pissed, the reason they run to Trump is because he promised GOOD PAYING JOBS....white people are not use to making fucked up money like the rest of us, they're not use to living from paycheck to paycheck, they're not use to companies closing after giving it most of your lifes labor, they not use to this NAFTA shit they all signed up for.....They want them Middle Class wages back and they want it yesterday.....The DNC, nor the RNC can bring yesterday back to whitey....but lets all have fun watching them try to find it in Trump!! And lets all enjoy white men finally feeling good about being white again....that is until Trump strips them of their nuts and swag.
Gee, no raises or cost of living adjustment, working like a slave, huh?

Well what do you expect? You're barely literate so I imagine you've got some low level dead end job that offers zero opportunity for advancement because you're simply not qualified for anything else. Why should a company/business give you any additional pay or anything else? You're 100% replaceable by someone else just like you if you decide to leave and go elsewhere to another job no better than your current one. Yet you somehow think you're entitled to more just because, but that ain't the way the real world works. But you haven't figured that out so instead you blame others, primarily white people, for your circumstances and that's just stupid.
I've been on my job for almost 20 years, I make good money, but I want more. I work in finance and deal with millions of dollars a day....but no, we haven't had a raise in years, no we haven't had a cost of living adjustment in a years and our health care sucks. And I am entitled, I've given my company a great deal of my life, my loyalty and expertise and I deserve better...just as every white mf that works with me feels as I do.

Half our work was shipped overseas and half our work force was let go, which forced those left to pick up the slack..I have been working 58 hours a week, since Nov. of last year....I'm almost 60 and I'm tired.

Now kindly take your bullshit comments and shove them so far up your ass that your belly button pokes a bit and then send for me when I call for you, k
A well qualified person with a brain would have sought employment elsewhere by now. But GED dropouts like you are stuck down there on the bottom rung of the barely employable. The only thing you're entitled to is to rant and rave on the internet about all your shortcomings, your racist bullshit, etc., but at least you're doing a decent job of that. And thanks for the laughs.
The key to recapturing white working-class voters is to listen and act on their economic concerns.

White people's economic concerns????? What about all fuckin people's economic concerns? I am so sick and tired of everything being about fuckin white people. I'm working my ass off every motherfuckin day, with no raise, no cost of living adjustments, insurance sucks, working more hours than a fuckin slave on a gotdamned plantation and nobody gives a rats fuck about me.....not even my party, cause they too gotdamned busy worrying about losing to Trump and not owning the fact....we had a lousy fuckin candidate.....that had nothing to do with white people, white men or shit on a shoe...Hillary Clinton was flawed from day fuckin one, the DNC ignored all the signs and the bitch lost to the worst candidate in US history because she could never counter anything he threw at her, because she was just as rotten as his ass was. Every fuckin state she lost...BERNIE WON!!!!! But super delegates backed Hillary and she lost...she excited no one, took minorities for granted, took women for granted and she lost.

For the last time, DNC, fuck white people....what you need to do going forward is include all people in your plans to rally support. Bernie would have forced Trump to talk about the economy, Bernie would have forced Trump to talk wages...which is the corner stone of this country's issues...wages wages wages. The sole reason white people are pissed, the reason they run to Trump is because he promised GOOD PAYING JOBS....white people are not use to making fucked up money like the rest of us, they're not use to living from paycheck to paycheck, they're not use to companies closing after giving it most of your lifes labor, they not use to this NAFTA shit they all signed up for.....They want them Middle Class wages back and they want it yesterday.....The DNC, nor the RNC can bring yesterday back to whitey....but lets all have fun watching them try to find it in Trump!! And lets all enjoy white men finally feeling good about being white again....that is until Trump strips them of their nuts and swag.
Gee, no raises or cost of living adjustment, working like a slave, huh?

Well what do you expect? You're barely literate so I imagine you've got some low level dead end job that offers zero opportunity for advancement because you're simply not qualified for anything else. Why should a company/business give you any additional pay or anything else? You're 100% replaceable by someone else just like you if you decide to leave and go elsewhere to another job no better than your current one. Yet you somehow think you're entitled to more just because, but that ain't the way the real world works. But you haven't figured that out so instead you blame others, primarily white people, for your circumstances and that's just stupid.

