Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

i am still trying to figure out who said anything about the states paying or do you just grab your dick and yell bingo when you are in over your head...or rather have your head so far up your ass ...even you realize the stink is you?

keep it up....
Anyway, the goal is to REDUCE the size of the federal government.
Turning such facilities to the states is an idea that should be looked into.
Why are you libs so enamored with the idea of an every growing and ever more intrusive federal government?
i am still trying to figure out who said anything about the states paying or do you just grab your dick and yell bingo when you are in over your head...or rather have your head so far up your ass ...even you realize the stink is you?

You really have no idea what may happen here.
That's funny.
one of the peak season for tourism and money making is this month in the moutains...we call it the fall foliage season....the leaves are changing....if the parkway is closed it will have a tremendous impact on this area....we have had a tough summer for small businesses as the rain has kept people away....we do not need this kick in the head on top of that.

thanks republicans...thanks....this is a gop strong hold...wonder how that will go over

There is no reason to close the road. You should thank the democrats for dishing out the pain.
i am still trying to figure out who said anything about the states paying or do you just grab your dick and yell bingo when you are in over your head...or rather have your head so far up your ass ...even you realize the stink is you?

keep it up....
Anyway, the goal is to REDUCE the size of the federal government.
Turning such facilities to the states is an idea that should be looked into.
Why are you libs so enamored with the idea of an every growing and ever more intrusive federal government?

Uh -- it's already a National Parkway, and welcome to our country. The poster who ironically lives in the vicinity of the Parkway (as I do) actually asked the question what is the Fed doing on its own Parkway. And your answer is to transform such Federal highways into state highways -- while there's a shutdown going on. :cuckoo:

I'd say more but I'm still collapsed in helpless laughter at the line "grab your dick and yell bingo" :rofl: -- best line of the day :coffee:
Doesn't it enter anybody's mind why the federal government wants to maintain a parkway in the commonwealth of Va along the Blue Ridge mountains? Because federal workers built it? That don't work. Why did a Smokey Bear babe who most likely never served in the Military kick a bunch of old crippled WW2 Vets off a (federal) US park dedicated to the US Military? She was just following orders?
Doesn't it enter anybody's mind why the federal government wants to maintain a parkway in the commonwealth of Va along the Blue Ridge mountains? Because federal workers built it? That don't work.

Number one, we actually have more of the Parkway in Carolina than you have in VA; number two, it was mostly built by private contractors; number three, it was built to connect two national parks, number four, that's the way it's been set up from the beginning and strangely I don't remember this being an issue last week, and number five, the road is not closed anyway.

And number six, you're in western VA where the road runs, so you should know all this anyway.
Doesn't it enter anybody's mind why the federal government wants to maintain a parkway in the commonwealth of Va along the Blue Ridge mountains? Because federal workers built it? That don't work.

Number one, we actually have more of the Parkway in Carolina than you have in VA; number two, it was mostly built by private contractors; number three, it was built to connect two national parks, number four, that's the way it's been set up from the beginning and strangely I don't remember this being an issue last week, and number five, the road is not closed anyway.

And number six, you're in western VA where the road runs, so you should know all this anyway.

Are you making my point that the federal government should get out of the parkway and campground business? Why close a parkway in good weather and prime tourist season? Because they can? To punish red states?
Doesn't it enter anybody's mind why the federal government wants to maintain a parkway in the commonwealth of Va along the Blue Ridge mountains? Because federal workers built it? That don't work.

Number one, we actually have more of the Parkway in Carolina than you have in VA; number two, it was mostly built by private contractors; number three, it was built to connect two national parks, number four, that's the way it's been set up from the beginning and strangely I don't remember this being an issue last week, and number five, the road is not closed anyway.

And number six, you're in western VA where the road runs, so you should know all this anyway.

Are you making my point that the federal government should get out of the parkway and campground business? Why close a parkway in good weather and prime tourist season? Because they can? To punish red states?

Let me get this straight...

Posters on this board all over the country and the world, having read this thread, know that the BRP is open, while you're sitting right next to the road and think it's "closed"?

