Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

Again, when it comes to the government shutdown you are incorrect.
Using terms such as "Tea Party gangsters" is cute but not accurate.
As I previously posted,
The House even passed a government funding bill that would fund every aspect of the government sans the ACA. The Senate blocked that bill, thus they effectively are responsible for the government shutdown. The Senate Democrats are holding the government shutdown as a hostage to the ACA, not the other way around.
Nosmo King, your refusal to acknowledge that fact shows your partisan ways.

Hm- I dunno Alan. Forgive me for butting in but the way I read it you and Foxy are arguing that the procedures in this game of brinkmanship are perfectly legal, which while true is the equivalent of a legal loophole, while NosmoKing is arguing that the voters have spoken and the results should reflect the vote, which is also valid. As far as the machinations, bills get blocked (and amended, and tabled, etc) all the time so these tactics are nothing new.

There's merit in both arguments. I see six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Nosmo--whom I adore by the way--is being incorrigible in not giving an inch on his 100% partisan and contentious assessment of who is to blame. His term "Tea Party Gangsters" is hateful and insulting to those of us who voted for those guys.

The voters did vote Obama a super majority which is the ONLY reason that he was able to squeak Obamacare through by a razor thin margin and it did become the law of the land. And the people were horrified. No way did it in any way resemble the glowing plan that Obama sold. Many, if not most voters felt betrayed and insulted and that they had been had. So they took away Obama's super majority in the Senate and gave the majority back to the GOP in the House. They did this for one reason and one reason only--to fix or repeal Obamacare.

The Tea Partiers were certainly ALL elected with those marching orders.

So yes, the voters have spoken. And elections do have consequences. And to blame the Republicans for doing exactly what their constituency sent them to Washington to do is nothing short of arrogant and petty and just plain wrong. More especially when they have been willing to offer compromises while Harry Reid and Barack Obama refuse to negotiate on ANYTHING.

Someday I might want to borrow your crystal ball that tells what the electorate was thinking, Foxy.

Surely you must know that a mid-term election nearly always loses seats for the party occupying the WH. But this time it was a whole different reason -- right?

Btw the way I read it, 'elections have consequences' is Nosmo's point. :dunno:
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So why was the boat ramp barricaded off?

Yea, boat ramp perfect example. I love it when there is no supervision. Gee, what could happen? I'm sure having no park rangers, no lifeguards, no supervision of any kind will work out great.

War Monuments Defaced In Pensacola

Unsupervised 4-year-old drowns at apartment pool in Clarkston |

DC woman arrested after area monuments defaced with green paint ? MSNBC
Boat ramps are never attended. Dumbass.
What's needed is defiance. This kind of defiance. The kind of defiance the veterans are showing. Give the shutdown democrats a gigantic finger. Tear down the barrycades, open the gates. obama is in great need of being shown just who he works for.
Exactly 160 posts back if memory serves...

The denialism part, I can't help with. First step is to admit you have a problem.

You quoted some bits that said what you claim they didn't say.

How'd that work out for you?

Very well, thanks.

As I said right above, I can't help with denialism of what's on the page. You're on your own.
Maybe you could take those manly-man guns and just shoot those mean words down. :rofl:
As has been repeatedly pointed out, you lied by omission. The Times story leads off by calling the inn owner a concessionaire.

But you just keep denying it.
Again, when it comes to the government shutdown you are incorrect.
Using terms such as "Tea Party gangsters" is cute but not accurate.
As I previously posted,
The House even passed a government funding bill that would fund every aspect of the government sans the ACA. The Senate blocked that bill, thus they effectively are responsible for the government shutdown. The Senate Democrats are holding the government shutdown as a hostage to the ACA, not the other way around.
Nosmo King, your refusal to acknowledge that fact shows your partisan ways.

Hm- I dunno Alan. Forgive me for butting in but the way I read it you and Foxy are arguing that the procedures in this game of brinkmanship are perfectly legal, which while true is the equivalent of a legal loophole, while NosmoKing is arguing that the voters have spoken and the results should reflect the vote, which is also valid. As far as the machinations, bills get blocked (and amended, and tabled, etc) all the time so these tactics are nothing new.

