Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

But you can't answer the question?

Thereisstillnoanswer :lol:

It's just like the one I asked Whitehall in 250.
He couldn't answer either.
Here's the correct answer for 250..
Sequestration Cuts To Reduce Staff, Facilities On The Blue Ridge Parkway | National Parks Traveler..
Facilities in both VA and NC were affected by the sequester.
Save for urban areas , both states are Red.

That still isn't the question.
You pondered (last night) "it's interesting to note that the area in which this Inn is located is in a House district of a Republican"

Now -- why is that interesting?

And again -- what area on the entire BRP is not in the House district held by a Republican?

(Red and blue above: I was going by the 2012 electoral vote -- irrelevant to current query)

I never said it wasn't. What matters most is what IS..And the BRP runs through GOP districts. BTW, NC 11 was once held by a democrat ( Heath Shuler). He served one term and did not run again. That district went back to the GOP in 2010 and remained so in 2012
This is also where that Inn is located. In NC -11. Nothing is going to convince me that Obama seeks out his political enemies and seeks to destroy them any way he can.

I don't go by the electoral vote. What makes a state blue or red is based on which party has the majority of House and Senate seats.
That's a more accurate detail of how the state actually votes.
The electoral college is winner take all.
So 50% plus one gets all the EC votes.
Except in NE and I think ME..
In those states the EC votes are apportioned based on the popular vote in each of the House Districts. Which is as it should be in every state.
Winner take all is pure democracy and therefore tyrannical.
But you can't answer the question?

Thereisstillnoanswer :lol:

It's just like the one I asked Whitehall in 250.
He couldn't answer either.
Here's the correct answer for 250..
Sequestration Cuts To Reduce Staff, Facilities On The Blue Ridge Parkway | National Parks Traveler..
Facilities in both VA and NC were affected by the sequester.
Save for urban areas , both states are Red.

That still isn't the question.
You pondered (last night) "it's interesting to note that the area in which this Inn is located is in a House district of a Republican"

Now -- why is that interesting?

And again -- what area on the entire BRP is not in the House district held by a Republican?

(Red and blue above: I was going by the 2012 electoral vote -- irrelevant to current query)
It's MY answer. Deal with it.
Ah, so you have no source; you're speculating.

Thank you. Next?

A freaking source? It's like the condemned dumb assed prisoner asking for a source to authorize his execution. Look it up dummy. Google Blue Ridge sequester.

You already gave the right answer: it's your opinion -- even though you presented it as fact. Your opinions don't appear on Google, thank the GoogleGods.

I get it. When dumb assed libs get confused and they can't deal with reality what do they rely on for information ...their intellect? Nope, friendly providers.
Here's the correct answer for 250..
Sequestration Cuts To Reduce Staff, Facilities On The Blue Ridge Parkway | National Parks Traveler..
Facilities in both VA and NC were affected by the sequester.
Save for urban areas , both states are Red.

That still isn't the question.
You pondered (last night) "it's interesting to note that the area in which this Inn is located is in a House district of a Republican"

Now -- why is that interesting?

And again -- what area on the entire BRP is not in the House district held by a Republican?

(Red and blue above: I was going by the 2012 electoral vote -- irrelevant to current query)

I never said it wasn't. What matters most is what IS..And the BRP runs through GOP districts. BTW, NC 11 was once held by a democrat ( Heath Shuler). He served one term and did not run again. That district went back to the GOP in 2010 and remained so in 2012
This is also where that Inn is located. In NC -11. Nothing is going to convince me that Obama seeks out his political enemies and seeks to destroy them any way he can.

I know. See, "that district" is this district. I live here in NC-11. I know all about Heath Shuler; I worked on his first campaign. That's why I'm curious as to what you can tell me about my own back yard. Not to mention all those Democrat-held districts the BRP runs through (zero).

But unless you meant the complete opposite of what your last sentence says, you just bailed out on your own point. And if that is what you meant, then you're speculating just like Whitehall was.

I don't go by the electoral vote. What makes a state blue or red is based on which party has the majority of House and Senate seats.
That's a more accurate detail of how the state actually votes.
The electoral college is winner take all.
So 50% plus one gets all the EC votes.
Except in NE and I think ME..
In those states the EC votes are apportioned based on the popular vote in each of the House Districts. Which is as it should be in every state.
Winner take all is pure democracy and therefore tyrannical.