Btw, about that "punish red states" canard -- your state voted blue. But surely you knew that.
Number one, we actually have more of the Parkway in Carolina than you have in VA; number two, it was mostly built by private contractors; number three, it was built to connect two national parks, number four, that's the way it's been set up from the beginning and strangely I don't remember this being an issue last week, and number five, the road is not closed anyway.

And number six, you're in western VA where the road runs, so you should know all this anyway.

Are you making my point that the federal government should get out of the parkway and campground business? Why close a parkway in good weather and prime tourist season? Because they can? To punish red states?

Let me get this straight...

Posters on this board all over the country and the world, having read this thread, know that the BRP is open, while you're sitting right next to the road and think it's "closed"?

Btw, about that "punish red states" canard -- your state voted blue. But surely you knew that.

Let me get this straight. Is the BRP open? I don't travel on it so I am posting in response to the original post. I know that the administration closed most of the campgrounds along the parkway because of the alleged sequester issue. Even if you international travelers get to drive on the parkway don't count on camping until you get to Tennessee or N.C. Oh yeah the "red-blue" state issue. Since Va voters last hired a republican administration I assume that they are prime targets for punishment. Am I wrong?
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Are you making my point that the federal government should get out of the parkway and campground business? Why close a parkway in good weather and prime tourist season? Because they can? To punish red states?

Let me get this straight...

Posters on this board all over the country and the world, having read this thread, know that the BRP is open, while you're sitting right next to the road and think it's "closed"?

Btw, about that "punish red states" canard -- your state voted blue. But surely you knew that.

Let me get this straight. Is the BRP open? I don't travel on it so I am posting in response to the original post. I know that the administration closed most of the campgrounds along the parkway because of the alleged sequester issue. Even if you international travelers get to drive on the parkway don't count on camping until you get to Tennessee or N.C.

Do you actually not see that 243 posts have transpired since the OP? Even on the first page it was established that the BRP never did get closed.

Also, there is certainly BRP camping in VA; I've done it. On the other hand the road doesn't venture into Tennessee at all. Those campground facilities are AFAIK closed for the duration of the shutdown because there's no staff for them. But the BRP, the "mother road", has been open throughout.

And by the way, North Carolina is not another country. That would be SOUTH Carolina.
Let me get this straight...

Posters on this board all over the country and the world, having read this thread, know that the BRP is open, while you're sitting right next to the road and think it's "closed"?

Btw, about that "punish red states" canard -- your state voted blue. But surely you knew that.

Let me get this straight. Is the BRP open? I don't travel on it so I am posting in response to the original post. I know that the administration closed most of the campgrounds along the parkway because of the alleged sequester issue. Even if you international travelers get to drive on the parkway don't count on camping until you get to Tennessee or N.C.

Do you actually not see that 243 posts have transpired since the OP? Even on the first page it was established that the BRP never did get closed.

Also, there is certainly BRP camping in VA; I've done it. On the other hand the road doesn't venture into Tennessee at all. Those campground facilities are AFAIK closed for the duration of the shutdown because there's no staff for them. But the BRP, the "mother road", has been open throughout.

And by the way, North Carolina is not another country. That would be SOUTH Carolina.

The campground facilities along the parkway that employ Virginia workers were closed because the Obama administration wanted to punish Americans for the sequester. Tennessee still borders Va. the last time I looked and NC is a great state as is the wonderful tradition and coast line of South Carolina even though the federal government once dropped an Atomic Bomb on the state.
And yet the House just unanimously passed a bill ensuring that ALL furloughed federal employees would receive their back pay, and, if I can trust Facebook posts, the Senate has now concurred.

We already had several hundred thousand 'non essential' DOD employees return to work when they found a loophole in the law.

So, we have hundreds of thousands of 'non essential' federal workers ordered off work and many government facilities shut down because of lack of staff because the Congress would not pass a budget to pay them, but Congress just passed a bill to pay them while they stay off work and keep the government shut down?

I really must be getting old.

