Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

Pogo, did your source really debunk the story or just put another spin on it? And whose reporters have more authority do you think? TPM? Or the Milwaukee Journal?
State DNR refuses federal directive to close some popular parks

:dunno: I don't make the news, I just enforce it.

What's at issue there is whether the DNR actually issued such a directive. The J-S says so but goes into no detail and doesn't quote a source. Since the TPM story does go into how that interpretation came about, that's more persuasive at this point.

The "Muckraker" is less radical and does make more effort to do real journalism than most decidedly leftwing sites on the internet--I put it somewhere in the same neighborhood with Huffington Post. And I give Josh Marshall credit for doing some honest to goodness research now and then. But the TPM invites no commentary from anybody who doesn't voice the liberal message and has yet to take on a liberal cause with the same diligence or depth that it takes on almost every prominent conservative issue. For that reason I have to consider their conclusions about much of anything to be at least a little suspect.

And if you read the article carefully, it isn't taking a defnitive stand but is suggesting that people have 'misinterpreted' what happened. In my opinion, it is worth adding to the store of evidence. But it is not worthy to take as gospel.

That's pretty much what I said. Of the two, which is all we have here, only the TPM story presented any evidence that there even was a misinterpretation (and quoted directly from the NPS letter which said nothing about ordering closures).

Looks to me like this whole week is, more than anything else, a boon to political spinnicists banging away at their keyboards trying to intimate fear and loathing motivations into scenarios where little or nothing exists save an understandable uncertainty about who's supposed to do or not do what or not-what.

Alex Jones must be jealous.
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Whether you like it or not, Nosmo, nobody in Congress, except the Senate who won't pass a budget, are failing to follow the rules that Congress set down. "Nay" votes are just as legal as "aye" votes. So why should the House Republicans be required to vote for something they believe to be fiscally corrupt and immoral to boot just because a Democratic super majority crammed something down their throat that most Americans no longer wish to have?

If you were absolutely opposed to something a Republican majority passed, and you voted the Republicans out of the majority in one chamber of Congress so that the Democrats could fix it, would you be as condemning of the Democrats who were voting exactly as those who elected them wished them to vote?
So are you saying that the Tea Party Republicans are acting responsibly and in total honesty? How can they blame the shutdown on anyone but themselves? Had they done things with the best interests of the American people in mind, would they shut down the federal government, or is it nothing but the cheapest form of political theater?

Plenty of blame to go around, as far as I can see. How can you not blame the opposition team that refuses to negotiate on any know, the "my way or the highway, f**k everybody else" bunch. Particularly the pack of criminals lead by Reid and Pelosi.
the only option the Tea Party gangsters will accept is the total repeal of the Affordable Care Act, a law passed and signed and deemed constitional. Without the death of affordable health care, the Tea Party refuses to budge!

What happens a few years from now when a Republican president passes a ban on all abortions with the aid of a Rublican "super majority"? Should congressional Democrats in a subsequent congress then shut down the government in a fit of pique too? Who do you suppose will howl loudest then?
"Just before the weekend, the National Park Service informed charter boat captains in Florida that the Florida Bay was "closed" due to the shutdown. Until government funding is restored, the fishing boats are prohibited from taking anglers into 1,100 square-miles of open ocean. Fishing is also prohibited at Biscayne National Park during the shutdown. "

The Park Service will also have rangers on duty to police the ban. Of access to an ocean. The government will probably use more personnel and spend more resources to attempt to close the ocean, than it would in its normal course of business.
This is governing by temper-tantrum. It is on par with the government's ham-fisted attempts to close the DC WWII Memorial, an open-air public monument that is normally accessible 24 hours a day. By accessible I mean, you walk up to it. When you have finished reflecting, you then walk away from it."

