Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

government shut down...they are closing all the federal parks.....that will close the parkway and the great smokey mountains national park...closing the main way from cherokee to gatlinburg during the peak foliage season

Get your facts straight..The Parkway is NOT closed.
Only the concessions and government owned facilities.
One thing is clear, the democrats and Obama are targeting things that hurt the most.
There is no Earthly reason other than pure politics as to why the Inn depicted in the story link needs to blockaded.
Blue Ridge inn's act of defiance lasts about 2 hours
This is a shitty politically motivated move. And it's interesting to note that the area in which this Inn is located is in a House district of a Republican.

Is it?


While you're chewing on that, guess what Sparky -- the ENTIRE BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY is in Republican-held districts, including the concessions that didn't have an issue with this. Both states.

But do go on...why is it "interesting"? :popcorn:
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So under Bush, should the Democrats have caused a government shutdown unless, say, all guns were banned? They could have then "compromised" and graciously accepted that only most guns be banned.

According to the Republicans, that would have been acceptable behavior, right? Heck of a way to run a government, but it seems to be what Republicans want.

Non sequitur..
First, Congress cannot pass a law banning guns because the right to keep and bear arms is a constitutionally guaranteed right. The only way the Second Amendment could be repealed is for a Constitutional House and Senate Joint Resolution to be passed by a two thirds majority of BOTH Houses of Congress. It is then sent to the Office of Federal Register. Eventually a notice is sent to 50 state Governors that notify the respective legislatures to vote on ratification of the Amendment. 38 or three fourths of the State legislatures must vote to ratify for the Amendment to be added to the US Constitution.
Once again, the premise of the left here is the belief that legislation passed into law is sacrosanct. It isn't. Legislation is passed every Congressional session which outlaws existing law.
The Constitution says that owning a gun is your right.

Then pick a different issue. Immigration, abortion, environment, whatever.

Would it be acceptable for a Democratic house to reject a clean debt bill from a Republican senate and shut down the government unless they got their way 100% on one of their pet issues?

And if the Democrats announced they'd settle for merely 90% of their pet issue, would that mean they "compromised", and thus the Republicans were totally at fault?

Just a consistency test. And no conservatives have passed it, so far.

You cannot even figure out a way to make your argument here.
"Pick something else"....Get out of town.
Utter nonsense. The Corps of Engineers is shut down...but there are three marinas around here on Corps property that are still operating.

And the operator of the inn is responsible for the health and safety of the public staying there.
And if an accident happened on the many trails leading out from the Inn, it would be right wing media that would blast the administration for allowing concessions such as these to remain open when there was insufficient park service staff on duty. The park service is doing exactly what they should doing, closing concessions when they close.

If an accident happens and the inn is closed will that make you feel better?
If people enter the area after it's closed, then they would be considered trespassers. I think that would relieve the government of any responsibility for their safety.
What few people seem to realize is the inn is privately owned but on federal property, that means when the government shuts down the inn must shut down too. To allow concessions within the parks and monuments to operate with the people responsible for health and safety absent is not in best interest of the public.

Apparently right wing media was so excited by a headline of government shutting down private business that they ignored the facts.
Utter nonsense. The Corps of Engineers is shut down...but there are three marinas around here on Corps property that are still operating.

And the operator of the inn is responsible for the health and safety of the public staying there.
And if an accident happened on the many trails leading out from the Inn, it would be right wing media that would blast the administration for allowing concessions such as these to remain open when there was insufficient park service staff on duty. The park service is doing exactly what they should doing, closing concessions when they close.
It's cool how you can tell the future. How many times have you won the lottery?
Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times

Unfortunately your premise is wrong as usual. It's the Republicans who have forced the shutdown of our national parks. Because you are an irrational right wing lunatic, you honestly believe the shit you say, but the fact is that the vast majority of normal Americans know Republicans are to blame and will hopefully hold them accountable come next election.
And if an accident happened on the many trails leading out from the Inn, it would be right wing media that would blast the administration for allowing concessions such as these to remain open when there was insufficient park service staff on duty. The park service is doing exactly what they should doing, closing concessions when they close.

If an accident happens and the inn is closed will that make you feel better?
If people enter the area after it's closed, then they would be considered trespassers. I think that would relieve the government of any responsibility for their safety.

I have one question for you, lets see if you can be honest.

Is it emotively possible for the government to be wrong?
Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times

Unfortunately your premise is wrong as usual. It's the Republicans who have forced the shutdown of our national parks. Because you are an irrational right wing lunatic, you honestly believe the shit you say, but the fact is that the vast majority of normal Americans know Republicans are to blame and will hopefully hold them accountable come next election.