I don't even understand why we're hiring hundreds of thousands of 'non essential' workers in the first place.
i am still trying to figure out who said anything about the states paying or do you just grab your dick and yell bingo when you are in over your head...or rather have your head so far up your ass ...even you realize the stink is you?

keep it up....
Anyway, the goal is to REDUCE the size of the federal government.
Turning such facilities to the states is an idea that should be looked into.
Why are you libs so enamored with the idea of an every growing and ever more intrusive federal government?

Uh -- it's already a National Parkway, and welcome to our country. The poster who ironically lives in the vicinity of the Parkway (as I do) actually asked the question what is the Fed doing on its own Parkway. And your answer is to transform such Federal highways into state highways -- while there's a shutdown going on. :cuckoo:

I'd say more but I'm still collapsed in helpless laughter at the line "grab your dick and yell bingo" :rofl: -- best line of the day :coffee:
No...Transfer the roads to the states through which they run.
Let me get this straight. Is the BRP open? I don't travel on it so I am posting in response to the original post. I know that the administration closed most of the campgrounds along the parkway because of the alleged sequester issue. Even if you international travelers get to drive on the parkway don't count on camping until you get to Tennessee or N.C.

Do you actually not see that 243 posts have transpired since the OP? Even on the first page it was established that the BRP never did get closed.

Also, there is certainly BRP camping in VA; I've done it. On the other hand the road doesn't venture into Tennessee at all. Those campground facilities are AFAIK closed for the duration of the shutdown because there's no staff for them. But the BRP, the "mother road", has been open throughout.

And by the way, North Carolina is not another country. That would be SOUTH Carolina.

The campground facilities along the parkway that employ Virginia workers were closed because the Obama administration wanted to punish Americans for the sequester. Tennessee still borders Va. the last time I looked and NC is a great state as is the wonderful tradition and coast line of South Carolina even though the federal government once dropped an Atomic Bomb on the state.
Almost. I think it was near Goldsboro, NC that an atomic bomb was almost accidentally dropped or was dropped but fortunately due to safeties, did not detonate.
Is English like your ninth language or something?


Never did get that answer on the House districts .... :eusa_whistle:

Nice try...You asked someone else about house districts.

Nice try but nope, it was you. You even put up three posts right after it without touching the question, which is why I posted "thereisnoanswer".

Say -- are you part of the Illiterati that Dan Brown writes about?

so find them and repost. Then ask a question. you'll get an answer.
Let me get this straight. Is the BRP open? I don't travel on it so I am posting in response to the original post. I know that the administration closed most of the campgrounds along the parkway because of the alleged sequester issue. Even if you international travelers get to drive on the parkway don't count on camping until you get to Tennessee or N.C.

Do you actually not see that 243 posts have transpired since the OP? Even on the first page it was established that the BRP never did get closed.

Also, there is certainly BRP camping in VA; I've done it. On the other hand the road doesn't venture into Tennessee at all. Those campground facilities are AFAIK closed for the duration of the shutdown because there's no staff for them. But the BRP, the "mother road", has been open throughout.

And by the way, North Carolina is not another country. That would be SOUTH Carolina.

The campground facilities along the parkway that employ Virginia workers were closed because the Obama administration wanted to punish Americans for the sequester.

Uh... really. And your source for this?
And this changes at the state line, and does not apply to North Carolina?
So you're saying O'bama is punishing the blue state but not the red one?


Tennessee still borders Va. the last time I looked and NC is a great state as is the wonderful tradition and coast line of South Carolina even though the federal government once dropped an Atomic Bomb on the state.

Guess what -- the Blue Ridge Parkway is maintained by the same National Park Service regardless which of the two states any given point is in. Notice I say two states, because there is no Blue Ridge Parkway in Tennessee. I don't think you know what you're talking about here.

About South Carolina, I was making a joke, at which I take every opportunity. But the idea of dropping an A-bomb... I like it. :eusa_drool:

We're actually trying to get Georgia to go in with us on a plan to saw off South Carolina at the state lines and push it out to the Bermuda Triangle. I'm taking donations.
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Nice try...You asked someone else about house districts.

