Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration

Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration - The Political Insider
25 Jan 2021 ~~ By Rusty Weiss

A surprising number of mostly blue states and cities have announced a return to indoor dining and loosened other COVID restrictions less than one week after President Biden’s inauguration.
“Millions of jobs have been lost,” Biden lamented during his inaugural speech. “Hundreds of thousands of businesses closed.”
Some of the hardest-hit have been restaurants and bars, with restrictions or flat-out lockdowns being imposed.
Many have been put out of business, never to return.
Blue States And Cities Suddenly Happy To Open Restaurants
Many businesses were the victims of draconian measures put in place by Democrat (and some Republican) politicians who justified their decisions by citing science and expert advice. But now, some of those same politicians are suddenly experiencing a change of heart.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo got the ball rolling just before Biden’s entrance to the White House.
Cuomo, who had micromanaged the pandemic response to extreme degrees – implementing curfews and even dictating what kinds of food were acceptable to eat when out at a bar – suddenly had an epiphany.
“We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass,” Cuomo announced.
Other blue state politicians dutifully agree now.
Relaxing Restrictions
A slew of Democrat politicians have announced relaxing restrictions on restaurants and bars in the week since President Biden was inaugurated.
  • California Governor Gavin Newsom surprised his state’s residents with an announcement just hours ago “allowing the reopening of outdoor dining, indoor salons.”
  • Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s virus mitigation plan allowed indoor dining to resume over the weekend at limited capacity in Chicago and its Cook County suburbs.
  • Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who told residents to stay home during the holidays, also cheered the return of “limited indoor dining and more.”
  • Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser lifted a ban on indoor dining on Friday, and is going as far as having a “Restaurant Week” promotion.
  • Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced that Michigan is reopening indoor dining on the first of February.
  • Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott announced that eateries would reopen for indoor and outdoor dining at a limited capacity last week.
Has the ‘science’ suddenly changed? Is this simply a response to the vaccine created under the guidance of the Trump administration being distributed?
For Whitmer, she credited her shutdown as having worked: “The pause has worked. The efforts we have made together to protect our families, frontline workers and hospitals have dramatically reduced cases and we have saved lives.”
And while cases are on the decline of late, the New York Times reports that new strains of the coronavirus “could erase progress.”
California in particular has seen the emergence of a “home grown mutation” of COVID.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d prefer the economy be opened back up to full capacity, but it was some Democrats and the media who insisted under President Trump that any suggestion of opening up businesses meant you wanted to kill seniors and children.

Quelle Surprise!!
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists by hook and crook got what they wanted on January 20th. Now, they think they can ease their state economies back into high gear without any pushback. Poor idiots cannot fathom how two-faced they really do appear to be. Wait till they come to the full realization of how many businesses will not be reopening and listen for them to begin blaming all the shut-down on Trump.
Amid the second surge of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus in the states (Blue) heaviest hit, governors (Democrats all) have made the decision to begin to lift restrictions on the residents dwelling within.
Prior to Biden they cited cancer deaths, death by gunshot, car accidents, and heart attacks as COVID deaths.
This pracice will also stop and the death rate will fall dramatically, allowing Biden to claim a propaganda coup.
All those "conspiracy theorists" who claimed it was a scam, will then be vindicated as correct all along.
The #CoronaHoax2020 has fulfilled its purpose, and now, people are waking up to how they've been deceived, frightened, and manipulated under the guise of what is really nothing more than a hyperbolized flu bug.

Now that they've successfully exploited it to gain power, but now that increasingly, the people are not buying this bullshit as much as they used to, the obvious strategy is now to manipulate the data in the opposite direction, and then claim credit for the falling ersatz death rate, and the improving economy, and general return to normality.
Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration

Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration - The Political Insider
25 Jan 2021 ~~ By Rusty Weiss

