Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

I saw the Federal government wants to shut down the ocean. Seriously. They told boaters that the bay in FL was closed.
With any luck more governors will step in and defy the federal gov't. This could be the beginning of the Third American Revolution.

That's a waste of time. Better they should shut down the ocean of whatever that is coming from your computer.


"Third American Revolution" :rofl: Right. The People vs. the Bureaucrats. Take up thy musket and walk. Don't fire until you see the whites of their iPhones.
So the game is just take it in the ass?..
Let government rule?
Don't question the Chosen One?
Fuck that...WE own the country. Not Obama and his whiny ass crybaby minions.
Another casualty of the bullshit is in Pelosi's patch, though. Once again, this is a private establishment, privately funded, that pays lease fees to the Park Service in order to operate where they are. I know if this were my business, I would with hold those fees until I was allowed to re-open.

San Francisco's Cliff House Closes in Government Shutdown | NBC Bay Area

look asshole...(thereisnospoon) if you read the thread you will see on monday they thought they would close the road too.....i wished people could read...
ANOTHER LIE by this LYING LIBERAL, I posted a link straight from the Smokey Mountain site where is BOLD letters it stated that the PARKWAY was OPEN. Now STFU because its been proved twice now you are a blad face LIAR that cant be trusted to tell the truth. LIAR

The link to prove your a FUCKING LIBERAL LIAR.

Unfortunately for Herr Diaper Rash here, and Thereisnoanswer, Strollingbones is correct. I know that because I posted it myself at the time.

The site a few minutes ago merged two threads together here which is going to make navigation difficult (I wish they'd do that earlier) but here's a link I posted early in the week:

>> The National Park Service had ordered the closing of the road if Congress could not reach a resolution by 12:01 a.m. today to keep the government running. However, park service officials decided Monday to keep the 469-mile parkway open. << (reported October 1)
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I saw the Federal government wants to shut down the ocean. Seriously. They told boaters that the bay in FL was closed.
With any luck more governors will step in and defy the federal gov't. This could be the beginning of the Third American Revolution.

That's a waste of time. Better they should shut down the ocean of whatever that is coming from your computer.


"Third American Revolution" :rofl: Right. The People vs. the Bureaucrats. Take up thy musket and walk. Don't fire until you see the whites of their iPhones.
So the game is just take it in the ass?..
Let government rule?
Don't question the Chosen One?
Fuck that...WE own the country. Not Obama and his whiny ass crybaby minions.

Is English like your ninth language or something?


Never did get that answer on the House districts .... :eusa_whistle:
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No you stupid fuck, strollingbones doesnt know how to use a quote. If you notice moron the bottom of my post you will see where strolling fucked up copying my post.

So now STFU liberal POS.

And you posted it that way. :lmao:
It's karma.

Nope the site did POS. All I did was hit respond jerk off.

I wouldn't be so fast to blame ANYONE...I think there is a software glitch when embedding 3+ quotes. It's happened to me a couple times.
And you posted it that way. :lmao:
It's karma.

Nope the site did POS. All I did was hit respond jerk off.

I wouldn't be so fast to blame ANYONE...I think there is a software glitch when embedding 3+ quotes. It's happened to me a couple times.

Actually somewhere in the history something got truncated and threw off the quotes. A poster can simply fix it. That's why we have the Edit button.
Now the "respond jerk off" button, I'm not even sure where that is but it sounds messy. I presume he forgot the word and between the verbs.

I just thought it hilarious that Crackerbarrel let it go out that way. Especially while the poster he was melting down on was correct in the first place. That's why I say it's "karma".

I like irony. So sue me.
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25 miles and hour for 200 miles. Eh who wants to die from boredom anyway?

It's to die for.



It's especially to die for if you're a deer strolling around at four in the morning, in June... :eek:
That was messy.

As I told that poster when it went up, the BRP is neither 25mph nor 200 miles. As far as "boring" ... I drive a lot and trust me, an interstate highway will put you to sleep a lot faster.
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Wow, I didn't even know there was a U.S. Holocaust&#8482;. Good thing we have a museum to commemorate all those Americans who died.
That's a waste of time. Better they should shut down the ocean of whatever that is coming from your computer.


"Third American Revolution" :rofl: Right. The People vs. the Bureaucrats. Take up thy musket and walk. Don't fire until you see the whites of their iPhones.
So the game is just take it in the ass?..
Let government rule?
Don't question the Chosen One?
Fuck that...WE own the country. Not Obama and his whiny ass crybaby minions.

Is English like your ninth language or something?


