Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

Actually, I was pointing out the falseness of Nosmo King's argument that the Republicans are to blame. See the blue highlights for clarification. Nothing more and nothing less.

I saw that. It just doesn't read much differently to me from " they have been willing to offer compromises while Harry Reid and Barack Obama refuse to negotiate on ANYTHING". Swap the names and they're interchangeable. That's why I see six of one/half a dozen of the other.
Here, let me post it again,

The House even passed a government funding bill that would fund every aspect of the government sans the ACA. The Senate blocked that bill, thus they effectively are responsible for the government shutdown. The Senate Democrats are holding the government shutdown as a hostage to the ACA, not the other way around.

The above is a fact. I haven't mentioned any names on either side of the political spectrum, only stated facts. Argue that.

No, not "only stated facts"; you're drawing conclusions. So is Nosmo. You guys are saying pretty much the same thing with different names in it and your partisan blinders make you think "I'm right and they're wrong". It is an endless game of he said/she said, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
You guys who are upset by this should write your Representatives and tell them you want the government opened again.

That article stated that several park services had to close due to the sequester. You must have missed that.

Liberals want more spending for national parks and scenic highways. Join us in our fight.

I don't want it open again, but my "represenative" is Nancy Pelosi, so I expect her to ignore my wishes.

By the way, I am still waiting for your link to me endorsing Palin.
Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times
What few people seem to realize is the inn is privately owned but on federal property, that means when the government shuts down the inn must shut down too. To allow concessions within the parks and monuments to operate with the people responsible for health and safety absent is not in best interest of the public.

Apparently right wing media was so excited by a headline of government shutting down private business that they ignored the facts.
Utter nonsense. The Corps of Engineers is shut down...but there are three marinas around here on Corps property that are still operating.

And the operator of the inn is responsible for the health and safety of the public staying there.
And if an accident happened on the many trails leading out from the Inn, it would be right wing media that would blast the administration for allowing concessions such as these to remain open when there was insufficient park service staff on duty. The park service is doing exactly what they should doing, closing concessions when they close.
Can anyone provide me the logic in this story?

Why does the government want Bruce to lay off 100 employees, when leaving it open will cost the government nothing but will in fact bring income into the government. All the government employees will get back pay. This small business owner is getting nothing, his workers will claim unemployment and food stamps, making them a burden to all of us taxpayers. The government is being unreasonable, why would they create a burden on it's citizens.

It's not logic. It's bureaucrazy doing what bureaucrazy does best.

Got tired of defending the government?
You did. 2016. Need the link?

You have a link to something I never said?

Will you admit you are a stupid lying fuckface when you can't find it?


You never did return to that thread, did you? I get it. I would have been too embarrassed myself.

Now...go ahead and tell me that this was not an endorsement.

You call that an endorsement? I even used the sarcasm font.

You never did return to that thread, did you? I get it. I would have been too embarrassed myself.

Now...go ahead and tell me that this was not an endorsement.

That't not an endorsement, it's a speculative prediction.

Right. She'd win in a landslide.........but that was not an endorsement. He'd vote Dem if she was the GOP nom, right? He was just speculating on who could win 270 electoral votes and he picked that imbecile. But he'd never vote for her.

Got it.

The closest I ever came to endorsing a Republican was when I said I might vote Republican if Johnson won the primary. He didn't, and I didn't.
Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times
The order to close the parks includes all concessions within the park service. The park service personnel must be available to respond to emergencies on park service land and to enforce laws which protect government property. Closing all concession is the right thing to do. The highway patrol responds to highway emergencies not problems on park service land.

Except that the park service doesn't respond to emergencies at the inn. The only emergency response they get is when they call the local police and fire department.
Can anyone provide me the logic in this story?

Why does the government want Bruce to lay off 100 employees, when leaving it open will cost the government nothing but will in fact bring income into the government. All the government employees will get back pay. This small business owner is getting nothing, his workers will claim unemployment and food stamps, making them a burden to all of us taxpayers. The government is being unreasonable, why would they create a burden on it's citizens.

The White House wants people to be inconvenienced...the worse, the they can blame the GOP for it.

And as we've seen in this thread and throughout USMB, mindless sheep, toadies, and sycophants are falling for it.


The WH did not want the shut down. Please stop.

Sure they did, they even admitted it.
Can anyone provide me the logic in this story?