A surprising number of mostly blue states and cities have announced a return to indoor dining and loosened other COVID restrictions less than one week after President Biden’s inauguration.
“Millions of jobs have been lost,” Biden lamented during his inaugural speech. “Hundreds of thousands of businesses closed.”
Some of the hardest-hit have been restaurants and bars, with restrictions or flat-out lockdowns being imposed.
Many have been put out of business, never to return.
Blue States And Cities Suddenly Happy To Open Restaurants
Many businesses were the victims of draconian measures put in place by Democrat (and some Republican) politicians who justified their decisions by citing science and expert advice. But now, some of those same politicians are suddenly experiencing a change of heart.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo got the ball rolling just before Biden’s entrance to the White House.
Cuomo, who had micromanaged the pandemic response to extreme degrees – implementing curfews and even dictating what kinds of food were acceptable to eat when out at a bar – suddenly had an epiphany.
“We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass,” Cuomo announced.
Other blue state politicians dutifully agree now.
Relaxing Restrictions
A slew of Democrat politicians have announced relaxing restrictions on restaurants and bars in the week since President Biden was inaugurated.
  • California Governor Gavin Newsom surprised his state’s residents with an announcement just hours ago “allowing the reopening of outdoor dining, indoor salons.”
  • Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s virus mitigation plan allowed indoor dining to resume over the weekend at limited capacity in Chicago and its Cook County suburbs.
  • Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who told residents to stay home during the holidays, also cheered the return of “limited indoor dining and more.”
  • Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser lifted a ban on indoor dining on Friday, and is going as far as having a “Restaurant Week” promotion.
  • Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced that Michigan is reopening indoor dining on the first of February.
  • Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott announced that eateries would reopen for indoor and outdoor dining at a limited capacity last week.
Has the ‘science’ suddenly changed? Is this simply a response to the vaccine created under the guidance of the Trump administration being distributed?
For Whitmer, she credited her shutdown as having worked: “The pause has worked. The efforts we have made together to protect our families, frontline workers and hospitals have dramatically reduced cases and we have saved lives.”
And while cases are on the decline of late, the New York Times reports that new strains of the coronavirus “could erase progress.”
California in particular has seen the emergence of a “home grown mutation” of COVID.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d prefer the economy be opened back up to full capacity, but it was some Democrats and the media who insisted under President Trump that any suggestion of opening up businesses meant you wanted to kill seniors and children.

Quelle Surprise!!
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists by hook and crook got what they wanted on January 20th. Now, they think they can ease their state economies back into high gear without any pushback. Poor idiots cannot fathom how two-faced they really do appear to be. Wait till they come to the full realization of how many businesses will not be reopening and listen for them to begin blaming all the shut-down on Trump.
Amid the second surge of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus in the states (Blue) heaviest hit, governors (Democrats all) have made the decision to begin to lift restrictions on the residents dwelling within.
That's because cases there have plateaued and are finally coming down. I looked up California, it's the same in my state, and obviously in Michigan, according to Governor Whitmer's remarks. The regular flu tends to do the same thing, with cases beginning to tail off in Feb. Don't know why, but we'll take it!
The #CoronaHoax2020 has fulfilled its purpose, and now, people are waking up to how they've been deceived, frightened, and manipulated under the guise of what is really nothing more than a hyperbolized flu bug.

Now that they've successfully exploited it to gain power, but now that increasingly, the people are not buying this bullshit as much as they used to, the obvious strategy is now to manipulate the data in the opposite direction, and then claim credit for the falling ersatz death rate, and the improving economy, and general return to normality.
Hopefully, we'll start seeing some drop thanks to the vaccine before too many more months, too.
Governor Hair Gel Newsom isn't letting businesses open because of Biden. We are 200,000 signatures away from a recall which will assuredly happen. He's scared. If he is recalled his political career is over.
Governor Hair Gel Newsom isn't letting businesses open because of Biden. We are 200,000 signatures away from a recall which will assuredly happen. He's scared. If he is recalled his political career is over.
its a disgrace that fool ever got elected
This is what you get when elections are decided by fraud. California hasn't had an honest election in decades.
Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration

Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration - The Political Insider
25 Jan 2021 ~~ By Rusty Weiss

