Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

Ten days ago, every nutter here would have voted to defund all national parks, monuments and museums.

Today they are the most ardent defenders of these institutions.

Tomorrow, will they approve funding for more national parks? I wonder?

Fucking overbearing bullshit.

How does that make it ok to us government intimidation to shut down private business?

I almost never tempted to use nazi comparisons, but if the rangers aren't acting like jack booted thugs.....

Not fair to blame the rangers. Obama is the thug trying to squeeze as many little people as possible. The rangers have to do what they're told, as long as they're not killing anyone or anything.

No actually they don't, they swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution and government restricting peoples right to move freely and enter into commerce for pure spite, is unconstitutional, it's time to question or refuse the orders.
Because the original question that took you 17 hours to think of a snappy comeback to was whether the OP seriously thought the POTUS is personally closing the Pisgah Inn. That's why.

Reading comprehension. Try doing it in the moment and you mightn't lose your place.

And you asked me because I didn't write the OP?

Stop paying attention to voices when you can't see the people.

"Asked" you??

I didn't ask you jack squat. I asked the OP, into which question you inserted yourself. Fantasize much?

Again, leave posters to answer for themselves and you'll eat less foot.

What was this post about then?

Or maybe just haven't been drinking the Kool-Aid. How is it today?
Sorry, I just can't fuel on assumptions.

I guess you believed them when they told you it was juice.

If it helps you get over your superiority delusion the park service has openly admitted they have ordered their employees to make life difficult for the public.

And if it helps you get over your internet message board delusions, the National Park Service is not the President of the United States.

Who knew.

Like I said, the voices not connected to people are not real.
No - actually the difference between us is you're the one projecting claims of value judgments that I haven't made. I'm not interested in your examples of whatever rhetorical wet spot.

In this instance (which was in no way addressed to you), the poster claimed there was a violation of the lease; I then asked him to show the part of the lease language that is being violated. He of course can't do that since he's pulling the idea out of his ass, a procedure with which I have no doubt you're intimately familiar.

Which wasn't your point anyway, damn control freak.

I am projecting?

You defended the government, and then demanded other people prove the government wrong.

This invitation is still open from yesterday -- post where I've "defended the government". I'm getting used to the sound of crickets.

What is it with you people who think you can just make shit up?

Seriously? Do you read your posts?
How does that make it ok to us government intimidation to shut down private business?

I almost never tempted to use nazi comparisons, but if the rangers aren't acting like jack booted thugs.....

Not fair to blame the rangers. Obama is the thug trying to squeeze as many little people as possible. The rangers have to do what they're told, as long as they're not killing anyone or anything.

No actually they don't, they swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution and government restricting peoples right to move freely and enter into commerce for pure spite, is unconstitutional, it's time to question or refuse the orders.
100%. The game is UP for Obama, Reid and the Progressives. they are openly showing us who they are...and their game plan...HURT the people until they capitulate. Class favourite of Despots and Dictators everywhere.

WE don't buy it...THEY are gonna get a crash course in 'MOB RULE' in short order if they don't stop these games. WE are sick of them playing with our lives for political gain.

Of course it is. Nobody says it isn't "common". :confused:

Once again, as in the "textbook" malarkey, ascribing conclusions that were never drawn to a simple observation.

There is no "so what". The point wasn't on a "so what"; it was on the Moonie Times. Nice try attempting to bury that, but there it sits. Sorry to burst the conspiracy theorist bubble but sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Hey, know what would be a cool idea? Let's just repost the last 100 posts where this was already beaten to death. Start without me.
Yeah. You ever going to get around to claiming the Times lied, or are you going to insist it's so because you SAY it's so?

You know -- your usual way of backing up your claims.

Again -- already done, linked and quoted. Yawn.
You THINK you've proved it...but you haven't.
Funny you didn't read the post of mine that you quoted, since it would have answered that question before you asked it. Now look where you are.

Maybe I should use smaller words, I just can't think of any that actually describe the situation. Legally, he does own the inn. He just doesn't own the access to it, or the land it is on.