The Republicans passed a bill that fully funds the national parks, how is it their fault?
By Barrycading vets from visiting THEIR war memorials, Obama sure has shown his priorities and character.
Cones to prevent people from even pulling off the side of the road to view Mount Rushmore? Seriously? Pulling up the docks at Lake Mead an running people out of where they have lived for years? Any Obama apologists want to justify that? Any Obama apologists still in the dark about what this president is trying to do?
What few people seem to realize is the inn is privately owned but on federal property, that means when the government shuts down the inn must shut down too. To allow concessions within the parks and monuments to operate with the people responsible for health and safety absent is not in best interest of the public.

Apparently right wing media was so excited by a headline of government shutting down private business that they ignored the facts.
Utter nonsense. The Corps of Engineers is shut down...but there are three marinas around here on Corps property that are still operating.

And the operator of the inn is responsible for the health and safety of the public staying there.
And if an accident happened on the many trails leading out from the Inn, it would be right wing media that would blast the administration for allowing concessions such as these to remain open when there was insufficient park service staff on duty. The park service is doing exactly what they should doing, closing concessions when they close.

The only thing the feds should do is post a few signs written by one of the thousands of government lawyers saying the feds are not responsible for any accident. End of liability of the feds. The Inn owner, if he/she doesn't already have one, should get a blanket liability insurance policy.
You are assuming all of that.

Please stop.

The decision regarding what is funded or not....and what stays open or closes is not made by the fucking White House.

You assholes are embarrassing.

You are assuming that everyone is as stupid as you.

Repeat after me:

"I endorsed Sarah Palin for President. I have no room to talk. I should never call anyone....and I mean anyone....stupid. It carries no weight."

I don't know anyone that endorsed Sarah Palin for President since she ran for Vice President.
Ten days ago, every nutter here would have voted to defund all national parks, monuments and museums.

Today they are the most ardent defenders of these institutions.

Tomorrow, will they approve funding for more national parks? I wonder?

Fucking overbearing bullshit.

You can stop wondering. Of course the Democrats in the House didn't vote to put people back to work and Harry Reid won't allow a vote on it in the Senate. The government workers are on PAID leave, but the civilians are out of a job and it is caused by the Democrats.

The House approved three targeted spending resolutions to the Senate Wednesday, daring Senate Democrats to vote against measures to immediately fund the District of Columbia, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Park Service.

The bills are part of the House Republican plan to pass spending bills in areas where there is bipartisan agreement in order to spare some pieces of the government from the shutdown.

Read more: House passes bills to fund DC, parks and medical research - The Hill's Floor Action
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook
Ten days ago, every nutter here would have voted to defund all national parks, monuments and museums.

Today they are the most ardent defenders of these institutions.

Tomorrow, will they approve funding for more national parks? I wonder?

Fucking overbearing bullshit.

You can stop wondering. Of course the Democrats in the House didn't vote to put people back to work and Harry Reid won't allow a vote on it in the Senate. The government workers are on PAID leave, but the civilians are out of a job and it is caused by the Democrats.

The House approved three targeted spending resolutions to the Senate Wednesday, daring Senate Democrats to vote against measures to immediately fund the District of Columbia, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Park Service.

The bills are part of the House Republican plan to pass spending bills in areas where there is bipartisan agreement in order to spare some pieces of the government from the shutdown.

Read more: House passes bills to fund DC, parks and medical research - The Hill's Floor Action
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

Why do nutters think they are teaching somebody something when they post things that EVERYBODY FUCKING KNOWS?

We know that the GOP members of the House are following Ted Cruz' suggestion and offering to fund parts of the government. The parts that have gained media attention and shone a light on the idiots who caused this.

We know that the GOP thinks it can muddy the water and get people to buy this bullshit idea that the refusal to go along with this tactic is proof that the Dems hate Americans.

We all know this.
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Ten days ago, every nutter here would have voted to defund all national parks, monuments and museums.

Today they are the most ardent defenders of these institutions.

Tomorrow, will they approve funding for more national parks? I wonder?

Fucking overbearing bullshit.

You can stop wondering. Of course the Democrats in the House didn't vote to put people back to work and Harry Reid won't allow a vote on it in the Senate. The government workers are on PAID leave, but the civilians are out of a job and it is caused by the Democrats.

The House approved three targeted spending resolutions to the Senate Wednesday, daring Senate Democrats to vote against measures to immediately fund the District of Columbia, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Park Service.

The bills are part of the House Republican plan to pass spending bills in areas where there is bipartisan agreement in order to spare some pieces of the government from the shutdown.

Read more: House passes bills to fund DC, parks and medical research - The Hill's Floor Action
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

Why do nutters think they are teaching somebody something when they post things that EVERYBODY FUCKING KNOWS?

We know that the GOP members of the House are following Ted Cruz' suggestion and offering to fund parts of the government. The parts that have gained media attention and shone a light on the idiots for who caused this.

We know that the GOP thinks it can muddy the water and get people to buy this bullshit idea that the refusal to go along with this tactic is proof that the Dems hate Americans.

We all know this.

And of course your side is angels in this aspect.
Spare me................

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