Apparently, according to an anonymous Park Service ranger, “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”
Centuries ago, King Canute famously failed to command the ocean tide to stop. His display was actually a means to educate his subjects on the limits of royal power. Today, however, our President actually believes he has the power to control the oceans. "

Feds Try to Close the OCEAN Because of Shutdown

Here are just 3 places that were affected by the shutdown and 1 that wasn't. Take notice that 3 of the 4 are in states that Romney carried. The last one was given a go-ahead since they did vote for Obama.
In Wisconsin, officials are keeping seven federally subsidized state-owned forest, wildlife and recreation areas open, even after receiving instructions from the federal Department of the Interior to close them. The state lands depend on federal funds for 18% of their budgets, or $701,000 total.

I don't know about your other examples but the Wisconsin story has already been debunked (here). It wouldn't surprise me to find similar debunkments for some of the others. That's what happens in a political circus.

Wouldn't surprise me, but just not worth the time to look this silly shit up -- that one above, somebody else found.

That said, your fly-on-the-wall report of how these decisions came down is fascinating. And it doesn't work anyway; both Maryland and Wisconsin voted for O'bama, which makes 2 out of 4.

I mis-spoke that Wi went for Romney. I meant to say the Governor is a conservative Republican and an irritant to Obama. My source was the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel which is not a conservative newspaper.

Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension. I posted The last one was given a go-ahead since they did vote for Obama. and the last one was Maryland. I would like to see a link to who debunked the major newspaper in Wisconsin.
Here are just 3 places that were affected by the shutdown and 1 that wasn't. Take notice that 3 of the 4 are in states that Romney carried. The last one was given a go-ahead since they did vote for Obama.

I don't know about your other examples but the Wisconsin story has already been debunked (here). It wouldn't surprise me to find similar debunkments for some of the others. That's what happens in a political circus.

Wouldn't surprise me, but just not worth the time to look this silly shit up -- that one above, somebody else found.

That said, your fly-on-the-wall report of how these decisions came down is fascinating. And it doesn't work anyway; both Maryland and Wisconsin voted for O'bama, which makes 2 out of 4.

I mis-spoke that Wi went for Romney. I meant to say the Governor is a conservative Republican and an irritant to Obama. My source was the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel which is not a conservative newspaper.

Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension. I posted The last one was given a go-ahead since they did vote for Obama. and the last one was Maryland. I would like to see a link to who debunked the major newspaper in Wisconsin.

Not at all, I read that the first time. And I'm still curious as to how you know what this decison making reasoning was. Awaiting with abated breath.
Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times
The order to close the parks includes all concessions within the park service. The park service personnel must be available to respond to emergencies on park service land and to enforce laws which protect government property. Closing all concession is the right thing to do. The highway patrol responds to highway emergencies not problems on park service land.
You have a link to something I never said?

Will you admit you are a stupid lying fuckface when you can't find it?


You never did return to that thread, did you? I get it. I would have been too embarrassed myself.

Now...go ahead and tell me that this was not an endorsement.

That't not an endorsement, it's a speculative prediction.

Whatever you call it, it's fuckin' stupid.

So are you saying that the Tea Party Republicans are acting responsibly and in total honesty? How can they blame the shutdown on anyone but themselves? Had they done things with the best interests of the American people in mind, would they shut down the federal government, or is it nothing but the cheapest form of political theater?

Plenty of blame to go around, as far as I can see. How can you not blame the opposition team that refuses to negotiate on any know, the "my way or the highway, f**k everybody else" bunch. Particularly the pack of criminals lead by Reid and Pelosi.
the only option the Tea Party gangsters will accept is the total repeal of the Affordable Care Act, a law passed and signed and deemed constitional. Without the death of affordable health care, the Tea Party refuses to budge!

What happens a few years from now when a Republican president passes a ban on all abortions with the aid of a Rublican "super majority"? Should congressional Democrats in a subsequent congress then shut down the government in a fit of pique too? Who do you suppose will howl loudest then?
Again, when it comes to the government shutdown you are incorrect.
Using terms such as "Tea Party gangsters" is cute but not accurate.
As I previously posted,
The House even passed a government funding bill that would fund every aspect of the government sans the ACA. The Senate blocked that bill, thus they effectively are responsible for the government shutdown. The Senate Democrats are holding the government shutdown as a hostage to the ACA, not the other way around.
Nosmo King, your refusal to acknowledge that fact shows your partisan ways.
Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times
What few people seem to realize is the inn is privately owned but on federal property, that means when the government shuts down the inn must shut down too. To allow concessions within the parks and monuments to operate with the people responsible for health and safety absent is not in best interest of the public.

