Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

The cones are on a highway near Mt. Rushmore.

As I said I've seen the picture of what's purported to be Mt. Rushmore (or whatever the one I saw purported to be) but using the same technology I could just go snap one of a BRP turnout and claim it was Rushmore, or wherever.

I figure if they really are coning off a turnout on a national parkway there, then they must also be doing it here. So being closer to this one I'll check this one.

Or you could stop arguing that the government is always right.

As in......... where?

It's been two days now. How's that search for that post coming? Come on, it's not like I have, you know 45,000 posts of quantum wind-break to sort through.

Or are you ready to admit you're a "stupid lying fuckface" making it up as you go along?
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I know - that's what I'm saying; it makes no sense and that's why I very much doubt these pictures we see passing around the internets are genuine.

Coiuld be seen as vindictive.. or as a Photoshop.

"Keep these stories coming" -- yeah I suspect that's exactly what's happening.

EDIT: Hang on, Snopes is on it. Here's a "keep these stories coming" that I haven't seen even on USMB yet -- O'bama ordering the faces of Mt. Rushmore's Presidents covered:

Just kidding. It's at the Snopes page though.

The page also has info on the cones -- the NPS sez the cones were set up to channel cars into viewing areas, not to block them. The photo of course doesn't show the whole picture, all we see is a section of cones. And then later in the week there was a blizzard, requiring more cones.

Cones wee set up to channel cars into closed areas? How the fuck does that make sense, even to a hack like you?

Aye, "cones wee". That's why the ground is wet.

I don't know if it "makes sense" or not; I'm not there -- I'm here. Just reporting what the NPS said. Putting interpretations into other people's mouths --that's your job.
Perhaps the hack sources you frequent can't report a sneeze without an emotional meltdown on how they feel about it. Doesn't apply here.

Like it or not I'm going to check out the turnouts near here. Just so I can put my own eyes on it.
You can then tell me what I thought about it.

Yes, you reported what the government said as proof that you were right to insist that the cones were Photoshopped to make the government look bad. And, from these combined arguments, we are supposed to ignore the fact that you are defending the government, yet again, and assume that you are trying to be unbiased. This despite the fact that the cones were photographed, and reported, by newspapers, that the governor specifically offered to use state funds to keep the parks open, and that multiple tourists report that the cones were never there before the shutdown.

Funny how your objective attitude never discovers anything that makes Obama look bad.
Cones wee set up to channel cars into closed areas? How the fuck does that make sense, even to a hack like you?

Aye, "cones wee". That's why the ground is wet.

I don't know if it "makes sense" or not; I'm not there -- I'm here. Just reporting what the NPS said. Putting interpretations into other people's mouths --that's your job.
Perhaps the hack sources you frequent can't report a sneeze without an emotional meltdown on how they feel about it. Doesn't apply here.

Like it or not I'm going to check out the turnouts near here. Just so I can put my own eyes on it.
You can then tell me what I thought about it.

Yes, you reported what the government said as proof that you were right to insist that the cones were Photoshopped to make the government look bad. And, from these combined arguments, we are supposed to ignore the fact that you are defending the government, yet again, and assume that you are trying to be unbiased. This despite the fact that the cones were photographed, and reported, by newspapers, that the governor specifically offered to use state funds to keep the parks open, and that multiple tourists report that the cones were never there before the shutdown.

Funny how your objective attitude never discovers anything that makes Obama look bad.

I see the reading lesson bills are in arrears yet again. What I reported above actually contradicts my own skepticism and proves it's not a Photoshop. What I said was I doubted the veracity of the photo given the rabid blogwank orgy by hacks like you. And then I went and got a link that proved my own skepticism was wrong.

That's called honesty. You might want to look that one up, I know it's a foreign concept to your species.

And I have yet to find any O'bama droppings on any of it. I did get two posters today who attributed personal White House vendettas to current events to admit that they had no such evidence and were just making it up.
You know, like you do with my posts, even though you're too much of a hack to admit it.
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Aye, "cones wee". That's why the ground is wet.

I don't know if it "makes sense" or not; I'm not there -- I'm here. Just reporting what the NPS said. Putting interpretations into other people's mouths --that's your job.
Perhaps the hack sources you frequent can't report a sneeze without an emotional meltdown on how they feel about it. Doesn't apply here.

