Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

What the Moonie Times left out:

Bruce O'Connell, described in the article as the "owner" of the Inn, isn't the owner after all. He leases the place from the National Park Service.

How did they leave that out when they said the inn was on federal land?

"Left out" as in "misled and then failed to clarify". Here's the wording in the article:

>> Inn owner Bruce O'Connell confirmed to The Washington Times that rangers were parked at the entrance to his inn... <<

Except it ain't his inn; it's the gummint's. What Bruce owns is the business of running the inn, for the term of his lease.

As to whether the gummint's in violation of that lease, I don't have a copy of it so I don't know what provision might be in there for gumint shutdowns, but what I read did mention that they told O'Connell he was in violation.

Without "HIS" service, its just an empty building. This makes it HIS inn...Just like a business the leases a building for manufacturing, it is THEIR business and the lease of the building is incidental.
Ten days ago, every nutter here would have voted to defund all national parks, monuments and museums.

Today they are the most ardent defenders of these institutions.

Tomorrow, will they approve funding for more national parks? I wonder?

Fucking overbearing bullshit.

You can stop wondering. Of course the Democrats in the House didn't vote to put people back to work and Harry Reid won't allow a vote on it in the Senate. The government workers are on PAID leave, but the civilians are out of a job and it is caused by the Democrats.

The House approved three targeted spending resolutions to the Senate Wednesday, daring Senate Democrats to vote against measures to immediately fund the District of Columbia, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Park Service.

The bills are part of the House Republican plan to pass spending bills in areas where there is bipartisan agreement in order to spare some pieces of the government from the shutdown.

Read more: House passes bills to fund DC, parks and medical research - The Hill's Floor Action
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

Why do nutters think they are teaching somebody something when they post things that EVERYBODY FUCKING KNOWS?

We know that the GOP members of the House are following Ted Cruz' suggestion and offering to fund parts of the government. The parts that have gained media attention and shone a light on the idiots for who caused this.

We know that the GOP thinks it can muddy the water and get people to buy this bullshit idea that the refusal to go along with this tactic is proof that the Dems hate Americans.

We all know this.

Let me 'splain what is not bullshit! The House passed bills to put people back to work and the
Democrats voted against it in the House and it is DOA in the Senate. The House passed a CR that funded ALL of the government except for Obamacare and it was rejected in the Senate.
I accept your premise that the Dems hate Americans.
Ten days ago, every nutter here would have voted to defund all national parks, monuments and museums.

Today they are the most ardent defenders of these institutions.

Tomorrow, will they approve funding for more national parks? I wonder?

Fucking overbearing bullshit.

You can stop wondering. Of course the Democrats in the House didn't vote to put people back to work and Harry Reid won't allow a vote on it in the Senate. The government workers are on PAID leave, but the civilians are out of a job and it is caused by the Democrats.

The House approved three targeted spending resolutions to the Senate Wednesday, daring Senate Democrats to vote against measures to immediately fund the District of Columbia, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Park Service.

The bills are part of the House Republican plan to pass spending bills in areas where there is bipartisan agreement in order to spare some pieces of the government from the shutdown.
Read more: House passes bills to fund DC, parks and medical research - The Hill's Floor Action
Follow us: @Thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

Why do nutters think they are teaching somebody something when they post things that EVERYBODY FUCKING KNOWS?

We know that the GOP members of the House are following Ted Cruz' suggestion and offering to fund parts of the government. The parts that have gained media attention and shone a light on the idiots for who caused this.

We know that the GOP thinks it can muddy the water and get people to buy this bullshit idea that the refusal to go along with this tactic is proof that the Dems hate Americans.

We all know this.
Apparently not. You still don't have it right.
How did they leave that out when they said the inn was on federal land?

"Left out" as in "misled and then failed to clarify". Here's the wording in the article:

>> Inn owner Bruce O'Connell confirmed to The Washington Times that rangers were parked at the entrance to his inn... <<

Except it ain't his inn; it's the gummint's. What Bruce owns is the business of running the inn, for the term of his lease.

As to whether the gummint's in violation of that lease, I don't have a copy of it so I don't know what provision might be in there for gumint shutdowns, but what I read did mention that they told O'Connell he was in violation.

Without "HIS" service, its just an empty building. This makes it HIS inn...Just like a business the leases a building for manufacturing, it is THEIR business and the lease of the building is incidental.