There's merit in both arguments. I see six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Actually, I was pointing out the falseness of Nosmo King's argument that the Republicans are to blame. See the blue highlights for clarification. Nothing more and nothing less.

I saw that. It just doesn't read much differently to me from " they have been willing to offer compromises while Harry Reid and Barack Obama refuse to negotiate on ANYTHING". Swap the names and they're interchangeable. That's why I see six of one/half a dozen of the other.
So are you saying that the Tea Party Republicans are acting responsibly and in total honesty? How can they blame the shutdown on anyone but themselves? Had they done things with the best interests of the American people in mind, would they shut down the federal government, or is it nothing but the cheapest form of political theater?

Plenty of blame to go around, as far as I can see. How can you not blame the opposition team that refuses to negotiate on any know, the "my way or the highway, f**k everybody else" bunch. Particularly the pack of criminals lead by Reid and Pelosi.
the only option the Tea Party gangsters will accept is the total repeal of the Affordable Care Act, a law passed and signed and deemed constitional. Without the death of affordable health care, the Tea Party refuses to budge!

What happens a few years from now when a Republican president passes a ban on all abortions with the aid of a Rublican "super majority"? Should congressional Democrats in a subsequent congress then shut down the government in a fit of pique too? Who do you suppose will howl loudest then?

Seems to me they've offered at least one resolution to fund government, sans Obamacare, and to review Obamacare afterwards. No compromise from the crew that will not even consider that. They'll hold the entire government hostage before they'll consider taking a deeper, longer look at the atrocity of a bill that was passed so that "we could find out what was in it".
the only option the Tea Party gangsters will accept is the total repeal of the Affordable Care Act, a law passed and signed and deemed constitional. Without the death of affordable health care, the Tea Party refuses to budge!

What happens a few years from now when a Republican president passes a ban on all abortions with the aid of a Rublican "super majority"? Should congressional Democrats in a subsequent congress then shut down the government in a fit of pique too? Who do you suppose will howl loudest then?
Again, when it comes to the government shutdown you are incorrect.
Using terms such as "Tea Party gangsters" is cute but not accurate.
As I previously posted,
The House even passed a government funding bill that would fund every aspect of the government sans the ACA. The Senate blocked that bill, thus they effectively are responsible for the government shutdown. The Senate Democrats are holding the government shutdown as a hostage to the ACA, not the other way around.
Nosmo King, your refusal to acknowledge that fact shows your partisan ways.

Hm- I dunno Alan. Forgive me for butting in but the way I read it you and Foxy are arguing that the procedures in this game of brinkmanship are perfectly legal, which while true is the equivalent of a legal loophole, while NosmoKing is arguing that the voters have spoken and the results should reflect the vote, which is also valid. As far as the machinations, bills get blocked (and amended, and tabled, etc) all the time so these tactics are nothing new.

There's merit in both arguments. I see six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Alas, only a portion of voters "spoke". From what I've experienced, most people, including voters, would rather not be taken to the cleaners by the insurance companies and their paid political shills.
Thanks Obamacare not GOP. The majority of this country doens want it and yet the democRATS cont to shove it down our throats. GOP is doing the will of the people.
It's the law of the land. It has been deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS. The President was re-elected and ran against a guy who was fore square opposed to it and campaigned to repeal it.

I think the American people have spoken.

The tea baggers do NOT speak for the American people, only a small minority of them.

What the tea baggers are doing is acting impetuously. They should be ashamed.

I am sorry but this its the law of the land thing doesn't fly anymore. IF Obama had let it run its course, for sure, I would agree with you, BUT he didn't, he has thru Sibelius manipulated/suspended and dropped parts of the LAW.

Look at IamwhatIseem's post- he gave congress and their staffers an out from the harshest terms of obamacare and dropped the employer mandate, the class act etc. along with what, 11 other rules that are , or were part of the LAW.

