Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

Do you actually not see that 243 posts have transpired since the OP? Even on the first page it was established that the BRP never did get closed.

Also, there is certainly BRP camping in VA; I've done it. On the other hand the road doesn't venture into Tennessee at all. Those campground facilities are AFAIK closed for the duration of the shutdown because there's no staff for them. But the BRP, the "mother road", has been open throughout.

And by the way, North Carolina is not another country. That would be SOUTH Carolina.

The campground facilities along the parkway that employ Virginia workers were closed because the Obama administration wanted to punish Americans for the sequester.

Uh... really. And your source for this?
And this changes at the state line, and does not apply to North Carolina?
So you're saying O'bama is punishing the blue state but not the red one?


Tennessee still borders Va. the last time I looked and NC is a great state as is the wonderful tradition and coast line of South Carolina even though the federal government once dropped an Atomic Bomb on the state.

Guess what -- the Blue Ridge Parkway is maintained by the same National Park Service regardless which of the two states any given point is in. Notice I say two states, because there is no Blue Ridge Parkway in Tennessee. I don't think you know what you're talking about here.

About South Carolina, I was making a joke, at which I take every opportunity. But the idea of dropping an A-bomb... I like it. :eusa_drool:

We're actually trying to get Georgia to go in with us on a plan to saw off South Carolina at the state lines and push it out to the Bermuda Triangle. I'm taking donations.

It's my point. The federal government has gotten so big and so powerful and so inefficient that a loss in a mere $70,000 in Blue Ridge maintenance funding by some unnamed and unidentified federal bureaucrat caused the closing of campgrounds along the Blue Ridge and the loss of tourism. If the federal government can't afford the maintain the campgrounds the rule of capitalism indicates that the government needs to sell them to people who can make a living. Ironically the little town in S.C. where the federal government detonated an unarmed nuclear device is a tourist site because of the federal government's negligence.
Dude, you cannot debate with rdean. Even you know that.

RDean? :confused:

That wasn't about RDean. It's about this jackoff practice of trying to intimidate opinion through negging as opposed to hashing out issues in debate. The OP (Montecresto) expressed a concern because of low rep count that he shouldn't say anything controversial; I then encouraged him to speak freely, and let him know if he were get attacked by board fascists, I would happily make it up for him. Matter o' fact I got negged for that offer by one such fascist, whose proctologist appears in the picture a few posts above, who wasn't yet even a participant in this thread-- that's how far some of these wackos will go to shut down opposing views.

It's about free speech and the fascistas who would shut people up. The basis of the First Amendment.
Yeah I'll prolly get negged for even spelling out this practice that dare not speak its name. Fuck it, it's cowardly bullshit and needs to be called out regardless the consequences. Because even if I disagree with your opinion I will defend to the death your right to say it. Period.

I should explain that picture for context. It's a cute story.

Back when the story came out about O'bama skeet shooting at Camp David and they released a picture, The Rabbid put up a post declaring a real skeet shooter would no more position himself like the picture, than a baseball batter would hold his bat perpendicular to the ground. Well being a baseball fan I immediately thought of a few batters who do just that, and posted one, which undermined his point. That was the fastest neg I've ever got -- must have been in under ten seconds :lol: But that's how those who can't handle an opinion other than their own react-- they try to shut people up. That's why Stan Musial (above) appears, as a reminder to The Rabbid of where his thought control fantasy leads. And I should add, Stan was a hell of a hitter. His proctology, well that's an unknown.

But to whiz back to the original comment, the idea of negging somebody because they brought up "they get to sue" -- well, if you're gonna do that, then you gotta neg this one too.

Think that'll happen?


I must agree. Negging for a difference of opinion is uncalled for.
It's when it becomes personal that deserves negative feedback without being dragged into the kindergarten nonsense.
The only sensible thing to do is fire a neg at the OP who gets personal.
Racist and /or bigoted comments, followed by attacks on religious beliefs of a poster or their family. Financial or job status..

Completely agree here. :thup:
so find them and repost. Then ask a question. you'll get an answer.

See the words "it was you" and how there's a line under them? That's called a "link". It takes you right back to the question. I don't put links in for no reason.

Say hi to Dan.

Oh really smart ass. Excuse the fuck out of me for not knowing what your ego has been given a most enjoyable boost to a level of orgasmic proportions.

You want to have a discussion or a battle. I can do this all day.
Your call.

But you can't answer the question?

Thereisstillnoanswer :lol:

It's just like the one I asked Whitehall in 250.
He couldn't answer either.
Last edited:
See the words "it was you" and how there's a line under them? That's called a "link". It takes you right back to the question. I don't put links in for no reason.

Say hi to Dan.

Oh really smart ass. Excuse the fuck out of me for not knowing what your ego has been given a most enjoyable boost to a level of orgasmic proportions.

You want to have a discussion or a battle. I can do this all day.
Your call.

But you can't answer the question?

Thereisstillnoanswer :lol:

It's just like the one I asked Whitehall in 250.
He couldn't answer either.