Like it or not I'm going to check out the turnouts near here. Just so I can put my own eyes on it.
You can then tell me what I thought about it.

Yes, you reported what the government said as proof that you were right to insist that the cones were Photoshopped to make the government look bad. And, from these combined arguments, we are supposed to ignore the fact that you are defending the government, yet again, and assume that you are trying to be unbiased. This despite the fact that the cones were photographed, and reported, by newspapers, that the governor specifically offered to use state funds to keep the parks open, and that multiple tourists report that the cones were never there before the shutdown.

Funny how your objective attitude never discovers anything that makes Obama look bad.

I see the reading lesson bills are in arrears yet again. What I reported above actually contradicts my own skepticism and proves it's not a Photoshop. What I said was I doubted the veracity of the photo given the rabid blogwank orgy by hacks like you. And then I went and got a link that proved my own skepticism was wrong.

That's called honesty. You might want to look that one up, I know it's a foreign concept to your species.

And I have yet to find any O'bama droppings on any of it. I did get two posters today who attributed personal White House vendettas to current events to admit that they had no such evidence and were just making it up.
You know, like you do with my posts, even though you're too much of a hack to admit it.


Your knee jerk response is to defend the government,. You like to pretend this is because you are unbiased, but it just proves you aren't when I can post multiple stories that all make the same claim, and you want to argue that it was Photoshopped.
Yes, you reported what the government said as proof that you were right to insist that the cones were Photoshopped to make the government look bad. And, from these combined arguments, we are supposed to ignore the fact that you are defending the government, yet again, and assume that you are trying to be unbiased. This despite the fact that the cones were photographed, and reported, by newspapers, that the governor specifically offered to use state funds to keep the parks open, and that multiple tourists report that the cones were never there before the shutdown.

Funny how your objective attitude never discovers anything that makes Obama look bad.

I see the reading lesson bills are in arrears yet again. What I reported above actually contradicts my own skepticism and proves it's not a Photoshop. What I said was I doubted the veracity of the photo given the rabid blogwank orgy by hacks like you. And then I went and got a link that proved my own skepticism was wrong.

That's called honesty. You might want to look that one up, I know it's a foreign concept to your species.

And I have yet to find any O'bama droppings on any of it. I did get two posters today who attributed personal White House vendettas to current events to admit that they had no such evidence and were just making it up.
You know, like you do with my posts, even though you're too much of a hack to admit it.


Your knee jerk response is to defend the government,. You like to pretend this is because you are unbiased, but it just proves you aren't when I can post multiple stories that all make the same claim, and you want to argue that it was Photoshopped.

Oh poster please.

Again for you slow readers, I candidly expressed skepticism on the veracity of the photo; I offered to go check out a local example; and before that could happen I researched enough to prove my own skepticism was unwarranted, because the photo turned out to be real. And that's what I reported.

You weren't even here yet; you were gazing into your mirror. Or whatever it is you do in preparation to grace this board with your self-indulgent verbal wankfests.
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I see the reading lesson bills are in arrears yet again. What I reported above actually contradicts my own skepticism and proves it's not a Photoshop. What I said was I doubted the veracity of the photo given the rabid blogwank orgy by hacks like you. And then I went and got a link that proved my own skepticism was wrong.

That's called honesty. You might want to look that one up, I know it's a foreign concept to your species.

And I have yet to find any O'bama droppings on any of it. I did get two posters today who attributed personal White House vendettas to current events to admit that they had no such evidence and were just making it up.
You know, like you do with my posts, even though you're too much of a hack to admit it.


Your knee jerk response is to defend the government,. You like to pretend this is because you are unbiased, but it just proves you aren't when I can post multiple stories that all make the same claim, and you want to argue that it was Photoshopped.

Oh poster please.

Again for you slow readers, I candidly expressed skepticism on the veracity of the photo; I offered to go check out a local example; and before that could happen I researched enough to prove my own skepticism was unwarranted, because the photo turned out to be real. And that's what I reported.

You weren't even here yet; you were gazing into your mirror. Or whatever it is you do in preparation to grace this board with your self-indulgent verbal wankfests.

No, you did not.