You cannot get a little pregnant amigo. If he did all that becasue the law is not ready, in whole, then suspending the individual mandate and making congress eat their own cooking is infinitely fair.
Hm- I dunno Alan. Forgive me for butting in but the way I read it you and Foxy are arguing that the procedures in this game of brinkmanship are perfectly legal, which while true is the equivalent of a legal loophole, while NosmoKing is arguing that the voters have spoken and the results should reflect the vote, which is also valid. As far as the machinations, bills get blocked (and amended, and tabled, etc) all the time so these tactics are nothing new.

There's merit in both arguments. I see six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Nosmo--whom I adore by the way--is being incorrigible in not giving an inch on his 100% partisan and contentious assessment of who is to blame. His term "Tea Party Gangsters" is hateful and insulting to those of us who voted for those guys.

The voters did vote Obama a super majority which is the ONLY reason that he was able to squeak Obamacare through by a razor thin margin and it did become the law of the land. And the people were horrified. No way did it in any way resemble the glowing plan that Obama sold. Many, if not most voters felt betrayed and insulted and that they had been had. So they took away Obama's super majority in the Senate and gave the majority back to the GOP in the House. They did this for one reason and one reason only--to fix or repeal Obamacare.

The Tea Partiers were certainly ALL elected with those marching orders.

So yes, the voters have spoken. And elections do have consequences. And to blame the Republicans for doing exactly what their constituency sent them to Washington to do is nothing short of arrogant and petty and just plain wrong. More especially when they have been willing to offer compromises while Harry Reid and Barack Obama refuse to negotiate on ANYTHING.

Someday I might want to borrow your crystal ball that tells what the electorate was thinking, Foxy.

Surely you must know that a mid-term election nearly always loses seats for the party occupying the WH. But this time it was a whole different reason -- right?

Btw the way I read it, 'elections have consequences' is Nosmo's point. :dunno:

You do realize that no party holding a super majority has ever lost a chamber of Congress in a mid term election? The closest we have EVER seen was when Hillary tried to ram another horrendous healthcare bill down the people's throats in 1993/94. Fortunately Clinton didn't have a super majority and couldn't get it passed and the people put BOTH chambers of Congress into GOP hands to make damn sure that he didn't. You see I am a student of history and I do pay attention to the analysis that professional historians research and write on this stuff. So I am pretty darn sure I am on solid footing here.

The GOP has now offered three bills, each one more moderate than the last to bring this matter to a head. The last didn't even defund Obamacare but simply postponed it for a year and give we the common folk a break until the bugs could be worked out. Reid and Obama, even though THEIR cronies have been illegally exempted under this law, refused to to budge an inch.

The probem is not with the GOP tea partiers who are voting their conscience while trying to find a solution.

This is a bad law. And it is good that there are honorable men and women willing to oppose it.
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Can anyone provide me the logic in this story?

Why does the government want Bruce to lay off 100 employees, when leaving it open will cost the government nothing but will in fact bring income into the government. All the government employees will get back pay. This small business owner is getting nothing, his workers will claim unemployment and food stamps, making them a burden to all of us taxpayers. The government is being unreasonable, why would they create a burden on it's citizens.

The White House wants people to be inconvenienced...the worse, the they can blame the GOP for it.

And as we've seen in this thread and throughout USMB, mindless sheep, toadies, and sycophants are falling for it.


The WH did not want the shut down. Please stop.
No, I will NOT join you in mindless worship of Dear Reader.

Here's how it went in our office. We got orders to shut down. We told the district HQ we had FY13 money left over to pay labor; money for park attendant contractors and the housekeeping contractor had already been obligated for the month. So we could keep our campgrounds open. The district agreed. Then, last Thursday, the district HQ put out a press release saying our campgrounds will close Friday at noon. Blindsided us.

We'd gotten a bunch of campers in from the Forest Service campgrounds across the lake that shut down Tuesday. So we had to tell all our campers to get ready to leave.

Folks in the camping industry like to have campers. That's what we're here for. It takes higher ups to make the decision to close us down -- especially when we have the money to keep operating.

District HQ never told us why we had to close. I think it's pretty safe to say the decision was NOT made by the district commander, an Army O-5.