Apparently right wing media was so excited by a headline of government shutting down private business that they ignored the facts.
Utter nonsense. The Corps of Engineers is shut down...but there are three marinas around here on Corps property that are still operating.

And the operator of the inn is responsible for the health and safety of the public staying there.
Plenty of blame to go around, as far as I can see. How can you not blame the opposition team that refuses to negotiate on any know, the "my way or the highway, f**k everybody else" bunch. Particularly the pack of criminals lead by Reid and Pelosi.
the only option the Tea Party gangsters will accept is the total repeal of the Affordable Care Act, a law passed and signed and deemed constitional. Without the death of affordable health care, the Tea Party refuses to budge!

What happens a few years from now when a Republican president passes a ban on all abortions with the aid of a Rublican "super majority"? Should congressional Democrats in a subsequent congress then shut down the government in a fit of pique too? Who do you suppose will howl loudest then?
Again, when it comes to the government shutdown you are incorrect.
Using terms such as "Tea Party gangsters" is cute but not accurate.
As I previously posted,
The House even passed a government funding bill that would fund every aspect of the government sans the ACA. The Senate blocked that bill, thus they effectively are responsible for the government shutdown. The Senate Democrats are holding the government shutdown as a hostage to the ACA, not the other way around.
Nosmo King, your refusal to acknowledge that fact shows your partisan ways.

Hm- I dunno Alan. Forgive me for butting in but the way I read it you and Foxy are arguing that the procedures in this game of brinkmanship are perfectly legal, which while true is the equivalent of a legal loophole, while NosmoKing is arguing that the voters have spoken and the results should reflect the vote, which is also valid. As far as the machinations, bills get blocked (and amended, and tabled, etc) all the time so these tactics are nothing new.

There's merit in both arguments. I see six of one, half a dozen of the other.
Nothing in my post was about anybody's grief or any other ramifications. I simply pointed out that the Moonie Times wrote a misleading story. That's it. Sorry if you can't handle that but it's not my problem.
And you failed to point out how the story was misleading.

Exactly 160 posts back if memory serves...

The denialism part, I can't help with. First step is to admit you have a problem.

You quoted some bits that said what you claim they didn't say.

How'd that work out for you?
What the Moonie Times left out:

Bruce O'Connell, described in the article as the "owner" of the Inn, isn't the owner after all. He leases the place from the National Park Service.

Yeah? So? Around here, there are three companies that lease land from the Corps of Engineers to operate marinas...and they're remaining open.

Is the Corps of Engineers the National Park Service?
Are they both part of the government funded by appropriations?

Hint: Yes.

On least three lakes on the Cumberland River under the purview of the CoE Nashville District are shut down.
the only option the Tea Party gangsters will accept is the total repeal of the Affordable Care Act, a law passed and signed and deemed constitional. Without the death of affordable health care, the Tea Party refuses to budge!

What happens a few years from now when a Republican president passes a ban on all abortions with the aid of a Rublican "super majority"? Should congressional Democrats in a subsequent congress then shut down the government in a fit of pique too? Who do you suppose will howl loudest then?
Again, when it comes to the government shutdown you are incorrect.
Using terms such as "Tea Party gangsters" is cute but not accurate.
As I previously posted,
The House even passed a government funding bill that would fund every aspect of the government sans the ACA. The Senate blocked that bill, thus they effectively are responsible for the government shutdown. The Senate Democrats are holding the government shutdown as a hostage to the ACA, not the other way around.
Nosmo King, your refusal to acknowledge that fact shows your partisan ways.

Hm- I dunno Alan. Forgive me for butting in but the way I read it you and Foxy are arguing that the procedures in this game of brinkmanship are perfectly legal, which while true is the equivalent of a legal loophole, while NosmoKing is arguing that the voters have spoken and the results should reflect the vote, which is also valid. As far as the machinations, bills get blocked (and amended, and tabled, etc) all the time so these tactics are nothing new.

