Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

What I want to know is how you got to believe that negging, rather than open debate, is the answer to every little opinion that differs from yours. :dunno:

Dude, you cannot debate with rdean. Even you know that.

RDean? :confused:

That wasn't about RDean. It's about this jackoff practice of trying to intimidate opinion through negging as opposed to hashing out issues in debate. The OP (Montecresto) expressed a concern because of low rep count that he shouldn't say anything controversial; I then encouraged him to speak freely, and let him know if he were get attacked by board fascists, I would happily make it up for him. Matter o' fact I got negged for that offer by one such fascist, whose proctologist appears in the picture a few posts above, who wasn't yet even a participant in this thread-- that's how far some of these wackos will go to shut down opposing views.

It's about free speech and the fascistas who would shut people up. The basis of the First Amendment.

I should explain that picture for context. It's a cute story.

Back when the story came out about O'bama skeet shooting at Camp David and they released a picture, The Rabbid put up a post declaring a real skeet shooter would no more position himself like the picture, than a baseball batter would hold his bat perpendicular to the ground. Well being a baseball fan I immediately thought of a few batters who do just that, and posted one, which undermined his point. That was the fastest neg I've ever got -- must have been in under ten seconds :lol: But that's how those who can't handle an opinion other than their own react-- they try to shut people up. That's why Stan Musial (above) appears, as a reminder to The Rabbid of where his thought control fantasy leads. And I should add, Stan was a hell of a hitter. His proctology, well that's an unknown.

But to whiz back to the original comment, the idea of negging somebody because they brought up "they get to sue" -- well, if you're gonna do that, then you gotta neg this one too.

Think that'll happen?


It's about rdean. Sunshine asked how his rep got above 200. You replied to that, remember?
Dude, you cannot debate with rdean. Even you know that.

RDean? :confused:

That wasn't about RDean. It's about this jackoff practice of trying to intimidate opinion through negging as opposed to hashing out issues in debate. The OP (Montecresto) expressed a concern because of low rep count that he shouldn't say anything controversial; I then encouraged him to speak freely, and let him know if he were get attacked by board fascists, I would happily make it up for him. Matter o' fact I got negged for that offer by one such fascist, whose proctologist appears in the picture a few posts above, who wasn't yet even a participant in this thread-- that's how far some of these wackos will go to shut down opposing views.

It's about free speech and the fascistas who would shut people up. The basis of the First Amendment.

I should explain that picture for context. It's a cute story.

Back when the story came out about O'bama skeet shooting at Camp David and they released a picture, The Rabbid put up a post declaring a real skeet shooter would no more position himself like the picture, than a baseball batter would hold his bat perpendicular to the ground. Well being a baseball fan I immediately thought of a few batters who do just that, and posted one, which undermined his point. That was the fastest neg I've ever got -- must have been in under ten seconds :lol: But that's how those who can't handle an opinion other than their own react-- they try to shut people up. That's why Stan Musial (above) appears, as a reminder to The Rabbid of where his thought control fantasy leads. And I should add, Stan was a hell of a hitter. His proctology, well that's an unknown.

But to whiz back to the original comment, the idea of negging somebody because they brought up "they get to sue" -- well, if you're gonna do that, then you gotta neg this one too.

Think that'll happen?


It's about rdean. Sunshine asked how his rep got above 200. You replied to that, remember?

>>My<< post has nothing whatsoever to do with RDean. K? Go read it. And when you've done that, read your own sig line.
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If anyone gets hurt, or a fire starts, or something major is defaced, they get to sue the state and not the Federal Government. Sounds good to me. I'm sure Wisconsin will be glad to pay for it. They have so much money after fucking over teachers and union workers.

its been raining in Wisconsin, but I'm sure even obama can burn wet wood
How cute

more race hustling from the left wing hate site, salon

so you see folks, this shut down is now WHITE peoples fault too

where is the black president to shut this kind of hate up?

forget it, it's about white people he won't be coming, even though if he had a son he would be white too
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I can't wait until this administration is GONE...Hopefully this kind of hate from Salon and other place will be gone with him
If anyone gets hurt, or a fire starts, or something major is defaced, they get to sue the state and not the Federal Government. Sounds good to me. I'm sure Wisconsin will be glad to pay for it. They have so much money after fucking over teachers and union workers.

its been raining in Wisconsin, but I'm sure even obama can burn wet wood

That's a good thing.