Well... no.

I rent this house I'm sitting in and perform certain "services" of fixing / maintaining it. That doesn't give me a deed to the property. So his business, their building. just as it's my home/the landlord's house.

We've established that way back, though some here seem to have a hard time accepting this concept of property and the abstract activities therein.
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You can stop wondering. Of course the Democrats in the House didn't vote to put people back to work and Harry Reid won't allow a vote on it in the Senate. The government workers are on PAID leave, but the civilians are out of a job and it is caused by the Democrats.

Read more: House passes bills to fund DC, parks and medical research - The Hill's Floor Action
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

Why do nutters think they are teaching somebody something when they post things that EVERYBODY FUCKING KNOWS?

We know that the GOP members of the House are following Ted Cruz' suggestion and offering to fund parts of the government. The parts that have gained media attention and shone a light on the idiots for who caused this.

We know that the GOP thinks it can muddy the water and get people to buy this bullshit idea that the refusal to go along with this tactic is proof that the Dems hate Americans.

We all know this.

Let me 'splain what is not bullshit! The House passed bills to put people back to work and the
Democrats voted against it in the House and it is DOA in the Senate. The House passed a CR that funded ALL of the government except for Obamacare and it was rejected in the Senate.
I accept your premise that the Dems hate Americans.

The House could have passed a bill that prevented people from leaving work in the first place......but they felt grandstanding about Obamacare was more important......they knew that the shutdown would not defund it was 100% grandstanding.

You should stop. Be ahead of the curve, for once. Beat Boehner to the punch. You have a few more days before he allows that vote on the floor.
I see one guy on here defending this as a safety move. Yet I've never seen a manned boat ramp, your on your own, if you have trouble with your boat, another boater helps you. But there's no park rangers or lifeguards, the guy prolly doesn't have a boat or never launched one in a lake or river.
government shut down...they are closing all the federal parks.....that will close the parkway and the great smokey mountains national park...closing the main way from cherokee to gatlinburg during the peak foliage season

Get your facts straight..The Parkway is NOT closed.
Only the concessions and government owned facilities.
One thing is clear, the democrats and Obama are targeting things that hurt the most.
There is no Earthly reason other than pure politics as to why the Inn depicted in the story link needs to blockaded.
Blue Ridge inn's act of defiance lasts about 2 hours
This is a shitty politically motivated move. And it's interesting to note that the area in which this Inn is located is in a House district of a Republican.

Another casualty of the bullshit is in Pelosi's patch, though. Once again, this is a private establishment, privately funded, that pays lease fees to the Park Service in order to operate where they are. I know if this were my business, I would with hold those fees until I was allowed to re-open.

San Francisco's Cliff House Closes in Government Shutdown | NBC Bay Area
I see one guy on here defending this as a safety move. Yet I've never seen a manned boat ramp, your on your own, if you have trouble with your boat, another boater helps you. But there's no park rangers or lifeguards, the guy prolly doesn't have a boat or never launched one in a lake or river.

Rderp is a dumbass. He knows nothing outside his programming.

We have boat ramps and beaches on our lake. No lifeguards at the beaches; just signs saying "No lifeguard -- Swim at your own risk".
Ryan Budget Would Lead To Closures Of "Hundreds" Of National Park Units
Submitted by NPT Staff on March 28, 2012 - 1:23am
Date: March 26, 2012

[ame=""]This might easy your confusion[/ame].
I saw the Federal government wants to shut down the ocean. Seriously. They told boaters that the bay in FL was closed.
With any luck more governors will step in and defy the federal gov't. This could be the beginning of the Third American Revolution.

That's a waste of time. Better they should shut down the ocean of whatever that is coming from your computer.


"Third American Revolution" :rofl: Right. The People vs. the Bureaucrats. Take up thy musket and walk. Don't fire until you see the whites of their iPhones.
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If anyone gets hurt, or a fire starts, or something major is defaced, they get to sue the state and not the Federal Government. Sounds good to me. I'm sure Wisconsin will be glad to pay for it. They have so much money after fucking over teachers and union workers.

You idiot. 'They get to sue.' Spoken like the 2 year old you are. IOU a NEG!

I took care of that for you. :eusa_angel: But by all means neg away when you are able to.