There's merit in both arguments. I see six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Nosmo--whom I adore by the way--is being incorrigible in not giving an inch on his 100% partisan and contentious assessment of who is to blame. His term "Tea Party Gangsters" is hateful and insulting to those of us who voted for those guys.

The voters did vote Obama a super majority which is the ONLY reason that he was able to squeak Obamacare through by a razor thin margin and it did become the law of the land. And the people were horrified. No way did it in any way resemble the glowing plan that Obama sold. Many, if not most voters felt betrayed and insulted and that they had been had. So they took away Obama's super majority in the Senate and gave the majority back to the GOP in the House. They did this for one reason and one reason only--to fix or repeal Obamacare.

The Tea Partiers were certainly ALL elected with those marching orders.

So yes, the voters have spoken. And elections do have consequences. And to blame the Republicans for doing exactly what their constituency sent them to Washington to do is nothing short of arrogant and petty and just plain wrong. More especially when they have been willing to offer compromises while Harry Reid and Barack Obama refuse to negotiate on ANYTHING.
Can anyone provide me the logic in this story?

Why does the government want Bruce to lay off 100 employees, when leaving it open will cost the government nothing but will in fact bring income into the government. All the government employees will get back pay. This small business owner is getting nothing, his workers will claim unemployment and food stamps, making them a burden to all of us taxpayers. The government is being unreasonable, why would they create a burden on it's citizens.

The White House wants people to be inconvenienced...the worse, the they can blame the GOP for it.

And as we've seen in this thread and throughout USMB, mindless sheep, toadies, and sycophants are falling for it.
And you failed to point out how the story was misleading.

Exactly 160 posts back if memory serves...

The denialism part, I can't help with. First step is to admit you have a problem.

You quoted some bits that said what you claim they didn't say.

How'd that work out for you?

Very well, thanks.

As I said right above, I can't help with denialism of what's on the page. You're on your own.
Maybe you could take those manly-man guns and just shoot those mean words down. :rofl:
I don't know about your other examples but the Wisconsin story has already been debunked (here). It wouldn't surprise me to find similar debunkments for some of the others. That's what happens in a political circus.

Wouldn't surprise me, but just not worth the time to look this silly shit up -- that one above, somebody else found.

That said, your fly-on-the-wall report of how these decisions came down is fascinating. And it doesn't work anyway; both Maryland and Wisconsin voted for O'bama, which makes 2 out of 4.

I mis-spoke that Wi went for Romney. I meant to say the Governor is a conservative Republican and an irritant to Obama. My source was the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel which is not a conservative newspaper.

Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension. I posted The last one was given a go-ahead since they did vote for Obama. and the last one was Maryland. I would like to see a link to who debunked the major newspaper in Wisconsin.

Not at all, I read that the first time. And I'm still curious as to how you twhat this decison making reasoning was. Awaiting with abated breath.

I don't know, but I would have reached the same conclusion after the Feds went in and
put up a barricade closing a boat launch to the Mississippi River on one of our state parks. After seeing the thugs put up barricades to keep WWII vets from seeing their open air monument. Closing privately owned businesses in North Carolina.

You may believe all of this is a coincidence, but I believe it is planned to inflict maximum pain on the public in an attempt to hide the fact that the Senate is incapable of passing a federal budget as required by law.
As usual, the wingnuts don't quite have it right...

few hours after TPM's spoke with Stepp, a spokesperson for the National Park Service sent an email to TPM, saying the agency believes there may have been a "misunderstanding by [the Department of Natural Resources] about the contents of the letter that have resulted in some of the stories that claim they were ordered to close."

"Under a cooperative agreement, the federal government provides funding through the National Park Service to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for administration of the Ice Age National Scientific Reserve (NSR)," Mike Litterst, acting chief spokesman for the National Parks Service, wrote in the email. "Due to the government shutdown, there was no longer funding available with which to make grant payments to the DNR and on October 1 notice was given to them to suspend performance of all activities funded by that agreement. There was no directive from the National Park Service to cease operations; we merely informed them that the payments through their cooperative agreement would cease for the period of the shutdown. It was left to the discretion of the DNR how to best deal with the curtailed funding."