Foot note: Where in the hell in my comment, you dick for brains whore, did I blame you red good for nothing white mf's for plight in life? Stop with the bullshit white card crap, and get a fuckin life...I have never in my life, been so sick of white people, you people actually make my stomach ache, that's how much I loathe you bastards!!
Music to my ears, loser.
They wouldve skewered bernie sanders, they vote against literally everthing that bernie sanders supports on state and local leveels every chance their given why would they change their minds for president? you think hilllary's email server was a fake scandal? you have no idea what made up bullshit they wouldve attached to bernie, he wouldve been a child olesting comunist who wouldve forced all elderly white people to get transgendered surgery.
Bernie may or may not would have lost....however, he excited people, he got the crowds and and and, he would have forced Trump to deal with issues, real issues, not this lock her up, not this crooked Hillary shit, no email bullshit....just talk about issues. The old man was as clean as a whistle and Trump would have had nothing on him but progressive shit talk...something we can deal with as a party. Yes they would have come up with a scandal or two...BUT HE COULD FIGHT THAT.....Hillary couldn't come back with shit...couldn't talk about Donald be a ass hole womanizer, cause her husband was one, couldn't talk about his foundation shit, cause her shit was messy, couldn't talk about his racism cause this bitch has been caught hating on niggas and on and on and on.....Bernie would have survive the bullsht, trust me.

Dang would appear that bumpy cucumber is actually expanding in there since November 8th!!:rock::rock::spinner:


s0n........why not go out and get some real responsibilities in life? Sitting at your PC being miserable every fucking day is ghey.:gay: Join BLM or something.........all you do is lose on here and entertain people like me who love to see progressive heads exploding!!:coffee:

Here s0n......something to bookmark........ [URL='']Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL
.....might give you a different perspective!!:bye1:

White people got dicked on the economy the last 8 years...............offuckingcourse they are going to say "FUCK THIS". Tough luck...........:rofl::rofl::rofl::popcorn:[/URL]
They wouldve skewered bernie sanders, they vote against literally everthing that bernie sanders supports on state and local leveels every chance their given why would they change their minds for president? you think hilllary's email server was a fake scandal? you have no idea what made up bullshit they wouldve attached to bernie, he wouldve been a child olesting comunist who wouldve forced all elderly white people to get transgendered surgery.
Bernie may or may not would have lost....however, he excited people, he got the crowds and and and, he would have forced Trump to deal with issues, real issues, not this lock her up, not this crooked Hillary shit, no email bullshit....just talk about issues. The old man was as clean as a whistle and Trump would have had nothing on him but progressive shit talk...something we can deal with as a party. Yes they would have come up with a scandal or two...BUT HE COULD FIGHT THAT.....Hillary couldn't come back with shit...couldn't talk about Donald be a ass hole womanizer, cause her husband was one, couldn't talk about his foundation shit, cause her shit was messy, couldn't talk about his racism cause this bitch has been caught hating on niggas and on and on and on.....Bernie would have survive the bullsht, trust me.

Dang would appear that bumpy cucumber is actually expanding in there since November 8th!!:rock::rock::spinner:

[/URL]']s0n........why not go out and get some real responsibilities in life? Sitting at your PC being miserable every fucking day is ghey.:gay: Join BLM or something.........all you do is lose on here and entertain people like me who love to see progressive heads exploding!!:coffee:
[/URL]']Here s0n......something to bookmark........ [/URL]Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL .....might give you a different perspective!!:bye1:

[/URL]']White people got dicked on the economy the last 8 years...............offuckingcourse they are going to say "FUCK THIS". Tough luck...........:rofl::rofl::rofl::popcorn:[/URL]
White people got dicked how?
What about all fuckin people's economic concerns?
Ding, ding, ding! Weve got a winner! Yeah, you guys should have focused on THAT, instead of focusing on everyone who isnt white.
Oh, do you sorry mf's don't give a shit about wages? You sorry mf's don't give a fuck about affordable healthcare? You sorry mf's don't give a fuck about income inequality? Safe neighborhood, etc? The problem with you white mf's and I've said it a zillion times, you keep wanting to stay on top of the food chain in this country and pal, its never gonna be that way for you people again. Factories will continue to close, income will still be stagnant, healthcare cost will continue to rise and despite your please, nobody and I mean nobody, not even the God Trump is gonna be able to change that for you. You people keep voting on pipe dream republicans who have yet, ever to do a gotdamn thing for you except enhance the fuckin rich, obstruct democrats and blow up deficits....that is just fact..own it and get real bitches!!

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