Never did get that answer on the House districts .... :eusa_whistle:

Nice try...You asked someone else about house districts.
look asshole...(thereisnospoon) if you read the thread you will see on monday they thought they would close the road too.....i wished people could read...
Your insignificant presence here is barely tolerated. So you might want to dial down the rhetoric before you find yourself in time out.
I posted a link that says otherwise.
Those are the facts. Deal with it.

are you threatening me? really? a time out..fuck you....if you can read the article i posted clearly states that as of monday the decision was up in the air....

fuck yourself and your threats asked for it.
look asshole...(thereisnospoon) if you read the thread you will see on monday they thought they would close the road too.....i wished people could read...
Your insignificant presence here is barely tolerated. So you might want to dial down the rhetoric before you find yourself in time out.
I posted a link that says otherwise.
Those are the facts. Deal with it.

are you threatening me? really? a time out..fuck you....if you can read the article i posted clearly states that as of monday the decision was up in the air....

fuck yourself and your threats

Thanks for making my day.
The Blue Ridge Parkway is NOT going to be closed. Just the concessions and other government operated facilities.
Until there is a change in policy, the road remains open.
You should not have made this personal.
one of the peak season for tourism and money making is this month in the moutains...we call it the fall foliage season....the leaves are changing....if the parkway is closed it will have a tremendous impact on this area....we have had a tough summer for small businesses as the rain has kept people away....we do not need this kick in the head on top of that.

thanks republicans...thanks....this is a gop strong hold...wonder how that will go over

Thanks republicans? The democrats control 2/3 of the government and they decided to close the parkway. What the hell is the federal government doing on the Blue Ridge parkway anyway? Is it another source of employment for those pain in the ass Smokey Bear rangers?
So the game is just take it in the ass?..
Let government rule?
Don't question the Chosen One?
Fuck that...WE own the country. Not Obama and his whiny ass crybaby minions.

Is English like your ninth language or something?


Never did get that answer on the House districts .... :eusa_whistle:

Nice try...You asked someone else about house districts.

Nice try but nope, it was you. You even put up three posts right after it without touching the question, which is why I posted "thereisnoanswer".

Say -- are you part of the Illiterati that Dan Brown writes about?
one of the peak season for tourism and money making is this month in the moutains...we call it the fall foliage season....the leaves are changing....if the parkway is closed it will have a tremendous impact on this area....we have had a tough summer for small businesses as the rain has kept people away....we do not need this kick in the head on top of that.

thanks republicans...thanks....this is a gop strong hold...wonder how that will go over

Thanks republicans? The democrats control 2/3 of the government and they decided to close the parkway. What the hell is the federal government doing on the Blue Ridge parkway anyway? Is it another source of employment for those pain in the ass Smokey Bear rangers?

Hey look Thereisnoanswer! Here's a guy even farther behind on the thread than you are!

What the hell is the federal government doing on the Blue Ridge parkway anyway?
uh... maintaining it as a federally-maintained road is supposed to be... Is this a trick question?

"What the hell are the Yankees doing in Yankee Stadium anyway?"... nope, still makes no sense.

(and this guy ^^ actually lives near the BRP)
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one of the peak season for tourism and money making is this month in the moutains...we call it the fall foliage season....the leaves are changing....if the parkway is closed it will have a tremendous impact on this area....we have had a tough summer for small businesses as the rain has kept people away....we do not need this kick in the head on top of that.

thanks republicans...thanks....this is a gop strong hold...wonder how that will go over

Thanks republicans? The democrats control 2/3 of the government and they decided to close the parkway. What the hell is the federal government doing on the Blue Ridge parkway anyway? Is it another source of employment for those pain in the ass Smokey Bear rangers?

BINGO...The road should be maintained by the states.
one of the peak season for tourism and money making is this month in the moutains...we call it the fall foliage season....the leaves are changing....if the parkway is closed it will have a tremendous impact on this area....we have had a tough summer for small businesses as the rain has kept people away....we do not need this kick in the head on top of that.

thanks republicans...thanks....this is a gop strong hold...wonder how that will go over

Thanks republicans? The democrats control 2/3 of the government and they decided to close the parkway. What the hell is the federal government doing on the Blue Ridge parkway anyway? Is it another source of employment for those pain in the ass Smokey Bear rangers?

Hey look Thereisnoanswer! Here's a guy even farther behind on the thread than you are!

What the hell is the federal government doing on the Blue Ridge parkway anyway?
uh... maintaining it as a federally-maintained road is supposed to be... Is this a trick question?

"What the hell are the Yankees doing in Yankee Stadium anyway?"... nope, still makes no sense.

(and this guy ^^ actually lives near the BRP)

There is no logical reason for the federal government to be maintaining what should be the responsibility of the states.
These policies are remnants of the WPA make work programs.
It's time for an update.

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