Did The Feds Really Order Scott Walker To Shut Down Wisconsin Parks?
So why was the boat ramp barricaded off?

Yea, boat ramp perfect example. I love it when there is no supervision. Gee, what could happen? I'm sure having no park rangers, no lifeguards, no supervision of any kind will work out great.

War Monuments Defaced In Pensacola

Unsupervised 4-year-old drowns at apartment pool in Clarkston |

DC woman arrested after area monuments defaced with green paint ? MSNBC
Can anyone provide me the logic in this story?

Why does the government want Bruce to lay off 100 employees, when leaving it open will cost the government nothing but will in fact bring income into the government. All the government employees will get back pay. This small business owner is getting nothing, his workers will claim unemployment and food stamps, making them a burden to all of us taxpayers. The government is being unreasonable, why would they create a burden on it's citizens.

The White House wants people to be inconvenienced...the worse, the they can blame the GOP for it.

And as we've seen in this thread and throughout USMB, mindless sheep, toadies, and sycophants are falling for it.


The WH did not want the shut down. Please stop.
I mis-spoke that Wi went for Romney. I meant to say the Governor is a conservative Republican and an irritant to Obama. My source was the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel which is not a conservative newspaper.

Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension. I posted The last one was given a go-ahead since they did vote for Obama. and the last one was Maryland. I would like to see a link to who debunked the major newspaper in Wisconsin.

Not at all, I read that the first time. And I'm still curious as to how you twhat this decison making reasoning was. Awaiting with abated breath.

I don't know, but I would have reached the same conclusion after the Feds went in and
put up a barricade closing a boat launch to the Mississippi River on one of our state parks. After seeing the thugs put up barricades to keep WWII vets from seeing their open air monument. Closing privately owned businesses in North Carolina.

You may believe all of this is a coincidence, but I believe it is planned to inflict maximum pain on the public in an attempt to hide the fact that the Senate is incapable of passing a federal budget as required by law.

I see. So you're speculating on the basis of either nothing or political wags.

In a sense though you're right. A government shutdown is clearly a tactic to gather public attention, like we the public would do with a demonstration or strike. That much is true, regardless who spins which way after the fact.

But the idea of closing or not closing stuff in this state or that state based on the electoral vote, that one was worthy of Glenn Beck :thup: :lol:
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The problem here is that some are actually defending this BS.

It's plain and utter BS no matter how you sugar coat it. This should have never happened.
the only option the Tea Party gangsters will accept is the total repeal of the Affordable Care Act, a law passed and signed and deemed constitional. Without the death of affordable health care, the Tea Party refuses to budge!

What happens a few years from now when a Republican president passes a ban on all abortions with the aid of a Rublican "super majority"? Should congressional Democrats in a subsequent congress then shut down the government in a fit of pique too? Who do you suppose will howl loudest then?
Again, when it comes to the government shutdown you are incorrect.
Using terms such as "Tea Party gangsters" is cute but not accurate.
As I previously posted,
The House even passed a government funding bill that would fund every aspect of the government sans the ACA. The Senate blocked that bill, thus they effectively are responsible for the government shutdown. The Senate Democrats are holding the government shutdown as a hostage to the ACA, not the other way around.
Nosmo King, your refusal to acknowledge that fact shows your partisan ways.

Hm- I dunno Alan. Forgive me for butting in but the way I read it you and Foxy are arguing that the procedures in this game of brinkmanship are perfectly legal, which while true is the equivalent of a legal loophole, while NosmoKing is arguing that the voters have spoken and the results should reflect the vote, which is also valid. As far as the machinations, bills get blocked (and amended, and tabled, etc) all the time so these tactics are nothing new.

There's merit in both arguments. I see six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Actually, I was pointing out the falseness of Nosmo King's argument that the Republicans are to blame. See the blue highlights for clarification. Nothing more and nothing less.

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