Why does the government want Bruce to lay off 100 employees, when leaving it open will cost the government nothing but will in fact bring income into the government. All the government employees will get back pay. This small business owner is getting nothing, his workers will claim unemployment and food stamps, making them a burden to all of us taxpayers. The government is being unreasonable, why would they create a burden on it's citizens.

It's not logic. It's bureaucrazy doing what bureaucrazy does best.

Got tired of defending the government?

Got tired of looking for posts I haven't made that you pulled out of your ass?
Or are you ready to admit you are a stupid lying fuckface (your definition) - ?

Yeah yeah, I know the song and dance .... 45 thousand posts and suddenly on this one you "don't have time". Spare me, ya flaming hypocrite.
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Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times

Who gives a shit. I support an amendment to give Texas back to Mexico. Doing so would raise the average IQ in both the United States and in Mexico.

People keep telling me that all racists are conservative, and you keep proving them wrong.
government shut down...they are closing all the federal parks.....that will close the parkway and the great smokey mountains national park...closing the main way from cherokee to gatlinburg during the peak foliage season

Get your facts straight..The Parkway is NOT closed.
Only the concessions and government owned facilities.
One thing is clear, the democrats and Obama are targeting things that hurt the most.
There is no Earthly reason other than pure politics as to why the Inn depicted in the story link needs to blockaded.
Blue Ridge inn's act of defiance lasts about 2 hours
This is a shitty politically motivated move. And it's interesting to note that the area in which this Inn is located is in a House district of a Republican.
What few people seem to realize is the inn is privately owned but on federal property, that means when the government shuts down the inn must shut down too. To allow concessions within the parks and monuments to operate with the people responsible for health and safety absent is not in best interest of the public.

Apparently right wing media was so excited by a headline of government shutting down private business that they ignored the facts.
Utter nonsense. The Corps of Engineers is shut down...but there are three marinas around here on Corps property that are still operating.

And the operator of the inn is responsible for the health and safety of the public staying there.
And if an accident happened on the many trails leading out from the Inn, it would be right wing media that would blast the administration for allowing concessions such as these to remain open when there was insufficient park service staff on duty. The park service is doing exactly what they should doing, closing concessions when they close.

If an accident happens and the inn is closed will that make you feel better?
one of the peak season for tourism and money making is this month in the moutains...we call it the fall foliage season....the leaves are changing....if the parkway is closed it will have a tremendous impact on this area....we have had a tough summer for small businesses as the rain has kept people away....we do not need this kick in the head on top of that.

thanks republicans...thanks....this is a gop strong hold...wonder how that will go over

Well that sucks. I love that drive. Get's me to Richmond quicker. Oh well this shit actually helps my hobby.

The Blue Ridge Parkway is NOT closed.
"Unlike national parks, which have gates and entrance fees, the Blue Ridge Parkway — like other federal parkways including Natchez Trace in Mississippi and Tennessee, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Memorial Parkway in Wyoming and George Washington Memorial Parkway in Virginia — is not closed to traffic but National Park Service visitor centers, historic sites, campgrounds, picnic areas and restrooms along the routes are shuttered because of the budget impasse in Congress."
Blue Ridge inn's act of defiance lasts about 2 hours
It's not logic. It's bureaucrazy doing what bureaucrazy does best.

Got tired of defending the government?

Got tired of looking for posts I haven't made that you pulled out of your ass?
Or are you ready to admit you are a stupid lying fuckface (your definition) - ?

Yeah yeah, I know the song and dance .... 45 thousand posts and suddenly on this one you "don't have time". Spare me, ya flaming hypocrite.

Hey, fuckwad, I am not looking up anything you posted. You routinely defend the government and only back off after you get the fact that they are wrong shoved down your throat.
The House Republicans passed three separate bills, each that would have fully funded the government including government services involving the Blue Ridge Parkway and most Republican Senators would have voted aye on each one. The Senate Democrats rejected or refused to bring to a vote each and every one.

So how is the shutdown of the Blue Ridge Parkway the Republicans fault?

It isn't. The liberal spin doctors are trying their best to make it the fault of the GOP.
Got tired of defending the government?

Got tired of looking for posts I haven't made that you pulled out of your ass?
Or are you ready to admit you are a stupid lying fuckface (your definition) - ?

Yeah yeah, I know the song and dance .... 45 thousand posts and suddenly on this one you "don't have time". Spare me, ya flaming hypocrite.