Since the question raised by both of you and others was that O'bama was personally vindictively punishing those who didn't vote for him, the 2012 electoral vote is exactly what we have to go by. That makes Virginia blue and NC red. Which means there is no pattern. So there.

Y' see -- some people like to make up wild conspiracy theories. My job is to blow them up. :Boom2:
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A freaking source? It's like the condemned dumb assed prisoner asking for a source to authorize his execution. Look it up dummy. Google Blue Ridge sequester.

You already gave the right answer: it's your opinion -- even though you presented it as fact. Your opinions don't appear on Google, thank the GoogleGods.

I get it. When dumb assed libs get confused and they can't deal with reality what do they rely on for information ...their intellect? Nope, friendly providers.

The "reality" Gomer, is that you made a flat declarative statement, I asked for your source, and you admitted you don't have one, that you just made it up.
I'm sure the Inn owner has liability insurance but that's not the point. The national park service has not only the responsibility to render emergency aid to visitors but to protect federal property and enforce federal law. It would be irresponsible for the park service to allow visitors and concessionaires in national parks, monuments, and recreation areas when they are closed.

That isn't what this is about, it is about punishing people so they can put pressure on Congress.

They are now putting up cones to stop people that are driving on the highway, to stop them from taking pictures of Mt. Rushmore. It's not in the park, it's off the highway and now you are not allowed to take a photograph. Something is wrong and all your excuse making, is just that, excuses to let government run over the very people they are supposed to serve.
No, when Republicans shut the government down in 1995, national parks, monuments, and recreation areas closed which included all concessions on the properties. People that had homes on the government land had to leave as well campers and occupants of the lodges. I don't remember the closures in 1980's but I would bet they did the same thing.

The park service just like all agencies, have standard procedures for events such as these. It only makes sense that those procedures would prohibit the public from entering the property when there are no rangers there to protect the property and provide for the safety of those on the property.

The real pressure on Congress will not come from park visitors but from the financial community which could lose enormous amounts if this drags on.

So you can't take a picture because the monument is closed, they aren't on a park road, they are on the highway.
I'm sure the Inn owner has liability insurance but that's not the point. The national park service has not only the responsibility to render emergency aid to visitors but to protect federal property and enforce federal law. It would be irresponsible for the park service to allow visitors and concessionaires in national parks, monuments, and recreation areas when they are closed.

That isn't what this is about, it is about punishing people so they can put pressure on Congress.

They are now putting up cones to stop people that are driving on the highway, to stop them from taking pictures of Mt. Rushmore. It's not in the park, it's off the highway and now you are not allowed to take a photograph. Something is wrong and all your excuse making, is just that, excuses to let government run over the very people they are supposed to serve.

Yeah, I've seen that picture of the cones by the turnout, and I'm highly skeptical that that's real. With Photoshop and people with agendas there's just too much credibility wiggle. It would make no sense whatsoever to have the road open yet cone off the turnout.

Tell ya what, I'm just a few minutes off the Blue Ridge Parkway-- I'll take a ride down there tomorrow and see if there's anything like that there, and report back as an eyewitness.

The cones are on a highway near Mt. Rushmore.
That isn't what this is about, it is about punishing people so they can put pressure on Congress.

They are now putting up cones to stop people that are driving on the highway, to stop them from taking pictures of Mt. Rushmore. It's not in the park, it's off the highway and now you are not allowed to take a photograph. Something is wrong and all your excuse making, is just that, excuses to let government run over the very people they are supposed to serve.

Yeah, I've seen that picture of the cones by the turnout, and I'm highly skeptical that that's real. With Photoshop and people with agendas there's just too much credibility wiggle. It would make no sense whatsoever to have the road open yet cone off the turnout.

Tell ya what, I'm just a few minutes off the Blue Ridge Parkway-- I'll take a ride down there tomorrow and see if there's anything like that there, and report back as an eyewitness.

The cones are on a highway near Mt. Rushmore.

As I said I've seen the picture of what's purported to be Mt. Rushmore (or whatever the one I saw purported to be) but using the same technology I could just go snap one of a BRP turnout and claim it was Rushmore, or wherever.

I figure if they really are coning off a turnout on a national parkway there, then they must also be doing it here. So being closer to this one I'll check this one.
Yeah, I've seen that picture of the cones by the turnout, and I'm highly skeptical that that's real. With Photoshop and people with agendas there's just too much credibility wiggle. It would make no sense whatsoever to have the road open yet cone off the turnout.