A surprising number of mostly blue states and cities have announced a return to indoor dining and loosened other COVID restrictions less than one week after President Biden’s inauguration.
“Millions of jobs have been lost,” Biden lamented during his inaugural speech. “Hundreds of thousands of businesses closed.”
Some of the hardest-hit have been restaurants and bars, with restrictions or flat-out lockdowns being imposed.
Many have been put out of business, never to return.
Blue States And Cities Suddenly Happy To Open Restaurants
Many businesses were the victims of draconian measures put in place by Democrat (and some Republican) politicians who justified their decisions by citing science and expert advice. But now, some of those same politicians are suddenly experiencing a change of heart.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo got the ball rolling just before Biden’s entrance to the White House.
Cuomo, who had micromanaged the pandemic response to extreme degrees – implementing curfews and even dictating what kinds of food were acceptable to eat when out at a bar – suddenly had an epiphany.
“We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass,” Cuomo announced.
Other blue state politicians dutifully agree now.
Relaxing Restrictions
A slew of Democrat politicians have announced relaxing restrictions on restaurants and bars in the week since President Biden was inaugurated.
  • California Governor Gavin Newsom surprised his state’s residents with an announcement just hours ago “allowing the reopening of outdoor dining, indoor salons.”
  • Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s virus mitigation plan allowed indoor dining to resume over the weekend at limited capacity in Chicago and its Cook County suburbs.
  • Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who told residents to stay home during the holidays, also cheered the return of “limited indoor dining and more.”
  • Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser lifted a ban on indoor dining on Friday, and is going as far as having a “Restaurant Week” promotion.
  • Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced that Michigan is reopening indoor dining on the first of February.
  • Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott announced that eateries would reopen for indoor and outdoor dining at a limited capacity last week.
Has the ‘science’ suddenly changed? Is this simply a response to the vaccine created under the guidance of the Trump administration being distributed?
For Whitmer, she credited her shutdown as having worked: “The pause has worked. The efforts we have made together to protect our families, frontline workers and hospitals have dramatically reduced cases and we have saved lives.”
And while cases are on the decline of late, the New York Times reports that new strains of the coronavirus “could erase progress.”
California in particular has seen the emergence of a “home grown mutation” of COVID.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d prefer the economy be opened back up to full capacity, but it was some Democrats and the media who insisted under President Trump that any suggestion of opening up businesses meant you wanted to kill seniors and children.

Quelle Surprise!!
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists by hook and crook got what they wanted on January 20th. Now, they think they can ease their state economies back into high gear without any pushback. Poor idiots cannot fathom how two-faced they really do appear to be. Wait till they come to the full realization of how many businesses will not be reopening and listen for them to begin blaming all the shut-down on Trump.
Amid the second surge of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus in the states (Blue) heaviest hit, governors (Democrats all) have made the decision to begin to lift restrictions on the residents dwelling within.

How detached from reality do you have to belive this crazy tripe?

California niether imposed, nor eased Covid restrictions just "because Trump".
Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration

Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration - The Political Insider
25 Jan 2021 ~~ By Rusty Weiss

A surprising number of mostly blue states and cities have announced a return to indoor dining and loosened other COVID restrictions less than one week after President Biden’s inauguration.
“Millions of jobs have been lost,” Biden lamented during his inaugural speech. “Hundreds of thousands of businesses closed.”
Some of the hardest-hit have been restaurants and bars, with restrictions or flat-out lockdowns being imposed.
Many have been put out of business, never to return.
Blue States And Cities Suddenly Happy To Open Restaurants
Many businesses were the victims of draconian measures put in place by Democrat (and some Republican) politicians who justified their decisions by citing science and expert advice. But now, some of those same politicians are suddenly experiencing a change of heart.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo got the ball rolling just before Biden’s entrance to the White House.
Cuomo, who had micromanaged the pandemic response to extreme degrees – implementing curfews and even dictating what kinds of food were acceptable to eat when out at a bar – suddenly had an epiphany.
“We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass,” Cuomo announced.
Other blue state politicians dutifully agree now.
Relaxing Restrictions
A slew of Democrat politicians have announced relaxing restrictions on restaurants and bars in the week since President Biden was inaugurated.
  • California Governor Gavin Newsom surprised his state’s residents with an announcement just hours ago “allowing the reopening of outdoor dining, indoor salons.”
  • Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s virus mitigation plan allowed indoor dining to resume over the weekend at limited capacity in Chicago and its Cook County suburbs.
  • Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who told residents to stay home during the holidays, also cheered the return of “limited indoor dining and more.”
  • Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser lifted a ban on indoor dining on Friday, and is going as far as having a “Restaurant Week” promotion.
  • Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced that Michigan is reopening indoor dining on the first of February.
  • Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott announced that eateries would reopen for indoor and outdoor dining at a limited capacity last week.
Has the ‘science’ suddenly changed? Is this simply a response to the vaccine created under the guidance of the Trump administration being distributed?
For Whitmer, she credited her shutdown as having worked: “The pause has worked. The efforts we have made together to protect our families, frontline workers and hospitals have dramatically reduced cases and we have saved lives.”
And while cases are on the decline of late, the New York Times reports that new strains of the coronavirus “could erase progress.”
California in particular has seen the emergence of a “home grown mutation” of COVID.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d prefer the economy be opened back up to full capacity, but it was some Democrats and the media who insisted under President Trump that any suggestion of opening up businesses meant you wanted to kill seniors and children.

