Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

You guys who are upset by this should write your Representatives and tell them you want the government opened again.

That article stated that several park services had to close due to the sequester. You must have missed that.

Liberals want more spending for national parks and scenic highways. Join us in our fight.
You guys who are upset by this should write your Representatives and tell them you want the government opened again.

That article stated that several park services had to close due to the sequester. You must have missed that.

Liberals want more spending for national parks and scenic highways. Join us in our fight.
Where's the LINK to QW Lunger? Quit obfuscating and get crackin' to prove he stated something he didn't...BE a SPORT...:lol:
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Can anyone provide me the logic in this story?

Why does the government want Bruce to lay off 100 employees, when leaving it open will cost the government nothing but will in fact bring income into the government. All the government employees will get back pay. This small business owner is getting nothing, his workers will claim unemployment and food stamps, making them a burden to all of us taxpayers. The government is being unreasonable, why would they create a burden on it's citizens.

It's not logic. It's bureaucrazy doing what bureaucrazy does best.
Can anyone provide me the logic in this story?

Why does the government want Bruce to lay off 100 employees, when leaving it open will cost the government nothing but will in fact bring income into the government. All the government employees will get back pay. This small business owner is getting nothing, his workers will claim unemployment and food stamps, making them a burden to all of us taxpayers. The government is being unreasonable, why would they create a burden on it's citizens.

It's not logic. It's bureaucrazy doing what bureaucrazy does best.

The Obama admin is getting very good at showing us the drawbacks of his vision of "good governance". Whoever the heck made that decision is part of the government he says we should put our faith in and allow to expand.
You guys who are upset by this should write your Representatives and tell them you want the government opened again.

That article stated that several park services had to close due to the sequester. You must have missed that.

Liberals want more spending for national parks and scenic highways. Join us in our fight.

Except this area is still open and the government is losing money by being arbitrary. Why does this place have to shut down? It is costing the government nothing to be open. It is providing employment for citizens of our country, who the government is supposed to work for. It hurts no one. It is a privately owned business operating on government land. Give us a good reason to put all these people out of work.
Can anyone provide me the logic in this story?

Why does the government want Bruce to lay off 100 employees, when leaving it open will cost the government nothing but will in fact bring income into the government. All the government employees will get back pay. This small business owner is getting nothing, his workers will claim unemployment and food stamps, making them a burden to all of us taxpayers. The government is being unreasonable, why would they create a burden on it's citizens.

It's not logic. It's bureaucrazy doing what bureaucrazy does best.

And it is wrong! It is being spiteful.
If the Conservative wing, the Tea Party wing of the Republican congressional delegation could accept these facts: The ACA was passed, signed into law and deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS and,
The Republican nominee for President campaigned to repeal the Act and was soundly defeated (the wish of the American people).

There are rules and measures to enact and repeal legislation that do not evolve destroying the American system of government.

If these extremists realized those simple, commonly known facts,
would we be in a shutdown today?

It is the obsessive drive of folks who went to Washington not to govern but to sabotage and destroy that lead this crisis. What clear thinking people are left to wonder is how can they say that the results of their obsession is the fault of anyone but themselves?

How much bullshit can we endure from them without the people rejecting their venomous brand of politics?
Yes, the ACA was passed and signed into law. Yes, thus far, the specific challenges to it have been upheld by the SCOTUS.

The good thing about our government structure is the checks and balances.

Guess what Nosmo King, the House of Representatives is responsible for writing all the funding legislation. Everything that they are doing is constitutional.

The House even passed a government funding bill that would fund every aspect of the government sans the ACA. The Senate blocked that bill, thus they effectively are responsible for the government shutdown. The Senate Democrats are holding the government shutdown as a hostage to the ACA, not the other way around.
Please try to inform yourself a little bit better.
You endorsed Palin for president? Are you aware she never ran for that job? Want to call me stupid again?

You did. 2016. Need the link?

You have a link to something I never said?

Will you admit you are a stupid lying fuckface when you can't find it?


You never did return to that thread, did you? I get it. I would have been too embarrassed myself.

Now...go ahead and tell me that this was not an endorsement.
Can anyone provide me the logic in this story?

Why does the government want Bruce to lay off 100 employees, when leaving it open will cost the government nothing but will in fact bring income into the government. All the government employees will get back pay. This small business owner is getting nothing, his workers will claim unemployment and food stamps, making them a burden to all of us taxpayers. The government is being unreasonable, why would they create a burden on it's citizens.

It's not logic. It's bureaucrazy doing what bureaucrazy does best.

First reasonable thing you've said in this whole damned thread. Good job.
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Can anyone provide me the logic in this story?

Why does the government want Bruce to lay off 100 employees, when leaving it open will cost the government nothing but will in fact bring income into the government. All the government employees will get back pay. This small business owner is getting nothing, his workers will claim unemployment and food stamps, making them a burden to all of us taxpayers. The government is being unreasonable, why would they create a burden on it's citizens.

It's the logic of unlimited power wielded by faceless bureaucrats.

You did. 2016. Need the link?

You have a link to something I never said?

Will you admit you are a stupid lying fuckface when you can't find it?


You never did return to that thread, did you? I get it. I would have been too embarrassed myself.

Now...go ahead and tell me that this was not an endorsement.

That't not an endorsement, it's a speculative prediction.
You have a link to something I never said?

Will you admit you are a stupid lying fuckface when you can't find it?


You never did return to that thread, did you? I get it. I would have been too embarrassed myself.

Now...go ahead and tell me that this was not an endorsement.

That't not an endorsement, it's a speculative prediction.

"Speculative prediction"... :eusa_think:

I like it. Might use it when Quantumbag finally comes back with that link to what I never said. Which apparently he's still on the hunt for :rofl:

Quantumbag asks for a link to something he said, gets it. I ask Quantumbag for a link to something he thinks I said; I get bupkis.

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Cones blocking viewing and photo op area on public highway near Mount Rushmore. The feds also said it was not intended to block the viewing area. Others have a different opinion about that:

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You have a link to something I never said?

Will you admit you are a stupid lying fuckface when you can't find it?


You never did return to that thread, did you? I get it. I would have been too embarrassed myself.

Now...go ahead and tell me that this was not an endorsement.

That't not an endorsement, it's a speculative prediction.

Right. She'd win in a landslide.........but that was not an endorsement. He'd vote Dem if she was the GOP nom, right? He was just speculating on who could win 270 electoral votes and he picked that imbecile. But he'd never vote for her.

Got it.
Pogo, did your source really debunk the story or just put another spin on it? And whose reporters have more authority do you think? TPM? Or the Milwaukee Journal?
State DNR refuses federal directive to close some popular parks

:dunno: I don't make the news, I just enforce it.

What's at issue there is whether the DNR actually issued such a directive. The J-S says so but goes into no detail and doesn't quote a source. Since the TPM story does go into how that interpretation came about, that's more persuasive at this point.

The "Muckraker" is less radical and does make more effort to do real journalism than most decidedly leftwing sites on the internet--I put it somewhere in the same neighborhood with Huffington Post. And I give Josh Marshall credit for doing some honest to goodness research now and then. But the TPM invites no commentary from anybody who doesn't voice the liberal message and has yet to take on a liberal cause with the same diligence or depth that it takes on almost every prominent conservative issue. For that reason I have to consider their conclusions about much of anything to be at least a little suspect.

And if you read the article carefully, it isn't taking a defnitive stand but is suggesting that people have 'misinterpreted' what happened. In my opinion, it is worth adding to the store of evidence. But it is not worthy to take as gospel.

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