You insisted it was Photoshopped even after I, among others, linked to several newspapers that ran the picture and the reporting to back up the photo, up to, and including, their quote of the governor offering to spend state money to keep the areas open. You even went to Snopes in an attempt to prove we were wrong, and then posted, without question, the absurd claim from the park service that the cones were place to guide cars into closed areas.
Obama is going out of his way to shut down things that can't even be shut down (like monuments sitting out in the open :lol:) while keeping the most frivolous of items up and running (like his private golf course).

He was caught last time sending out a memo that instructed his Administration to "make it hurt" - believing, of course, that if people felt pain and IF he could convince them to blame the GOP for that pain, he would benefit.

Apparently though, Obama hasn't quite caught on that this is not the U.S.S.R. circa 1930's under Joseph Stalin and that he doesn't control the flow of all information. Hence, is plan is a complete and total disaster as there are report after report piling up of Obama trying to cause unnecessary pain. Case in point:

Note from Alex Jones: "This is part of a criminal pattern of obstruction to tax-payer funded services. As with highway pull-offs being closed to bar views of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, and boat ramps on the Mississippi being blocked, the system wants to make the shutdown as painful for the American people as possible, as National Park Service rangers have admitted. This is outright criminal because the Amber Alert site is still up, they’re simply blocking it".

Justice Dept. Caught in Amber Alert Takedown Hoax
Apparently though, Obama hasn't quite caught on that this is not the U.S.S.R. circa 1930's under Joseph Stalin and that he doesn't control the flow of all information.

Some possibilities:

1. You haven't read any of the government controlled traditional media of late.
2. He's a little slower-acting than He might like you to believe.
3. Both of the above.
Obama is going out of his way to shut down things that can't even be shut down (like monuments sitting out in the open :lol:) while keeping the most frivolous of items up and running (like his private golf course).

He was caught last time sending out a memo that instructed his Administration to "make it hurt" - believing, of course, that if people felt pain and IF he could convince them to blame the GOP for that pain, he would benefit.

Apparently though, Obama hasn't quite caught on that this is not the U.S.S.R. circa 1930's under Joseph Stalin and that he doesn't control the flow of all information. Hence, is plan is a complete and total disaster as there are report after report piling up of Obama trying to cause unnecessary pain. Case in point:

Note from Alex Jones: "This is part of a criminal pattern of obstruction to tax-payer funded services. As with highway pull-offs being closed to bar views of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, and boat ramps on the Mississippi being blocked, the system wants to make the shutdown as painful for the American people as possible, as National Park Service rangers have admitted. This is outright criminal because the Amber Alert site is still up, they’re simply blocking it".

Justice Dept. Caught in Amber Alert Takedown Hoax
You wanted the government shut down.
You shut the government down.
Now you are whinning because the government is shut down.
Could there possibly be a bigger group of fools and crybabies? I doubt it.
When I first heard this one, I figured it had to be a joke. Come on, nobody could get that petty.

Turns out it's true. Along various public roadways with a view of Mt. Rushmore, there are wide spots beside the road where people could pull in, stop safely, and shoot pictures.

Not any more. The Fed govt has coned off many of those viewing areas, starting on Oct. 1 (the first day of the govt shutdown). Now you can only stay in the through lanes, and drive on past. No stopping.

Some wag cobbled up a "picture" of giant helicopters shrouding the carvings of the four Presidents on the mountain, with a giant sheet - an obvious photoshop job. says that one's a lie, in case anyone hadn't already figured it out: No giant helicopters have tried to shroud the mountain with a sheet.

They only coned off the safe-stopping areas.


Mount Rushmore blockage stirs anger in South Dakota

Barring visitors from view an unexpected effect of shutdown

Oct. 5, 2013 |

Cones are shown along the road to Mount Rushmore. The National Parks Service placed the cones there to prevent viewers from stopping on the side of the road to view the monument. / Submitted photo

Blocking access to trails and programs at South Dakota’s most popular attraction was one thing, but state officials didn’t expect Congress’ budget stalemate to shut down a view of Mount Rushmore.

The National Park Service placed cones along highway viewing areas outside Mount Rushmore this week, barring visitors from pulling over and taking pictures of the famed monument.

The cones first went up Oct. 1, said Dusty Johnson, Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s chief of staff. The state asked that they be taken down, and federal officials did so with some of them. The state was told the cones were a safety precaution to help channel cars into viewing areas rather than to bar their entrance.