Quelle Surprise!!
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists by hook and crook got what they wanted on January 20th. Now, they think they can ease their state economies back into high gear without any pushback. Poor idiots cannot fathom how two-faced they really do appear to be. Wait till they come to the full realization of how many businesses will not be reopening and listen for them to begin blaming all the shut-down on Trump.
Amid the second surge of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus in the states (Blue) heaviest hit, governors (Democrats all) have made the decision to begin to lift restrictions on the residents dwelling within.

How detached from reality do you have to belive this crazy tripe?

California niether imposed, nor eased Covid restrictions just "because Trump".

Really, I agree it was all the great governor Newsom that imposed draconian restrictions that he himself could not follow...

Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration

Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration - The Political Insider
25 Jan 2021 ~~ By Rusty Weiss

A surprising number of mostly blue states and cities have announced a return to indoor dining and loosened other COVID restrictions less than one week after President Biden’s inauguration.
“Millions of jobs have been lost,” Biden lamented during his inaugural speech. “Hundreds of thousands of businesses closed.”
Some of the hardest-hit have been restaurants and bars, with restrictions or flat-out lockdowns being imposed.
Many have been put out of business, never to return.
Blue States And Cities Suddenly Happy To Open Restaurants
Many businesses were the victims of draconian measures put in place by Democrat (and some Republican) politicians who justified their decisions by citing science and expert advice. But now, some of those same politicians are suddenly experiencing a change of heart.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo got the ball rolling just before Biden’s entrance to the White House.
Cuomo, who had micromanaged the pandemic response to extreme degrees – implementing curfews and even dictating what kinds of food were acceptable to eat when out at a bar – suddenly had an epiphany.
“We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass,” Cuomo announced.
Other blue state politicians dutifully agree now.
Relaxing Restrictions
A slew of Democrat politicians have announced relaxing restrictions on restaurants and bars in the week since President Biden was inaugurated.
  • California Governor Gavin Newsom surprised his state’s residents with an announcement just hours ago “allowing the reopening of outdoor dining, indoor salons.”
  • Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s virus mitigation plan allowed indoor dining to resume over the weekend at limited capacity in Chicago and its Cook County suburbs.
  • Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who told residents to stay home during the holidays, also cheered the return of “limited indoor dining and more.”
  • Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser lifted a ban on indoor dining on Friday, and is going as far as having a “Restaurant Week” promotion.
  • Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced that Michigan is reopening indoor dining on the first of February.
  • Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott announced that eateries would reopen for indoor and outdoor dining at a limited capacity last week.
Has the ‘science’ suddenly changed? Is this simply a response to the vaccine created under the guidance of the Trump administration being distributed?
For Whitmer, she credited her shutdown as having worked: “The pause has worked. The efforts we have made together to protect our families, frontline workers and hospitals have dramatically reduced cases and we have saved lives.”
And while cases are on the decline of late, the New York Times reports that new strains of the coronavirus “could erase progress.”
California in particular has seen the emergence of a “home grown mutation” of COVID.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d prefer the economy be opened back up to full capacity, but it was some Democrats and the media who insisted under President Trump that any suggestion of opening up businesses meant you wanted to kill seniors and children.