You wanna acks me that again pogo? I might have missed it.
Utter nonsense. The Corps of Engineers is shut down...but there are three marinas around here on Corps property that are still operating.

And the operator of the inn is responsible for the health and safety of the public staying there.
And if an accident happened on the many trails leading out from the Inn, it would be right wing media that would blast the administration for allowing concessions such as these to remain open when there was insufficient park service staff on duty. The park service is doing exactly what they should doing, closing concessions when they close.

The only thing the feds should do is post a few signs written by one of the thousands of government lawyers saying the feds are not responsible for any accident. End of liability of the feds. The Inn owner, if he/she doesn't already have one, should get a blanket liability insurance policy.
I'm sure the Inn owner has liability insurance but that's not the point. The national park service has not only the responsibility to render emergency aid to visitors but to protect federal property and enforce federal law. It would be irresponsible for the park service to allow visitors and concessionaires in national parks, monuments, and recreation areas when they are closed.
Here's the deal, the federal oversight of the Blue Ridge Parkway is outdated. Why should people in Utah or Hawaii be required to pay the salaries of federal campground janitors along the Blue Ridge in Va. when the private sector can deal with it and make a profit?
Oh really smart ass. Excuse the fuck out of me for not knowing what your ego has been given a most enjoyable boost to a level of orgasmic proportions.

You want to have a discussion or a battle. I can do this all day.
Your call.

But you can't answer the question?

Thereisstillnoanswer :lol:

It's just like the one I asked Whitehall in 250.
He couldn't answer either.

You wanna acks me that again pogo? I might have missed it.

250. Post 250.

The campground facilities along the parkway that employ Virginia workers were closed because the Obama administration wanted to punish Americans for the sequester.

Uh... really. And your source for this?
But you can't answer the question?

Thereisstillnoanswer :lol:

It's just like the one I asked Whitehall in 250.
He couldn't answer either.

You wanna acks me that again pogo? I might have missed it.

250. Post 250.

The campground facilities along the parkway that employ Virginia workers were closed because the Obama administration wanted to punish Americans for the sequester.

Uh... really. And your source for this?

Is it a secret that campgrounds were closed by the Hussein administration after the sequester issue? Does it come as a secret that Va. workers were employed in the campgrounds and local tourism was impacted? Are we still dealing with political opinions on the forum? It is my opinion that Hussein wanted to punish Americans. That ain't hard to understand.
You wanna acks me that again pogo? I might have missed it.

250. Post 250.

Uh... really. And your source for this?

Is it a secret that campgrounds were closed by the Hussein administration after the sequester issue? Does it come as a secret that Va. workers were employed in the campgrounds and local tourism was impacted? Are we still dealing with political opinions on the forum? It is my opinion that Hussein wanted to punish Americans. That ain't hard to understand.

Ah, so you have no source; you're speculating.

Thank you. Next?
See the words "it was you" and how there's a line under them? That's called a "link". It takes you right back to the question. I don't put links in for no reason.

Say hi to Dan.

Oh really smart ass. Excuse the fuck out of me for not knowing what your ego has been given a most enjoyable boost to a level of orgasmic proportions.

You want to have a discussion or a battle. I can do this all day.
Your call.

But you can't answer the question?

Thereisstillnoanswer :lol:

It's just like the one I asked Whitehall in 250.
He couldn't answer either.
Here's the correct answer for 250..
Sequestration Cuts To Reduce Staff, Facilities On The Blue Ridge Parkway | National Parks Traveler..
Facilities in both VA and NC were affected by the sequester.
Save for urban areas , both states are Red.
250. Post 250.

Is it a secret that campgrounds were closed by the Hussein administration after the sequester issue? Does it come as a secret that Va. workers were employed in the campgrounds and local tourism was impacted? Are we still dealing with political opinions on the forum? It is my opinion that Hussein wanted to punish Americans. That ain't hard to understand.

Ah, so you have no source; you're speculating.

Thank you. Next?
It's painfully obvious Obama is furious with the GOP and conservatives.
There is no denying the rhetoric Obama has spewed in the last few weeks.
Hell, Obama would blame the GOP for the Lindberg baby kidnapping if it meant political gain.
Oh really smart ass. Excuse the fuck out of me for not knowing what your ego has been given a most enjoyable boost to a level of orgasmic proportions.

You want to have a discussion or a battle. I can do this all day.
Your call.

But you can't answer the question?

Thereisstillnoanswer :lol:

It's just like the one I asked Whitehall in 250.
He couldn't answer either.
Here's the correct answer for 250..
Sequestration Cuts To Reduce Staff, Facilities On The Blue Ridge Parkway | National Parks Traveler..
Facilities in both VA and NC were affected by the sequester.
Save for urban areas , both states are Red.

That still isn't the question.
You pondered (last night) "it's interesting to note that the area in which this Inn is located is in a House district of a Republican"

Now -- why is that interesting?