Tell ya what, I'm just a few minutes off the Blue Ridge Parkway-- I'll take a ride down there tomorrow and see if there's anything like that there, and report back as an eyewitness.

The cones are on a highway near Mt. Rushmore.

As I said I've seen the picture of what's purported to be Mt. Rushmore (or whatever the one I saw purported to be) but using the same technology I could just go snap one of a BRP turnout and claim it was Rushmore, or wherever.

I figure if they really are coning off a turnout on a national parkway there, then they must also be doing it here. So being closer to this one I'll check this one.

Okay, but I'm not sure why one would cone out a pull over unless it is one heck of a view.
To prevent people from taking a picture from a distance can only be seen as vindictive. Obama is a spoiled child. Keep these stories coming, eventually people will see just how childish and petty this president really is.
The cones are on a highway near Mt. Rushmore.

As I said I've seen the picture of what's purported to be Mt. Rushmore (or whatever the one I saw purported to be) but using the same technology I could just go snap one of a BRP turnout and claim it was Rushmore, or wherever.

I figure if they really are coning off a turnout on a national parkway there, then they must also be doing it here. So being closer to this one I'll check this one.

Okay, but I'm not sure why one would cone out a pull over unless it is one heck of a view.

I know - that's what I'm saying; it makes no sense and that's why I very much doubt these pictures we see passing around the internets are genuine.

To prevent people from taking a picture from a distance can only be seen as vindictive. Obama is a spoiled child. Keep these stories coming, eventually people will see just how childish and petty this president really is.

Coiuld be seen as vindictive.. or as a Photoshop.

"Keep these stories coming" -- yeah I suspect that's exactly what's happening.

EDIT: Hang on, Snopes is on it. Here's a "keep these stories coming" that I haven't seen even on USMB yet -- O'bama ordering the faces of Mt. Rushmore's Presidents covered:

Just kidding. It's at the Snopes page though.

The page also has info on the cones -- the NPS sez the cones were set up to channel cars into viewing areas, not to block them. The photo of course doesn't show the whole picture, all we see is a section of cones. And then later in the week there was a blizzard, requiring more cones.
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As I said I've seen the picture of what's purported to be Mt. Rushmore (or whatever the one I saw purported to be) but using the same technology I could just go snap one of a BRP turnout and claim it was Rushmore, or wherever.

I figure if they really are coning off a turnout on a national parkway there, then they must also be doing it here. So being closer to this one I'll check this one.

Okay, but I'm not sure why one would cone out a pull over unless it is one heck of a view.

I know - that's what I'm saying; it makes no sense and that's why I very much doubt these pictures we see passing around the internets are genuine.

To prevent people from taking a picture from a distance can only be seen as vindictive. Obama is a spoiled child. Keep these stories coming, eventually people will see just how childish and petty this president really is.

Coiuld be seen as vindictive.. or as a Photoshop.

"Keep these stories coming" -- yeah I suspect that's exactly what's happening.
You would claim it was photoshopped if you personally saw Obama putting the cones out there himself.
Okay, but I'm not sure why one would cone out a pull over unless it is one heck of a view.

I know - that's what I'm saying; it makes no sense and that's why I very much doubt these pictures we see passing around the internets are genuine.

To prevent people from taking a picture from a distance can only be seen as vindictive. Obama is a spoiled child. Keep these stories coming, eventually people will see just how childish and petty this president really is.

Coiuld be seen as vindictive.. or as a Photoshop.

"Keep these stories coming" -- yeah I suspect that's exactly what's happening.
You would claim it was photoshopped if you personally saw Obama putting the cones out there himself.

You would claim it was O'bama if you personally saw Fox Noise photoshopping it. Then when I said it was Fox Noise you'd call me a "racist".
I know - that's what I'm saying; it makes no sense and that's why I very much doubt these pictures we see passing around the internets are genuine.

Coiuld be seen as vindictive.. or as a Photoshop.

"Keep these stories coming" -- yeah I suspect that's exactly what's happening.
You would claim it was photoshopped if you personally saw Obama putting the cones out there himself.

You would claim it was O'bama if you personally saw Fox Noise photoshopping it. Then when I said it was Fox Noise you'd call me a "racist".
You should think before you post. That makes no sense.
You would claim it was photoshopped if you personally saw Obama putting the cones out there himself.

You would claim it was O'bama if you personally saw Fox Noise photoshopping it. Then when I said it was Fox Noise you'd call me a "racist".
You should think before you post. That makes no sense.