If anything goes wrong as a direct result of a guest's stay at the inn the park service is not liable. If an employee has a complaint about the labor practices the park service is not liable. If the inn burns to the ground the park service is not liable. They are not liable because they do not own the inn.

You can spin all day long, and claim the article is misleading, but the only one trying to mislead anyone is you. The park service is deliberately causing grief to Carroll, his employees, and his guests, and you are passing the Kool Aid off as nectar.

I was afraid of this. You've caught Daveman Disease. It's contagious apparently.

Nothing in my post was about anybody's grief or any other ramifications. I simply pointed out that the Moonie Times wrote a misleading story. That's it. Sorry if you can't handle that but it's not my problem.

We get it, you have a hard on for the Times and want to argue over simple semantics. You're so freaking brave.
Not fair to blame the rangers. Obama is the thug trying to squeeze as many little people as possible. The rangers have to do what they're told, as long as they're not killing anyone or anything.

No actually they don't, they swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution and government restricting peoples right to move freely and enter into commerce for pure spite, is unconstitutional, it's time to question or refuse the orders.
100%. The game is UP for Obama, Reid and the Progressives. they are openly showing us who they are...and their game plan...HURT the people until they capitulate. Class favourite of Despots and Dictators everywhere.

WE don't buy it...THEY are gonna get a crash course in 'MOB RULE' in short order if they don't stop these games. WE are sick of them playing with our lives for political gain.


How can you be sure this is deliberate? I keep asking in these threads if they could remember what happened the last time we shut down. Very curious. I don't remember.
No actually they don't, they swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution and government restricting peoples right to move freely and enter into commerce for pure spite, is unconstitutional, it's time to question or refuse the orders.
100%. The game is UP for Obama, Reid and the Progressives. they are openly showing us who they are...and their game plan...HURT the people until they capitulate. Class favourite of Despots and Dictators everywhere.

WE don't buy it...THEY are gonna get a crash course in 'MOB RULE' in short order if they don't stop these games. WE are sick of them playing with our lives for political gain.


How can you be sure this is deliberate? I keep asking in these threads if they could remember what happened the last time we shut down. Very curious. I don't remember.

NONE of these things closed last time. In fact the Presidents involved went to meetings to hammer out details of compromise.

Obama won't hear of it...neither will REID.

I advise the HOUSE to stand fast...hold the line.

The PEOPLE are behind them...SAME to Republicans in the Senate. Make REID sweat. Make Obama capitulate.

I am not buying this bullshit from the District of criminals.
Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times
What few people seem to realize is the inn is privately owned but on federal property, that means when the government shuts down the inn must shut down too. To allow concessions within the parks and monuments to operate with the people responsible for health and safety absent is not in best interest of the public.

Apparently right wing media was so excited by a headline of government shutting down private business that they ignored the facts.
How does that make it ok to us government intimidation to shut down private business?

I almost never tempted to use nazi comparisons, but if the rangers aren't acting like jack booted thugs.....

Not fair to blame the rangers. Obama is the thug trying to squeeze as many little people as possible. The rangers have to do what they're told, as long as they're not killing anyone or anything.

No actually they don't, they swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution and government restricting peoples right to move freely and enter into commerce for pure spite, is unconstitutional, it's time to question or refuse the orders.

And then it would be time for them to lose their jobs and their family's livelihoods over putting up a barricade?

Putting up a barricade on federal property is probably not violating the Constitution. It's not an obvious call. If they don't like following the orders then it may be time for them to start looking for a new job. But following Obama's possibly-lawful orders doesn't make them thugs.

The rangers aren't the spiteful ones.
Maybe I should use smaller words, I just can't think of any that actually describe the situation. Legally, he does own the inn. He just doesn't own the access to it, or the land it is on.

If anything goes wrong as a direct result of a guest's stay at the inn the park service is not liable. If an employee has a complaint about the labor practices the park service is not liable. If the inn burns to the ground the park service is not liable. They are not liable because they do not own the inn.

You can spin all day long, and claim the article is misleading, but the only one trying to mislead anyone is you. The park service is deliberately causing grief to Carroll, his employees, and his guests, and you are passing the Kool Aid off as nectar.