“I think reasonable people can disagree about that,” Johnson said.

The cones were down again Friday as a blizzard hit the Black Hills and plows needed access to the roads, Johnson said. He said the state would be monitoring to see whether the cones are put back along viewing areas.

“Once the snow’s off the ground, we’re going to be keeping an eye on how the cones go up,” Johnson said.

The Buffalo News reported that a tour group of dozens of people from western New York was unable to take pictures of the monument because highway viewing areas were coned off.

“It’s all closed up,” the newspaper quoted North Collins, N.Y., resident Hilde Werneth as saying. “They won’t even let you stop and take a picture. You can only drive by.”
Correct, yes Sheeple, Obama directly & maliciously shut down the Safe Stopping Area's at Mt. Rushmore .................... Obama ....... Obama ........... bama ... bama .......... Obama told em to do it..

Now spread the word, Obama told them to do it.

He the leader of the Executive Branch.

He has the authority to stop this kind of crap if he wanted it to stop.

But since he hasn't stopped it, it figures that he supports it.

Therefore, it is his fault.
They're putting his face on it.

Shhhhhh! It's a surprise.
When I first heard this one, I figured it had to be a joke. Come on, nobody could get that petty.

Turns out it's true. Along various public roadways with a view of Mt. Rushmore, there are wide spots beside the road where people could pull in, stop safely, and shoot pictures.

Not any more. The Fed govt has coned off many of those viewing areas, starting on Oct. 1 (the first day of the govt shutdown). Now you can only stay in the through lanes, and drive on past. No stopping.

Some wag cobbled up a "picture" of giant helicopters shrouding the carvings of the four Presidents on the mountain, with a giant sheet - an obvious photoshop job. says that one's a lie, in case anyone hadn't already figured it out: No giant helicopters have tried to shroud the mountain with a sheet.

They only coned off the safe-stopping areas.


Mount Rushmore blockage stirs anger in South Dakota

Barring visitors from view an unexpected effect of shutdown

Oct. 5, 2013 |

Cones are shown along the road to Mount Rushmore. The National Parks Service placed the cones there to prevent viewers from stopping on the side of the road to view the monument. / Submitted photo

Blocking access to trails and programs at South Dakota’s most popular attraction was one thing, but state officials didn’t expect Congress’ budget stalemate to shut down a view of Mount Rushmore.

The National Park Service placed cones along highway viewing areas outside Mount Rushmore this week, barring visitors from pulling over and taking pictures of the famed monument.

The cones first went up Oct. 1, said Dusty Johnson, Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s chief of staff. The state asked that they be taken down, and federal officials did so with some of them. The state was told the cones were a safety precaution to help channel cars into viewing areas rather than to bar their entrance.

“I think reasonable people can disagree about that,” Johnson said.

The cones were down again Friday as a blizzard hit the Black Hills and plows needed access to the roads, Johnson said. He said the state would be monitoring to see whether the cones are put back along viewing areas.

“Once the snow’s off the ground, we’re going to be keeping an eye on how the cones go up,” Johnson said.

The Buffalo News reported that a tour group of dozens of people from western New York was unable to take pictures of the monument because highway viewing areas were coned off.

“It’s all closed up,” the newspaper quoted North Collins, N.Y., resident Hilde Werneth as saying. “They won’t even let you stop and take a picture. You can only drive by.”

Excuse me but you seriously think this isn't baked into the shutdown cake? I mean, please....You think Obama is actually targeting South Dakota highways? Paranoia runs rampant amongst righties.
Excuse me but you seriously think this isn't baked into the shutdown cake? I mean, please....You think Obama is actually targeting South Dakota highways? Paranoia runs rampant amongst righties.

From the party who personally blamed W for the action of every Federal worker everywhere...

This is actually Obama's administration. He probably had nothing to do with the specific action, but he's clearly set the direction of doing everything they can to maximize the pain, not negotiating and pointing fingers.
Excuse me but you seriously think this isn't baked into the shutdown cake? I mean, please....You think Obama is actually targeting South Dakota highways? Paranoia runs rampant amongst righties.

yes, he IS.
those stops were not even guarded and it costs MONEY to close them - and all in order to make people SUFFER.

that is the extension of closing the Memorial ( which is free 24/7/365) to the Vets - and the demonstration of the attitude of this jerk to the people.

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