(thanx to AgainSheila)​
I read this entire article and all I can conclude from it is that the writer has a cornucopia of personality disorders and should get back on the meds which I am sure have been prescribed.
we need more governors to come out and defie this President and his COMRADES in ARMS administration in everything they do...

way to go Governor Walker
Why is it I don't doubt for one minute that a left wing maniac would actually go out and start a forest fire over politics?

They are that mean and vile these days.
Due to the Government Shutdown, other than Newfound Gap Road/US441 (THE MAIN ROAD OVER THE MOUNTAIN FROM CHEROKEE NC TO GATLINBURG TN), the Spur and the Gatlinburg Bypass all GSM National Park roads will be closed to use of any kind by people.

All GSMNP Facilities, Hiking Trails, Picnic Areas and Visitor Centers will be closed

Great Smoky Mountains National Park Road Conditions

Last time I checked there were no businesses in the National park.

Just another Liberal trying to scare people with the lie of GOVT shutdown.[/QUOTE

fuck you....they are closing the parkway and the park....i never said there were businesses inside the damned park now did i.....i said the businesses in the area would suffer...
can you fucking read or just a troll who goes by and shouts our this verbage?
And you're a fucking liar.

We were at Harrahs yesterday for some gambling and headed over to Gatlinburg for a few drinks after. Right over the mountain we went without once stopping other than for traffic. The Parkway was WIDE OPEN. Gatlinburg was busy and full of people. We had to wait 40 mins to get a table at Ugly Coyote it was so packed. BTW, the people we were partying with were from all over the south. Everyone of them blamed the shut down on OBAMA and the RATS. So we all toated a beer to the GOP!

So STFU you lying liberal liar.
Get your facts straight..The Parkway is NOT closed.
Only the concessions and government owned facilities.
One thing is clear, the democrats and Obama are targeting things that hurt the most.
There is no Earthly reason other than pure politics as to why the Inn depicted in the story link needs to blockaded.
Blue Ridge inn's act of defiance lasts about 2 hours
This is a shitty politically motivated move. And it's interesting to note that the area in which this Inn is located is in a House district of a Republican.

Another casualty of the bullshit is in Pelosi's patch, though. Once again, this is a private establishment, privately funded, that pays lease fees to the Park Service in order to operate where they are. I know if this were my business, I would with hold those fees until I was allowed to re-open.

San Francisco's Cliff House Closes in Government Shutdown | NBC Bay Area

look asshole...(thereisnospoon) if you read the thread you will see on monday they thought they would close the road too.....i wished people could read...
ANOTHER LIE by this LYING LIBERAL, I posted a link straight from the Smokey Mountain site where is BOLD letters it stated that the PARKWAY was OPEN. Now STFU because its been proved twice now you are a blad face LIAR that cant be trusted to tell the truth. LIAR

The link to prove your a FUCKING LIBERAL LIAR.
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>>My<< post has nothing whatsoever to do with RDean. K? Go read it. And when you've done that, read your own sig line.


rdean's post:

If anyone gets hurt, or a fire starts, or something major is defaced, they get to sue the state and not the Federal Government. Sounds good to me. I'm sure Wisconsin will be glad to pay for it. They have so much money after fucking over teachers and union workers.

Montecresto's following post:

Wtf does this mean? You support shutting down such places that don't cost anything to leave open. Or just more partisan drivel?

And sunshine's post:

What I want to know is how his rep got above 200.