What a disgusting post. And sadly he/she/it would be thrilled to death if a wildfire started in the beautiful state of Wisconsin over freaking politics.

What a pig rdean is.
If anyone gets hurt, or a fire starts, or something major is defaced, they get to sue the state and not the Federal Government. Sounds good to me. I'm sure Wisconsin will be glad to pay for it. They have so much money after fucking over teachers and union workers.

You idiot. 'They get to sue.' Spoken like the 2 year old you are. IOU a NEG!

I took care of that for you. :eusa_angel: But by all means neg away when you are able to.

What a disgusting post. And sadly he/she/it would be thrilled to death if a wildfire started in the beautiful state of Wisconsin over freaking politics.

What a pig rdean is.

That is undeniable.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is defying a directive from the National Park Service to close down several state parks that receive federal funding in the wake of the partial government shutdown.

The Republican governor has directed the state Natural Resources Department to keep open parks that receive a majority of their funding from the state, The Hill reported.

The department recently intervened after the Fish and Wildlife Service placed barricades near a Mississippi River boat launch because it was on federal land. The barricades were removed because of a decades-old agreement between Wisconsin and the federal government, state officials said.

Wisconsin Gov. Walker defies order to close federally-funded parks | Fox News

That guy will be governor of that state as long as he wants to be. Here in Florida we have the only other set of GOP balls; Governor Rick Scott. Needs to be more GOP governors like those two.
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If anyone gets hurt, or a fire starts, or something major is defaced, they get to sue the state and not the Federal Government. Sounds good to me. I'm sure Wisconsin will be glad to pay for it. They have so much money after fucking over teachers and union workers.

Yeah, the fucked them over so badfly that a recall vote was defeated.

You're not too bright.
Wtf does this mean? You support shutting down such places that don't cost anything to leave open. Or just more partisan drivel?

What I want to know is how his rep got above 200.

What I want to know is how you got to believe that negging, rather than open debate, is the answer to every little opinion that differs from yours. :dunno:

Dude, you cannot debate with rdean. Even you know that.
What I want to know is how his rep got above 200.

What I want to know is how you got to believe that negging, rather than open debate, is the answer to every little opinion that differs from yours. :dunno:

Dude, you cannot debate with rdean. Even you know that.

Truth. Debating takes skill. Consequently entering a debate with rdean is a non starter.

And some posts are just so vile that the neg option is the only answer.
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What I want to know is how his rep got above 200.

What I want to know is how you got to believe that negging, rather than open debate, is the answer to every little opinion that differs from yours. :dunno:

Dude, you cannot debate with rdean. Even you know that.

RDean? :confused:

That wasn't about RDean. It's about this jackoff practice of trying to intimidate opinion through negging as opposed to hashing out issues in debate. The OP (Montecresto) expressed a concern because of low rep count that he shouldn't say anything controversial; I then encouraged him to speak freely, and let him know if he were get attacked by board fascists, I would happily make it up for him. Matter o' fact I got negged for that offer by one such fascist, whose proctologist appears in the picture a few posts above, who wasn't yet even a participant in this thread-- that's how far some of these wackos will go to shut down opposing views.

It's about free speech and the fascistas who would shut people up. The basis of the First Amendment.
Yeah I'll prolly get negged for even spelling out this practice that dare not speak its name. Fuck it, it's cowardly bullshit and needs to be called out regardless the consequences. Because even if I disagree with your opinion I will defend to the death your right to say it. Period.

I should explain that picture for context. It's a cute story.

Back when the story came out about O'bama skeet shooting at Camp David and they released a picture, The Rabbid put up a post declaring a real skeet shooter would no more position himself like the picture, than a baseball batter would hold his bat perpendicular to the ground. Well being a baseball fan I immediately thought of a few batters who do just that, and posted one, which undermined his point. That was the fastest neg I've ever got -- must have been in under ten seconds :lol: But that's how those who can't handle an opinion other than their own react-- they try to shut people up. That's why Stan Musial (above) appears, as a reminder to The Rabbid of where his thought control fantasy leads. And I should add, Stan was a hell of a hitter. His proctology, well that's an unknown.

But to whiz back to the original comment, the idea of negging somebody because they brought up "they get to sue" -- well, if you're gonna do that, then you gotta neg this one too.

Think that'll happen?

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