Yeah I know it doesn't.

That's what I told you when you said I was a "racist" for observing that the Fox Noise audience is mainly white.

Didn't make any sense then either.
You would claim it was O'bama if you personally saw Fox Noise photoshopping it. Then when I said it was Fox Noise you'd call me a "racist".
You should think before you post. That makes no sense.

Yeah I know it doesn't.

That's what I told you when you said I was a "racist" for observing that the Fox Noise audience is mainly white.

Didn't make any sense then either.
So why do you keep saying things that don't make sense, stupidity?
Yeah, I've seen that picture of the cones by the turnout, and I'm highly skeptical that that's real. With Photoshop and people with agendas there's just too much credibility wiggle. It would make no sense whatsoever to have the road open yet cone off the turnout.

Tell ya what, I'm just a few minutes off the Blue Ridge Parkway-- I'll take a ride down there tomorrow and see if there's anything like that there, and report back as an eyewitness.

The cones are on a highway near Mt. Rushmore.

As I said I've seen the picture of what's purported to be Mt. Rushmore (or whatever the one I saw purported to be) but using the same technology I could just go snap one of a BRP turnout and claim it was Rushmore, or wherever.

I figure if they really are coning off a turnout on a national parkway there, then they must also be doing it here. So being closer to this one I'll check this one.

Or you could stop arguing that the government is always right.

Federal Government Park Service blocking view of Mt. Rushmore from highway with Tim Johnson?s support. | South Dakota War College
As I said I've seen the picture of what's purported to be Mt. Rushmore (or whatever the one I saw purported to be) but using the same technology I could just go snap one of a BRP turnout and claim it was Rushmore, or wherever.

I figure if they really are coning off a turnout on a national parkway there, then they must also be doing it here. So being closer to this one I'll check this one.

Okay, but I'm not sure why one would cone out a pull over unless it is one heck of a view.

I know - that's what I'm saying; it makes no sense and that's why I very much doubt these pictures we see passing around the internets are genuine.

To prevent people from taking a picture from a distance can only be seen as vindictive. Obama is a spoiled child. Keep these stories coming, eventually people will see just how childish and petty this president really is.

Coiuld be seen as vindictive.. or as a Photoshop.

"Keep these stories coming" -- yeah I suspect that's exactly what's happening.

EDIT: Hang on, Snopes is on it. Here's a "keep these stories coming" that I haven't seen even on USMB yet -- O'bama ordering the faces of Mt. Rushmore's Presidents covered:

Just kidding. It's at the Snopes page though.

The page also has info on the cones -- the NPS sez the cones were set up to channel cars into viewing areas, not to block them. The photo of course doesn't show the whole picture, all we see is a section of cones. And then later in the week there was a blizzard, requiring more cones.

Cones wee set up to channel cars into closed areas? How the fuck does that make sense, even to a hack like you?
Okay, but I'm not sure why one would cone out a pull over unless it is one heck of a view.

I know - that's what I'm saying; it makes no sense and that's why I very much doubt these pictures we see passing around the internets are genuine.

To prevent people from taking a picture from a distance can only be seen as vindictive. Obama is a spoiled child. Keep these stories coming, eventually people will see just how childish and petty this president really is.

Coiuld be seen as vindictive.. or as a Photoshop.

"Keep these stories coming" -- yeah I suspect that's exactly what's happening.

EDIT: Hang on, Snopes is on it. Here's a "keep these stories coming" that I haven't seen even on USMB yet -- O'bama ordering the faces of Mt. Rushmore's Presidents covered:

Just kidding. It's at the Snopes page though.

The page also has info on the cones -- the NPS sez the cones were set up to channel cars into viewing areas, not to block them. The photo of course doesn't show the whole picture, all we see is a section of cones. And then later in the week there was a blizzard, requiring more cones.

Cones wee set up to channel cars into closed areas? How the fuck does that make sense, even to a hack like you?

Aye, "cones wee". That's why the ground is wet.

I don't know if it "makes sense" or not; I'm not there -- I'm here. Just reporting what the NPS said. Putting interpretations into other people's mouths --that's your job.
Perhaps the hack sources you frequent can't report a sneeze without an emotional meltdown on how they feel about it. Doesn't apply here.

Like it or not I'm going to check out the turnouts near here. Just so I can put my own eyes on it.
You can then tell me what I thought about it.
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