Blunt Amendment, poll

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
Do you believe the Blunt Amendment is an example of what is wrong in the Congress today?

Yes or No?
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Link? Quote the Amendment? An explanation why you feel there is something wrong with it?

Is this too hard to figure out if you want to have a conversation?
Link? Quote the Amendment? Is this too hard to figure out if you want to have a conversation?

Sorry, got distracted.

Do you believe the Blunt Amendment is an example of what is wrong in the Congress today?

Yes or No?
Sometime ago, I read where Blunt is considered the most corrupt in our congress. He's jockeying for a leadership role and believes this will help him. He's probably right. Doesn't matter that it hurts women.

Needless to say, if we were talking about Viagra, the R's would refuse to even consider it.
Link? Quote the Amendment? Is this too hard to figure out if you want to have a conversation?

Sorry, got distracted.

Do you believe the Blunt Amendment is an example of what is wrong in the Congress today?

Yes or No?

Um. Hello?

Why don't you explain what the Blunt Amendment is? Maybe provide some links for more information so people will know WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.
Link? Quote the Amendment? Is this too hard to figure out if you want to have a conversation?

Sorry, got distracted.

Do you believe the Blunt Amendment is an example of what is wrong in the Congress today?

Yes or No?

How the fuck do you expect people to discuss it or vote if you don't even bother to tell us what it is that you're wanting to discuss. Put a fucking link in or outline the fucking bill.

Link? Quote the Amendment? Is this too hard to figure out if you want to have a conversation?

Sorry, got distracted.

Do you believe the Blunt Amendment is an example of what is wrong in the Congress today?

Yes or No?

Um. Hello?

Why don't you explain what the Blunt Amendment is? Maybe provide some links for more information so people will know WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.

I think wry has been smoking some "blunts". :eusa_whistle:
You need to make it clear (to ignorant radicals?) that it's not an amendment to the Constitution, it's a proposed amendment to a highway bill. It's not expected to pass in the lock-step democrat dominated senate but it would give employers the option of not funding certain parts of Obamacare that are contrary to their religious beliefs. Would you force American mosques to offer bacon to muslem kids for breakfast? Horrors no, but lefties think nothing of forcing the Catholic church to pass out condoms.
Yes to the amendment.
No to attaching it to the highway bill.
I hate when these assholes do this crap. Let the legislation stand on its own.
Do you believe the Blunt Amendment is an example of what is wrong in the Congress today?

Yes or No?

There's a lot wrong with Congress today, poorly worded legislative language is just one instance. But making the definition of essential health benefits in health plans contingent upon the "moral convictions of the sponsor, issuer, or other entity offering the plan" is a disaster in the making.
I think the Blunt Amendment, by its very necessity, demonstrates everything that is wrong with the federal government today. If the federal government was not forcing its will down the throats of the American people in direct confrontation with the First Amendment, we would not need legislation stopping it.
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So you are an employer humming along. You provide health insurance to your employees, but don't cover contraception. It has been this way for, ohhhhhhh, forever.

You also don't cover liver transplants for alcoholics, life insurance in the event of suicide, and many other exceptions.

Then one day, the federal government decides to abolish the First Amendment and make you provide contraception to your employees, regardless of your moral convictions.

You don't like being forced to violate your values, and so the banshees scream that YOU have STARTED a "war on women".

This is how liberal illogic works.
The Dem's killed it on a 51-48 vote.

Some common sense prevailed. Never fear though, Roy B will be back with a new, better, more improved way. He thinks the winds at his back but really its just hot air from the tea party express passing by.
I think we are all entitled to as many "Blunts" as possible.

Oh Sen. Blunt........Nevermind.
Here is an idea. Insurance is something to protect you from an injury, illness or other life altering event as it pertains to your medical health.

If a woman has the benefit of receiving birth control, at no cost, then I as an insurer and/or employer are in fact truly providing a benefit to my employee, my company, the insurance company as well as to society at large.

How is that?

Because I am able to help insure that my employee is better taken care of and therfore will be a better employee. They will be a better parent, having childen by plan, at the right time and place. Will not be seeking abortion services. Will have treatment for ailments that women have, that birth contril pills treat. etc etc.

Why would I, or you, as employers not want to provide birth control?

Is birth control cheaper than abortion? unwanted pregnancy?

If the rabid right winger really hated abortion as much as they claim, they would be demanding that birth control be practiced by any and all. Just as a way to reduce unwanted pregnancy and abortion.

But no, in the upside down world of what passes for Repub logic, if you require that women have no cost access to birth control you are keeping them from practicing their religion. And men need to make the rules for women. Cause men can't have babies.

How can you argue with that?
Link? Quote the Amendment? Is this too hard to figure out if you want to have a conversation?

Sorry, got distracted.

Do you believe the Blunt Amendment is an example of what is wrong in the Congress today?

Yes or No?

Um. Hello?

Why don't you explain what the Blunt Amendment is? Maybe provide some links for more information so people will know WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.

Hello, this is a political message board, one must presume the reader has some idea of what's happening in the Congress.

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