Quelle Surprise!!
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists by hook and crook got what they wanted on January 20th. Now, they think they can ease their state economies back into high gear without any pushback. Poor idiots cannot fathom how two-faced they really do appear to be. Wait till they come to the full realization of how many businesses will not be reopening and listen for them to begin blaming all the shut-down on Trump.
Amid the second surge of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus in the states (Blue) heaviest hit, governors (Democrats all) have made the decision to begin to lift restrictions on the residents dwelling within.
That's because cases there have plateaued and are finally coming down. I looked up California, it's the same in my state, and obviously in Michigan, according to Governor Whitmer's remarks. The regular flu tends to do the same thing, with cases beginning to tail off in Feb. Don't know why, but we'll take it!

Come On Man!! don't go pissing down my leg and tell me it's raining... Last week Fauci, Cuomo, Newsom and Whitmer including China Joey Xi were claiming that the Wuhan Virus was getting worse and forecasting a gloomy picture for the future.

Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration

Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration - The Political Insider
25 Jan 2021 ~~ By Rusty Weiss

A surprising number of mostly blue states and cities have announced a return to indoor dining and loosened other COVID restrictions less than one week after President Biden’s inauguration.
“Millions of jobs have been lost,” Biden lamented during his inaugural speech. “Hundreds of thousands of businesses closed.”
Some of the hardest-hit have been restaurants and bars, with restrictions or flat-out lockdowns being imposed.
Many have been put out of business, never to return.
Blue States And Cities Suddenly Happy To Open Restaurants
Many businesses were the victims of draconian measures put in place by Democrat (and some Republican) politicians who justified their decisions by citing science and expert advice. But now, some of those same politicians are suddenly experiencing a change of heart.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo got the ball rolling just before Biden’s entrance to the White House.
Cuomo, who had micromanaged the pandemic response to extreme degrees – implementing curfews and even dictating what kinds of food were acceptable to eat when out at a bar – suddenly had an epiphany.
“We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass,” Cuomo announced.
Other blue state politicians dutifully agree now.
Relaxing Restrictions
A slew of Democrat politicians have announced relaxing restrictions on restaurants and bars in the week since President Biden was inaugurated.
  • California Governor Gavin Newsom surprised his state’s residents with an announcement just hours ago “allowing the reopening of outdoor dining, indoor salons.”
  • Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s virus mitigation plan allowed indoor dining to resume over the weekend at limited capacity in Chicago and its Cook County suburbs.
  • Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who told residents to stay home during the holidays, also cheered the return of “limited indoor dining and more.”
  • Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser lifted a ban on indoor dining on Friday, and is going as far as having a “Restaurant Week” promotion.
  • Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced that Michigan is reopening indoor dining on the first of February.
  • Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott announced that eateries would reopen for indoor and outdoor dining at a limited capacity last week.
Has the ‘science’ suddenly changed? Is this simply a response to the vaccine created under the guidance of the Trump administration being distributed?
For Whitmer, she credited her shutdown as having worked: “The pause has worked. The efforts we have made together to protect our families, frontline workers and hospitals have dramatically reduced cases and we have saved lives.”
And while cases are on the decline of late, the New York Times reports that new strains of the coronavirus “could erase progress.”
California in particular has seen the emergence of a “home grown mutation” of COVID.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d prefer the economy be opened back up to full capacity, but it was some Democrats and the media who insisted under President Trump that any suggestion of opening up businesses meant you wanted to kill seniors and children.

Quelle Surprise!!
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists by hook and crook got what they wanted on January 20th. Now, they think they can ease their state economies back into high gear without any pushback. Poor idiots cannot fathom how two-faced they really do appear to be. Wait till they come to the full realization of how many businesses will not be reopening and listen for them to begin blaming all the shut-down on Trump.
Amid the second surge of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus in the states (Blue) heaviest hit, governors (Democrats all) have made the decision to begin to lift restrictions on the residents dwelling within.
Oh wow, that is so odd , what could possibly be the sudden shift of policy ? Do you think they just went right with the science? Or maybe because with winters fringed temperatures it would help fight this unpredictable killer? Maybe these mostly run cities are so well organized and on top of everything that they all got their vaccine ? Or maybe it was just the perfect time to open up because because ....... no possible way they would open up now that Trump is out of office and makes Biden look like he has a clue.. no way would democrats purposely destroy Americans and the economy only because they lost an election ! No way, they are for the middle class...... they couldn't! Would they?
Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration

Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration - The Political Insider
25 Jan 2021 ~~ By Rusty Weiss

A surprising number of mostly blue states and cities have announced a return to indoor dining and loosened other COVID restrictions less than one week after President Biden’s inauguration.
“Millions of jobs have been lost,” Biden lamented during his inaugural speech. “Hundreds of thousands of businesses closed.”
Some of the hardest-hit have been restaurants and bars, with restrictions or flat-out lockdowns being imposed.
Many have been put out of business, never to return.
Blue States And Cities Suddenly Happy To Open Restaurants
Many businesses were the victims of draconian measures put in place by Democrat (and some Republican) politicians who justified their decisions by citing science and expert advice. But now, some of those same politicians are suddenly experiencing a change of heart.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo got the ball rolling just before Biden’s entrance to the White House.
Cuomo, who had micromanaged the pandemic response to extreme degrees – implementing curfews and even dictating what kinds of food were acceptable to eat when out at a bar – suddenly had an epiphany.
“We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass,” Cuomo announced.
Other blue state politicians dutifully agree now.
Relaxing Restrictions
A slew of Democrat politicians have announced relaxing restrictions on restaurants and bars in the week since President Biden was inaugurated.
  • California Governor Gavin Newsom surprised his state’s residents with an announcement just hours ago “allowing the reopening of outdoor dining, indoor salons.”
  • Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s virus mitigation plan allowed indoor dining to resume over the weekend at limited capacity in Chicago and its Cook County suburbs.
  • Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who told residents to stay home during the holidays, also cheered the return of “limited indoor dining and more.”
  • Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser lifted a ban on indoor dining on Friday, and is going as far as having a “Restaurant Week” promotion.
  • Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced that Michigan is reopening indoor dining on the first of February.
  • Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott announced that eateries would reopen for indoor and outdoor dining at a limited capacity last week.
Has the ‘science’ suddenly changed? Is this simply a response to the vaccine created under the guidance of the Trump administration being distributed?
For Whitmer, she credited her shutdown as having worked: “The pause has worked. The efforts we have made together to protect our families, frontline workers and hospitals have dramatically reduced cases and we have saved lives.”
And while cases are on the decline of late, the New York Times reports that new strains of the coronavirus “could erase progress.”
California in particular has seen the emergence of a “home grown mutation” of COVID.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d prefer the economy be opened back up to full capacity, but it was some Democrats and the media who insisted under President Trump that any suggestion of opening up businesses meant you wanted to kill seniors and children.

Quelle Surprise!!
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists by hook and crook got what they wanted on January 20th. Now, they think they can ease their state economies back into high gear without any pushback. Poor idiots cannot fathom how two-faced they really do appear to be. Wait till they come to the full realization of how many businesses will not be reopening and listen for them to begin blaming all the shut-down on Trump.
Amid the second surge of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus in the states (Blue) heaviest hit, governors (Democrats all) have made the decision to begin to lift restrictions on the residents dwelling within.
That's because cases there have plateaued and are finally coming down. I looked up California, it's the same in my state, and obviously in Michigan, according to Governor Whitmer's remarks. The regular flu tends to do the same thing, with cases beginning to tail off in Feb. Don't know why, but we'll take it!

Come On Man!! don't go pissing down my leg and tell me it's raining... Last week Fauci, Cuomo, Newsom and Whitmer including China Joey Xi were claiming that the Wuhan Virus was getting worse and forecasting a gloomy picture for the future.