Now your post in this discussion:

What I want to know is how you got to believe that negging, rather than open debate, is the answer to every little opinion that differs from yours. :dunno:

So far, this discussion is about rdean. Sunshine wants to know how his rep got over 200. You replied with the above.

I replied to you:Dude, you cannot debate with rdean. Even you know that.

Then you went off the rails. Please try to keep your discussions straight.
Why is it I don't doubt for one minute that a left wing maniac would actually go out and start a forest fire over politics?

They are that mean and vile these days.

So you're going to post that same post in how many threads until someone does it?


Crackerman calls Crackerman a liar. Pure entertainment. :rofl:
No you stupid fuck, strollingbones doesnt know how to use a quote. If you notice moron the bottom of my post you will see where strolling fucked up copying my post.

So now STFU liberal POS.:up_yours:
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>>My<< post has nothing whatsoever to do with RDean. K? Go read it. And when you've done that, read your own sig line.


rdean's post:

If anyone gets hurt, or a fire starts, or something major is defaced, they get to sue the state and not the Federal Government. Sounds good to me. I'm sure Wisconsin will be glad to pay for it. They have so much money after fucking over teachers and union workers.

Montecresto's following post:

And sunshine's post:

What I want to know is how his rep got above 200.

Now your post in this discussion:

What I want to know is how you got to believe that negging, rather than open debate, is the answer to every little opinion that differs from yours. :dunno:

So far, this discussion is about rdean. Sunshine wants to know how his rep got over 200. You replied with the above.

I replied to you:Dude, you cannot debate with rdean. Even you know that.

Then you went off the rails. Please try to keep your discussions straight.

I. Had. No. Debate. With. RDean. Period.

Read much?
Why is it I don't doubt for one minute that a left wing maniac would actually go out and start a forest fire over politics?

They are that mean and vile these days.

So you're going to post that same post in how many threads until someone does it?


Crackerman calls Crackerman a liar. Pure entertainment. :rofl:
No you stupid fuck, strollingbones doesnt know how to use a quote. If you notice moron the bottom of my post you will see where strolling fucked up copying my post.

So now STFU liberal POS.

And you posted it that way. :lmao:
It's karma.
So you're going to post that same post in how many threads until someone does it?


Crackerman calls Crackerman a liar. Pure entertainment. :rofl:
No you stupid fuck, strollingbones doesnt know how to use a quote. If you notice moron the bottom of my post you will see where strolling fucked up copying my post.

So now STFU liberal POS.

And you posted it that way. :lmao:
It's karma.

Nope the site did POS. All I did was hit respond jerk off.
No you stupid fuck, strollingbones doesnt know how to use a quote. If you notice moron the bottom of my post you will see where strolling fucked up copying my post.

So now STFU liberal POS.

And you posted it that way. :lmao:
It's karma.

Nope the site did POS. All I did was hit respond jerk off.

I see. So the site is posting for you and you're just a bystander.

And the gun went out and shot people all by itself too. :eusa_whistle:
Get your facts straight..The Parkway is NOT closed.
Only the concessions and government owned facilities.
One thing is clear, the democrats and Obama are targeting things that hurt the most.
There is no Earthly reason other than pure politics as to why the Inn depicted in the story link needs to blockaded.
Blue Ridge inn's act of defiance lasts about 2 hours
This is a shitty politically motivated move. And it's interesting to note that the area in which this Inn is located is in a House district of a Republican.

Another casualty of the bullshit is in Pelosi's patch, though. Once again, this is a private establishment, privately funded, that pays lease fees to the Park Service in order to operate where they are. I know if this were my business, I would with hold those fees until I was allowed to re-open.

San Francisco's Cliff House Closes in Government Shutdown | NBC Bay Area

look asshole...(thereisnospoon) if you read the thread you will see on monday they thought they would close the road too.....i wished people could read...
Your insignificant presence here is barely tolerated. So you might want to dial down the rhetoric before you find yourself in time out.
I posted a link that says otherwise.
Those are the facts. Deal with it.

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