And again -- what area on the entire BRP is not in the House district held by a Republican?

(Red and blue above: I was going by the 2012 electoral vote -- irrelevant to current query)
And if an accident happened on the many trails leading out from the Inn, it would be right wing media that would blast the administration for allowing concessions such as these to remain open when there was insufficient park service staff on duty. The park service is doing exactly what they should doing, closing concessions when they close.

The only thing the feds should do is post a few signs written by one of the thousands of government lawyers saying the feds are not responsible for any accident. End of liability of the feds. The Inn owner, if he/she doesn't already have one, should get a blanket liability insurance policy.
I'm sure the Inn owner has liability insurance but that's not the point. The national park service has not only the responsibility to render emergency aid to visitors but to protect federal property and enforce federal law. It would be irresponsible for the park service to allow visitors and concessionaires in national parks, monuments, and recreation areas when they are closed.

That isn't what this is about, it is about punishing people so they can put pressure on Congress.

They are now putting up cones to stop people that are driving on the highway, to stop them from taking pictures of Mt. Rushmore. It's not in the park, it's off the highway and now you are not allowed to take a photograph. Something is wrong and all your excuse making, is just that, excuses to let government run over the very people they are supposed to serve.
250. Post 250.

Is it a secret that campgrounds were closed by the Hussein administration after the sequester issue? Does it come as a secret that Va. workers were employed in the campgrounds and local tourism was impacted? Are we still dealing with political opinions on the forum? It is my opinion that Hussein wanted to punish Americans. That ain't hard to understand.

Ah, so you have no source; you're speculating.

Thank you. Next?

A freaking source? It's like the condemned dumb assed prisoner asking for a source to authorize his execution. Look it up dummy. Google Blue Ridge sequester.
The only thing the feds should do is post a few signs written by one of the thousands of government lawyers saying the feds are not responsible for any accident. End of liability of the feds. The Inn owner, if he/she doesn't already have one, should get a blanket liability insurance policy.
I'm sure the Inn owner has liability insurance but that's not the point. The national park service has not only the responsibility to render emergency aid to visitors but to protect federal property and enforce federal law. It would be irresponsible for the park service to allow visitors and concessionaires in national parks, monuments, and recreation areas when they are closed.

That isn't what this is about, it is about punishing people so they can put pressure on Congress.

They are now putting up cones to stop people that are driving on the highway, to stop them from taking pictures of Mt. Rushmore. It's not in the park, it's off the highway and now you are not allowed to take a photograph. Something is wrong and all your excuse making, is just that, excuses to let government run over the very people they are supposed to serve.
No, when Republicans shut the government down in 1995, national parks, monuments, and recreation areas closed which included all concessions on the properties. People that had homes on the government land had to leave as well campers and occupants of the lodges. I don't remember the closures in 1980's but I would bet they did the same thing.

The park service just like all agencies, have standard procedures for events such as these. It only makes sense that those procedures would prohibit the public from entering the property when there are no rangers there to protect the property and provide for the safety of those on the property.

The real pressure on Congress will not come from park visitors but from the financial community which could lose enormous amounts if this drags on.
Is it a secret that campgrounds were closed by the Hussein administration after the sequester issue? Does it come as a secret that Va. workers were employed in the campgrounds and local tourism was impacted? Are we still dealing with political opinions on the forum? It is my opinion that Hussein wanted to punish Americans. That ain't hard to understand.

Ah, so you have no source; you're speculating.

Thank you. Next?

A freaking source? It's like the condemned dumb assed prisoner asking for a source to authorize his execution. Look it up dummy. Google Blue Ridge sequester.

You already gave the right answer: it's your opinion -- even though you presented it as fact. Your opinions don't appear on Google, thank the GoogleGods.
The only thing the feds should do is post a few signs written by one of the thousands of government lawyers saying the feds are not responsible for any accident. End of liability of the feds. The Inn owner, if he/she doesn't already have one, should get a blanket liability insurance policy.
I'm sure the Inn owner has liability insurance but that's not the point. The national park service has not only the responsibility to render emergency aid to visitors but to protect federal property and enforce federal law. It would be irresponsible for the park service to allow visitors and concessionaires in national parks, monuments, and recreation areas when they are closed.

That isn't what this is about, it is about punishing people so they can put pressure on Congress.

They are now putting up cones to stop people that are driving on the highway, to stop them from taking pictures of Mt. Rushmore. It's not in the park, it's off the highway and now you are not allowed to take a photograph. Something is wrong and all your excuse making, is just that, excuses to let government run over the very people they are supposed to serve.

Yeah, I've seen that picture of the cones by the turnout, and I'm highly skeptical that that's real. With Photoshop and people with agendas there's just too much credibility wiggle. It would make no sense whatsoever to have the road open yet cone off the turnout.

Tell ya what, I'm just a few minutes off the Blue Ridge Parkway-- I'll take a ride down there tomorrow and see if there's anything like that there, and report back as an eyewitness.

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