Did you put up the wrong link? It says this garbage is lies. Should I assume the rest are lies as well? Since I don't live in any of those states I don't follow their pressers on the Covid situation. The last I heard Fauci say a couple days ago was that the cases seem to have plateaued nationwide and seem to be going down. That would be the reason things are beginning to open back up in places. To think Covid restrictions were designed to damage Trump is supremely self centered and not true. If things are getting better, we should all be relieved, don't you think? Falling for this kind of conspiratorial nonsense is not sensible.
Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration

Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration - The Political Insider
25 Jan 2021 ~~ By Rusty Weiss

A surprising number of mostly blue states and cities have announced a return to indoor dining and loosened other COVID restrictions less than one week after President Biden’s inauguration.
“Millions of jobs have been lost,” Biden lamented during his inaugural speech. “Hundreds of thousands of businesses closed.”
Some of the hardest-hit have been restaurants and bars, with restrictions or flat-out lockdowns being imposed.
Many have been put out of business, never to return.
Blue States And Cities Suddenly Happy To Open Restaurants
Many businesses were the victims of draconian measures put in place by Democrat (and some Republican) politicians who justified their decisions by citing science and expert advice. But now, some of those same politicians are suddenly experiencing a change of heart.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo got the ball rolling just before Biden’s entrance to the White House.
Cuomo, who had micromanaged the pandemic response to extreme degrees – implementing curfews and even dictating what kinds of food were acceptable to eat when out at a bar – suddenly had an epiphany.
“We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass,” Cuomo announced.
Other blue state politicians dutifully agree now.
Relaxing Restrictions
A slew of Democrat politicians have announced relaxing restrictions on restaurants and bars in the week since President Biden was inaugurated.
  • California Governor Gavin Newsom surprised his state’s residents with an announcement just hours ago “allowing the reopening of outdoor dining, indoor salons.”
  • Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s virus mitigation plan allowed indoor dining to resume over the weekend at limited capacity in Chicago and its Cook County suburbs.
  • Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who told residents to stay home during the holidays, also cheered the return of “limited indoor dining and more.”
  • Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser lifted a ban on indoor dining on Friday, and is going as far as having a “Restaurant Week” promotion.
  • Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced that Michigan is reopening indoor dining on the first of February.
  • Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott announced that eateries would reopen for indoor and outdoor dining at a limited capacity last week.
Has the ‘science’ suddenly changed? Is this simply a response to the vaccine created under the guidance of the Trump administration being distributed?
For Whitmer, she credited her shutdown as having worked: “The pause has worked. The efforts we have made together to protect our families, frontline workers and hospitals have dramatically reduced cases and we have saved lives.”
And while cases are on the decline of late, the New York Times reports that new strains of the coronavirus “could erase progress.”
California in particular has seen the emergence of a “home grown mutation” of COVID.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d prefer the economy be opened back up to full capacity, but it was some Democrats and the media who insisted under President Trump that any suggestion of opening up businesses meant you wanted to kill seniors and children.

Quelle Surprise!!
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists by hook and crook got what they wanted on January 20th. Now, they think they can ease their state economies back into high gear without any pushback. Poor idiots cannot fathom how two-faced they really do appear to be. Wait till they come to the full realization of how many businesses will not be reopening and listen for them to begin blaming all the shut-down on Trump.
Amid the second surge of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus in the states (Blue) heaviest hit, governors (Democrats all) have made the decision to begin to lift restrictions on the residents dwelling within.
That's because cases there have plateaued and are finally coming down. I looked up California, it's the same in my state, and obviously in Michigan, according to Governor Whitmer's remarks. The regular flu tends to do the same thing, with cases beginning to tail off in Feb. Don't know why, but we'll take it!

Come On Man!! don't go pissing down my leg and tell me it's raining... Last week Fauci, Cuomo, Newsom and Whitmer including China Joey Xi were claiming that the Wuhan Virus was getting worse and forecasting a gloomy picture for the future.

Did you put up the wrong link? It says this garbage is lies. Should I assume the rest are lies as well? Since I don't live in any of those states I don't follow their pressers on the Covid situation. The last I heard Fauci say a couple days ago was that the cases seem to have plateaued nationwide and seem to be going down. That would be the reason things are beginning to open back up in places. To think Covid restrictions were designed to damage Trump is supremely self centered and not true. If things are getting better, we should all be relieved, don't you think? Falling for this kind of conspiratorial nonsense is not sensible.
Suggesting Wuhan lockdowns were stretched out to hurt trump is obvious. Duh.
Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration

Blue States, Cities Loosen COVID Restrictions Less Than One Week After Biden Inauguration - The Political Insider
25 Jan 2021 ~~ By Rusty Weiss