Nice try but nope, it was you. You even put up three posts right after it without touching the question, which is why I posted "thereisnoanswer".

Say -- are you part of the Illiterati that Dan Brown writes about?

so find them and repost. Then ask a question. you'll get an answer.

See the words "it was you" and how there's a line under them? That's called a "link". It takes you right back to the question. I don't put links in for no reason.

Say hi to Dan.
What I want to know is how you got to believe that negging, rather than open debate, is the answer to every little opinion that differs from yours. :dunno:

Dude, you cannot debate with rdean. Even you know that.

RDean? :confused:

That wasn't about RDean. It's about this jackoff practice of trying to intimidate opinion through negging as opposed to hashing out issues in debate. The OP (Montecresto) expressed a concern because of low rep count that he shouldn't say anything controversial; I then encouraged him to speak freely, and let him know if he were get attacked by board fascists, I would happily make it up for him. Matter o' fact I got negged for that offer by one such fascist, whose proctologist appears in the picture a few posts above, who wasn't yet even a participant in this thread-- that's how far some of these wackos will go to shut down opposing views.

It's about free speech and the fascistas who would shut people up. The basis of the First Amendment.
Yeah I'll prolly get negged for even spelling out this practice that dare not speak its name. Fuck it, it's cowardly bullshit and needs to be called out regardless the consequences. Because even if I disagree with your opinion I will defend to the death your right to say it. Period.

I should explain that picture for context. It's a cute story.

Back when the story came out about O'bama skeet shooting at Camp David and they released a picture, The Rabbid put up a post declaring a real skeet shooter would no more position himself like the picture, than a baseball batter would hold his bat perpendicular to the ground. Well being a baseball fan I immediately thought of a few batters who do just that, and posted one, which undermined his point. That was the fastest neg I've ever got -- must have been in under ten seconds :lol: But that's how those who can't handle an opinion other than their own react-- they try to shut people up. That's why Stan Musial (above) appears, as a reminder to The Rabbid of where his thought control fantasy leads. And I should add, Stan was a hell of a hitter. His proctology, well that's an unknown.

But to whiz back to the original comment, the idea of negging somebody because they brought up "they get to sue" -- well, if you're gonna do that, then you gotta neg this one too.

Think that'll happen?


I must agree. Negging for a difference of opinion is uncalled for.
It's when it becomes personal that deserves negative feedback without being dragged into the kindergarten nonsense.
The only sensible thing to do is fire a neg at the OP who gets personal.
Racist and /or bigoted comments, followed by attacks on religious beliefs of a poster or their family. Financial or job status..
government shut down...they are closing all the federal parks.....that will close the parkway and the great smokey mountains national park...closing the main way from cherokee to gatlinburg during the peak foliage season

Get your facts straight..The Parkway is NOT closed.
Only the concessions and government owned facilities.
One thing is clear, the democrats and Obama are targeting things that hurt the most.
There is no Earthly reason other than pure politics as to why the Inn depicted in the story link needs to blockaded.
Blue Ridge inn's act of defiance lasts about 2 hours
This is a shitty politically motivated move. And it's interesting to note that the area in which this Inn is located is in a House district of a Republican.

Is it?


While you're chewing on that, guess what Sparky -- the ENTIRE BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY is in Republican-held districts, including the concessions that didn't have an issue with this. Both states.

But do go on...why is it "interesting"? :popcorn:
And?..So the administration is beyond punishing GOP districts?
Nice try but nope, it was you. You even put up three posts right after it without touching the question, which is why I posted "thereisnoanswer".

Say -- are you part of the Illiterati that Dan Brown writes about?

so find them and repost. Then ask a question. you'll get an answer.

See the words "it was you" and how there's a line under them? That's called a "link". It takes you right back to the question. I don't put links in for no reason.

Say hi to Dan.

Oh really smart ass. Excuse the fuck out of me for not knowing what your ego has been given a most enjoyable boost to a level of orgasmic proportions.

You want to have a discussion or a battle. I can do this all day.
Your call.

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