Did Obama decide to make people suffer by closing facilities that didn't need to be closed? Doubtful...but someone in the White House did. Remember, all the agencies that operate these facilities work for Cabinet-level personnel.

And all of them work for Obama, and serve him -- not the public good.

So, you're one of those mindless sheep and toadies and sycophants I'm talking about.
Hm- I dunno Alan. Forgive me for butting in but the way I read it you and Foxy are arguing that the procedures in this game of brinkmanship are perfectly legal, which while true is the equivalent of a legal loophole, while NosmoKing is arguing that the voters have spoken and the results should reflect the vote, which is also valid. As far as the machinations, bills get blocked (and amended, and tabled, etc) all the time so these tactics are nothing new.

There's merit in both arguments. I see six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Actually, I was pointing out the falseness of Nosmo King's argument that the Republicans are to blame. See the blue highlights for clarification. Nothing more and nothing less.

I saw that. It just doesn't read much differently to me from " they have been willing to offer compromises while Harry Reid and Barack Obama refuse to negotiate on ANYTHING". Swap the names and they're interchangeable. That's why I see six of one/half a dozen of the other.
Here, let me post it again,

The House even passed a government funding bill that would fund every aspect of the government sans the ACA. The Senate blocked that bill, thus they effectively are responsible for the government shutdown. The Senate Democrats are holding the government shutdown as a hostage to the ACA, not the other way around.

The above is a fact. I haven't mentioned any names on either side of the political spectrum, only stated facts. Argue that.
I saw the Federal government wants to shut down the ocean. Seriously. They told boaters that the bay in FL was closed.
With any luck more governors will step in and defy the federal gov't. This could be the beginning of the Third American Revolution.
Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times

Who gives a shit. I support an amendment to give Texas back to Mexico. Doing so would raise the average IQ in both the United States and in Mexico.
Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times
The order to close the parks includes all concessions within the park service. The park service personnel must be available to respond to emergencies on park service land and to enforce laws which protect government property. Closing all concession is the right thing to do. The highway patrol responds to highway emergencies not problems on park service land.

According to the story, the highway patrol responds to the needs of the Inn. I have also been on highways that go through parks and the state police all with the park rangers are patrolling.

This is putting people out of work, that won't get back pay. It will decrease the money coming into government.

It absolutely not the right thing to do, unless you want to push a point.
as a general note-

look, there have been 17 of these things since 1976, the dems stomped all over themselves 6 of those times, where in they had all of the cards, exec. mansion, house and senate and shutdown gov. once for 18 days over wait for it;.................................... abortion language in a medicaid.....

imagine, for a moment if this were over abortion? :lol:The sky would be raining fire....

don't let lack of googling make you swallow the medias slant here, this is not Armageddon, its the usual ideological platform wrangling, this just happens to be over a law that affects 20% of our economy so, that in and of itself makes it huge as an ISSUE, but not in the context of the shutdown....whether its abortion language or in Carters day again, over Nuclear power funding, its still just another shutdown.
Can anyone provide me the logic in this story?

Why does the government want Bruce to lay off 100 employees, when leaving it open will cost the government nothing but will in fact bring income into the government. All the government employees will get back pay. This small business owner is getting nothing, his workers will claim unemployment and food stamps, making them a burden to all of us taxpayers. The government is being unreasonable, why would they create a burden on it's citizens.

The White House wants people to be inconvenienced...the worse, the they can blame the GOP for it.

And as we've seen in this thread and throughout USMB, mindless sheep, toadies, and sycophants are falling for it.


The WH did not want the shut down. Please stop.

Tell me why they need to close it then? It makes no difference whether it is open or closed, government employees are not on or service the property.
Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times

Who gives a shit. I support an amendment to give Texas back to Mexico. Doing so would raise the average IQ in both the United States and in Mexico.

So Mexicans have lower IQ's than Americans? The KKK believe that whites have a higher IQ than blacks. You might need to hook up, since you have similar ideas.
Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times

Who gives a shit. I support an amendment to give Texas back to Mexico. Doing so would raise the average IQ in both the United States and in Mexico.

Thanks for sharing.

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