A surprising number of mostly blue states and cities have announced a return to indoor dining and loosened other COVID restrictions less than one week after President Biden’s inauguration.
“Millions of jobs have been lost,” Biden lamented during his inaugural speech. “Hundreds of thousands of businesses closed.”
Some of the hardest-hit have been restaurants and bars, with restrictions or flat-out lockdowns being imposed.
Many have been put out of business, never to return.
Blue States And Cities Suddenly Happy To Open Restaurants
Many businesses were the victims of draconian measures put in place by Democrat (and some Republican) politicians who justified their decisions by citing science and expert advice. But now, some of those same politicians are suddenly experiencing a change of heart.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo got the ball rolling just before Biden’s entrance to the White House.
Cuomo, who had micromanaged the pandemic response to extreme degrees – implementing curfews and even dictating what kinds of food were acceptable to eat when out at a bar – suddenly had an epiphany.
“We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass,” Cuomo announced.
Other blue state politicians dutifully agree now.
Relaxing Restrictions
A slew of Democrat politicians have announced relaxing restrictions on restaurants and bars in the week since President Biden was inaugurated.
  • California Governor Gavin Newsom surprised his state’s residents with an announcement just hours ago “allowing the reopening of outdoor dining, indoor salons.”
  • Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s virus mitigation plan allowed indoor dining to resume over the weekend at limited capacity in Chicago and its Cook County suburbs.
  • Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who told residents to stay home during the holidays, also cheered the return of “limited indoor dining and more.”
  • Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser lifted a ban on indoor dining on Friday, and is going as far as having a “Restaurant Week” promotion.
  • Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced that Michigan is reopening indoor dining on the first of February.
  • Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott announced that eateries would reopen for indoor and outdoor dining at a limited capacity last week.
Has the ‘science’ suddenly changed? Is this simply a response to the vaccine created under the guidance of the Trump administration being distributed?
For Whitmer, she credited her shutdown as having worked: “The pause has worked. The efforts we have made together to protect our families, frontline workers and hospitals have dramatically reduced cases and we have saved lives.”
And while cases are on the decline of late, the New York Times reports that new strains of the coronavirus “could erase progress.”
California in particular has seen the emergence of a “home grown mutation” of COVID.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d prefer the economy be opened back up to full capacity, but it was some Democrats and the media who insisted under President Trump that any suggestion of opening up businesses meant you wanted to kill seniors and children.

Quelle Surprise!!
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists by hook and crook got what they wanted on January 20th. Now, they think they can ease their state economies back into high gear without any pushback. Poor idiots cannot fathom how two-faced they really do appear to be. Wait till they come to the full realization of how many businesses will not be reopening and listen for them to begin blaming all the shut-down on Trump.
Amid the second surge of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus in the states (Blue) heaviest hit, governors (Democrats all) have made the decision to begin to lift restrictions on the residents dwelling within.
That's because cases there have plateaued and are finally coming down. I looked up California, it's the same in my state, and obviously in Michigan, according to Governor Whitmer's remarks. The regular flu tends to do the same thing, with cases beginning to tail off in Feb. Don't know why, but we'll take it!

Come On Man!! don't go pissing down my leg and tell me it's raining... Last week Fauci, Cuomo, Newsom and Whitmer including China Joey Xi were claiming that the Wuhan Virus was getting worse and forecasting a gloomy picture for the future.

Did you put up the wrong link? It says this garbage is lies. Should I assume the rest are lies as well? Since I don't live in any of those states I don't follow their pressers on the Covid situation. The last I heard Fauci say a couple days ago was that the cases seem to have plateaued nationwide and seem to be going down. That would be the reason things are beginning to open back up in places. To think Covid restrictions were designed to damage Trump is supremely self centered and not true. If things are getting better, we should all be relieved, don't you think? Falling for this kind of conspiratorial nonsense is not sensible.
Suggesting Wuhan lockdowns were stretched out to hurt trump is obvious. Duh.
As obvious as election fraud? Who but a narcissist would see emergency measures to save lives during a pandemic as something designed to hurt HIM? This all comes from Trump's self centered brain. It's not real.

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