Hey, fuckwad, I am not looking up anything you posted. You routinely defend the government and only back off after you get the fact that they are wrong shoved down your throat.

Smatter? Caught lying again?
Again, what is it with you people that think you can just make shit up and get away with it?


You have a link to something I never said?
Will you admit you are a stupid lying fuckface when you can't find it?
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It's the law of the land. It has been deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS. The President was re-elected and ran against a guy who was fore square opposed to it and campaigned to repeal it.

I think the American people have spoken.

The tea baggers do NOT speak for the American people, only a small minority of them.

What the tea baggers are doing is acting impetuously. They should be ashamed.

As one of the "Teabaggers" you seem to enjoy denigrating, I agree that we do not get to speak for the American people. But as American people we have as much right to speak as anybody else.

When you can honestly say that you have never supported repeal of a law you deemed to be bad law, you might have more standing and credibility to judge those who vote from their convictions that are different from yours. Otherwise your words could sound very presumptious, prejudicial, and hypocritical. As I know you not to intentionally be like that, I'm giving you benefit of the doubt that such was not your intention. :)

But I ask you to believe that there are many, many of us who are God fearing, caring, industrious, compassionate, and loyal Americans who really believe in doing the right thing rather than the politically expedient thing. And we are not wanting this healthcare law to take away our choices, options, opportunities, and liberties. And because we believed that it does and/or will, we elected those folks to go to Washington to do exactly what they are doing to oppose it as best as they can.

And those are American voices too.
The problem is this is neither the right thing nor the politically expedient thing. Holding the entire government hostage over one piece of legislation is irresponsible. Thousands of federal jobs are going unpaid, hundreds of federal contracts are going unfulfilled or not bid on, thousands of federally backed mortgages are going unprocessed all because a slim minority in one party prefers brinksmanship over statesmanship.

I suppose we could roll back the clock and reinstitute the old health plans, but then thousands will be dropped due to pre-existing conditions. Thousands will find their coverage dropped because they filed a claim. Thousands will see premiums rise exponentially. And millions will go uninsured guaranteeing them bankruptcy should they contract a major medical problem. So, what's the right thing to do? Shut down the government in an impetuous binge of partisanship, or repair the law as it stands?

No, it isn't...ACA was passed by politicians and not sanctioned by the people.
And as we now see, ACA as touted by the President and the democrat leadership resembles nothing like what people were told.
For example... All health insurance policies under the Obamacare law must provide insurance for maternity....Even men...Show me a man who has the proper plumbing to carry a child to term and give birth....
It's the law of the land. It has been deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS. The President was re-elected and ran against a guy who was fore square opposed to it and campaigned to repeal it.

I think the American people have spoken.

The tea baggers do NOT speak for the American people, only a small minority of them.

What the tea baggers are doing is acting impetuously. They should be ashamed.

As one of the "Teabaggers" you seem to enjoy denigrating, I agree that we do not get to speak for the American people. But as American people we have as much right to speak as anybody else.

When you can honestly say that you have never supported repeal of a law you deemed to be bad law, you might have more standing and credibility to judge those who vote from their convictions that are different from yours. Otherwise your words could sound very presumptious, prejudicial, and hypocritical. As I know you not to intentionally be like that, I'm giving you benefit of the doubt that such was not your intention. :)

But I ask you to believe that there are many, many of us who are God fearing, caring, industrious, compassionate, and loyal Americans who really believe in doing the right thing rather than the politically expedient thing. And we are not wanting this healthcare law to take away our choices, options, opportunities, and liberties. And because we believed that it does and/or will, we elected those folks to go to Washington to do exactly what they are doing to oppose it as best as they can.

And those are American voices too.

The way your representatives.....most of whom are in INCREDIBLY SAFE districts...are going about this is wrong. Plain and simple.

It is obvious enough for those who only pay fleeting attention to understand. The GOP shut down the government because they do not like an established law.

If the clean CR is voted on in the house, it will pass and the government opens.

The GOP has a list of platform items that they are saying they will use in return for raising the debt of them being a delay/ defund of the ACA.

What do you think of that tactic? If you are a loyal American as you should piss you the fuck off.
It doesn't. Because the federal government is too large an too expensive.
All of the National Parks could be run by the private sector.
Only police services are necessary government expenditures.

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