I was afraid of this. You've caught Daveman Disease. It's contagious apparently.

Nothing in my post was about anybody's grief or any other ramifications. I simply pointed out that the Moonie Times wrote a misleading story. That's it. Sorry if you can't handle that but it's not my problem.

We get it, you have a hard on for the Times and want to argue over simple semantics. You're so freaking brave.
He ain't brave...he's STUPID.
I am projecting?

You defended the government, and then demanded other people prove the government wrong.

This invitation is still open from yesterday -- post where I've "defended the government". I'm getting used to the sound of crickets.

What is it with you people who think you can just make shit up?

Seriously? Do you read your posts?

And .... that's supposed to be the documentation for what you can't find?

No shit, the most honest thing you've ever done on this board is your choice of screen name.
Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times
What few people seem to realize is the inn is privately owned but on federal property, that means when the government shuts down the inn must shut down too. To allow concessions within the parks and monuments to operate with the people responsible for health and safety absent is not in best interest of the public.

Apparently right wing media was so excited by a headline of government shutting down private business that they ignored the facts.

I wouldn't be surprised to find that some in the RW media know this but decided it's worth reporting like they did anyway to get their readers all nice and hopped up...

...oh wait, I mean keep their readers all nice and hopped up. :D
Nothing in my post was about anybody's grief or any other ramifications. I simply pointed out that the Moonie Times wrote a misleading story. That's it. Sorry if you can't handle that but it's not my problem.
And you failed to point out how the story was misleading.

Exactly 160 posts back if memory serves...

The denialism part, I can't help with. First step is to admit you have a problem.
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If the Conservative wing, the Tea Party wing of the Republican congressional delegation could accept these facts: The ACA was passed, signed into law and deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS and,
The Republican nominee for President campaigned to repeal the Act and was soundly defeated (the wish of the American people).

There are rules and measures to enact and repeal legislation that do not evolve destroying the American system of government.

If these extremists realized those simple, commonly known facts,
would we be in a shutdown today?

It is the obsessive drive of folks who went to Washington not to govern but to sabotage and destroy that lead this crisis. What clear thinking people are left to wonder is how can they say that the results of their obsession is the fault of anyone but themselves?

How much bullshit can we endure from them without the people rejecting their venomous brand of politics?

Whether you like it or not, Nosmo, nobody in Congress, except the Senate who won't pass a budget, are failing to follow the rules that Congress set down. "Nay" votes are just as legal as "aye" votes. So why should the House Republicans be required to vote for something they believe to be fiscally corrupt and immoral to boot just because a Democratic super majority crammed something down their throat that most Americans no longer wish to have?

If you were absolutely opposed to something a Republican majority passed, and you voted the Republicans out of the majority in one chamber of Congress so that the Democrats could fix it, would you be as condemning of the Democrats who were voting exactly as those who elected them wished them to vote?
So are you saying that the Tea Party Republicans are acting responsibly and in total honesty? How can they blame the shutdown on anyone but themselves? Had they done things with the best interests of the American people in mind, would they shut down the federal government, or is it nothing but the cheapest form of political theater?
Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times
What few people seem to realize is the inn is privately owned but on federal property, that means when the government shuts down the inn must shut down too. To allow concessions within the parks and monuments to operate with the people responsible for health and safety absent is not in best interest of the public.

Apparently right wing media was so excited by a headline of government shutting down private business that they ignored the facts.

This was addressed early in the thread, the inn is located on a parkway that is remaining open and patrolled by the rangers, they are taking extra manpower to block the drive to the inn from the parkway. The business owner is responsible for safety in his area of responsibility. There is no rational reason for this action.
The feds have found a way to inflict some "pain" in Alaska with their "shut down". Seems they have closed federal lands to hunting during peak hunting season. I'd like to see them enforce this one. Alaska is a mighty big place and apparently the Federal enforcement officers will be furloughed. National Parks here are still open but many facilities have been asked to close. (Hahaha, it's already the end of the season for most parks.)

Shutdown Means Limited Access to Federal Lands in Alaska -

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